If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Holy shit.

Congrats KillYourInnerLoser. It's an awesome feeling when you finally get to meet mentors who have changed your life. As he said, you absolutely deserve it. Seriously, take a moment to pat yourself on the back.

You have no idea what this means to me, to see this come full circle.

You are the reason I did this shit.

This means a lot.

This is the result of hard ass work applied over a long enough time frame. You’ve started a movement, but I don’t think you need me to tell you that.

There are a lot of people from all walks of life who need help transforming their finances, relationships, fitness and more. However, there are few people who are willing to go the distance to help people see what’s possible.

You’re definitely one of those people.

Something tells me it’s about to get a whole lot easier to sell those 50k coaching packages lol

Congrats KillYourInnerLoser
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Holy shit.


I'm stickying this post for a week or two so everybody sees it. No guarantees he'll come on the podcast - as he said, he's a busy man.

That's awesome mate but as he said you 1000000% deserve it. Good shit
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Holy shit.


I'm stickying this post for a week or two so everybody sees it. No guarantees he'll come on the podcast - as he said, he's a busy man.

Absolutely insane. Congrats
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Holy shit.


I'm stickying this post for a week or two so everybody sees it. No guarantees he'll come on the podcast - as he said, he's a busy man.


We need this. What is this salty liquid falling from my eyes?
We did amazing work this year, man, the whole KYIL tribe.

We did great things in the world, because we worked on healing ourselves and increasing the wholeness, love, and fairness in this world. We worked on reducing our suffering, and hence reduced the suffering in the world.

We are awesome men, and when we come here with the spirit of improvement, excellence, and in the ethos of love for the world and for life, we will just continue to grow and do good.

Abundance is the language of Creation, in ascension of Consciousness, there is the possibility for an individual life to be a light in this world.

This space matters. And so does everyone here.

Thank you Andy, as ever.

And thank you all for the goodness that is in your soul, that we share with others to allow the goodness of creation to shine through them.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Since I'm on a mission to just be as honest as I humanly can be and become a more open person, I'll share something I haven't shared in my content before (I've only told my coaching group this) - when I was ~21, I went to prison for 6 months. I'd rather keep the nature of why, private, but if you guys have any questions or are curious about what prison was like (I have a billion really interesting stories), feel free to ask and I will do a podcast on it. Going to prison was an enlightening experience and was a huge part of the reason I got over my initial batch of depression (...before then getting into my 2nd relationship and falling back into depression).

Also, I was a little nervous to post this. But "run towards your fears" and "everything will be ok" worked wonders.

I am more interested about what kind of a person you are NOW, than what kind of a person you were 10 years ago. No need to worry.

I would really sit down and listen to this. (I consume maybe 3-5% of what you publish) It sounds like an experience that we can all learn from, as a person.
seconded, i'd love to hear what daily life was like in prison, if you made any friends/memorable people, and how that shaped the rest of your life

also how many pushups did you do per day in the cell
Holy fuck this is insane.

What was the best part?
Did being in here ever give you a sense of peace?
Did you wank?
Did you meet any people in here that made you think these people don’t deserve a second chance?
What did you feel when they charged you?

Man p insane thanks for posting Andy
I have listened the first 50 mins of the first part.

My 2 cents for you: There is no shame in making a mistake, we all do that. (as long as you have not added permanent damage to someone, disfigurement or some other way of non-reversible damage)

But I find it very virtuous that you admit to your mistakes and come clear with it.

I am having huge problems in my life, especially with my father, because he cannot admit to his own mistakes regarding his anger problem and he is so prideful that he refuses to say sorry at the cost of not seeing his only kid (me). That is not a position I want to be in, when I am 65 and I value it hugely that you admit that you made mistakes and you at least try to derive a lesson. This is virtue in and of itself. (of which my father cannot show, for example)

My critique: I was expecting to learn more from this, whereas it was generic advice on how to overcome difficulties and turn them into opportunities. It is nice that you did it, but there are stories that would teach more than your one, because you prefer not to share the background. (Dave Goggins is very open about his past, for example, which is probably why he is also held in such regard)

For me, wrong is wrong. Theft is wrong. Murder is wrong. Arsoning is wrong. And you cannot change the past. Nothing to be sugarcoated about ethical wrong.

What you can do is to admit that it is a mistake, apologize, not repeat and make an example of your past self not to make others do this.

But I would have learnt much more, had I known your motivations, the background story of it, what exactly you did, the values and drives that made you commit that crime and how you reflected on these values and what transformed you to the point where you come to regret it.

Of course, it is your own preference to share it with strangers on the Internet (especially with autistic assholes that lack emphaty, like I do :D ). But that is what I think.

This podcast is more your own therapy than contributing to me.

And I think I owe you my honest feedback. I have used your guide, you have given away much value to me and if I can contribute a single bit, I would be grateful. That is why I did not click away.

If you do not need my unsolicited "tough love", please accept my apologies. I will refrain from commenting on matters, because I cannot do it without discernment.
Personally, this helped me SO MUCH.

Loved it.

I've been on Andy's journey for fucking donkey's years, going way back before KYIL.

This is part of Andy's next evolution, and that will fuel us all.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
TheGreatTurk said:
This podcast is more your own therapy than contributing to me.

Even your mentors might want a chance to just talk about themselves - and heal themselves - once in a while.

It can be lonely at the top (sometimes).

