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GN's Progress Log - Update Part 1: Starting Nursing School, Bouncing Back

GN44 said:
"if @foducossy42 can get hot matches so can you", but I am starting to lose hope here

As someone who’s considered an above average looking white man now, my first tinder account got 25likes in the first month.
If any of those chicks would’ve reverse cowgirld me, they’d probable break my back, that’s how ugly they were.

Don’t lose hope. It’s a long process and you’ll see the results slowly over time
kratjeuh said:
GN44 said:
"if @foducossy42 can get hot matches so can you", but I am starting to lose hope here

As someone who’s considered an above average looking white man now, my first tinder account got 25likes in the first month.
If any of those chicks would’ve reverse cowgirld me, they’d probable break my back, that’s how ugly they were.

Don’t lose hope. It’s a long process and you’ll see the results slowly over time

Yeah, everyone here tells me to lower my standards, and I am doing just that but I don’t know how to not feel discouraged when all the girls shown to me are super attractive but my likes are not. Like if I had a few matches who were hot I could be like “okay there’s a chance but I should put stock into the average girls as there is a higher chance of getting laid here”.

I don’t know what to expect from dating apps honestly. I don’t entirely know what girls swiping behaviors are, maybe there is some elements that are universal while others are more unique.

I have a mission for what I want to add on my profile. It’s in my signature, maybe I should just stay hopeful, accomplish these goals, and if I am still not doing good here maybe just call it quits and go to an area I’ll have better results.
GN44 said:
I don't know how you guys do it with online dating but this shit fucks up my self esteem. I feel like a broke middle class man looking through a luxury cars for sale catalogue. Most of the girls on these apps are attractive white girls and I feel like wouldn't want anything to do with my "archetype". Most of the girls I am getting are overweight and on two seperate occasions I got some attractive ones on Tinder (saw through browser extension), the like immediately disappeared. I feel so undesirable and the thoughts of not feeling good enough for attractive women are returning. This is weirding me out as I wonder if they just both happened to be scammers who got their accounts deleted or its a part of a shadowban because I am using that browser extension to see my likes. I keep telling myself "if @foducossy42 can get hot matches so can you", but I am starting to lose hope here.

LOL @ broke middle class man looking thru a luxury car catalogue. That’s fucking hilarious, are you funny on dates btw?

Look you get low quality girls cos of lousy pics (fashion and facial expression) and being in the midwest. And you haven’t looksmaxxed like I have (tho I am pending gymmaxx sure). There are quite a lot of brown people in London so that helps as well, more girls are used to seeing or dating brown guys. I also have top tier pics and boost a lot, and I have been in game for 2.5 years excluding the 2.5y relationship I had.

You will get there but it will take time and money and also being resourceful with how and where you get good pictures. In the meantime do as Andy said and just get experience. I bang thick/curvy girls from time to time, and honestly sex with them can be really hot, it depends on the dynamics and chemistry. Though they’re not fat, they’re just curvy. Think Lena Paul.

As Manganiello said, sex with an average girl is better than scrolling on the apps or doing nothing.
GN44 said:
maybe just call it quits and go to an area I’ll have better results.

You're going to get equivalent results anywhere right now. Your archetype is that of a 40-year-old man. You are in no way "cool" or appealing to young women in their prime.

You need a total fashion makeover and all new photos. And only better inner game will fully fix your facial expressions. This will be a long journey, but you also have a long time.
pancakemouse said:
You're going to get equivalent results anywhere right now. Your archetype is that of a 40-year-old man. You are in no way "cool" or appealing to young women in their prime.

You need a total fashion makeover and all new photos. And only better inner game will fully fix your facial expressions. This will be a long journey, but you also have a long time.

Exactly. You need a full fuckboy makeover. Fashion, beard and expressions.

You need to get neurotic about your photos. Quality is the least important thing actually, it’s what the photo conveys.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
I don't know how you guys do it with online dating but this shit fucks up my self esteem. I feel like a broke middle class man looking through a luxury cars for sale catalogue. Most of the girls on these apps are attractive white girls and I feel like wouldn't want anything to do with my "archetype". Most of the girls I am getting are overweight and on two seperate occasions I got some attractive ones on Tinder (saw through browser extension), the like immediately disappeared. I feel so undesirable and the thoughts of not feeling good enough for attractive women are returning. This is weirding me out as I wonder if they just both happened to be scammers who got their accounts deleted or its a part of a shadowban because I am using that browser extension to see my likes. I keep telling myself "if @foducossy42 can get hot matches so can you", but I am starting to lose hope here.

LOL @ broke middle class man looking thru a luxury car catalogue. That’s fucking hilarious, are you funny on dates btw?

Look you get low quality girls cos of lousy pics (fashion and facial expression) and being in the midwest. And you haven’t looksmaxxed like I have (tho I am pending gymmaxx sure). There are quite a lot of brown people in London so that helps as well, more girls are used to seeing or dating brown guys. I also have top tier pics and boost a lot, and I have been in game for 2.5 years excluding the 2.5y relationship I had.

