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Hydro's Log

Feeling down bro.


I have sprained both of my ankles years ago (in separate events) but I woke up with a sprained ankle. However I have been walking a lot still 5ish miles on almost all the days it's been sprained but I tied my compression shirt quite tightly on my ankle right now. It feels snug.

My apartment looks like shit, I look like shit, haven't trained in 5 days so I want to lift, but fuck man.

Found some interesting stuff, for every increase of 100ng/dl of testosterone in the natural limit, you gain ~1 lb of lean body mass (mostly muscle I'd imagine).
https://weightology.net/the-members...so individual outcomes may vary considerably.

Going to clean my apartment today so I can be proud when my mom comes over tomorrow. Well off to bed (at 6 am fml).
A lot has been going on as I've been inactive. I've injured my ankle but it seems to be good now. I also had a really bad cold, potentially a flu but that has recovered. Haven't gone to the gym this month at all, but have done A LOT of walking. Closing out my tabs mental masturbation going on, but achieving some things.

Below are just some interesting things that I've found while closing out my tabs, they're just for me, theorizing so yeah:

Huge Paper about incels:
Incels to tend to lift weights, so thats nice.

Going from Obesity to healthy bmi is less than 1 in a 100 for males. Once it's morbidly obese (where I started) it's 1 in ~1500 chances.

The average BF% of a pig is 16%. That is equivalent to the top 5% of men's BF% in USA. Meaning the average pig is almost in the top 1% of body fat percentage for men in america (it's 14.5% in USA).
People think fat people smell, god I gotta lose more weight man, fuck.
College basketball players, like Lebron's son average 8 hours of screen time:
Really wish I had this guys level of determination and drive:
It's not big hands, big feet, height that correlates to big pp, but... the bigger the nose, the bigger the pp.
Couple of cold approach stuff that I like
https://medium.com/nuggets-of-thoug...ext=If you have more to,to lose than to gain…
1/3 of gym users in Saudi Arabia used Steroids. This is compared to 8% in UK back in 2006
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ar...:text=In total, 482,and 45.5%, respectively).
Women respond to broad shoulders far more powerfully than men respond to breasts, making suits the more powerful of the two. Do you know that lustful feeling well-cloven cleavage can instil in you? Well, broad shoulders give women that same feeling, except stronger
Free Time:
Two to five hours of free time in a day is ideal for boosted happiness.
Will update more, currently going back to my parents for christmas. don't celebrate it but nice to meet my family.
Friday (02/02)

As I was walking the same route that I do, I cold approached a girl. This is the third girl I've cold approached and they all happened at the same location. At the same bus stop on the same street.
I was fumbling over my words and I told her "Hey you're cute and I was wondering if you'd like to get some coffee with me sometime". She rejected me and so far I'm 0/3 on the cold approach. The rejections are easy, the buildup is just a fucking bitch man.

Ironically, I cold approached when I was listening to this https://youtu.be/Gxmq9rWggqw?si=4Ds3jePdb-6yQ8Lk&t=5438 in the 3 hour podcast, I happened to stumble at the timestamp where William Costello talked about how scary romantic rejection is. It felt like the stars aligned and I couldn't let this approach go by as I was listening, but I just committed to it. Ironic, very ironic. Happy that I approached since 0/3 is better than 0/0.

At 17:40 Avery and Kevin talk about how you don't need a lot of subs to have a business. Getting 50-100k viewers is more than enough to make a living off this. I watch a lot of Andy's content and man it makes sense. Even Chris (GLL) talked about how you only need a couple thousand loyal followers to make a living off the internet.

