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Hydro's Log


Oct 8, 2021
Just finished making an account of lurking here for a week or two. My main goal as of now is fat loss as I need to lose a lot of weight (275 lbs at 5'10).

I also want to fix my sleep schedule and wake up + go to sleep consistently at around the same time.

Lastly, when I wake up in the morning, I usually won't get off the bed for an hour or two. I wasn't always like this, always but it's a terrible habit to have. I'd like to fix that by getting up within ~1 minute after I open my eyes waking up.

Went on a 40 minute walk.
Drank more water today than I have any other days this past month.

Upset that I dropped a class for my major. I got a warning for this, but it's ultimately my reason for this. I didn't go to class yet and I didn't watch the lectures. I had to get a second person (mother) to talk this out with me and I've made a plan. Honestly, I hated offline school since I was so anxious about my weight, I never went to classes. Might be a severe case of anxiety, but I was already diagnosed with that.

I really need to go diligently for the next 3 months for weight loss. I'll be going to classes on Friday though, but I'm sure that'll be better. Also coming prepared for class really makes me more confident.

Every day for the next 90 days I'm going to do a little bit for math and computer science curriculum. Like going over 1 section a day or so. That way I'll have 3 computer science courses done instead of 1 (how school makes us progress per term) and 3-4 math classes. Just a little bit every fucking day man. I know that's the path to success, all I need to do is stop theorizing and take action. I'll be making myself accountable by writing this with my log everyday.

Other stuf --------
Had 2 meals today. I also cleaned my room and now it looks great compared to what it was before. Will be taking school and my health seriously by doing a little everyday for the next 90 days, let's see what happens broku's.

had a lazy day today. You know your procrastination is bad when you procrastinate on anime.
Hydro said:

had a lazy day today. You know your procrastination is bad when you procrastinate on anime.

can def relate to procrastination being a bitch but you need to post your weight at least weekly. that’s your main goal right?
Rags2Bitches said:
Hydro said:

had a lazy day today. You know your procrastination is bad when you procrastinate on anime.

can def relate to procrastination being a bitch but you need to post your weight at least weekly. that’s your main goal right?

Yup, I'll be posting my weight for tomorrows update.
Today was good, finished a HW assignment that I truly did work on instead of half assing it. Also had a good 50 min walk today out in the neighborhood. Was raining heavily but I enjoyed every minute of the walk :)

Weighed in at 277.0 lbs.
I went on a 25 minute walk again in the evening around the neighborhood. A neighbor recognized me and we talked for a quick second and chapped it up.

Went on a walk today around the neighborhood again for ~90 minutes. Was a good time with my heaphones in, listening to music.

Still haven't started working diligently for my courses or for Math + CompSci stuff. I'll get around to it as I just got the books Atomic Habits + Deep Work.
For weight loss I recommend tracking your food with an app like MyFitnessPal. It will make all the difference in the world. Also keep using it even when your slipping and eating bad it’s life and we all do it the accountability will help you. In the long run you’ll eventually just get intuitive with what you eat but it’ll take a long time to get there.
Radical said:
Keep up the daily exercise man, ramping it up slowly will help

Thanks radical. I plan on doing some cardio exercises from YT videos. It's just time to do them throughout the week.
Dewm said:
For weight loss I recommend tracking your food with an app like MyFitnessPal. It will make all the difference in the world. Also keep using it even when your slipping and eating bad it’s life and we all do it the accountability will help you. In the long run you’ll eventually just get intuitive with what you eat but it’ll take a long time to get there.

Great idea broski. I'ved used that app and it's great + time to dust off that food scale in my kitchen.

Went on a walk today and I'm gonna get some grocery shopping done so I can prep some food. That way the calories are counted prior (except for breakfast) and I don't have to go for the pantry/fridge/freezer and eat junk food.

Here's a video I found and I'm gonna watch this video before I go to sleep tonight, as that is my goal for today.
Welcome Hydro I'm happy to see you here & working on yourself!!


You'll lost the weight. You will be a better man.

I'll be watching you, let's see some real fucking effort.

Keep hammering,
The good news is that I finally have some shelter close to my university. I didn't want to commute 4 hours a day 5 days a week for university so shoutout to my parents for hooking me up.
I have been cooking everyday and haven't ate out for more than a month. I cook breakfast and meal prep. I have been doing other chores such as cleaning and laundry as well.

