Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

your test levels are pretty low. a 70 year old man can have 350ng/dl total t.
"normal" free levels are 50-200 pg/ml, so technically your within normal on both your levels. Thats what doctors will tell you anway. I think they are wrong. A young man should have high testorerone levels, not those of a 70 year old guy. but the medical industry is pozzed and will tell you its fine. Depending on where you live, they dont care if you are on the lower end of "normal". try increasing naturally and if you still have low levels and struggle with symptoms, consider a testosterone cycle and see how that makes you feel.
Hey man, I’ve been going through debilitating fatigue for the past 4 years and I just wanted to say

Make this your number one goal to get it resolved if you have to. I know doctors and the healthcare system are a drag and they make you sit around and wait for results, scheduling, paperwork and all that nonsense but do everything in your power to get this taken care of as quickly and effectively as possible.

You probably already realize this is no way to live but it’s early enough that I’m sure you still have a little bit of that flame burning inside you that keeps you active and on track. Use it and make sure these problems become a thing of the past. It’s incredibly hard to power through anything once the lethargy takes over your life.

I’ve regretted every day I haven’t gotten the problem fixed and yet the “simple” steps to lining up everything to get the surgery I need feels like such a daunting task I haven’t even started, months after it was referred.

Don’t be like me. Get this taken care of and get through to the other side so you can go back to living the life you want to live

Best of luck man! Keep us posted.
Ed_ said:
If anyone has any experience with testosterone

2 months ago I had my numbers fucked. Can't tell the exact number because i didn't do blood work but I had ED and extreme anxiety all the time.
I always had my "good" colesterol very low(HDL) and my LDL was also low cause I was very lean. So I started taking krill oil and eat more fatty meat.
Yesterday I did my blood work but the results didn't came yet. However with these changes, my ED and anxiety is gone and I feel alive again.
Idk if you Ed_ are in the same situation as I was but I will leave this here anyway.
I will edit the response with the blood work results when I get them
For fatigue issues and if you live in America, i suggest reading The Iodine Crisis and eventually supplementing your diet with it (the nutrient, not the book)

I was surprised to read all its uses but I feel it mostly applies to Americans due to the way a lot of your foods are prepared/stored.
Ed_ said:
If anyone has any experience with testosterone and blood work numbers, I'd welcome a second opinion if I should look more into TRT or something.

Yeah, mine sat right around here when I started, even with really consistent sleep/diet/exercise.

Definitely go TRT (or at least get evaluated for it). Anything below ~550 is solidly "low" for someone who wants to have energy/ambition/muscles/not-depression.

You'll probably be "in the reference range" most places (which doesn't mean shit) so go to an endocrinologist or dedicated TRT clinic.
A lot of regular doctors probably will probably just tell you you're fine and not understand that being "in range" for an 80 year old is not the same as optimal for a <40(?) year old.
Chris has a huge guide on his site, though I think it's on gll lifestyle, not the main site (not 100% sure though).

I started using Marek a couple of months ago and it's gone pretty well, they did a huge panel of blood tests and have pretty much been hands-off since. Fairly cheap too, without insurance. If you've got really good insurance or dont live in the US, an endocrinologist might be cheaper though. Just make sure the testosterone itself costs like $20 a month or less wherever you go, some places will charge like $50 for the appointment and $500 for the test itself. It's fuckin' cheap stuff, even from regular pharmacies in the US, I paid like $15 or so per 400mg (a months worth, on my dosage).

Dont go for the gels or clomid/clomiphene or something, they don't work that well. Clomid sucks, I did that for almost two years but there is absolutely a night and day differencd between that and the real deal.

No joke, trt is one of the best things I've ever done. Practically overnight I started feeling exactly 4.3 times better every day.

Also my gym results skyrocketed, I'm only on 100mg/wk (not much) but am "the buff one" in all my social groups. Been training hard since 2018 but still put on like 10lb in three months when I started earlier this year.
Thanks for all the replies guys. Fatigue has been much better the past week although sex drive is still lacking. Jake I am making this my number one priority right now, and I can see how it could spiral into a longer term issues if not addressed ASAP.

HyperR said:
I always had my "good" colesterol very low(HDL) and my LDL was also low cause I was very lean. So I started taking krill oil and eat more fatty meat.

I think low bodyfat could be related, since I’ve been cutting for the past 6 months and I’ve gotten down to visible abs. I’m eating more recently, allowing myself to gain some bodyfat, and I’ve been getting plenty of fats (including some salmon). I’ll look into adding krill oil.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
For fatigue issues and if you live in America, i suggest reading The Iodine Crisis and eventually supplementing your diet with it (the nutrient, not the book)

I grabbed that audiobook from the library, and I’ll look into possible Iodine issues further.

