Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine


Jun 21, 2022
First off, I just want to say thanks to all you legends for being here and wanting to improve yourself. I've only been posting for the lats two weeks or so but seeing people posting their goals, working towards them and achieving them is inspiring - It's a shame this kind of stuff isn't promoted in mainstream society or we wouldn't have to be here on the internet, we'd find likeminded men everywhere in life.

Anyway, this is my log - I wanted to set out my goals for the rest of the year and recap the first half.

The ones I set at the start of the year were - Business,

- Earn $350K
I'm sitting on 180K for the year, so just over 50%.

- Have a book of over 10 solid clients
I have 4 now, but I'm going to hit this hard over the next month

- Weigh 90kg at 10-12% body fat
I'm at 85kg at the moment, probably 12-15% bf.
This goal may or may not be achievable, I've been between 75-85 the last few years, but I believe I can put on a bit more size and then cut down. This goal may need to be looked at by the end of the year - it's better for me to just look good rather than weigh a certain amount.

- Deadlift 200kg, squat 180kg, bench 120kg all 1RM
Currently DL - 150kg 5x5, squat 145kg 5x5, bench 102.5kg 5x5

- Stretch after every session
95% yes

- Eat clean 6 days a week
90% yes - Could improve this

Here are some progress pics:

3 years ago

1.5 years ago
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This week
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Keep in mind different lighting for some, and have been through long lockdowns preventing substantial growth, have been going to the gym consistently for the last 8 months

- 3-5 plate rotation at all times
No. Has been on and off with girls this year, usually consistently 2. I want higher quality here too

- Approach 10-15 women per week
Haven't gotten there. I just did my first proper cold approach today after doing the AA program for 2 weeks. I'm thinking fuck it, I'm just gonna do it. Turns out she was married, but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be

One thing I have done is keep a fairly consistent journal - Usually once a week or so, but beforehand I was writing every day. I've been doing this for the past 3 years and it's been great. I've started my own business, about to buy property, have fucked some pretty hot girls the last 3 years (occassionally) and just generally become more of myself. I would highly recommend starting an actual journal where you physically write in it, it forces you to flesh out your thoughts in a more complete way, similar to these kinds of journals but way deeper - It's just for you, it's your mind talking to itself. You reflect way better on your emotions and why you reacted in certain ways to certain things, or helping you understand other people and your relationships with them better. Again, highly recommend doing this, you won't regret it - There's a thread on TRP about it, but I can't find it.

Here are some new goals for the rest of the year:

- Have a threesome
- Approach 150 girls
- Fuck a 9

- Cut this down to once or twice a week

- Make a new close friend
- Meet a group to hang out with
I do have friends already, but they're all on a different wavelength, we've grown apart - Everyone is in a relationship, settling down, stuck in a limited mindset of no growth.

- Buy a house

- Move states

My aim with this log is to track these goals by posting semi-consistently.

Especially with cold approach, I want to hold myself very accountable for this - This is the one thing I want to get decent at in the next 6 months.

Thanks for reading
Had an interesting weekend.

I wrote the last entry on Saturday afternoon after approaching one girl. Later that evening I was throwing the ball with my dog in the park, and he was the ultimate wingman for me, going up to this cute girl and jumping on the bench next to her. Gave me an easy intro and I ended up getting her number - Going out for a drink with her on Wednesday night.

The next day I met up with a chick for a drink and we ended up going back to mine. Went really well in my opinion.

Today I walked around for 30 mins and pussied out approaching the girls I knew I should've. But then as I got back to my building, in the lift there was a cute girl I started talking to. Turns out she's only here for a week from overseas... Still didn't go for her number, but really should have. Live and learn I suppose.

Seeing another girl tonight that I met last weekend, should be some good sex
Good start dude

Impressive results so far in gym and business

Psyched to see how far you go with the dating goals
Radical said:
Good start dude

Impressive results so far in gym and business

Psyched to see how far you go with the dating goals

Thanks mate, appreciate the comment. Same with you man, keep it consistent and focus on the goal, you never know where you'll land.

