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Hydro's Log

Trèfle said:
Don’t waste time stressing yourself about race and things like that man its not doing you any good, people have mentioned this before but you really shouldnt add additional stress on 1000 topics when your goals right now arent about ”race affecting your results with girls” but more about eating healthly, meal prepping

Awesome job on the workouts though keep it up

Agreed, I was shocked at how little I paid attention to it and am actually paying attention to the real things that matter (weight loss + muscle gain).
I always enjoy your comments friend! :)
Finished closing up some tabs under the deadline. Woooo, deadlines really do work man. Think of it like an essay or homework due back in school. Deadlines are completely arbitrary and the fact that you can have a sense of urgency by putting some money on the line is neat.

Oh and GLL is back up again. I was looking at this post about conquering AA: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/anxiety/index/approach-anxiety-ussr-fear
It's basically put more fear on not approaching than approaching so the see saw tips more to taking action. I liked the post, not I have to think about something that will give me more fear to NOT approach.

Tabs: 59
Goal for tomorrow: 38 tabs
Good night guys, take care!
I just don't even want to eat,

I'll expand on this tomorrow since I don't even want to eat dinner, going to shower than go to bed.

:( :|
Hydro said:
I just don't even want to eat,

I'll expand on this tomorrow since I don't even want to eat dinner, going to shower than go to bed.

:( :|

this could be...good?
It's been a while. I've still been lifting weights and have been progressing. Haven't missed a weight training session at all, quite consistent at the gym. In fact, at the gym there's a paper on the board that shows the top most consistent members at the gym for the month.

I was the most consistent member for the month of September at my gym, so I'm quite happy about that. Remember, my biggest fuck up is that I don't show up, and knowing the fact that I've showed up the most is beautiful, in the month of September. According to the director, I'm in the top 10 users at the gym, and if I didn't go to my parents place for those ~6 weeks, I would've been in the top 5 users at the gym.

Current lifts that I've completed this past week so I don't bore ya'll with EVERY detail:

Squats: 280 lbs for 3 sets of 5, so today I will be pursuing 285 lbs for 3 sets of 5.
Deadlifts (Trap Bar): 345 lbs for 1 set of 5, so I will be pursuing 355 or 350 this Wednesday for 1 x 5.
Bench Press: 205 lbs for 3 sets of 5, so 210 is up next.
Overhead Press: I failed 155 lbs sometime between my inactivity on the forums. I only got 4 reps on the first set so I deload 10% and build up back there in the same rep scheme, 3 sets of 5 reps. I did 140 lbs for 3 sets of 5 so I will be doing 145 lbs for 3 sets of 5 next set.
Power cleans: Still getting in the hang of up, but did 115 lbs for a couple sets of 3. Need to do 5 sets of 3 as prescribed in the program, so have to kick this up a notch.

Some videos that I watched that really resonated with me, or have been making me think.

Guy gained a lot of weight in college, and lost 100 lbs in college as well: https://youtu.be/zcIiXpzQJqU?si=YPk2qe4gyhByAYEV
This is me since I'm on my journey of losing 100 lbs. He ate Doritos, I ate Dominoes. He wore oversized clothes, like I did. He started out walking for a couple of hours then hit the weightroom, this is exactly my journey as well. Interesting, both thought the same, acted the same. All's left is to do the same. OH and he isolated himself in his apartment, sounds just like me, shout out to GLL tho.

A vid that randomly came on my YT feed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z4KAoIeq9c
I've been thinking about joining some type of grappling combat sport. Probably will join the wrestling club since that spontaneous moment of meeting a guy at the grocery store back in early Aug who had a wrestling shirt and found out he is in the wrestling club. That was a weird incident.

School has started but here I am, a big fuck up again. I am a student who gets accommodations since I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression that allows me to have 50% more time for tests and exams (instead of 1 hour exams I get 1.5 hours and so on). Another benefit I get to register for my classes before anyone else but here I am, procrastinating again. idk why i do this to myself. I recently talked to a math advisor to lift up my registration hold since my record has been TERRIBLE. worse than my physical health I guarantee you bout that. The 3rd week is about to start of instruction and I still haven't registered for a class, yeah I'm behind. While my parents and I talk multiple times a week about how I am enjoying my classes but i am just lying. yeah i'm not happy about this, i'm a bad son and there is a lot more that I'm hiding. Hope this works out.