You will get there but it will take time and money and also being resourceful with how and where you get good pictures. In the meantime do as Andy said and just get experience. I bang thick/curvy girls from time to time, and honestly sex with them can be really hot, it depends on the dynamics and chemistry. Though they’re not fat, they’re just curvy. Think Lena Paul.

As Manganiello said, sex with an average girl is better than scrolling on the apps or doing nothing.

I’m only funny unintentionally, I could never do stand up comedy.

I’ll schedule a reshoot with my photographer. It’ll only cost me like 20$ for the extra hour since he’s just tacking it on to our previous photoshoot. In the meantime I can probably buy a few things. My brother is shipping me his old chain cuz most of the cheap ones are shit quality and the good ones are too



These are some leather jackets that I think look nice within the 100 range. Suggest me any other ones pancakemouse

A lot of my shirts are wearing out and becoming loose, the fit is dogshit for some shirts I used to wear regularly so it’s time for an overhaul. I also have a lot of blue and light blue doesn’t give any edge so I need more green, black, grey, and maroon. I noticed Banana Republic has some shirts that fit me really well so I’ll just buy from them.

I could get a tattoo somewhat soon if I get my side hustle situated. Someone’s mom reached out to me for ochem tutoring their son, and her son reached out to me to, we set up a time to meet. If I can maybe meet with him twice a week, that’s an easy 80$ a week. Only issue after would just be my parents, they may freak out seeing it.

Pants I am not sure what to do here. I mainly just wear blue jeans and occasionally a pair of olive colored pants? They are all straight fit so they do not fit loose. Wonder if I should add more variety.

I’ve been in self improvement for a year, my main looksmaxxing just came from the gym and losing weight. Now I just need to work on my fashion.

See I fw curvy girls but some of the ones I’ve been getting are just fat. I wouldn’t be complaining nearly as much if they were curvy.


Also you guys keep criticizing my facial expressions but don’t tell me how I can fix it, or at least give me a guide to follow. I don’t usually get photos done so I can’t just “figure it out”. I was ugly as shit for years so I had no confidence in photos for a while.


Extra jackets: https://www.zara.com/us/en/faux-leather-jacket-p03427320.html?v1=272448370

The shirts I am considering buying: https://bananarepublicfactory.gapfactory.com/browse/product.do?pid=5329670010002&vid=1&tid=bfpl000002&kwid=1&ap=7&gad=1#pdp-page-content

Chains (found these on Radical's style guide): https://twistedpendant.com/products/gold-thin-cuban-chain-1-5mm?variant=32063845564500
GN44 said:
Also you guys keep criticizing my facial expressions but don’t tell me how I can fix it, or at least give me a guide to follow. I don’t usually get photos done so I can’t just “figure it out”. I was ugly as shit for years so I had no confidence in photos for a while

Take selfies and try different expressions until you find one that looks hot. Smirks, smiles, half smiles etc. Or get a tripod stand for your phone and take a video of you doing this. See what expressions work. Learn to replicate.

Learn to squinch.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
Also you guys keep criticizing my facial expressions but don’t tell me how I can fix it, or at least give me a guide to follow. I don’t usually get photos done so I can’t just “figure it out”. I was ugly as shit for years so I had no confidence in photos for a while

Take selfies and try different expressions until you find one that looks hot. Smirks, smiles, half smiles etc. Or get a tripod stand for your phone and take a video of you doing this. See what expressions work. Learn to replicate.

Learn to squinch.

I can use my tripod and take some photos of myself making certain faces. Ill post them in the log and maybe megathread if I am serious about an expression.

For squinching do you mean this? And would this expression be sexually appealing on the apps?
GN44 said:
foducossy42 said:
Take selfies and try different expressions until you find one that looks hot. Smirks, smiles, half smiles etc. Or get a tripod stand for your phone and take a video of you doing this. See what expressions work. Learn to replicate.

Learn to squinch.

I can use my tripod and take some photos of myself making certain faces. Ill post them in the log and maybe megathread if I am serious about an expression.

For squinching do you mean this? And would this expression be sexually appealing on the apps?

Yes how do you not know this already

It’s in r/SwipeHelper’s pinned thread on creating a good profile. pancakemouse wrote it as u/Corsega.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
I can use my tripod and take some photos of myself making certain faces. Ill post them in the log and maybe megathread if I am serious about an expression.

For squinching do you mean this? And would this expression be sexually appealing on the apps?

Yes how do you not know this already

It’s in r/SwipeHelper’s pinned thread on creating a good profile. @pancakemouse wrote it as u/Corsega.

Ive tried to do something like that before, I just did not know what it was called. Attempted it during my photoshoot and seemingly failed.
GN44 said:
Ive tried to do something like that before, I just did not know what it was called. Attempted it during my photoshoot and seemingly failed.

Yes because of your mouth which is not relaxed.

Do more posing practice before your photoshoot
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
Ive tried to do something like that before, I just did not know what it was called. Attempted it during my photoshoot and seemingly failed.

Yes because of your mouth which is not relaxed.

