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If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'll be interviewing an OnlyFans girl in the next few weeks, so if you guys have any questions you'd like to ask her about working in the amateur porn industry, or OnlyFans itself, or sex, or anything else - leave them here and I'll ask her.

I'd love to hear, in as much detail as possible,

what the men who are her favorite to date and her favorite to sleep with are like

(and if her favorite to date/sleep with are the same men or different men)

and why they are her favorites


again in as much detail as she can give,

what her favorite sexual experiences have been and why.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
@MILFandCookies - your new profile pic is insanely cool.

Thanks man. Took that in the heat of summer... sweat balls underneath but it was worth it 8-)
Thanks KillYourInnerLoser and Immy! You're both rockstars. This was very helpful.

Doing shoots of myself for Tinder this year has reignited my interest in photography. I very much enjoy coming up with artistic concepts and planning shoots for them. Photographing people, especially women and appreciating the feminine form, and spending time editing later is probably my favorite to do in photography.

Thank you for describing how the shoots unfold for you and Immy. I would love to make it an all day thing like you describe where maybe we do a bit of shooting in the city, have a date, have sex, do some more shooting, and have some more sex, ect.

I already have professional lights and equipment. I'm going to work on getting my old shoots up in a portfolio and trying out messaging girls to see if they're interested.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
RogerRoger said:
Man that's rough. End of an era - and a whole lot of logs. At least you got this going before it was too late.

Yeah mate. And hey - I'm super grateful to you for downloading my log a year or so ago (I think it was you?) I'm going to reupload a lot of my old logs onto my own site, so there's still a live copy of it all.

GLL is back up now, in case you didn't see/wanted to download anything else.
Just sent a girl I'm seeing your Threesome Guide, the last chapter from you and Imogen. She's really excited to try this with me.

Re-read it and am super grateful about how clear it makes things to girls. Can't wait to finally cross this off my list, it's been a long time coming.
I would have said I'm scared to leave my well paying job because I can't find the vision for the next 5 years of my life, as I get closer to achieve 80% of the goals that I set myself up 5 years ago ( a truckload of lessons learned) But it's not my job the issue, I'm scared that I'm stuck in a place where I don't know where to go next, hence finding the way and purpose scares me because it requires me to take a long and hard look at myself and whatever I feel is next, have the courage to pursue
KillYourInnerLoser said:
AskTheDom said:
I'm scared that I'm stuck in a place where I don't know where to go next

What do you WANT?

Sit by yourself, with a big piece of paper, and write at the top of it: "What do I want?"

You can also try standing in front of the mirror, looking into your eyes, and asking out loud (say it out loud): "What do you want?"

See what answers come back to you.

Yeah that question Is always my go to to move myself to action, but trying this only leads to crickets... I think I reached a block where I know the box where I'm so well, I need to go at the edge and look what is outside
AskTheDom said:
I would have said I'm scared to leave my well paying job because I can't find the vision for the next 5 years of my life, as I get closer to achieve 80% of the goals that I set myself up 5 years ago ( a truckload of lessons learned) But it's not my job the issue, I'm scared that I'm stuck in a place where I don't know where to go next, hence finding the way and purpose scares me because it requires me to take a long and hard look at myself and whatever I feel is next, have the courage to pursue

So after coaching people through this specific issue you're outlining. The truth is, is that you probably do know it's just 1) you haven't thought about it enough for it to feel detailed and clear and/or 2) you're worried about it not working.

Journal a lot and give yourself some time to clarify your next big thing.

Its probably right under your nose, just start listening to your gut more, and ask yourself questions you can answer.

You might not know exactly what the next big thing is, but you can probably identify what you don't want.

What you want is usually just the flipside of what you don't want.

Hope that helps a bit.


And nice job Andy. I'm sure you'll fucking get it done. After a bunch of hard shit you have to go through first.
I’d say the main thing that scares me is sticking my neck out to look as good as I ever have in my life by taking control of my looks & style.

I’ve never been socialized to think I was attractive or anything, so I’ve never had much confidence in that area. (However, I have been socialized since I was young to think I’ll be rich one day, and I’m 100% convinced I will help many business owners become millionaires.)

I want to get control of my looks/presentation in 2023. Then begin to understand what role I want women to play on my life. I’ve tried to do it backwards, and the return has been extremely low. Time to follow the process.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I want you all to reply to this thread with the one goal you want that terrifies you the most. Your biggest fear (that's also something you really really really want). Starting right now and in the beginning of 2023, let's start those first few baby steps towards making it happen. I'm here for you, the mods are here for you, the rest of the community is here for you - let's get you the things you want.

