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GN's Progress Log - Update Part 1: Starting Nursing School, Bouncing Back

foducossy42 said:
On racepill: yeah it’s a problem, take it from me. I have to work a lot harder to get the same attention a random dude has just for not having the ability to tan. And this is despite very good facial aesthetics. So yes you’re gonna face problems. Even in a city like London tbh. @Squilliam what are your thoughts on brown guys in NYC? I haven’t been on the dating scene there yet.
Browns don't do too well in NYC from what I've heard, but you're good looking enough that it probably won't impede your results too much. Also, you're more on the light skinned side it seems. Are you half indian and not full?
GN44 said:
My archetype is more so reserved but also social guy who likes food I guess. I got no idea. I am kinda lean minus the gyno, about 5ft 11, and a suburbs kid lol.

That’s not an archetype. You’re still early in your journey, don’t bother about this too much just yet. I’m 2 years in and I’m still only an athletic white guy. Nothing crazy.

GN44 said:
Only issue is one of them who I found hotter didn't give me anything to improve on, she just said she liked all my photos even when I asked what I can do better.

Don’t ask girls for online dating advice. 99% of the time they’re clueless.

GN44 said:
Yeah I think in terms of appearance I am above average

Don’t compare, never!

Also for your first 1-2 years just stick to normal looksmaxing advice (gym, skincare, fashion are the biggest). These have by far the biggest impact and you’ll likely be content with your transformation and results afterwards.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
Thats pretty much a given, the hot girls got 10x the options of the average girls so you really gotta stand out. I think with who I am I can do that since most guys can't cook well or dance, but I gotta level up my looks more.

It’s all about photos on the apps first. That gets you matches.

Use Faceapp and make your face more masculine, tweak the expression etc.

Your bio and texting will then help convert those matches into dates.

So the cooking and dance has to be part of your photo lineup. It’s hard to get a solid hobby pic. I was very lucky to have professional photographers at my running event and I ended up with an incredible running photo that is a very major part of my lineup now.

Also: hand felt better than pussy for me for a while, my dick was too used to the deathgrip. When sex became more regular I started to get used to the softer sensations during sex. Your mileage may vary.

I expect you’ll get laid within the next 3 months. That’s not too long. You’ll be fine just keep grinding and trust the process.

On racepill: yeah it’s a problem, take it from me. I have to work a lot harder to get the same attention a random dude has just for not having the ability to tan. And this is despite very good facial aesthetics. So yes you’re gonna face problems. Even in a city like London tbh. @Squilliam what are your thoughts on brown guys in NYC? I haven’t been on the dating scene there yet.

GN44, One thing that helped me is understanding that SMV is made up of many things. On a 10 point scale you can go up 1-1.5 points by dressing fashionably. And from your current physique if you improve to the point of being very muscular and lean, you can go up another 2 points. So at least 3 points are within your control. You can go from a 5 to a very respectable 8. 8s are very hot and you will be very happy banging 8s.

Having a cool job and working on your career can add another 2 points, though this is harder to show on the hookup apps and doesn’t really matter there. But I assure you, I kill it on Hinge because I’m very successful — I’m pretty much a 9 there from my estimates. So it depends on the environment (ie which dating app, what context).

But my point is… you have a lot of things within your control. Good on you for trying to sort gyno. And with gym for the next 3 years you can keep getting hotter and hotter. My SMV is higher now than it was 5 years ago because I’m lean and fit now whereas I was not before. And it makes a difference. I can however still be much hotter and this is really the last frontier for me: getting those 2 extra points for being muscular, which will take me a few years.

And of course your SMV is affected by location, being in NYC will probably see your SMV go up by a point just like that. California is probably good too — I once dated a Californian white girl who actually had a thing for brown guys.

I want to get faceapp premium to edit expressions but I cannot since due to my spending addiction getting uncovered my dad is watching my finances like a hawk. On one end though thank GOD the "masculine" filter is free, it is an amazing tweak. Maybe I could pay someone to edit for me.

I think a social photo is probably mandatory at this point. A lot of these girls have pics with friends and I have none since I look like shit in all of mine, that could be nerfing my profile since I look like a loner. A dance photo would be amazing too, but the logistics for that is fucking hard to come up with. I have a cooking photo at least though.