NotYourAverageNerd said:
Definitely go TRT (or at least get evaluated for it). Anything below ~550 is solidly "low" for someone who wants to have energy/ambition/muscles/not-depression.

I’m starting to feel like I’ll end up on TRT soon enough. I’m just not finding any clear causes for my issues that can be treated directly. There are a few men’s-focused “direct primary care” providers in my city, so it won’t be an issue to get prescribed TRT injections at a decent price.

Are you concerned about, or have you had, any side effects? In particular I’m worried about potential fertility issues since I see myself starting a family in the next 10 years.
Ed_ said:
I had a blood test come back with pretty low testosterone a month ago (see below), but a more recent test (earlier in the morning) showed numbers that weren't as concerning. If anyone has any experience with testosterone and blood work numbers, I'd welcome a second opinion if I should look more into TRT or something.

Just so's ya know, testosterone level should be checked between about 8 am to 10 am, when we have our morning peak (which is what causes spontaneous morning erections).

If it's low, then it should be repeated. If it's low again, then it should be investigated & potentially treated.

Not an endocrinologist; just a general practitioner so I can't give you much more than that.

awesome pics, btw.
Ed_ said:
I used this spread with the newer photos for the whole month of April. 13 boosts, 1 4-hour super boost, and 5 super likes per day -- but I still got essentially no results (only one date with a cute girl).

Maybe something was weird with April with the free passport feature or something... but if I'm not getting results, I'm doubtful that those photos are really "better".

We (us guys looking at things from our perspective) might be missing something when we say these photos are good. Maybe I'm not in good enough shape to pull off these edgy pics, maybe they look too staged, maybe "model" style photos aren't attractive to hot 18-23 year old women on Tinder.

I know this post is from months ago. But...I have thoughts. But I should preface that by saying there's no reason whatsoever to assume I know what I'm talking about. Much like a mechanic who gives you financial advice...

That said, I was thinking a photo or two with women you're actually on a date with would be much better than photos that look like they've been done by a professional photographer. By all means, have your other photos look professional and high quality, but maybe the photos w/ the ladies could look more genuine, and that could also potentially help overcome the problem of some women thinking our profiles are fake.

For e.g., attached is a photo I nabbed off someone's instagram. Looks like a genuine date photo. The quality isn't great, but I think that adds to the realism. I'm mulling over photoshopping myself into a similar photo or two and seeing how it goes--I think using lower quality photos for that will also make them easier to edit in a believable way.
marcusRain said:
Just so's ya know, testosterone level should be checked between about 8 am to 10 am, when we have our morning peak (which is what causes spontaneous morning erections).
Since I started really focusing on this fatigue/libido stuff in the past two months, I’ve been keeping track of my morning wood. I’m pretty sure I haven't experienced wood in the past two months. This seems to me to be a pretty clear sign of some sort of sexual/hormonal dysfunction.

All my recent blood work has been around 9AM, so they should be pretty consistent.

marcusRain said:
That said, I was thinking a photo or two with women you're actually on a date with would be much better than photos that look like they've been done by a professional photographer. By all means, have your other photos look professional and high quality, but maybe the photos w/ the ladies could look more genuine, and that could also potentially help overcome the problem of some women thinking our profiles are fake.

For e.g., attached is a photo I nabbed off someone's instagram. Looks like a genuine date photo. The quality isn't great, but I think that adds to the realism.
Yeah, this is a good point. The more casual the “couples photo” looks, probably the better. It’s possible, but quite difficult to make a professional DSLR type photo "look natural". Using a camera phone might be a good shortcut.
I spent about a month focusing on maximizing my natural testosterone production and overall health. I read this article: Does BPA lower testosterone? Results from my 12 week Estrogen experiment and some interviews by the author of Estrogeneration: How Estrogenics Are Making You Fat, Sick, and Infertile

Basically the argument is that “estrogenic” chemicals in our environment -- foods, bacterial/fungal byproducts, synthetic chemicals, etc. -- have estrogen-like properties in our bodies. They lower testosterone, trigger estrogen responses in various ways, and upset your hormonal balance. Here’s a good interview with the book’s author

Here are all of the changes I made during July, September, and August:

  • Supplements
    • Zinc (Citrate) - 30 mg
    • Selenium (Citrate) - 200 mcg
    • Magnesium (Citrate) - 150 mg
    • Vitamin D3 - 125 mcg (5,000 IU)
    • Lugol's Iodine Solution - 8 drops a day
  • Lifestyle
    • 40 minute sauna (4x+ per week)
    • 8+ hours of sleep
    • No porn/masturbation
  • Diet
    • Increase calories
    • Increase bodyfat slightly
  • Estrogenics elimination
    • Cookware
      • Nonstick pots ➡ stainless steel
      • Plastic blender ➡ glass + steel blender
      • Plastic food storage ➡ glass containers
      • Plastic cutting board ➡ Wood cutting board
      • Plastic water bottle ➡ metal water bottle
    • Hygiene
      • Estrogenic-free hair conditioner, toothpaste, soap, sunscreen
      • No scented candles, perfumes, fragrances, etc.
    • Diet, reduce:
      • Canned food
      • Liquid dairy
      • Soy foods

And the results from my latest blood work:

Total testosterone is the same. Free testosterone has improved a decent bit and SHBG is a bit better.

I’m still investigating some issues with my neck pain which has been impacting my sleep quality. But my fatigue issues are still impacting me and my sex drive is very low. I’m going to reach out to a TRT clinic this week since I’ve pretty much exhausted all non-pharmaceutical solutions to my issue.
Read the Testosterone Bible by Jay Campbell. I've seen it being suggested by many guys I trust in the industry.
Maybe worth to look at these:
I’m still working on getting my TRT stuff sorted out -- I should have my prescriptions and start treatment within a few weeks. But here’s an update on my busy week:

Monday - 21 year old college student; I matched with her on Bumble on Sunday evening before. She started asking me about my “makeout playlist” that I mentioned in my profile. I sent her a sample and suggested we meet up to “discuss”. I drove to her part of town (25 minutes away), picked her up and brought her back to a bar/cafe across the street from my place. After 45 minutes of drinks, I asked her to come back to my place and after 15 minutes we were in the bedroom. Pretty hot, but kind of a dead fish in bed and not very compatible sexually.

Tuesday - 23 year old I matched though Hinge. This was our 3rd date -- taco Tuesday at her place. She’s pretty hot (amazing tits) and awesome in bed -- great at communicating and cums super easily (I made her come 7 times on our second date). I came in her (w/ condom) at the same time she orgasmed -- 10-out-of-10, would recommend!

Wednesday - 19 year old from Tinder who I matched with the afternoon before. She lived out in the suburbs, about 30 minutes away and didn’t have a car. I picked her up and we got coffee at a bar/cafe across from my place. I asked her back to my place and we got into it within 10 minutes. She was super enthusiastic, but kinda chunky and I was a bit turned off. Didn’t push for sex, just fooled around for an hour before I drove her back.

Thursday - Super cute 24 year old chick I matched with on Hinge on Tuesday. She drove over for drinks at the bar/cafe across from my place. Less than 45 minutes and I asked her back to my place. She wasn’t down to go into the bedroom or do any serious fooling around -- so we just made out while listening to some music for an hour or so.

Friday - 19 year old college student. Matched on Tinder and I asked her what she was up to. She said she was walking home from being stood up on a date. I immediately told her we should fix that and grab some ice cream. Got her number and picked her up from her apartment 10 minutes away (this is why I moved to an area of the city near the University!). Ate ice cream, asked her back to my place, put on some Netflix, and we were in the bedroom in 20 minutes. Super hot body, but kind of a dead fish. She slept over and we had sex again in the morning before grabbing breakfast.

It’s been an amazing week, but I’m definitely glad to take an evening off. Given my fatigue and sex drive issues, there were definitely times where I was forcing myself to follow though with chicks (especially with the not-hot-girl on Wednesday). It’s great to get a taste of what “abundance” feels like and it is encouraging me to keep working to a point where I can be more selective towards to women I see.

My current Tinder/Hinge/Bumble profiles are attached. I think I used a dozen boosts this past week (across all the apps).
Ed_ said:
I’m still working on getting my TRT stuff sorted out -- I should have my prescriptions and start treatment within a few weeks. But here’s an update on my busy week:

Monday - 21 year old college student; I matched with her on Bumble on Sunday evening before. She started asking me about my “makeout playlist” that I mentioned in my profile. I sent her a sample and suggested we meet up to “discuss”. I drove to her part of town (25 minutes away), picked her up and brought her back to a bar/cafe across the street from my place. After 45 minutes of drinks, I asked her to come back to my place and after 15 minutes we were in the bedroom. Pretty hot, but kind of a dead fish in bed and not very compatible sexually.

Tuesday - 23 year old I matched though Hinge. This was our 3rd date -- taco Tuesday at her place. She’s pretty hot (amazing tits) and awesome in bed -- great at communicating and cums super easily (I made her come 7 times on our second date). I came in her (w/ condom) at the same time she orgasmed -- 10-out-of-10, would recommend!