This week so far (Wednesday atm) has been alright. Had a girl come round on Monday night (we met last weekend) and had some good sex. I found I underperformed a bit cause I had sex the day before and it just drains my energy a bit - Gonna look in to how I can keep up stamina day after day. Had another first date with a chick last night but she wasn't as hot as her tinder photos, which was a bit of a let down. But the thing is, I usually just go for something in those situations anyway, but I really wasn't feeling it, so I straight up called it out and she felt the same as well, so we ended the date after about an hour.

I haven't really approached any girls this week. I've been slack. I'm gonna do at least one today. Consistency is key.

The biggest slump this week has been with business. I've been taking it easy the past few weeks since coming back from a holiday, but I need to kick it into gear now. No excuses on this, I just need to do the fucking work.
Drama said:
Had a girl come round on Monday night (we met last weekend) and had some good sex. I found I underperformed a bit cause I had sex the day before and it just drains my energy a bit - Gonna look in to how I can keep up stamina day after day.

100% This, haha I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've been trying to leave AT LEAST one day in between dates and even then I tend to find that I really have to psych myself up. And this is with girls that I would have been drooling over back when I wasn't getting laid. Let me know if you find something that helps
Paid Renegade said:
Drama said:
Had a girl come round on Monday night (we met last weekend) and had some good sex. I found I underperformed a bit cause I had sex the day before and it just drains my energy a bit - Gonna look in to how I can keep up stamina day after day.

100% This, haha I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've been trying to leave AT LEAST one day in between dates and even then I tend to find that I really have to psych myself up. And this is with girls that I would have been drooling over back when I wasn't getting laid. Let me know if you find something that helps

Lol, it's a good problem to have! I'm actually gonna order one of those magic wands because if I can't get it up/keep it up I at least want them to have a good time and want to come back. I'm also trying to do kegels every day (3 sets of 10 reps, holding for 5 seconds each), will see if that has any lasting benefits after a month of doing it.

Last night I had a really good date with the chick I met in the park. She was super into me, very cute, smiling and laughing a lot, and it ended up back at mine with some of the best sex I've had in a long time. I attribute this to the way we met - It was natural and didn't feel forced at all, unlike a lot of the dating apps I've gone through. She was also very feminine, eager to please me, very, very into me and also hotter than most other girls I've been with. Again, I will attribute all of this to cold approach - The reality of it is that cold approach is more romantic, so it creates this fairy-tale story in their mind of how you met. We all know that women run on emotion and love these kinds of romantic stories, and makes their pussy tingles way stronger.

I think I'm going to transition out of dating apps and into purely cold approach, if this one experience is anything to go by. Will keep y'all posted.
Haven't posted in here since Thursday, nor have I done anything to progress my goals, really. Slacked on cold approach, slacked on my business, bascially just spend the last few days smoking weed and doing nothing productive. Yes I feel like shit about it, so I need to slap myself in the face and get on with what I know I need to.

Finally did another cold approach today - pure cold approach. Walked around for about an hour without approaching anyone. Then, when I was walking in the park, saw a cute-ish (maybe 6-6.5/10 girl) walk by me. I didn't stop her then, but went round the corner, regretted not doing it, so I went round the corner and she was walking towards me again. I though "fuck it" and went up to her.

This is the exchange:
"Hey, how are you?" Already indicating she's interested
"Good, this is random but I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi"
"Oh thanks..."
"Are you single"
"Yeah I am"
Cue small talk about what she was doing today, where she works, what I do, where we both live, etc.
Introduced myself and she did the same.
Told her I'd like to get a drink with her and she gave me her number.

Obviously I'm happy with the result because it went my way. But I kind of wish it hadn't, I kind of wish she'd said "no, I have a boyfriend" or something similar, so that I could get rejected and be okay with it. But I'm not complaining.

Ultimately I'm just glad I actually did it. This is what I need to do once per day, at a minimum, in order to hit my goals and overcome AA.
Didn't approach anyone yesterday. Also pussied out today, have just been in a bit of a slump, but can feel myself getting over it today.

Have been consistent in the gym, so I'm looking and feeling good.

I've also been doing okay in business, just trying to really nut out how I can get some good clients and smash my goals in the next few months.