I have all this time, and i don't do shit with it but work on CLosInG mUh TaBs. Theory mode overload.

Well here's a video of me doing squats on a friday night at the gym by myself. It be like that:
Also shout out to Ravi doing approaches with Scotty. Can't believe a guy who started out with similar circumstances as I, obese, agoraphobic, virgin is now not only none of those things anymore (healthy, socially free, sexually experiences with women) but he's working with not only someone from GLL, but the guy who even Chris looked up to. Fucking crazy how the world works.

Going to shower, send some emails to a teacher to ask if I can sign up for a class and then probably jack off and go to bed. Very sad life that I have, but if Ravi can do it, if Andy can do it, then I have a chance as well.
Hydro said:
Also shout out to Ravi doing approaches with Scotty. Can't believe a guy who started out with similar circumstances as I, obese, agoraphobic, virgin is now not only none of those things anymore (healthy, socially free, sexually experiences with women) but he's working with not only someone from GLL, but the guy who even Chris looked up to. Fucking crazy how the world works.

Going to shower, send some emails to a teacher to ask if I can sign up for a class and then probably jack off and go to bed. Very sad life that I have, but if Ravi can do it, if Andy can do it, then I have a chance as well.

Damn thank you bro.

I am grateful for this, yeah my life is pretty epic, a wild fucking ride

And yet I was a 280lb fugly mentally ill incel who did not leave his room for 2 years and didnt lose his virginity until 30

In 2 years, I have achieved 10 years worth of goals

And I speak to Scotty almost daily and will be working with him to release the world's best bootcamp in 2024

I am literally a guy from dirt nothing, lower than low, people like me kill themselves

People used to treat me like a fucking cockroach. They did damage to me.

In life, we get to make a decision.

Will I be a fucking victim?

Or will I be a survivor?

I am just an example of a guy who decided he is going to make it and enough was enough.

Everyone here helped me get where I am today.

Now it is the pleasure of my life to build the greatest self improvement community in internet history

A band of brothers

And we will ALL SUCCEED



MakingAComeback said:
Hydro said:
Also shout out to Ravi doing approaches with Scotty. Can't believe a guy who started out with similar circumstances as I, obese, agoraphobic, virgin is now not only none of those things anymore (healthy, socially free, sexually experiences with women) but he's working with not only someone from GLL, but the guy who even Chris looked up to. Fucking crazy how the world works.

Going to shower, send some emails to a teacher to ask if I can sign up for a class and then probably jack off and go to bed. Very sad life that I have, but if Ravi can do it, if Andy can do it, then I have a chance as well.

Damn thank you bro.

I am grateful for this, yeah my life is pretty epic, a wild fucking ride

And yet I was a 280lb fugly mentally ill incel who did not leave his room for 2 years and didnt lose his virginity until 30

In 2 years, I have achieved 10 years worth of goals

And I speak to Scotty almost daily and will be working with him to release the world's best bootcamp in 2024

I am literally a guy from dirt nothing, lower than low, people like me kill themselves

People used to treat me like a fucking cockroach. They did damage to me.

In life, we get to make a decision.

Will I be a fucking victim?

Or will I be a survivor?

I am just an example of a guy who decided he is going to make it and enough was enough.

Everyone here helped me get where I am today.

Now it is the pleasure of my life to build the greatest self improvement community in internet history

A band of brothers

And we will ALL SUCCEED




I was listening to this video at the gym literally on Monday. Thanks for yours and Scotty's contribution on the topic from guys who have been through the fire.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qE5YwoMI4w

Squatted 290 lbs for 3 sets of 5. Someone said that I was strong at the gym. Felt good.
Also did power cleans of 115 lbs for 5 sets of 3. Getting the technique down.

Read these two articles about squatting, one about 400 lbs and the other about 500 lbs. Also didn't know james clear squatted 405 lbs once upon a time. shout out to him!
(1) https://jamesclear.com/squat-400
(2) https://www.strongerbyscience.com/what-i-learned-to-squat-500/
I went to the gym on Friday, and I was warming up but my body felt SOOO SLOOWWWWWWW. This is the first time I felt something like this at the gym, so I just squatted 255 lbs for 1 rep and left the gym. I've been going to the gym 6 times a week for months at this point and I think my body needs a bit of a break, especially with my wack ass sleep schedule. I was scheduled to hit 295 lbs for 3 sets of 5 but i said noped and walked out to go for my cooldown walk.