Wednesday - 19 year old from Tinder who I matched with the afternoon before. She lived out in the suburbs, about 30 minutes away and didn’t have a car. I picked her up and we got coffee at a bar/cafe across from my place. I asked her back to my place and we got into it within 10 minutes. She was super enthusiastic, but kinda chunky and I was a bit turned off. Didn’t push for sex, just fooled around for an hour before I drove her back.

Thursday - Super cute 24 year old chick I matched with on Hinge on Tuesday. She drove over for drinks at the bar/cafe across from my place. Less than 45 minutes and I asked her back to my place. She wasn’t down to go into the bedroom or do any serious fooling around -- so we just made out while listening to some music for an hour or so.

Friday - 19 year old college student. Matched on Tinder and I asked her what she was up to. She said she was walking home from being stood up on a date. I immediately told her we should fix that and grab some ice cream. Got her number and picked her up from her apartment 10 minutes away (this is why I moved to an area of the city near the University!). Ate ice cream, asked her back to my place, put on some Netflix, and we were in the bedroom in 20 minutes. Super hot body, but kind of a dead fish. She slept over and we had sex again in the morning before grabbing breakfast.

It’s been an amazing week, but I’m definitely glad to take an evening off. Given my fatigue and sex drive issues, there were definitely times where I was forcing myself to follow though with chicks (especially with the not-hot-girl on Wednesday). It’s great to get a taste of what “abundance” feels like and it is encouraging me to keep working to a point where I can be more selective towards to women I see.

My current Tinder/Hinge/Bumble profiles are attached. I think I used a dozen boosts this past week (across all the apps).

Dude you're killing it! Not to mention your fwb on Sunday, so 6 girls in 6 days really.

Fucking awesome man! Feels great, doesn't it.
Yo the pic with the girl having her arm around you on your Hinge is really good. Any reason why it's not on your Tinder?

Congratulations on the great week
Ed_ slayyys! Awesome week man. Super happy for you.

Best of luck with the fatigue stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong but once you go on TRT there's basically no turning back tho right?
TRT Update:

Finally got approved and started on TRT from a local clinic that knows what they are doing. Just started a few weeks ago, no major results yet. Will update soon.

Battle Report: V-Day 2022

Date #1 (10 AM): Coffee date with a super cute 18-year-old. The morning date was her idea, before her classes. Very cute, bubbly, and energetic. Got drinks at a coffee at a food truck, talked for 30 minutes, I asked if we wanted to walk around a bit. Went to my car which was parked on a side street. Spent half an hour in the back of my car making out and “heavy petting” (as much as you can do in broad daylight on a non-deserted side street).

Date #2 (7 PM) : Flake. No reply to confirmation text at 4PM. I was expecting this, she was one of those “have you ever met with anyone from Tinder before?” and “I’m nervous about meeting in person” chicks. Not the first time I was stood up on Valentine's Day.

Date #3 (9 PM): Cute black chick from Tinder. 30 minutes of drinks at the café/bar across the street from me, then back to my place. This is one of the few times I’ve ever encountered genuine “last minute resistance” (excluding times where chicks straight up left, with no reconciliation). She pulled away while making out on my couch and said he said to leave. We hugged for a bit and I suggested we just lay in bed, no pressure. More making out in bed, but she would stop us, say “I have to go”, we would cuddle, then back to making out, then more escalation. She said she was on her period, so we ended up fooling around with her shirt off and finishing with a really good handjob.
I remember old-school PUA guys talking about how “empowering” it was to overcome LMR with a girl. Honestly, it’s not that fun and I’d rather the girl just be comfortable with fucking me and turned on and willing to go the whole way. Or at least communicate her discomfort and discuss boundaries.
Nice work dude. Would you have gone on all 3 dates even if the second girl didn't flake? I have no clue how you guys manage to schedule that many dates in a day, I don't believe I've tried doing consecutive days, let alone the same day.
Squilliam said:
Nice work dude. Would you have gone on all 3 dates even if the second girl didn't flake? I have no clue how you guys manage to schedule that many dates in a day, I don't believe I've tried doing consecutive days, let alone the same day.

I usual HATE double booking myself. I get stressed on the first date, worrying about time limits and such, and it undermines my whole effort. I only did it today because the 7PM chick felt flaky and even said she "only wanted drinks, nothing more that night." My plan was one drink, 45 minutes tops, walk her back to her car, go for a kiss and brief makeout. Leaving me plenty of time to relax and reset for date #3.