I'm debating whether or not I go back to the AA program - On one hand, I want to just approach and throw myself in the deep end without the agony of going through AA program. On the other hand, I think it would have massive benefits for me outside of just cold approach - ie. Smashing business goals, making new friends, being creative and doing new things. I think I recall Andy saying in one of his videos that AA did that for him - He started his whole website and business after doing the program and probably wouldn't have if it weren't for him completing it.

Anyone have an opinion on this?
Drama said:
Didn't approach anyone yesterday. Also pussied out today, have just been in a bit of a slump, but can feel myself getting over it today.

I'm debating whether or not I go back to the AA program - On one hand, I want to just approach and throw myself in the deep end without the agony of going through AA program. On the other hand, I think it would have massive benefits for me outside of just cold approach - ie. Smashing business goals, making new friends, being creative and doing new things. I think I recall Andy saying in one of his videos that AA did that for him - He started his whole website and business after doing the program and probably wouldn't have if it weren't for him completing it.

Anyone have an opinion on this?

I didn't do the AA program

But, our bread and butter here is going to be consistency until we beat our baseline AA.

The only way we're going to get better is just by throwing ourselves in the fire, and talking to hot women that we want to FUCK, yeah we're going to suck at first, yeah we're going to stammer sometimes, yeah we're not going to get the best results, yeah our conversations will be shit. But that's the beauty of it all, that's how all the people who are at the top started. We are throwing ourselves out there into the unknown, and something great is going to come of it.

The first time I went to the mall and direct opened a girl for the first time, I remember having to walk around for an hour or so before, my jaw felt like it was wired shut, I had to warm up socially x2-3 before even trying to attempt this. At the start I would do 1 approach and go home, the next day I'd do 2 approaches and then go home, the next day I'd do 3 approaches and go home and repeat until I felt I didn't need to have a strategy like that, which is something I do suggest. Tell yourself Drama, you're not fucking eating or leaving tonight unless you get 1, I remember when I went to the mall and it took me 2 fucking hours to do 1! Stay in set until you get so fucking pissed off, WHERES MY GIRLS? WHERES MY 10 PLAYBOY BUNNIES? Get pissed off. Why do I feel like a fucking social retard who can't talk to women? Get pissed off. DON'T LIKE YOUR SITUATION? you get the point.

Hell I'm still a noob at it, but these are things that helped me start to get better volume and go in on stuff my anxiety didn't want to do.

It all depends on what you think is the best for you. You will still reap benefits from just direct approaching women and skipping the AA program, everything else becomes less scary then that, trust me. Don't lie to yourself, if you want to direct open them, just do it.
Drama said:
Didn't approach anyone yesterday. Also pussied out today, have just been in a bit of a slump, but can feel myself getting over it today.

Have been consistent in the gym, so I'm looking and feeling good.

I've also been doing okay in business, just trying to really nut out how I can get some good clients and smash my goals in the next few months.

I'm debating whether or not I go back to the AA program - On one hand, I want to just approach and throw myself in the deep end without the agony of going through AA program. On the other hand, I think it would have massive benefits for me outside of just cold approach - ie. Smashing business goals, making new friends, being creative and doing new things. I think I recall Andy saying in one of his videos that AA did that for him - He started his whole website and business after doing the program and probably wouldn't have if it weren't for him completing it.

Anyone have an opinion on this?

I'd say that you need to decide what do you want to tackle first in your near future: your business goals, or beating AA. The choice is yours but you need to focus on one big goal at the time, or otherwise you might not give your best effort in either one. And both of them are very tough goals so they will need the best of you to achieve them.

Regardless of which one you do and achieve first, that will pump you up and fill you with confidence when tackling the second goal. This is what Andy said regarding the AA program. I believe that was one of the first big goals that he achieved and he said that the confidence that he gained after achieving such a thing is what catapulted him into doing all the stuff that he has done up to today (website, coaching business, etc).

I'm pretty you are capable of doing both things. As far as AA, you can either do the AA program or go approach women directly. The AA program helps you build the habit of hitting on women on a daily basis in an easier and less painful way I would say. Still, it's not easy task and it will require your best effort. The struggle that you are seeing right now is because you don't have the habit of hitting women in you yet, and it is up to you to build it in whichever way you prefer.