Do more posing practice before your photoshoot

A couple of girls I asked for feedback said the same thing that I need to look relaxed and that thats usually more attractive.
GN44 said:
foducossy42 said:
Yes because of your mouth which is not relaxed.

Do more posing practice before your photoshoot

A couple of girls I asked for feedback said the same thing that I need to look relaxed and that thats usually more attractive.

Depends on the pose and environment. You shouldn’t be relaxing in the gym for example.

Don’t listen to girls listen to us.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
A couple of girls I asked for feedback said the same thing that I need to look relaxed and that thats usually more attractive.

Depends on the pose and environment. You shouldn’t be relaxing in the gym for example.

Don’t listen to girls listen to us.

Yeah, getting a good gym pic is difficult since my gym is tiny, lighting is not great, and limited equipment.

I mainly take advice from here anyways, the girls I just figure are a nice second opinion. PWF suggested this.

The start of the day was pretty shitty but my sleep was better. Before Wednesday my sleep was terrible since I spent the weekend partying because I didn't want to be in my room doing nothing. Had a lot of fun, talked to a ton of women, but a lot of rejection at those parties.

Im making it a point to shut off all my electronics at 10:30 PM or at the very most 10:45 which is about 45-60 minutes before I fall asleep. Ideally it could be two hours before I sleep but being GenZ I am hopelessly addicted to my screens. So far I have done this the past two nights and my sleep quality has gone up drastically.

Getting a reality check about my dating app profile was much needed. So far Tinder has only been giving me one like a day, Bumble has been like 2-3 a day while Hinge is straight ass still. Hinge makes sense though, I didn't plan the square thing so I basically butchered my pictures to put something together. Very much self-inflicted. Bumble has been the only one where some of my matches are attractive but none of them send me messages.

I am gonna contact my photographer about a reshoot since some of the pics also came out not good because I rushed the idea. My walking shots and looking in the distance shots while not amazing came out better than say my gym shots because I threw it into the lineup last minute. More planning is required from my end. I figure if I want to attract a girl who works on herself physically, a better gym pic is necessary. That is my worst photo currently

Also there is definitely a lot of girls who swipe left based on the first pic alone, so that one needs to be on point, but so does every pic.

I was on the verge of giving up but I figure these girls are looking for a man who is masculine, and my pics don't radiate masculinity as well as they should. Sure some girls will write me off for race and some will because of my archetype not fitting their ideal, but theres enough girls out there who want someone with those masculine qualities of leadership, strength, etc.

Fashion wise if my brother continues to be lazy and not ship out the necklace after I reminded him one million times ill just buy one from that website Radical posted. The leather jacket one is a bit of a weird situation as I would love if I could try it on but I got no real choice, I have a mid-size frame so something that fits that may work. lll just go on YT to figure that out, either that or my brother who is incredibly fashionable can help me out. He owns one or two leather jackets.

I also think a social pic or a dance pic, either any pic with a cute girl is necessary since a lot of these girls probably don't want a guy who is a loner. Potentially for the dance pic I could ask this really friendly girl I cold approached or a couple of girls from club I know. Only issue with the dance club girls is they may talk about it and ppl will look at me weird for it. Other than that idk where would be a good place to take the picture.

Knowing how much I can improve really helps with feeling less hopeless, now its just time I take action.
I have about three dates lined up starting tommorow, one each day. I just secured one for Sunday today with this girl. Her face is ehh but her body is pretty nice. Her profile said she was looking for a boyfriend, but figured I would set up the date anyways.

Squilliam what are your tips for getting girls w/ that or something like that in their bio to sleep with you?
GN44 said:
I have about three dates lined up starting tommorow, one each day. I just secured one for Sunday today with this girl. Her face is ehh but her body is pretty nice. Her profile said she was looking for a boyfriend, but figured I would set up the date anyways.

@Squilliam what are your tips for getting girls w/ that or something like that in their bio to sleep with you?

Girls put this in their bio to not be called sluts or easy.

Ignore it and try to hook up with her
kratjeuh said:
GN44 said:
I have about three dates lined up starting tommorow, one each day. I just secured one for Sunday today with this girl. Her face is ehh but her body is pretty nice. Her profile said she was looking for a boyfriend, but figured I would set up the date anyways.

@Squilliam what are your tips for getting girls w/ that or something like that in their bio to sleep with you?

Girls put this in their bio to not be called sluts or easy.

Ignore it and try to hook up with her

Ok, I also tried that thing I have seen a few people do where they try to get her to wear a nice dress. I said something about how I hope she wears this floral dress in her profile. She responded saying "why should i? I need an incentive ofc". Did not expect that, didn't know how to respond to that so I said something like "because I want you to feel cute". Dunno if i fucked up there. She hasn't hit me back yet, but she did say her schedule was quite busy today.
GN44 said:
I said something about how I hope she wears this floral dress in her profile

That line is not yet congruent with your photos or your personality.

It might work next time but currently your succes rate with this line will be lower than the other forum users
Here’s a variation (works best of they send you a pic).

I validate her outfit and tell her to wear it on our date. It suits my personality more than straight up telling her what to wear but it comes down to the same thing