Appreciate you watching/listening - don't feel obliged though. If it's not helpful to you, I'd never tell you to watch it. Your time is your time; don't spend it on things you don't want to spend it on. That leads to resentment.


It's the stuff you'll never know, the moments that happened in my own life viewing your content, reading your articles, these moments when it could have gone either way.

The times I was 275lb, fucking unable to get through ONE DAY without wanting to blow my brains out, just listening to your podcast and walking around the streets as everyone else went on with their lives.

Your depression video.

I can't tell you why, because I don't know, and I wouldn't even want to begin to unpack and describe what happens internally when we share, because it is too special to begin to describe: what I do know, is that SOMETHING happens when vulnerability and opening up hits the consciousness of another, and change that would otherwise not be likely can happen.

I theorise that this is because humans can learn socially & unconsciously, as well as through conscious efforts.

All that aside.


I love these videos.

They are special, important, and helped me a fucking TONNE.

KillYourInnerLoser said:

Listened to this on Spotify today (thank you for uploading it there because I listen to podcasts more than watch YT).

I've never personally been to prison or jail, but every other male bearing my last name in my family has. I'm glad to hear you found peace with it and used it to fuel a change in you that is reverberating. So many let it define who they are and eat them alive.

I also appreciate you telling others to share their shame and their pain at the end. In my experience, you either perpetuate the pain or try to stop it from happening to others. I respect that in your content, you always choose route two.

Finally just wanted to say I really respect you for being honest. Not just this instance, but as you talked about the whole journey till now.

Much love, brother.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Signed my first $50,000 USD 1-on-1 client. This guy:
http://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/vi ... 4a6#p49951

Feels like a big milestone. I'm excited to change his life; he's taken a big leap of faith and is putting a lot of trust in me for that amount of money and that much time. Super excited.
congrats to einherjar!!!!! and you for signing on a huge client

KillYourInnerLoser said:
I may rebrand my content at some point; "Kill Your Inner Loser" absolutely does not fit the current headspace I'm in, or the direction of my content. "Kill" and "loser" sound very combative, very arrogant, very much full of pride to me. But it was a great username for a long time; glad I had it. (Nothing will change, I won't delete any content or remove the forums or anything; I'll just change the name everywhere).
colgate said:
site is called KILL!!!!! your inner loser
personally i found the name KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your inner loser to be riveting and inspirational, it's straight up a REMINDER for every guy in self improvement!

it certainly caught my attention and it serves to perpetually remind me that i always need to improve, and there's no right to complain if i haven't combated the things stopping me from living an awesome life (the loser).
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I may rebrand my content at some point; "Kill Your Inner Loser" absolutely does not fit the current headspace I'm in, or the direction of my content. "Kill" and "loser" sound very combative, very arrogant, very much full of pride to me. But it was a great username for a long time; glad I had it. (Nothing will change, I won't delete any content or remove the forums or anything; I'll just change the name everywhere).

Oh man I totally get this. I used to change my name all the time because it didn't align perfectly.

I went through a similar thing a while ago, my stuff used to be under "Project Unchained" but I realized "Project Unchained" makes it feel like you're chained and you're trying to unchain yourself... that's why I changed it to "Passion Unchained" where you can either be wanting to unchain your passion or you already have unchained passion and are now living an awesome life... It's much more positive.

My unsolicited advice - Find something that resonates and sit with it for a bit before you run with it and change the name everywhere. Also you can find a good name that's similar to what it already is, but with a very different feel. Like "Transform your inner loser" or "Transcend your inner loser."

I'm excited to see what the new name becomes.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Signed my first $50,000 USD 1-on-1 client. This guy:

Feels like a big milestone. I'm excited to change his life; he's taken a big leap of faith and is putting a lot of trust in me for that amount of money and that much time. Super excited.

I'm in a weird sort of transition period; not sure what I want from the future, still figuring out how to help the most number of people possible. I love coaching, but right now it's taking up ALL my time and energy, so I'd like to free up more time to help more people. But I know I have ~50 years left on this Earth (well, assuming I don't die early), and plenty of time to figure it all out. Right now I'm just focusing on helping each person who's right in front of me at that moment in time, and not putting pressure on myself to "change the world" or anything like that just yet.

That said, I've definitely got big ideas floating around in my head; book ideas, ideas for opening retreats to help people, ideas for huge guides on my site that'd be bigger than the Tinder guide, ideas for other YouTube channels. I may rebrand my content at some point; "Kill Your Inner Loser" absolutely does not fit the current headspace I'm in, or the direction of my content. "Kill" and "loser" sound very combative, very arrogant, very much full of pride to me. But it was a great username for a long time; glad I had it. (Nothing will change, I won't delete any content or remove the forums or anything; I'll just change the name everywhere).

It's all floating around in my head. It's exciting, even though I have no idea where the future will take me. I'm open to all possibility. As my best mate says:
"I have no expectations, only curiousity."

I'm grateful you're all here sharing this journey with me (and sharing your own journeys with me).

Just epic.

Glad we got to see it firsthand.

Coaching for me is still new, I did it for years as a project manager, and I also love people development - it always gives me energy, I am full of life after a call with clients. And that is part of my journey right now.

This is the next 5 years for me.

You've been deep in the space for 8 years. You're at another level now, and the next 8 years will unfold perfectly for you.

All this stuff is cycles of evolution.