In any case, there's a tone of people that will help you here as long as you log your progress and let us see how you're doing. Best of luck man.
Mimbe393939 - For sure, I agree with everything you said. I dunno about the getting pissed off part though, would probably affect the vibe a bit? Sounds like it's helped you. Will see how I go. Thanks dude

twonightstander - Thanks bro, your words helped put it in perspective. Gotta smash the business goal so I need to focus on that first. But I need to continue with my other goals at the same time.

Today I approached a girl. She had headphones in and was walking towards me. I said I thought she was cute and wanted to say hi, but could tell she was awkward, I was a little awkward too I guess, but whatever. She actually wasn't that attractive lol. My eyesight is a bit shit. Anyway it didn't take me as long this time, maybe 30-40 minutes of walking around and not approaching girls I should have. Better than 1 hr on Monday.

I get nervous doing it in crowds where there's lots of movement. It's like... There's a heightened atmosphere already due to the stimuli and I'm in this kind of state, and they're probably thinking the same thing too. It just feels... weird. But I guess it's like with anything new. It's gonna be weird at first and I'm gonna suck. I just need to keep getting better every day. I should read 'The Slight Edge'.

Gotta keep the momentum going, like with everything. It's the weekend tomorrow so I'll definitely spend some time focusing on approaching.
Did fuck all over the weekend. Smoked a bunch of weed, again, and didn't progress anything, again. I came to the realisation that this is really dragging me down, I just need to keep myself busy and not smoke weed on my own (unless it's a really special occasion).

Today I went out to do some CA - Walked around for close to an hour and missed probably about 15-20 good opportunities.

Just as I was about to enter my apartment building a cute af girl was walking towards me. I grabbed my nuts (metaphorically, not literally), walked in front of her and talked to her. Said she was cute, she said I was cute too, but as she was walking off. Seemed like she wasn't really interested in anything. I probably could've pushed and had a conversation with her, but I'm just taking this step by step.

Tomorrow my goal is to do this with two girls. And no hitting on girls I only find kind of attractive like I was before today - Only girls I would fuck.
Did two semi-approaches yesterday
#1 - Girl on the street - Told her I liked her hair, she said thanks, but was going around the corner and I went straight. Didn't have the chance to follow through
#2 - In the lift, with my dog - My dog is the best wingman, seriously. He was just all over her. She has dogs too. There was another guy in the lift though, so couldn't follow through. It would've been super awakward if I did.

Last night went on a date with a girl I cold approached in the park. She is a bit inexperienced. Cute, but not really what I'm looking for. Couldn't kiss properly. Still glad I got to that point anyway.

Funnily enough, this other girl I've been banging on and off messaged me at about 6 asking what I was doing tonight. I didn't see it and didn't reply. She then saw me on the date and messaged a few times. Got upset at me and started semi-abusing me over text. Lol, bitches be crazy. I have no qualms in dropping her, really. So whatever.

Gonna do some more approaches today - Getting a haircut so I'm gonna feel fresh. Plus the weather is good so people should be in a good mood.
Went out and semi-approached three girls today. Wouldn't call them real approaches cause I just went up and told them they were cute and have a good day. Still better than nothing.

#1 - She actually beamed at me and said thanks really emphatically. Probably made her day
#2 - Was a bit awkward and shy, but said thanks
#3 - Same as #2 but worse, she backed away a bit lol

Anyway, I would consider this progress due to the time proximity of all of them - Did it all in under 15 minutes, whereas usually I take up to an hour to do one approach.

Tomorrow I want to do at least 3 proper approaches, ie. Hey, just thought you were cute, wanted to say hi, what are you up to, are you single, let's grab a drink, etc.
Got in one quality approach yesterday - Really cute girl with aesthetics I really like. I told her I liked her aesthetics, got talking with her and told her she was cute. Asked her if she was single and she said she had a bf. Not sure if she was lying or not, but I think she was. My vibe wasn't so good - I had been walking around for 30 minutes beforehand, so probably a bit frustrated and that showed.

