If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)


May 30, 2020
You felt the need to actually end it then?

Im interested as to when you see that as necessary.

My friendships burn out as opposed to ending them (one exception to that being my exbut as you know it was complicated).

Was he still communicating with you but not changing?
The mega good influence you have on your clients shows that you can help People Who are in the saddest place ever.
But it's two sided you can only give, you can't help someone Who doesn't want to change.
This place moves so much better - you can tell the software is more up to date
Theres an area so far I think the old forum is superior though

GLL has a mich smaller and easier to view bit for most recent posts. I'm a big fan of that condensed scroll-able window
I'd reccomend sorting the comments by most rated/upvoted

On your first reddit article I noticed the top rated comments were decent and engaged with you. So if you respond to 3 of the top rated and then just ignore everything below that and maybe it wont drive you insane
Still Andy, if it wasn't for you posting your proof page in this cesspool site that's Reddit, I would never have found your site. I have been waiting for someone to share his experiences strictly about getting laid. I don't know anyone I can ask regarding this stuff irl in my social circle.

Please keep writing here, though for Reddit it's at your discretion. Bunch of basement dwellers there (was one myself, too). You and your Tinder Guide are a lifesaver.
KillYourInnerLoser said:

Not much there that's positive. And bare in mind that's literally a Reddit that claims to be dedicated to pickup/getting laid, with women on there saying "It is absolutely disgusting that you're trying to get laid."

What the actual fuck.

well literally no one got the point of the article

at least now you know that 'newbies should lower their standards' is a controversial take

(and a couple of people seem to have only read the headline and thought you meant something way worse than you do)

probably doesnt feel like it rn but having something bomb like this was going to happen eventually and is most likely good experience
KillYourInnerLoser said:

Not much there that's positive. And bare in mind that's literally a Reddit that claims to be dedicated to pickup/getting laid, with women on there saying "It is absolutely disgusting that you're trying to get laid."

What the actual fuck.

Dude it's literally been removed now. That's fucking weird - if you can't post it in a seduction subreddit, where can you post it? You reckon you could just put it on TRP forums? To be fair that's where I found GLL and therefore your material not much after that...
Looking forward to your 3some guide, Andy. Something to prep for when quarantine lifts where I'm from.
Because I'm rooting for you Bitch


We all have this same process.
It's because you WANT to write, you're in a place of deficit.
You can CHOOSE to write it and you're in a place of balance.

2 things to say :
This is discomfort you're meeting resistance and There's no way around it, you must do it frontly if you choose to get it done. You must force yourself.

The second thing is that you can wait to write it until you feel flow about this. Sometimes we meet resitance for a reason and sometimes it's simply discomfort and avoidance pattern. Ask yourself and try and find out if there would be a reason for you which would indicate that now is not the most appropriate time to publish this guide.

Or make it simple, identify concretely the blockages you're meeting which prevents you from doing this. Because these blockages show you the way and become steps to the realisation of your goal.
What I mean about this is that all these expressions of your procrastination could be all cutted off for one Day. You don't need to write, just try and sit to write and be aware of everything which pops up in your mind trying to distract you. Make a list of them, and decide what to do about it.

Also, with discomfort the way to go is baby steps.
Like you know you can write it you've accepted you can write a mega long and thoroughly detailed guide. It's quite big
It May be that you've lost awareness of the fact that You need to Focus on small steps at a time.

For example step one write the chapter titles
Step two organise thoughts, topics and order
Step 3 flowing your experience into one topic at a time starting where you feel the most comfortable.
To get it Rolling and go further.

It doesn't need to be perfect, do it and arrange it at the appropriate time. You wrote about it lol

I see the forums as a fuck around a lot but I do make sure to post mostly my progress

Usage been up a bit with your one being so new
SIGMA_1234 said:
Still Andy, if it wasn't for you posting your proof page in this cesspool site that's Reddit, I would never have found your site. I have been waiting for someone to share his experiences strictly about getting laid. I don't know anyone I can ask regarding this stuff irl in my social circle.

Please keep writing here, though for Reddit it's at your discretion. Bunch of basement dwellers there (was one myself, too). You and your Tinder Guide are a lifesaver.

I'm in the same boat here. Been lurking your site and GLL for about a month since you did that first Reddit post. The best part is I don't follow any of those other 'seduction/pua' communities for they are all shit. I just (fortunately) happened across that subreddit at the right time.

Your story (and reading progress on GLL) was incredibly eye-opening and I have already found some success following some of your suggestions. Moving forward, I'd like to engage more as well as start to document my progress but I've never been one to post anything so this will all be new territory.
Wouldnt have been able to tell unless you said

Nice touch how you covered the model in pines
The two go hand in hand really

Get drunk, eat shit food from takeout
Be hungover next day, eat shit food to feel better

My hangover meal is a large mcdonalds meal of some kind and its like my body wont feel good again unless it gets it now because i made it a habit

I use the black dragon relationship model (I have an OLTR, with FBs). My GF though is the only girl I see that's not bi. We've had actual discussions about it, but she really has no desire to bang another chick. Though over this weekend seemed to be into the idea of "finding" other girls for me.

Even if she's not into it (and I'm not going to try and force it if that's not what she wants), I think my FBs would be down for sure.
Think I'd be better off going the FB route?
As in - having a 3some with your two fuckbuddies? Sounds like your GF is cool with it, so make it happen.

Ok cool, thanks! I'm going to go for it!
I just wasn't sure how on board with it the girls would be when we're more casual (they DO know I'm non mono though).
KillYourInnerLoser Andy, bro, you are such a chad. LMAO

You literally cannot make this up as some form of weird erotica when there are actual pictures in place. Holy shit
Ey congrats, twas inevitable

Do you care about a 5some at this point?

Or did it feel like that wouldnt make the experience significantly better to have another girl there
Thinking of unsubscribing from r/dating_advice and r/seduction, too. Seems like a lot of unverified "experts" posting mental masturbatory material. I see more feel good content there more than actual advice that works. I will also start unsubscribing from Red Pill influencers, too. They're only good for the advice of "not putting women in a pedestal", but most of their material, which may be true, is just not a happy way to think about women.

This is actually good for you, KillYourInnerLoser , because the more polarizing you are, the better you can find potential people interested in what you offer. Especially since you can prove without a doubt you get laid lmao