Overall my goals for app photos are:
-Better facial expressions
-Better fashion
-preselection pic (preferrably with hot girls)
-Dance pic (at least w/ an average girl)
-New gym pic

For the moment I can get my eyebrows shaped and improve my fashion a little bit. I am looking around for an affordable but not bad quality leather jacket and a necklace. Gyno surgery could improve my SMV by 1-2 points, Ill finally stop feeling like I am fat despite being a healthy weight.
GN44 said:
I want to get faceapp premium to edit expressions but I cannot since due to my spending addiction getting uncovered my dad is watching my finances like a hawk. On one end though thank GOD the "masculine" filter is free, it is an amazing tweak. Maybe I could pay someone to edit for me.

I’ll do it for free, just ask. Idk if pics will lose quality though
kratjeuh said:
GN44 said:
I want to get faceapp premium to edit expressions but I cannot since due to my spending addiction getting uncovered my dad is watching my finances like a hawk. On one end though thank GOD the "masculine" filter is free, it is an amazing tweak. Maybe I could pay someone to edit for me.

I’ll do it for free, just ask. Idk if pics will lose quality though

We can see, Ill PM you current pics.
GN44 said:
Gyno surgery could improve my SMV by 1-2 points, Ill finally stop feeling like I am fat despite being a healthy weight.

Can anyone see this in your photos tho? If they can’t, it’s not affecting matches.

and I can help with Faceapp premium. Send over the high res photos via Dropbox and after editing with Faceapp it’ll be smaller in size and I can upload them here.
Squilliam said:
foducossy42 said:
On racepill: yeah it’s a problem, take it from me. I have to work a lot harder to get the same attention a random dude has just for not having the ability to tan. And this is despite very good facial aesthetics. So yes you’re gonna face problems. Even in a city like London tbh. @Squilliam what are your thoughts on brown guys in NYC? I haven’t been on the dating scene there yet.
Browns don't do too well in NYC from what I've heard, but you're good looking enough that it probably won't impede your results too much. Also, you're more on the light skinned side it seems. Are you half indian and not full?

Guess it’s just about the buffs and nerfs and how they cancel each other out. Unfortunate that being brown is still a nerf in NYC, but yeah being good looking helps ofc. I just can’t help but feel that being an 8 facially but brown means I’m at the level of a white guy who’s a 6 facially.

But yeah this kinda shit is not really helpful to think about. I’m blessed with decent genetics regardless. Soo I’m thankful for that.

I’m fully Indian but I’m North Indian so am lighter. Interesting you mention that… I suspect that editing my photos to lighten my skin a tad can provide a slight boost on the apps too.

But honestly the biggest buff at this point will be to gain 10kg of muscle and be lean. And yeah I will always be capped in terms of my results but there’s probably more than enough women attracted to me to satisfy me.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
Gyno surgery could improve my SMV by 1-2 points, Ill finally stop feeling like I am fat despite being a healthy weight.

Can anyone see this in your photos tho? If they can’t, it’s not affecting matches.

and I can help with Faceapp premium. Send over the high res photos via Dropbox and after editing with Faceapp it’ll be smaller in size and I can upload them here.

I think I am talking mainly in person here, its mostly covered up in photos. I wear monotone colors for this exact reason, though at the behest of my family for family events I had to add some lighter colors. If I am wearing darker colors I wear a wife beater underneath, if lighter I bought a few compression shirts. Ill send them your way too. Ill have to put these in dropbox first, then Ill see how I send it, I don't use dropbox much.
foducossy42 said:
Guess it’s just about the buffs and nerfs and how they cancel each other out. Unfortunate that being brown is still a nerf in NYC, but yeah being good looking helps ofc. I just can’t help but feel that being an 8 facially but brown means I’m at the level of a white guy who’s a 6 facially.

But yeah this kinda shit is not really helpful to think about. I’m blessed with decent genetics regardless. Soo I’m thankful for that.

I’m fully Indian but I’m North Indian so am lighter. Interesting you mention that… I suspect that editing my photos to lighten my skin a tad can provide a slight boost on the apps too.