Realising that it's all about vibe. If I'm in a good, happy mood, it generally goes a better. If I'm needy and anxious about approaching, it doesn't go as well. The key is to not have this as my top priority. Women should never be your top priority, I've known this for years. It's hard when you're trying to grind out CA reps though, cause it's obviously difficult and you need to make an effort to overcome it. But at the end of the day, the mentality should be "I'm doing this for fun, this is a GAME and I'm going to play around with it. I want to find out if she's cool enough for me".

That's it. More approaches today. I'll aim for at least one decent one as I could only get one in yesterday. Shit is hard, just gotta keep it consistent.

On the other hand, I banged a chick from a first date last night. She was probably a 6/10 on a good day, but fucked like an animal, was really good. Have another two dates lined up over the next two days and a few more good things in the pipeline.
Didn't approach yesterday, but made up for it today by doing 2 solid approaches.

First one, she was shy and nervous, said she had a boyfriend though.

Second one actually gave me her number, will see if she actually follows through though - It literally 1 minute of talking and she was kinda hesitant when I asked her number.

Have a coffee date now, party tonight and a FB coming over tomorrow afternoon, so should be a fun weekend.
Set out to do two approaches today and achieved that. Took me over an hour... I find that if I get one in, the next one is 20x easier.

First chick blew me off, whatever.

Second chick gave me her instagram, she's Japanese and a bit was lost in translation, but I got the point across that I want to get a drink with her. She seemed open.

Now just need to smash out some work stuff before I see a FB tonight. Have a lot in the pipeline at the moment, maybe too much to handle actually
Took the day off yesterday. It's really shitty weather here at the moment, was feeling not 100% on my game, so didn't do any approaches. Still went to the gym and did 155kg deadlifts though (5x5).

Today I did a heavy chest workout, a new PR on bench.

Then have been doing some work, but super low motivation at the moment. I reckon I just have to start doing shit without thinking about it. I overthink and question why, but sometimes you just have to shut your brain up and do it.

Which leads me to my approaches today.

Did one half-approach with a kinda cute girl. Talking to her up close she wasn't as cute, so I bailed quickly.

The next one was this big tittied, 8/10 asian chick. I saw her and thought 'fuck she's hot, out of my league' but took that split second of thought to go up and chat her up.

It was pretty smooth, I told her I thought she was attractive, she immediately said "thanks, have a good day" but I kept the convo going, asked where she was from, what she was doing, what she's studying. Turns out she's quite smart. Told her I wanna grab a drink with her and she said "I'm going to meet my friends now", and I said "yeah not now, but later. What's your insta?"

Very happy with that because usually I would pussy out on those kinds of girls, but this time I just didn't think and went in. I think this is one of the keys to AA, not overthinking it and just going straight in.

Gonna keep the ball rolling on CA this week and up my numbers.
Rest day from gym today.

Getting in my cold approaches, did 2 today, wanted 3 but didn't have time.

#1 - Girl with a friend. I told her she was attractive, she just said "sorry... sorry" and they walked away lol. Never done a two set before because I've always been scared, so glad I just did it at least.

#2 - Got her number. She was a bit hesitant and said "we'll see"... Need to get them more attracted to me in the set. I don't think it was my vibe, I was super chilled and clearly let her know I was interested without being creepy.

Anyone got any advice on how to actually build attraction in the set?
Heavy squats today - 145kg 5x5

3 Cold approaches - 2 had boyfriends, the other gave me her insta. Pretty hot gym chick, she was super receptive and into it... it's nice when they're not awkward and just talk to you.

Definitely felt less AA today after a week of doing this and watching a GLL video last night - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSGMXjnY2_0&ab_channel=GoodLookingLoser

Just telling myself "don't think, just go in". Honestly, what's the worst that can happen? She tells you to fuck off? She yells at you and creates a scene? If you even look half-good and aren't socially retarded, approaching a girl will most likely result in a neutral or positive response. Even if you are socially retarded, doing this can help bring you out of your shell.

Anyway, I need to grind more in the business. I've got a few things that are working, so need to replicate success.