Talking about my wack ass sleep schedule, I woke up after the gym closes today, (Saturday). I woke up at around 5:15 pm, yeah did I tell you my sleep schedule is trash?
I'm going to have to do bench on monday afternoonish and squat on monday evening / nightish.

Some interesting findings I found:

1. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abe5017
This research shows that the average persons metabolism doesn't slow down in their 30s. Your metabolism starts slowing down in your 60s lol. Yeah people will say the slow metabolism stuff to cope with them gaining weight and their unhealthy eating habits creeping up into older age. So remember, your metabolism starts SLOWING DOWN in your 60s .

2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.3102/0034654310362998
A meta-analysis of the relationship between class attendance in college and college grades reveals that attendance has strong relationships with both class grades and GPA. The single best predictor of performance in college classes is attendance. Better than high school GPA, SAT scores, study habits, or study skills.
For every high IQ genius in your classes who doesn't show up and get great grade, there are dozens who show up consistently who get great grades. Are you going to model what the best of the best (in terms of intelligence WHICH IS GENETIC) get, or the data that shows ATTENDANCE IS GOAT'D for best grades and gpa.
This has been applicable in the gym since my attendance has been great. I was the most consistent member in the month of September, and on Monday I'll be squatting 295 lbs and by the end of the month, if i get all my sets in I will be hitting 3 plates for my working sets (3 sets of 5) and hit bench press for 2 plates for 3 sets of 5 as well.

Lastly before I sign off, here is a video that I recently watched.

This video is a guy, Wheat Waffles, who was approaching women on campus for a video of his of rating which men are the most attractive. He wasn't even hitting on them and he basically got accused of harassing the women on campus. The footage he showed was him being unbelievably respectful and man that really hurt since I like the guy, but also I'm going to uni as well and thinking about approaching on campus. Wheat did say at 7:35 that you guys should NOT FEEL ASHAMED TO APPROACH AS THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. Especially since the average guy can't get dates on dating apps, and the average guy has a lackluster social circle. He might be a plumber, engineer, work in an office job where dating is prohibited so the average guy really only has cold approach as the last option and even that is being under attack (or even moreso now).

Also shoutout to the KYIL guys for getting 7k subs on the main channel. I joined at the end of the live and asked my Q's less than an hour of the live ending, but I liked it. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/live/0d4tcAG815I?si=lqpKRDw0Gcd6JtnQ
Hydro said:
I've been going to the gym 6 times a week for months at this point and I think my body needs a bit of a break, especially with my wack ass sleep schedule. I was scheduled to hit 295 lbs for 3 sets of 5 but i said noped and walked out to go for my cooldown walk.

My coach told me that it’s good to take a deloading phase every 8-10 weeks. This is where you do you normal workout but with half the weight and same reps. It’s like resting but you stay active.
Hydro said:
Lastly before I sign off, here is a video that I recently watched.

The last think you want to be watching is wheat waffles. The only blackpill content you ever want to watch is those that give information on how to improve certain features. You don’t need a dude telling you that it’s over
lol wheat waffles was kicked out because "Technically if you wanna film on college grounds you need permission in advance"
don't want to derail the log. alot of manipulative information out there
Squatted 295 lbs for 3 sets of 5 on Monday 10/16. I tweaked my lower back and it has been sore AND painful. Feeling better now but I skipped doing squats on wednesday since my lower back is quite sore.

Hit bench press for 220 lbs for 3 sets of 5. that means next session, on tuesday (10/24) I will be attempting 225 lbs for 3 sets of 5. 2 plate club here we are.
Interesting link that I was reading; https://garagegymrevisited.com/how-...any_People_Can_Bench_225_In_the_United_States

Essentially, using data someone broke down how many people in america can bench 2 plates. The answer is ~1 million which is a lot but is literally 1/3 of a percent of the american population. Crazy.

Have been listening to this podcast by Andy repeatedly: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0m30LvOMW5E80ezyIxeq2s
It goes into that losing fat is the most important thing you can do to get laid as a guy. I already have the muscle, 220 lbs bench for 3 sets of 5, 295 lbs squats 3x5, 145 lbs ohp 3x5. I just need to lose the weight and that is all on me. Was reading this article by Andy as well: https://killyourinnerloser.com/why-losing-fat-matters-above-all-else/
kratjeuh said:
My coach told me that it’s good to take a deloading phase every 8-10 weeks. This is where you do you normal workout but with half the weight and same reps. It’s like resting but you stay active.
Took the weekend off and I was considerably stronger on monday!
Might have to start including more hamstring work since I recently read that a good ratio of hamstring to quad strength is 50-80%, and the higher it goes, the lower the rates of knee injuries, especially ACL Tear.

