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Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

too easy to be true
I can see how it can look that way since Ed has massively improved. But given that Ed looks pretty great now and has been putting in a ton of hard work the past few years, I'd say it's not too easy to be true. More like it's so hard you wonder if you'll make it. But if you put in the work, it all pays off in the end.
Thanks for all the acknowledgements guys. I'm glad you found the video inspiring, that was my number one goal when filming it: to show how it's possible to be direct and brief and still have good interactions with women. A lot of the more mainstream content out there is very indirect and filled with (in my opinion) worthless small talk that is doing nothing to help with screening -- just check out some of the other videos on Social Animal's channel.

There's a quote from GLL Chris, something like: "If you fucked her after 6 hours, you probably could have fucked her after 3 hours. If you fucked her after 3 hours, you probably could have fucked her after 1 hour."

Also, if you noticed during the on approach, right when I was asking for her number, a dude overheard and said "good job" or something, and gave a thumbs up

FYI none of those of numbers panned out. Just reason to go approach 25 more women.
After getting burned out on no Tinder results in April, I took the month of May off. Unfortunately, I've been dealing with some pretty major life stresses, and I haven't been able to commit much to online dating.

I reset my Tinder account this week, using mostly older photos that were getting me some results last year and earlier this year. Even with a 4-hour super boost Friday night and a 12-hour super boost all day & evening Saturday, I have no numbers or dates lined up.

I'm feeling pretty discouraged. I haven't gotten laid with an attractive women in over 3 months, and my last genuinely enjoyable sexual experience was over a year ago.

I'm traveling for work for the next month, so I won't be doing much of anything with women online or IRL. Hopefully a mental reset will help, and I'll be able to get really focused and get some real results when I'm back in July.
I considered you newer options way better for tinder than these older ones. Like magnitudes better

Why the switch back?
Radical said:
I considered you newer options way better for tinder than these older ones. Like magnitudes better

Why the switch back?

I used this spread with the newer photos for the whole month of April. 13 boosts, 1 4-hour super boost, and 5 super likes per day -- but I still got essentially no results (only one date with a cute girl).

Maybe something was weird with April with the free passport feature or something... but if I'm not getting results, I'm doubtful that those photos are really "better".

We (us guys looking at things from our perspective) might be missing something when we say these photos are good. Maybe I'm not in good enough shape to pull off these edgy pics, maybe they look too staged, maybe "model" style photos aren't attractive to hot 18-23 year old women on Tinder.
It wont make you feel better maybe but i noticed quite a few of us had poor April/May returns

Including Andy

Tinder has always been in fits and bursts for me, but over the year it evens out
My Tinder results are sub-par as well. Let's not beat around the bush though. You're pics are pretty good, changing up the theme style might help, but those types of incremental changes may not have huge gains.

Honestly my gut feel is that you should be getting some matches.

If that's not the case though maybe it's time to get big? What are your thoughts on the gym?

Also I assume you use bumble and hinge as well? All of my online lays came from bumble this year despite having like 1/4 of the matches.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Is your profile verified? Have you also verified your Instagram and Spotify (linked those 2 to your Tinder account so they show up in your bio)? That'll make your profile look way more real - maybe girls think you're a fake bot account with those pics.

My profile is verified. I haven't linked my Spotify or Instagram, since that would flag it for not being a fresh account and link it to my previous account. I always try for a 100% fresh account when I reset my apps.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
In the meantime, use this as motivation to go outside and go HARD with cold approach.

That's my plan right now. I'm working hard to re-arrange things with my job, so I can go part time in the next few months and really commit to this.

play_time_is_over said:
My Tinder results are sub-par as well. Let's not beat around the bush though. You're pics are pretty good, changing up the theme style might help, but those types of incremental changes may not have huge gains.

Thanks, this is my feelings as well. Obviously my photos can get better, but any improvements would be marginal until I get in much better shape. It really doesn't feel like there is any thing glaringly wrong with this profile and I've gotten better results in the past with worse.

play_time_is_over said:
If that's not the case though maybe it's time to get big? What are your thoughts on the gym?

I have been working pretty hard in the gym, and made some noticeable improvements in the past 6 months. "Keep going to the gym" is probably the correct advice, but it's pretty discouraging, since noticeable gym gains are really only seen on a 3 to 6 month timeline.

play_time_is_over said:
Also I assume you use bumble and hinge as well? All of my online lays came from bumble this year despite having like 1/4 of the matches.