The bad news is, is of course I haven't been consistent with this journal. I'm back on my weightloss journey since losing weight is difficult when you live in a household where other people don't have the same vision as you do for your health. Also I have been procrastinating for my school and even building businesses that I've been ruminating about (website and YT channel). This is because I am not a responsible person and don't have a good relationship with technology. Even though my bio says I'm 26, I don't feel that I am mature at this age, or at least my expectations for a 26 year old. For some odd reason I don't feel bad about it, but I do have a desire to improve.

I've decided to continue this accountability journal, since although I'm not at rock bottom, I do feel down currently. This is not bad, this is how I'm supposed to feel where I'm currently at, it all depends on my decisions and habits.
Shit I might even upload a picture everyday of me eating my lunch which is the stereotypical chicken, rice + broccoli.
Going to clean my bathroom and use the bathmate for 8 mins before I go to bed.
After I wake up I will continue my studies and hopefully learn 3 lectures worth of material.
Did not study the 3 lecture worth of material, but I am going to do one in the morning and pick up from there. Also I currently am below 280 lbs now. Good!

Funny enough, the internet went out as I was loading up this website. I was then thinking, how productive could I be if I literally didn't have internet at home or at least past the afternoon? I would study in the morning at my place and then leave to go to uni and I'd come back in the evening / night.

Starting to think about doing that... would also fix my sleep schedule. The only reason we stay home/apartment/room for such long amount of hours is because it's convenient with modern technology. Staying home for 10+ hours a day would be considered mad even 10 years ago. Interesting thoughts...
Going to take a melatonin soon so I can fix my sleep schedule. Did not accomplish anything academically today.

I however did brush my teeth, used minoxidil, washed my face and made my bed.

Before I go to bed, my goal is to dermaroll and to use the bathmate.
So I got to 268.5 lb on the last day of July. My goal was to get below 268 so that would be considered a failure. However I am happy since I believe on the start of July I was about 285 lb, so I lost 17lb in 1 month. I rarely did any cardio and I did meal prep but some days I was inconsistent with it. I did take a video of me measuring my weight but on the add files section, my vid doesn't pop up in the downloads or desktop.

I had a really good sleep schedule and now my sleep schedule is fucked up. I really need to tackle that on since that is one of the things that I have problems with. I did download this extension called Freedom. I have downloaded it on my phone and computer as well as installed the Chrome Extension for it as well. It's about $3 a month using a coupon code that I found online (BRAVE30). I am going to be implementing this and have a blocklist that goes from 8pm - 10 AM, meaning 14 hours of the day. I can't go on YouTube, Reddit and porn websites since those 3 are 75% of my distractions.

I was making some protein pancakes to meal prep but I guess I made them as scrambled protein pancakes. Nearly ruined 2 of my pans but I got them to be pristine like they're brand new (except for a couple of scratches).

I'm mainly writing this because I sent out an e-mail to drop my CS class this summer. This was the only class I was taking and yet, still, I didn't really fucking do anything. I'm upset about this cause this has happened every time . I don't know what I'm going to tell my parents because they've been supporting me since they allowed me to have this place by myself. In order to make up for this I really want to do something grand for myself, but as a meaning to my parents since I don't want to be a fuck up, I really don't even though it looks like I'm going down that path.

I haven't been doing the cardio and meal prepping has gone so so. I really want to at least transform something that I've been battling for nearly half of my life, physical health issues, mainly obesity. I am currently a bit below 270lb and have lost a total of 30lb from starting at 300lbs. I really want to take this to the next level and wish to be 235lb 2 months from now, by the start of October.

I also want to stop STAYING IN MY FUCKING APARTMENT ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. I can't study here, too many distractions even with the app. I am going to order some books, hardcover, to get away from technology unless I do need it.

Sorry Mom, Sorry Dad, Sorry KYIL bros, this is going tough for me right now. Dropping my only class, apartment is a mess from cooking, need to take the trash out, protein 1/2 of the protein pancakes came out a mess, nearly ruined my pans, haven't been going to the gym, been fucking around on YT and reddit. Someone has it worse than I, someone has it better than I. I need to get my ish together, one day at a time boys, one day at a time.

I just want to be in the 230s by school and solidify my habits before the school year starts since that's when things will become intensive. Also might just study in libraries, coffee and cafes to just get out of the apartment more often.