If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

What locations has he been most successful with cold approach? (Malls, campuses, city streets, stores etc)
BB Coach Q:

When a client's goal is a full body composition, how does he tread the line between gaining size, losing fat, and building an overall aesthetic physique?

I'll attach a pic of my current physique, and if possible Andy, could he review and advise how he would recomposition a person like moi and build an aesthetic physique?


Edit: Pics to understand how your coach would recomposition this body
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KillYourInnerLoser said:
Just hit 3k subs on my YT, did a shoutout livestream giving gratitude to a lot of you (especially @MakingAComeback, @Crisis_Overcomer, @Manganiello, @Radical).

Also answered a bunch of questions live, was fun.


Appreciate everyone on the forums here - you're all a bunch of legends.

Shit mate, congratulations!!!!!

Now 3k, tomorrow 300k 🔥
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Just hit 3k subs on my YT, did a shoutout livestream giving gratitude to a lot of you (especially @MakingAComeback, @Crisis_Overcomer, @Manganiello, @Radical).

Also answered a bunch of questions live, was fun.


Appreciate everyone on the forums here - you're all a bunch of legends.

Hell yeah man! You've earned it.

At some point, I think it'll reach a tipping point and Andy will reach 100k.

Showing up, again and again.

I subbed between 40-70 subs, and was listening to the podcast. Those early podcast are still legendary, so raw, fiery motivation, I will never forget the days of being almost 300lbs during the pandemic and walking around my hometown listening to Andy just wondering if I too could

Now look at all that has ensued

You've already changed so many lives Andy

And this is just the beginning


A great, great human

You did so well in coaching man

Enjoy your life and keep succeeding. Stick with your coaching biz. Never give up ;-) You will get what you're looking for in life

KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'll be interviewing Scotty (Brian Harris) in a couple days, should be fun.

Really looking forward to hearing this.

Was always an idol for me, but not just for getting laid. This guy is a solid example in teaching that we’re 100% responsible for handling any barriers we have in our own way.

More importantly - that you can keep winning even when you’re up against it all, as long as you keep throwing the kitchen sink in everyday.