But honestly the biggest buff at this point will be to gain 10kg of muscle and be lean. And yeah I will always be capped in terms of my results but there’s probably more than enough women attracted to me to satisfy me.
London is even worse than NYC for non-whites I'm pretty sure. if you're doing fine there I think you'll be ok
foducossy42 said:
Squilliam said:
Browns don't do too well in NYC from what I've heard, but you're good looking enough that it probably won't impede your results too much. Also, you're more on the light skinned side it seems. Are you half indian and not full?

Guess it’s just about the buffs and nerfs and how they cancel each other out. Unfortunate that being brown is still a nerf in NYC, but yeah being good looking helps ofc. I just can’t help but feel that being an 8 facially but brown means I’m at the level of a white guy who’s a 6 facially.

But yeah this kinda shit is not really helpful to think about. I’m blessed with decent genetics regardless. Soo I’m thankful for that.

I’m fully Indian but I’m North Indian so am lighter. Interesting you mention that… I suspect that editing my photos to lighten my skin a tad can provide a slight boost on the apps too.

But honestly the biggest buff at this point will be to gain 10kg of muscle and be lean. And yeah I will always be capped in terms of my results but there’s probably more than enough women attracted to me to satisfy me.

Facially, but if you are more interesting, masculine, and talk to more girls than the white guy you'll do way better than him. Most guys don't try to get laid a lot, so I can probably do better than them, only ones Ill do worse than are the super hot white guys who go hard as fuck with women and all that other shit. My skin is lighter and I have been told by some I look latino (may be extra points w/ latinas).

I wanna get a tattoo, and I actually may be able to if I get my side hustle situated. I may have just picked up a client for tutoring Ochem. I said my rate was 40/hr, which can be great side money.
kratjeuh foducossy42 the photos aren't letting me send through PM so I will post them here

Here is also a link to all the photos me and my photographer took, or at least the ones he did not delete. He deleted a lot.

Squilliam said:
London is even worse than NYC for non-whites I'm pretty sure. if you're doing fine there I think you'll be ok

Yeah the white Brits are not the most open-minded and tend to keep to themselves. I get the European chicks. E.g. I just moved a “brown” girl to Instagram — she used a short form of her name on Tinder but I realised from the full name on Insta that she’s Greek not Indian. I’ve dated Polish, Romanian, Croatian etc. I typically won’t attract Swedes though but it is what it is.
GN44 you can grow a beard right? Grow it out. You will instantly look better.

I’ve Faceapped a bit but if you can provide some directions for what you want for each photo I can go and do them.

I also used the hipster beard on Faceapp to show you what you’ll look like if you grow out your beard.

View attachment 1
foducossy42 said:
@GN44 you can grow a beard right? Grow it out. You will instantly look better.

I’ve Faceapped a bit but if you can provide some directions for what you want for each photo I can go and do them.

I also used the hipster beard on Faceapp to show you what you’ll look like if you grow out your beard.



Lol, that was so jarring to look at but i don't dislike it. I do keep some stubble but not much. My face gets super itchy when I grow it out and the pattern looks like dogshit rn so its either stubble or clean shaven for me currently.

For faceapp I think I want to make my jaw and facial features look more prominent, some of these angles make my jaw not look as sharp, and a good jawline is almost universally attractive. In short, goal is to bring out my best features. Definitely smoothen my face, make the eyebags/dark circles less prominent, sharpen/shape eyebrows, and fix facial expression to make it more sexually appealing.

We have to stay within reason though because catfishing will severely decrease my chances of a second date. I saw your work on the second pic and it looks really good but super different from my normal appearance so I am worried they will be dissappointed.
GN44 said:
My face gets super itchy when I grow it out

Why? Trim your neck beard. This is worth the effort to figure out, I guarantee your SMV will increase. Many white guys can’t grow nice beards, this is our one thing 😅 use it.

Those other changes you request will possibly warp your face beyond recognition. Are you sure you aren’t happy with just the masculine filter and the facial expression changes I made?
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
My face gets super itchy when I grow it out

Why? Trim your neck beard. This is worth the effort to figure out, I guarantee your SMV will increase. Many white guys can’t grow nice beards, this is our one thing 😅 use it.

Those other changes you request will possibly warp your face beyond recognition. Are you sure you aren’t happy with just the masculine filter and the facial expression changes I made?

Fair point, Ill have to figure out the itchy face thing then too.