I switched to Tinder only for the past few months. Hinge and Bumble worked fine in the past for older women (25+), but I wasn't getting any matches with girls 18 to 21 (my ideal range). When I get back into things in July, I'll make accounts on Hinge and Bumble, but set my age to 25 (then write in my real age first thing in the profile description). Hopefully that will work better for getting younger girls, without getting my profile banned.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
My profile is verified. I haven't linked my Spotify or Instagram, since that would flag it for not being a fresh account and link it to my previous account. I always try for a 100% fresh account when I reset my apps.
If your profile is verified, then it's linked anyway. What do you think verification uses your selfie for haha.
Also if you are using the same device, same network, same phone number.. it can be easily linked by tinder.

My personal observation is that at some point your results will only be as good as tinder will want it to be. So you can only pray to tinder gods for their favour.
Dont get discouraged tho - you are in a really good position, being capable of aproaching.
My two cents: You need that vain AF body shot with abs. Think that juicy shot Andy has with the purple hat in his guide. Time wise that shouldn't take so long especially as lean as you appear to be. However getting your body fat down and committing to an ab routine is tougher. 2 months work probably. In the meantime you could always focus on cold approach. When you do take the shot make sure you take it in the morning when you are good and dehydrated.
I remember there was a guy on GLL who turned on Tinder Passport and realised he was getting tonnes of matches in like, Nigeria. So he FLEW TO NIGERIA and banged like 3 girls in a week. It's a bit nuclear but would make for a fun holiday, if you found what country you kill in. Tinder is just lame anyway, very bad for the self esteem. There's more than double the guys on there, definitely gives you a negatively warped view of yourself.
Might be different in different countries, but for me tinder is completely trash in most places in the US. I don't even use it. On the other hand, I get floods of matches on bumble and hinge, particularly in northeastern cities. (e.g., I switched bumble passport to NYC today and have gotten ~15 matches, on incognito mode, from mostly cute (and a few hot) girls)).

I've been contemplating this and I think it's because I'm from the northeast and I think there is more of a cultural connection, given education, employment, etc. But in south florida for example, I am a lame duck since I don't have a boat and/or am not a famous rapper.
I’ve been out of town visiting family for the past month, so no major updates. I did organize a BBQ/bonfire party with a pagan themed solstice celebration. I had my friend take some photos during the event. Andy touched up one of them for me:
Hey man, how are things going? You're actually like a role model for me as I'm pretty similar to you lookswise and experience, small frame, baby-faced (though no jawline/chin but I'm growing a beard) and I'm wanting you to succeed.
blueman said:
Hey man, how are things going? You're actually like a role model for me as I'm pretty similar to you lookswise and experience, small frame, baby-faced (though no jawline/chin but I'm growing a beard) and I'm wanting you to succeed.

Thanks for the message. The last 2 months or so I've been dealing with some big changes at work and some health issues, so I haven't been focused much on improvements in the dating area of my life.

The heath issues have been some pretty serious fatigue that has also impacted my sex drive and demotivated me from approaching or doing much online dating. I've tried deloading in the gym, but my energy levels still haven't improved much. My doctor has also suggested it could be allergies (never had them before), poor sleep, or diet issues.

I had a blood test come back with pretty low testosterone a month ago (see below), but a more recent test (earlier in the morning) showed numbers that weren't as concerning. If anyone has any experience with testosterone and blood work numbers, I'd welcome a second opinion if I should look more into TRT or something.

Since my low testosterone number came back, I've been taking a ton of research and steps to naturally improve my testosterone. I'll write up what I've done in another post.

Right now I think the mostly likely causes of the fatigue are poor sleep (due to some neck pain I've been having) and not eating enough. I went to a physiotherapist last week, and my neck has been feeling better and my sleep has improved a good amount. I'm also scheduling an in-patient sleep study to confirm issues with my sleep quality.

I've also been counting my calories more closely and realized I'm not eating as much as I thought. I was shooting for 2,400 calories a day, but I was actually eating closer to 2,000. I'm now actually shooting for 2,600 calories a day, just to rule out insufficient intake as a cause of my issues.