This video resonates with me, but in undergrad instead of medical school:

It's been a while....

I've been going to the gym but I did tweak my lower back. Haven't squatted for 2 weeks but I will squat on Wednesday at 275 lbs for 3 sets of 5 to see how that goes. I think I know what I'm doing that's aggrevating my back. Also I will stop doing deadlifts momentarily. I'm too fat, my gut is too big so that doesn't put me in the best position to get into. Because of that, I'm going to lay off the deadlifts until I get leaner (I'm thinking about ~20% bodyfat) and then work on deadlifts from there.

However, interesting things have happened:
I was set to hit 225 lbs for 3 sets of 5 this past Tuesday, here's how it went (Copied from my comment on Andy's recent community post):

Went to the gym and I could hear the the bench press moaning my name to pound it, RPE 10 all night long.
Warmed up my body with some solid foreplay and was finally ready to have 2 bad bitches on both sides, 225, the weight of a SJW Feminist doing Keto, after she loses the water weight. I went for some head and got my first set of 5. Decided to switch it up and go for the puss after my refractory period (also known as my rest time). 5 pumps, I'M DONE LETS GO, ROUND 3 BABY, ONE. LAST. HOLE. LEFT! My ONS (Originally Nude Spotter) had to leave so we only went for the first two rounds, so I had to get my other ONS for round 3. LETS GOOO REFRACTORY PERIOD. Round 3, I had to tell the new ONS of what I'm into so we can both be satisfied,
1. No liftoff
2. No touching the bar unless I masculinely grunt, help
The spotter gladly submitted to me, why? Cause I'm not the table, I'M THE BENCH. LETS GO ROUND 3.
I gave it a good effort, got my first press up easy. Second was a struggle, but as I got into the groove of things got 3rd and 4th rep. On my last set, of my last rep, the last pump before I tapout and gave it all I could, AS THE BAR CAME.....

down my chest........

I had no energy and couldn't get it up. I told my ONS, HELP!, as he assisted me.

As I felt vulnerable, in our aftercare being fragile, he pulled me in and whispered in my ear that I was the strongest guy at the gym, since NO ONE HAS PUT UP 2 PLATES ON EACH SIDE. Hmm, sounds like Hypergamy to me to be the strongest guy at the gym at that time.

So yeah that's how it went.... :)
I failed my last rep on my last set on Tuesday, but I tried again on Saturday via my program and got ALL 3 SETS OF 5 REPS FOR 2 PLATES (225 LBS) on bench press, AWESOME!

I was thinking that if I can do 3 sets of 5, I can probably do 6 reps as an AMRAP since the last set did feel like I could've pushed out an extra rep. Imagine, if I was to become stronger where I can do an extra rep on the bench per month for the next 24 months (2 years), I would be able to rep out 225 lb for 30 reps. That's crazy, and it's a long term goal that I can strive for. But the main thing right now is to just stick to the program and lift weights.

I just came from the gym and did 135 lbs for 3 sets of 3 power cleans. My lower back felt good, I was mindful to clench my butt via posterior pelvic tilt since I have anterior pelvic tilt via my gut. I felt really good!

Interesting post here that I can really relate to:

Going to watch some youtube then call it a day. Will talk more and be more consistent with the forums.

I do want to hit 365 lbs for 3 sets of 5 by the end of the year on squats. I know I can hit 315 soon, just going to focus on squats and power cleans for lower body exercises and go from there.
Hydro said:
Also I will stop doing deadlifts momentarily. I'm too fat, my gut is too big so that doesn't put me in the best position to get into. Because of that, I'm going to lay off the deadlifts until I get leaner (I'm thinking about ~20% bodyfat) and then work on deadlifts from there.

This is really dumb. This is the negative power of spending all day reading shit. Yes, being fat makes it harder to get into position. Harder. NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Even if you were that fat, which you're not, you can still do rack pulls from below the knee. Stuff like this and your comment about hamstring to quad strength ratios for knee health are like drinking poison all day and then complaining you don't feel well. You could spend all that time walking more and listening to productive audiobooks instead, getting leaner faster and also gaining new skills.
I'm nervous, anxious, scared.

