If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

Yes you beautiful bald motherfucker

Vlog that shit

Your first one really scripts itself

You set up a forum and its hit 100 inside a month. Easy 5 mins there about why this place exists and what it means to you/actually getting it up and running smooth
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Made a vlog because @Radical keeps nagging me.

Bad audio - I'll buy a better microphone this week.


One of the Youtube videos I mentioned:


My original GLL post where I questioned the COVID statistics really early on (back in fucking april):




More than 3000 residents placed into essentially house arrest, unable to leave for ANY reason:

So Tinder is now illegal in my country again (you're not allowed any visitors to your apartment unless they're your partner). No visiting friends either. $1650 fine for breaking the rules. Including fining 17yo children. etc.

As a reminder, the "up is down and down is up" rhetoric my government is posting on billboards:


I feel like I'm living in 1984 or some shit. Like my government has lost the fucking plot and become completely mentally ill. I already felt like this back in April, and jesus christ, I never thought it'd get *worse*.

Yep, I'm aware most of this video is negative. Like I said, I needed to whinge and bitch for a bit. I'm immediately back onto my goals now, writing articles, etc. Sometimes it's good to have a little "pressure-relief".

The next 6 weeks will be the most productive I've ever had. I will kick some serious ass, as a "fuck you" to my totalitarian government.

That's why from now on I'm only referring to it as COVID-1984
My local area in FL, out of 1,700 cases... we only have 12 deaths. Yet the local government is perfectly fine killing jobs and people's businesses.
Well, on the other hand.. our polish goverment first killed all the buisnesses, then canceled the lockdown. So in effect we get both dead economy and dead people (whatever is the actual number). Your goverment seems consistent at the very least.
(well, in the end we are all fucked)
Unfortunately as my state has found out simply opening the economy does not actually boost the economy if people are afraid to go outside. My city (Dallas) has 1,000+ cases a day now (which is more than most European nations) and people are self-quarantining regardless of what the government says. IMO, the only way to deal with this is to attempt eradication NZ style.
Yes mate

Nice to end the vid on the uplifting note as well :arrow_up:

If you keep up your marketing like you have this place will be at 1 thousand in like another month
Clearly I'm like one of the few people that can nag you to do shit

I thought the way you did the last one worked pretty well tbf

It's good to mess about with the presentation
First time hearing your voice is trippy haha.

You should consider adding a channel as well.

Got a good voice for it, almost a radio guy type of voice.

Something to consider, I know you're mad busy and it's not going to generate too much income right away but could drive some more traffic to your site.
Technical points.

Overall volume is low, thought it was just my phone but on full, on my laptop the vid is quiet too.

I think because its tracking your eyes when you look away too much the focus blurs then.
chado said:
@KillYourInnerLoser Love how candid and authentic you are Andy. That's what will continue to draw people to you and this site. Also, your voice is relaxing af, could listen all day. Keep pushing through this lockdown bullshit. Here in the Southern States a lot of don't give a fuck so it's a bit more relaxed.

Yeah, it's incredibly relaxed out here.

Keep pushing through. These 5 weeks give you a pretty strong window of opportunity to churn out content.

I get the depression when we locked down here in the U.S. I got super depressed, felt as if I was caged and there was no point in anything. Also working 60-80 hours a week in COVID ICUs didn't help either. =(

Also with me being a nurse, I can't necessarily approve of the drinking haha. But IIRC a lot of creatives throughout history used drugs/alcohol as a means to help create. This isn't exclusive to creatives either... Athletes use steroids, College students abuse Adderall, and so on.
When you mentioned about depression, hopelessness, and constantly asking yourself if "is it even worth it to do this?", that deeply resonated with me. I felt it in my soul. I felt that for the past year after being lost in my career, and I felt that again during the 1st 3 months of quarantine here. Fuck, I hated those times, but as much as I wanted to do anything back then, I really couldn't find the reason to do anything, again asking "what's the point? School's done, and I can't get the same high as I did getting good grades in uni..." Shameful for someone with so much potential.

Seeing this was very inspiring for me at least. I've been wanting to chase pussy for a while now (1.5 years dry spell), but funny how the universe works with the quarantine, eh? Seeing you still aiming to reach your goals has inspired me to keep pushing with mine. We appreciate you keeping it real, Andy. Doing my best to go balls to the wall with my goals for now in quarantine.
This dude is basically who I would have been 5 years from now, had you not posted your proof page in the cesspool that's Reddit. Grew up in a conservative family that teaches no sex before marriage. That sex was selfish and only beneficial for guys. Thankfully that changed a bit when I read your blog more.

Pretty scary to think I could have been a sexually frustrated dude had I not come across that post.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
will always be full of doubt; I accepted that about 3 years ago. I've learned to completely ignore the doubt though and just keep pushing forward. I really do mean ignore - I literally brush it aside and say, "Good job, fuckface. You're neurotic and insecure and full of doubt and you don't believe you'll make it. What else is new."

I fully relate to this. Itsounds like your doing a really good job at keeping it under control. I realized how bad my inner monologue is after reading "You don't have the luxury of a negative thought.". Whenever I feel negativity, doubt and self pity start to creep in, I just slam the brakes on those thoughts and start thinking about something else.

I spent 3 years anxious and worrying about my PhD. I was convinced that once it was done and over, I'd never feel that anxious or bad again. but no, you just find something else, minor or major, to worry about. I expect everyone is like this, the only thing we can do it become stronger and learn to manage it.
While all the lock down rules are absolutely insane. You have so few cases. Get the hell out of there when you can bro.

However, working in healthcare as an ICU nurse. Taking care of covid patients etc. I’d make an argument I’m more educated about this virus than the average human being.

Wearing a mask is a simple, easy and helps prevent the spread of disease. it doesn’t interfere with oxygenation at all. My O2 sats are still at 99% percent even when I wear the space suit in covid units.


So I would like to say please wear a mask so I don’t have to CODE intubate and perform CPR on an 18 year old with no prior medical history and then perform post Mortem care on him like I just did 2 fucking hours ago when I got on shift tonight.

I will say 99 percent of your lock down laws are bullshit. But wearing a mask is not.
I'm going to start wearing the masks Andy

I can't afford any fines here and I don't see the point making a stand on this when im not even from this country

It sucks it isnt a choice anymore but I dont really have an issue with it besides that

Lockdown isnt going to end until the numbers get better, statistically masks massively impact the likelihood of catching it from what ive seen so if everyone does this the government can get the numbers it wants and stop being cunts

We aren't playing by the rules of what is reasonable anymore. But at some point after like a week of double digit cases the lockdown will have to end.

Then all I’d say is please wear a mask for me sweety ;). You could write fuck the government on it if you’d like. :) :).

They didn’t take away freedom of speech yet did they?

Either way good luck and keep strong gives you more reason to get out of Australia and come to the US.

This post also may be a form of procrastination. mabye make a blog post out of it to draw more people to this site.
Im concerned yeah, but I can't effect anything

I will wear the mask and avoid the fines.

Come August I am leaving. Either home or into NSW via a permit