I want to build myself into such an elite man with such an elite body and such an elite life that beautiful women are now chasing me.
Even one client at 50k would be a huge win, congrats for having the balls to try your ideas
I'm Andy's 1st Twitter follower.

I may have to create a new Twitter for my brand.

But I still won.

The most dedicated.

Definitely cold approach. I've gotten some lays from online but I want the wholesomeness of picking up a girl off the street and taking her home.

It would do wonders for my social skills, and I'd have so much more abundance.

I plan to go out on the streets with Pancake at some point in the near future.

In 2023 I want to be able to get consistent sex and have some level of abundance. Let's go!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Any of you on Twitter? Come say hi:

Gonna be tweeting motivational stuff, self-improvement advice, epiphanies I have as I go about my day, maybe some vids here and there. It'll all be super positive, aiming to GIVE VALUE to your life.

MakingAComeback said:
I'm Andy's 1st Twitter follower.

I may have to create a new Twitter for my brand.

Yeet! 3rd!

Probz gonna create a twitter for my brand too - good idea.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Doing What Scares Me

Hoping this will inspire you motherfuckers and show you it's ok to be *ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TERRIFIED* of some of your goals - that's part of this journey.

Something I've been wanting to do for a long time is move towards my dream coaching situation: I'd work with 1 or 2 people at a time, for a full year each - 12 months of coaching. I've been saying I'd probably charge $100,000 USD for that and just go ALL IN with them, building them the most insanely elite life.

That'd be such an amazing way of coaching - think how much I could help someone change their life in an entire YEAR. Could probably get them 10 or 20 years worth of progress in just 1 year. Plus that'd obviously MORE than pay all my bills - I wouldn't need anything else. Every single bit of money I'd earn elsewhere (eg group coaching, ebooks I might sell, etc) would be a bonus. True abundance.

Today I was shitting my pants but I did it anyway - I've taken the first step towards this. I put my 1-on-1 coaching price up to $50,000 USD for 6 months. The thought of that absolutely terrifies me, I have a billion doubts about it ("What if people say that's an insane price, what if nobody ever signs up for the rest of my life, what if everybody calls me greedy and stops watching my content and stops changing their life and I end up old and alone and I die alone?")

But I did it anyway, because it's what I want to do - even if it terrifies me. We don't build elite lives by playing it safe - we build elite lives by running towards the things that fucking terrify us.

“If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough.”
- Muhammad Ali

I want you all to reply to this thread with the one goal you want that terrifies you the most. Your biggest fear (that's also something you really really really want). Starting right now and in the beginning of 2023, let's start those first few baby steps towards making it happen. I'm here for you, the mods are here for you, the rest of the community is here for you - let's get you the things you want.

No more fucking holding back.

EDIT: Just recorded a video too:


Already shared this with you in a different place but I want to share here too so I have more accountability.

My big scary goals
1: Build my dating profile photography biz to $10k (not the scary part) THEN hire out all the photography to other awesome photographers and build my biz to $20k while being location independent

2: Build Passion Unchained to help guys with all aspects of life not just dating profiles, and sell digital courses, bringing in $50k/month (including from dating profile photography and courses etc.)

3: Create and release a show (youtube, netflix or somewhere else) where I travel the world and learn from different master craftsmen, apprenticing with them. Kind of like Anthony Bourdain but with crafts instead of food... like learning to make pottery from an old Japanese dude, then woodworking with someone in Sweden, and on and on...

I have a few more large goals too. At one point I want to create a blueprint for "Passion Gym" which is a place people can explore different crafts, sports, studies etc. Like college but all for fun. Mix between college and makerspace. The blueprint would be open source, like the makerspace blueprint, free for anyone to take and create their own.

This will revolutionize the world and help people live based on passion rather than obligation. Doing what they love, giving them the opportunity to explore the depths of their passion and desires.

I'd create 1 and run it, and then help others independently create their own around the world like "makerspaces."
KillYourInnerLoser and Manganiello

You guys are right and I need to go back to the old "ask myself the same question for 30 days" to see what comes up.

I know for sure there is something dormant because I can't say without a doubt "Nah i'm good, I want a bit more of what I've"
KillYourInnerLoser said:
AskTheDom said:
I would have said I'm scared to leave my well paying job because I can't find the vision for the next 5 years of my life, as I get closer to achieve 80% of the goals that I set myself up 5 years ago ( a truckload of lessons learned) But it's not my job the issue, I'm scared that I'm stuck in a place where I don't know where to go next, hence finding the way and purpose scares me because it requires me to take a long and hard look at myself and whatever I feel is next, have the courage to pursue

I recorded this for another guy who asked a similar question. Might help:

Finding Your Passion (When You Have No Passions)

Thanks buddy, will definitely check it out