I'm going to the gym and attempting 235 lbs for 3 sets of 5. I didn't get it on the first attempt and actually skipped the session yesterday, so going for it today.

I failed 2 plates for 3 sets of 5 on my last rep, on the last set but then got, got it on the second bench session.
Identical results on 230 lbs, failed for 3 sets of 5 on last rap of last set, and got it on the second bench session.
I failed 235 for 3 sets of 5 on the last rep of the second set. Going in today to see how it goes.

Nervous man, I'm just scared.

Physical PR's <-------> Mental PR's

It's okay to be scared, I've never done this before (getting 3 sets of 5 on 235 lbs on bench) so of course I'm going to be scared. Just going to take it 1 set at a time. I've already done 1 set of 3 sets of 5 for 235lbs, so just gonna tunnel vision on that until I'm on the second set.
Well this is a long awaited update.

I hit 235 lbs for all 3 sets of 5 on the bench press on that date. Actually something else interestingly happened.

The people at the front desk 'gifted' me a new cup. Here is what it looks like:
I asked why I was awarded, and they said that they would give it at random times, so the next winner (since there were multiple winners) was going to be the next person who came in at 8pm. That was me, so I won. That's nice.
Ayyy I'm getting stronger and being gifted with a nice cup, I'll take it!

Interesting since I was researching about some strong guys in the world and I read two prominent lifters who first started out training in the YMCA.

Doug Hepburn: He is known as the first man to bench press 400, 450, 500, and 550 pounds (raw, meaning without a bench shirt/suit). He began lifting weights as a high school teenager at the Vancouver YMCA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_... work that he could balance with his lifting.

Bill Kazmaier: Is widely considered to be one of the all-time greatest competitors in strength competitions, and as a star athlete in high school, Kazmaier played football for two years at the University of Wisconsin–Madison before dropping out in 1974 to concentrate on lifting weights at the Madison YMCA.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_...trate on lifting weights at the Madison YMCA.

This reminds me of a video that I was listening to from Chris:
If you want to be successful (financially) but in anything in life:
1. (27:51) // Listen to your instincts, your gut, your BALLS
2. (31:45) // Go down the rabbit hole, ALL THE WAY. You have to go to the bottom of the pit to find information and not just in theory but...
3. (33:33) // LIVE IN REALITY aka TAKE ACTION. The real findings about knowledge don't happen in a textbook, behind a screen, reading theory, but the real knowledge comes from experience. Who offers better business advice, the professor teaching business at a spectacular business school, or the business owner making spectacular revenue + profits?
4. (35:33) // You're going to have to make big decisions, and the way to do that is to develop balls aka killer instinct. This isn't just in dating, but in real life as well, social freedom, but freedom to do what you want so you can...

I honestly don't know where I'm headed in life, but I'm happy that I'm the strongest guy in the gym at the moment right now (at the YMCA). My life is a mess, no friends, poor relationship with family, basement dweller (literally) no classes the past 9 months, unemployed, depression (getting better but still there), anxiety (getting better but still there) no girls, still obese. But knowing that I'm a 'fuckup' who can bench 235 for 3 sets of 5 and overhead press 155 for 3 sets of 5, I'll take it. At least I can look forward to that. :)
On Wednesday (11/22)
During my lifts, I started talking to this guy at the gym, tall dude and seems in good shape, 'swimmer' physique. He told me that he's from Colorado, and from the same town that south park is based in, which is BASED AF LOL.

I was programmed to hit 240 lbs for 3 sets of 5 for bench. I had no confidence to hit all 3 sets since all sessions past 2 plates have been taking me literally 2 bench sessions to hit all 3 sets of 5 to progress 5 lbs. However, this session I hit 240 for 3 sets of 5. So next session I am prescribed to hit 245 lbs for 3 sets of 5! This progress is fucking crazy man. Getting them morphological (muscle) gains and neurological (technique and motor pattern) gains!
Bad news: been missing my lower body sessions since I have really bad ankle pain. I'm getting sharp pain at my ankle on my left foot. I probably can bench more on my working sets than squats lmaooooo but I remember my max was 3 plates for 3 sets of 5 on squats with 240 lbs for 3 sets of 5 on bench so I'm not worried. Just gonna research on how to make an ankle brace with a sock and I'll have one made tonight.

Get it guys!