My mom has 25 years on me and this news report broke my heart: https://www.wsfa.com/2023/10/19/homeless-mother-son-hang-themselves-behind-dothan-store/
80 year old mom and 55 year old son who were homeless, hung themselves with phone cords behind a store. The date it happened is literally sandwiched between my mother and my birthday, what the fuck The way my life is currently going is like a foreshadow to this. I have thought about harming myself but I never want my mom to harm herself or anybody to harm her. That would fucking kill me. I'm fucking tearing up just thinking about this and I hope the mom and son are in a better place. I can't let her down.
Zug said:
Good to see you back

Thank you brother, and it's amazing seeing your progress. Lived the player lifestyle and with the skills and experiences, you have a suitable candidate for a wife and future mother.

bonzo34 said:
Good job on the approach :arrow_up: :arrow_up:

Thanks brother. You're a good looking guy, you should start approaching (if you haven't already).

Some stuff that I've been working on.
I have successfully done NoPORN for 3 weeks. This is the longest I've gone without porn since I first watched, at the age of 12 I believe.

I learned it from this video:
Basically NoFap is a meme, it came from a 4chan board (as well as semen retention). NoFap is not the best answer since sexual pleasure is a natural pleasure to the human experience. NoPorn is the better alternative:
1:23:36 I do it because I'm bored as hell. Goddamn, you got me NH. You fucking got me. It's like looking at social media, you get bored so you go to the phone. Thanks for that revelation!
1:25:30 YOU GOT IT BOSS. DO SOMETHING WHEN YOU'RE GETTING HORNY. This is an opportunity to 'get something done'.
2:30:49 Great statement, and I agree. NoPorn is the answer.
I was successful on the first week of abstaining porn, relapsed at the end of the first week. Relapsed again 4 days later and now I have gone 3 weeks without watching porn. I still masturbate but it's to my imagination. As a virgin (and more) I don't have any experiences with women so I just play back some sexual fantasies I have in my mind which are pretty tame. I never really got into extreme forms of porn, I just stuck to the amateur section. Who knew that wanting intimacy would make you stick to the amateur couples section than watching grandma midget bbw tranny porn lol.

Also someone took my shoes and sandals from my apartment. Weird but I did help the landlord check the footage.

Although I have been a terrible son. I'm not sure if I want to talk about it as of now, but my mom is going to meet me in a couple of hours and then I'll see where things go from there. I've been hiding a lot of stuff and I have a plan by the end of the year to basically 'quit' if you know what I mean. Currently listening to GLL videos https://rumble.com/c/c-1621942 with this in the background as well.
Just went out for a 2 hour walk, going to heat up some rice + butter chicken, shower and then going to bed.

Was listening to Ravi and Scotty's podcast with Alex (PWF) during my walk:

I also watched another vid and took notes and definitely can agree with a lot of guys in their anger phase of the manosphere/RP. I interestingly never got into that phase, but thats probably because I fall more on the sad/depressive emotions than anger emotions.

Here is the vid:

Goodnight guys.
In less than 24 hours, I'll be coming up on 4 weeks of NoPorn. This is the longest I've gone without porn since I was an adolescent and that's cool. I had an article up on my tabs about 'the brain on porn' for months and I finally read the it.

Watched this video from Alex (PWF) about 3 different case reports for guys who became successful on the dating apps:
One is a literal chad, who lost his virginity at 24. One is an fellow Filipino Chad who also lost his virginity using the PWF product and the last is an Indian Chad (Ravi).
1:18:03 - to the end of the livestream talks about how it is possible to be successful w/o race. I never was insecure about my race, but ymmv.
"If One guy can do it who is in a similar position as you then you can do it as well" - Alex
48:25 Yeah having a community to keep you accountable is definitely important to success. Also it's rare for Alex to have empathy for blackpillers lol.

I actually commented some notes and told KRW on his second channel that I watched this 2.5 hour livestream to understand Nietzsche.