I rethought it after I wrote that comment about the one pic you already did, I figure too much tweaking would be really not good. I am a good looking guy, I think just the masculine filter and facial expression change should be fine. Most of the criticism around my photos I got was my facial expressions and fashion.
Oh btw, here are my OLD profiles I have set up. I know for the most part what needs work (have it in my signature), just need advice regarding bio, photo order, etc.
Good news. The big girl I set up a date with sent me a text asking what kind of relationship I was looking for. I just said casual and she asked if it was like fwb and I said yeah. She said she was cool with that.

This increases my probability of getting laid by a lot more now, now I just really gotta not do anything stupid. Hope she looks better in person than in her photos.

Have a Microbio Exam coming up which I am hella anxious about since I was feeling so heavily burned out over the weekend so I don't have a lot of time to study. I told myself I was not going to get cocky like last exam but I completely fucked that up again. I am also heavily struggling again in PBiochem. Just when I thought the class was making sense it flips its shit and stops making sense. I feel so retarded, but at least it seems most people in class don't understand jack shit either. Every class I have taken so far has eventually made sense but its literally halfway into the semester and this shit still does not click. I did pretty bad on the first exam and the next is in around two weeks. Fuck this class.

I don't know how you guys do it with online dating but this shit fucks up my self esteem. I feel like a broke middle class man looking through a luxury cars for sale catalogue. Most of the girls on these apps are attractive white girls and I feel like wouldn't want anything to do with my "archetype". Most of the girls I am getting are overweight and on two seperate occasions I got some attractive ones on Tinder (saw through browser extension), the like immediately disappeared. I feel so undesirable and the thoughts of not feeling good enough for attractive women are returning. This is weirding me out as I wonder if they just both happened to be scammers who got their accounts deleted or its a part of a shadowban because I am using that browser extension to see my likes. I keep telling myself "if foducossy42 can get hot matches so can you", but I am starting to lose hope here.

I understand the whole lowering your standards thing, which I am doing, but just feeling like my only options are ones I don't care for just fucks with my head. There was one attractive girl and one cute girl in my match list but I haven't come across them on Tinder yet, for the attractive one im quite pessimistic its a bot or onlyfans girl wanting validation.

I never thought I would say this but I wanna go back to California. I left that state because I felt I didn't belong. I was not some academic monster and I got put down a lot for not being crazy smart. Everyone kept flexing high scores and the scores I was getting made me feel like I was stupid, but once I compared it to other students from other schools I realize I was actually above average and just relative to my school I was on the lower end. I also got bullied a lot due to being fat and autistic. I spent the last two years of high school wanting out of Cali because my High school painted an image of Californians as arrogant assholes with superiority complexes.

When I came to the Midwest I was surprised how nice people were. I never encountered racism here, people did not care about my race. I was treated with respect even by attractive girls and nobody put me down for not being some academic top dog. Even when I was premed it wasn't as much a dog eat dog culture like high school, it definitely felt like we all shared struggle with weed out courses and expectations placed on us. If anything the major I am in people assume academically I am above them since my major courses are some of the hardest in the school, minus engineering. They are all like "what major are you" and I say "Biochem", the usual response is "oh wow that sounds really difficult you must be really smart". I felt like I was treated like a person, if anything in California I felt punished for not fitting into my racial stereotypes.

The reason I want to go back is because I figure with more racial diversity more women would be open to dating me. Plus I fit the more desirable archetype there by having some muscle, being masculine, and dressing decent (though I think in California the fashion standard is much higher). Also my height is above average there but besides a couple states my height is average at worst. My brother is like 5ft 6 and Indian and he has shown me some of the girls he has matched with and they are pretty cute. The way he talks about girls makes it seem like they are just throwing themselves at him. He just casually tells me "yeah theres these two girls into me on my floor but they mid so idgaf".

Now tbf he does have more of an archetype and he has a better physique plus is incredibly fashionable. I am just really jealous because Berkley only has 100k people while Columbus has nearly a million.

I don't really know if what I plan to do can increase my matches. Maybe I should try boosting? Honestly who knows. I got like 10 likes on Tinder the first day but it slowed to maybe 1 a day after. Bumble was around the same thing too. Hinge has been straight ass for me, one like on the first day and a match two days later.