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If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

FWIW I think KYIL is an insanely good brand name. Gets the message across instantly, and it has the same 'hardcore' vibe as GLL except it communicates it through the brand name and not through the slogan, which is much better.

IIRC GLL had a few taglines throughout its history like "hardcore self-improvement" and "no bullshit self-improvement" or something along those lines. KYIL communicates the same without needing an extra line.

I feel like with your new headspace you run the danger of losing that edge which is what attracts us kind of people in the first place.

Just my 2c tho
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Signed my first $50,000 USD 1-on-1 client. This guy:

Feels like a big milestone. I'm excited to change his life; he's taken a big leap of faith and is putting a lot of trust in me for that amount of money and that much time. Super excited.

Although the goal I set for myself seems still a bit intimidating, I think there's just no other way... I just have to do it.
Grateful for having me!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Scotty (from Good Looking Loser) is going to come on my channel for an interview.

Leave your questions below and I'll ask him in the interview.

KillYourInnerLoser Question for scotty: You did private coaching for cold approach called ''Scotty's private training'', What/who was the most difficult client you've had and how were you able to help him overcome his problems and get laid? Scotty's Private Training for reference.
KillYourInnerLoser Question for the bodybuilding coach:

- How many rest days does he take each week?
-What's his daily protein intake like ( #grams of protein)?
- Any specific advice for someone who is at the stage of going from 20% bf to 15%?
KillYourInnerLoser For Scotty: He did extreme stuff and extreme approaches- did he get desensitized to when girls didn't like him or he could see they were creeped out? He strikes me as someone empathetic to girls and not no social awareness where he was just numb to their reactions. That's the hardest part for me is seeing when the girl is uncomfortable and not being affected by that. Also if there is anything he did beforehand that helped him do the more extreme approaches and extreme stuff (in an aa program podcast he said you just do it).

For sure want to ask good looking loser if there was a legal benefit to getting married and how he decided to get married. Also how he will raise his son in regards to making money and dating (nothing real specific to ask) will try to remember to ask this in a month or so
KillYourInnerLoser said:
^ Passion Unchained is a ridiculously good name.

Aww thanks man. Now I'm blushing.

For your body builder... I've done cuts before, 400-600 Calories for several months at a time. At the end I get to my goal or within a few pounds and then quit and bounce back and gain it all back, or at least a good chunk of it.

So I've decided to go slower so I don't bounce back. The issue is now that I'm going slower it doesn't seem like I'm making progress.

How can I go slow AND feel like I'm making progress? I'd rather go slow and keep the gains/losses than do it fast and lose them quickly.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
if you have questions you want me to ask Scotty about himself, the GLL days, Chris, etc - post them in this thread.

I'm genuinely disappointed with how little engagement this opportunity got. I'll go all Leeroy Jenkins and start locking threads left and right, you geeks.

Anywho, here are my questions:

- Who were his dating mentors and what did he learn from them?
- Does he have any big "no-nos" when approaching and what are they? Say, not approaching the receptionist at the gym or something like that.
- I think he has gotten in a few fights when approaching. Can he share some story fights and what he would do today to avoid them?
- Were there any girls that made him want to be monogamous and stop sleeping around? If so, what qualities did those girls have?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Scotty (from Good Looking Loser) is going to come on my channel for an interview.

Leave your questions below and I'll ask him in the interview.

(Chris from GLL is going to come on in the next month or so, once he has more free time).

- How did his mindset around women and dating evolved since the GLL era ?
- Does he have a different strategy to meet women nowadays ?
- What has he been focusing on since he stopped being with GLL ?
- What are his plans for the future ?
For the bodybuilding coach:

If someone is overweight, what is the best option for exercise - lifting or cardio?

Right now my thinking is cardio is better for burning calories so I'll do that until I've lost the weight, and then begin to lift when I want to add muscle.

As before I was lifting while overweight but it felt like a waste of time because I can't gain muscle in a calorie deficit.

For Scotty,
Have you ever had to manage guilt relating to lifestyle, choices or sacrifices that he had to make?
If so, how did you handle it and did it get better with time?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Scotty (from Good Looking Loser) is going to come on my channel for an interview.

Leave your questions below and I'll ask him in the interview.

For Scotty,

  • It seems from everything on GLL that you were all about cold approach and getting laid that way. That impression may be false. If it's true, why did you never become an "insider" when it comes to clubs/bars, like a promoter, bouncer, etc.?
  • How did you get into the extreme sort of stuff? For example, I listened to a podcast you did with Chris about pulling girls into bathrooms at clubs and banging them there. Did you just keep getting ballsier and balliser with your approaches or did someone show you it was possible?

  • What's your protocol for going out to bars/clubs solo and actually getting laid? I've been going out solo but only getting numbers and making out with chicks/grabbing some ass. How do you get them to leave their friends and come back to your place? Or do you try to bang them there?
Question for Scotty:
Judging by your latest podcast with Chris, you seem to have become a more spiritual type of person, less cocerned with external success. So my Q is, how do you maintain the drive to push forward while at the same time avoiding the trap of hedonism? Is it even possible?
KillYourInnerLoser question for Scotty:

You mentioned in the podcast with Chris you previously stayed on 500mg Testosterone for years, do you feel having a above naturally possible level of muscle mass played a significant role in your success with girls?
Lots of great questions in here already.

For Scotty:
Hey Scotty, you intimidate me. In my mind, you're the ultimate hardcore polarizing no-fucks-given-badboy.

In your experience, how important is it to be polarizing with ones looks/vibe/personality when it comes to dating? Is it something you'd encourage anyone else to look into?
For Scotty

- What is the looks threshold for hot girls without needing perfect game?
- How can you be the top dog (dominate social situations)?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
He was super nervous to do content for my channel, so I'm sure he'd appreciate a nice comment - I think he killed it.

I asked the best copywriter in the world (not me, btw) to write a poem congratulating and encouraging Radical to keep going. Here's what they came up with:

Congratulations, Radical, on venturing forth
Out of your comfort zone, from the land of the known
You've taken a bold step, a path that's unexplored
To the places where growth and adventure are sown

It's never easy to leave what we know
To take a leap of faith, to dare and to dream
But you've shown courage, and that's quite a show
A journey of discovery, a voyage upstream

With each new challenge, you'll find yourself anew
Expanding your horizons, exploring the unknown
Don't fear the hardships, the journey is true
It's in the struggles, that growth is sown

So keep going, Radical, keep pushing ahead
Through the ups and the downs, the joys and the tears
For greatness awaits, in the paths less tread
And you'll discover strengths, beyond your fears

In this journey, you'll find wisdom and grace
A new world of wonder, a life of fullness and zest
So keep going, Radical, at your own pace
And may your journey be one of your life's best.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Scotty (from Good Looking Loser) is going to come on my channel for an interview.

Leave your questions below and I'll ask him in the interview.

(Chris from GLL is going to come on in the next month or so, once he has more free time).

Wilt Chamberlain stated the following during a 1999 interview:

Having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I’ve learned in my life. I’ve [also] found out that having one woman a thousand different times is more satisfying.”

- Very curious to hear how you, your bodybuilding coach, Chris and Scotty feel about this

- Also curious what weight, bodyfat %, physique and strength level each of you feel you've had the most romantic and sexual success at

- Would also love to hear how each of you feel about mental health/mindset/mental strength compared to physical health/aesthetics/physical strength in terms of romantic success