Tackling more stuff down.
Went on a 1.5 hour walk and was listening to a lot of Andy's content. Positive vs Negative Pressure and on the walk, I saw a couple of interesting things.
There is a YouTuber that I watched a little bit, some time ago. I saw her man walking with some flowers on the street and that was cute (since it's valentines day).
However literally less than 30 minutes later as I was walking there was a dude in a car, moving slowly and I had 911 dialed on my phone (but didn't call it). I started knocking on the trash bin and he woke up. I gave him a thumbs up as a question of "You Good?" He gave it back, but I swear I thought this guy was dying. cycle of life huh

Just read this article about Guts and masculinity: https://www.jacksonpbrown.com/anime-and-manga/2020/4/29/thoughts-on-guts-and-masculinity
For some reason the writer took it down so I went over to wayback machine and read it. Shout out to Guts.
Just finished another walk, was listening to some Dostoevsky.
Going to listen to this over in a week or two. It's less than an hour but D man is quite a writer and it takes time to reach the depth of his works. :ugeek:

Also listened to this beauty:
Agreed with Ketan. He did a collab with Andy i believe a year ago. The best part that I remember is him saying that guys in their younger years (early to mid 20s) will 'waste' that time away doing stupid shit and only until they reach their late 20s to 30s do they truly start taking action. Reminds me of Andy as well since he 'officially' started his self improvement journey at 28 as well.

Going to eat some nachos, take a shower and then go to bed.
See ya later guys! :D
Ketan is really smart, and a great dude. He's a friend of mine and has a great brain.

Homie hustled a lot in life, got a gorgeous GF, is advanced in lifting, got laid a bunch, and got past 6 figs in biz.

He is a friend of this forum, and is a member of The Killer Instinct panel show as you know.

Keep learning from these solid guys.

I spent 2 years around 25 studying success from the great minds. When I decided, it was time to put the theory to bed, and get proper coaching, I came here and got to work.

I do enjoy reading this log as it takes me back to the times when I was going for 2-3hr walks every day and just listening to Andy. I was almost 300lbs at the time and a virgin.

That same guy, 3 years later, became MAC.

I hope to see your transformation in the not too distant future.


MakingAComeback said:
Ketan is really smart, and a great dude. He's a friend of mine and has a great brain.

Homie hustled a lot in life, got a gorgeous GF, is advanced in lifting, got laid a bunch, and got past 6 figs in biz.

He is a friend of this forum, and is a member of The Killer Instinct panel show as you know.

Keep learning from these solid guys.

I spent 2 years around 25 studying success from the great minds. When I decided, it was time to put the theory to bed, and get proper coaching, I came here and got to work.

I do enjoy reading this log as it takes me back to the times when I was going for 2-3hr walks every day and just listening to Andy. I was almost 300lbs at the time and a virgin.

That same guy, 3 years later, became MAC.

I hope to see your transformation in the not too distant future.



Yeah I've been actually listening to a lot of the killer instinct panels. I actually comment on Brian's videos (darknight526) and talk about some insights during the pod's.

Also I do want to thank you for essentially being a role model for me. I don't think you know how much you and your story mean to me brother. Keep working Mac, and soon over 1M people will have clicked on your logs. :)
Finished up some walking around the area as I usually do.

Was listening to an interesting video, basically the philosophy of a blackpiller from the Late Great Friedrich Nietzsche.

The Last Man, he is the archetypal passive nihilist. He is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security. Therefore, The Last Man is unable to build and act upon a self-actualized ethos (character).
Definitely speaks to me, a life of comfort, reminds me of this:

Trying to transition myself from a passive to an active nihilist: https://academyofideas.com/2012/11/active-and-passive-nihilism/

Will go on another walk to flush out some thoughts.
Went on another 40 minute walk while listening to some videos.

This made me teary eyed because my father is a truck diver:
I'm currently not going anywhere in my life, holding onto this and other channels of self improvement to get my life going but god damn, am I an awful son.

Great video of finding out how fast I can lose weight without losing muscle:
BF%/20 times total body mass. I can lose about 4-5 lbs a week, even more when first starting out.

An extra that I was listening to, since being a father figure is really motivating. Lights a fire under my ass if someone is under my care and responsibility.

Will continue to declutter my digital space since that is the #1 thing, but I am making progress. It's just holding me back. Imagine tabs as the #1 thing holding you back, yes tabs on the browser. Pathetic, reminds me of the Last Man that Nietzsche talks about.

Just read this phenomenal article by Chris:
Pour Conclure
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
You don't need to know exactly how you are going to accomplish your goal (that is what you learn from daily experience) but you do need to know how you are going try.

Will definitely take it into account. DAILY SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT.
Finished up my another walk, got some groceries, took a shower and now going to bed.

Was listening to this as I was washing my hair. Definitely lifefuel since this guy talks about getting a math degree and natural born talent vs practice.

Definitely love the video and the sense of comfort that someone else basically "quit" math for their bachelors and then got a masters and currently getting a PhD in it. Crazy, inspiring and empathetic towards my plight as a student.

Goodnight guys
First I made sure to defrost the chicken in the sink.
Once I kept the water running (very slowly), I cleaned my washroom. I was listening to a couple of pieces of content by Chris:

Also this was in the back of my mind:
Imagine gaining the skills of an engineer to build the technology and the social skills of pickup. That would be a dangerous combination to have in the freemarket.

Will report back soon, been feeling like a bitch.
Reporting back after 11 days...
Been ruminating a lot these past days and have been seeing some white pills but also some black pills.

For the white pill side: I've recently been bombarded with a lot of content about guys who were in my position who have been killing it in their dating life.
For example:
I watched this video by Ketan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J1rgB8B8yU
How he got laid on the same day he approached a girl, awesome stuff.

Watched Ravi's video about when he was down bad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcZHulusyWk
Interestingly enough he was 28 when he made this video. I'm currently 28 right now and would like a kick in the butt to be like big bro ravi.

Another Indian guy who was a 38 year old virgin and he lost his virginity and has been on over 50+ dates and dozens of sexual partners (he said 25-30 I believe): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86l6MQ8CMqY
I'm not insecure about my race, more about my obesity (fixable I know) tbh. But knowing that guys like me in a similar position are killing it are definitely whitepills on whitepills.
And man like, the trajectory between this video and this post of another desi guy who was in the same exact position: https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comm...ssless_handholdless_hugless/#only_fool_humans
is night and day, hopefully the person in the post has a fulfilling life.

The guy who posted the above video, Avery posted a vid about a book to download (only available for a short period of time). It's similar the Andy's Tinder Guide but for cold approaching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLW7aBNlfo4
I did download the book so these are all whitepills that have been sent my way which is good.

I will post about the blackpills in my next post as of now.

Some other interesting videos that I read/watched:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5EbJWekguA: The whole "Just Be Yourself" Meme. You know you've made it and have reaped the rewards in the Manosphere when JBY is actually good advice. Most men are not there (yet).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWwEHDFttrw: An interesting convo/debate about Evo Psych between some heavy hitters.
https://www.youtube.com/live/ifiRYo9n0G4?si=Jv_5fTNzvhfwK9Vu&t=2977: A top content creator who is talking more about philosophy instead of manosphere related content. Posted this since I know he's going to hit it big and I am in his first 1000 subs (Just like Andy (: )
https://ifstudies.org/blog/even-in-2024-women-are-still-looking-for-a-protective-man: Being a protective man is very good to lower your chances of divorce.
https://www.psypost.org/covid-19-le...ncluding-with-significant-drops-in-iq-scores/: If you got Covid, your IQ went down between 3-9 points depending on the severity. If you caught it the second time, add another 2 point reduction.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10528646/: "Children and adolescents with two obese parents (my life) have an 80% chance of becoming obese, while those with only one obese parent have a 40% chance"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhAzunKxGWk and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ung2nrYBvmM: Some anime and motivation about becoming better. Definitely stuff that I can listen to as I'm walking and working out.