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If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

KillYourInnerLoser said:
I've set up an Instagram, I'll be posting pics I shoot with girls, as well as videos and other content. Follow here:

that newest pic of you and Immy is fire. The level of bad ass dominance you show in that pic is awesome. well done man!
Fuck photography is fucking insane there

But Andy one thing I gotta say is god damn you’ve made some serious gains

Body lookin solid as fuck

From a former fat boy to another you are killing the game my dude

I’m gonna read the threesome guide come to the training and make this threesome happen asap man

Let’s gooooooo

KillYourInnerLoser said:
OnlyFans podcast answering a bunch of your questions:


This was an incredibly interesting interview! There's a girl who worked at a coffee shop I frequented that I became friends with and I only recently found out she had an OF. Turns out she worked the job at the coffee shop because she loved the work and found it fulfilling. She made a killing on OF, so she didn't need the extra money or to even work for that matter. I didn't get too into the weeds with her about it, but it's definitely something I'd love to pick her brain about after seeing this interview. I wonder how much of her experience and perspective overlaps with these two girls. I'd imagine most girls who get into this kind of thing with well-meaning intentions have pretty similar mindsets and experiences.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Killer interview with Zach about masculinity, dealing with your demons, becoming a social animal and why you're a pussy if you can't look into your own eyes in the mirror:


Zach is such a stand-up dude. His demeanor and attitude is always positive and motivating. There's a lot of really insightful self-reflection in this video that I think people can learn from. There's no doubt in my mind that Zach's going to be insanely successful at everything he sets out to achieve. This kind of video, where you two riff off different philosophical ideas about self-improvement, is great because it allows you to explore different ways of perceiving the same concept with each other. You mention it in the video, but there might be someone out there that resonates with the way Zach thinks about an issue compared to the way someone else might express it. I think getting as many "voices" as possible to talk about concepts like this is a great way for ideas to reach the most amount of people and do the most amount of good.

I think it's safe to say I'm familiar with the struggles that come along with fighting my own inner demons and learning to love myself. I always knew how to fix it, but I never bought into the way of thinking about it that most people offered me. I couldn't make that mental shift without hearing a perspective that resonated with me. It's only recently that I've started to make a break-through in this area even though it's the SAME THING that people have been telling me (and I knew I had to do) all along. I had the same experience when it came to learning how to talk to girls. It wasn't until I read content by Chris and you that it finally all clicked for me because the way you two thought about and presented the information. The underlying ideas just make sense to me. I think the same goes for almost anything concept. I had to find a way of loving myself that made sense to me. Also, if I heard my neighbor saying "girls love to lick your asshole" through the walls of my apartment every morning, I'd get pumped up everyday myself. That's the kind of positive self-talk we can all learn from.

I really enjoy long-form interview style content. You've been killin it, man!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'm going to turn the Tinder guide into a (paid) video course, and I want to massively improve the original guide. What questions do you have that the original guide didn't answer, what would you like to see included or expanded upon, what topics do you want me to cover that I didn't in the original?
(I already plan on covering Tinder Platinum, what to do if your account gets banned).

It's gonna be a massively updated and better version. Let's make it the best damn guide ever.

I think that guide can be fairly summarized in your mantra
be hot and play the numbers game

I can only think of three things that you mentioned but not in as much depth as I would advise, on hindsight:
- How to dress better fast (Radical's guide, maybe 3 outfits guys can "aim" to, plus how to keep learning to dress better: following content, thinking in terms of outfits instead of pieces, etc.)
- How to pose. This was life-changing to me, to the point that got me a few modeling gigs and I'm killing it on ig (when I was a fucking zero and totally convinced you either had it or not). These videos were what got the ball rolling, and I found them here on the forum (1, 2)
-How to get quality pictures for Tinder/Ig. So, I already had a camera when I discovered the guide and it ended up being the one you recommended (same with the lens). However, it took me TWO years of: me taking self-portraits, asking my girlfriend to take pictures, asking friends to take pictures, to learn the thing that had the most impact: hiring a professional photographer. Like, I went from a few matches a week to a few matches a day.

I found your Tinder guide on 2020 and those three things were the ones I struggled the most to get right, and the combination ended up multiplying my results a few times. But the foundation is laid out on your guide and that alone improved my results A LOT, going from zero to having a threesome:
- Using Tinder platinum
- Having a script
- Getting earrings/piercings/tattoos
- Using rings, necklaces and other accessories
- Dressing better, improving the pictures (I did see improvements right away)
- Going to the gym (I was on track before your guide though)
- Dedicating time to the app. In my experience, 15 minutes a day is enough.
- The forum
- The mindset. The second you start focusing on being hot and playing the numbers game, everything else is simple and straightforward. Improve your body, improve your looks, improve your pictures, dedicate time to Tinder. It's not easy (I would be an asshole to myself two years ago if I said that), but it really is simple.

I could keep writing, but those are the bigger things that came to my mind. Also, I'm really happy you decide to make a product out of it. You fucking deserve it. I have no idea how, and take it with a grain of salt coming from me, but I didn't give a fuck about your blog or your content until I applied the guide. If I haven't actually read the guide and put it to use, I wouldn't be here two years later. Of course, you already must have thought about it, but you will need to give something free so people go and want more. It's funny, but on retrospective the earrings advice really stuck with me. Same with the script. Those two things were straightforward and easy to implement right away.
how to run multiple tinder accounts at once (if that's still possible)
also on bumble, hinge etc if applicable
Brother, many of us have watched this over and over and we have been talking about it endlessly.

This was really fuckin special man.

Come August, I am joining you, and will work my butt off to have success like this.

And I'm grateful to have you to coach me through it!

KillYourInnerLoser said:
@Spider Jerusalem , @Drama , @Slurp , @Mimbe393939 , @Paid Renegade , @twonightstander and @GentleBlack , I gave all of you advice.


Andy, thank you so much for this brother. Appreciate the shoutout and the solid advice

Good to see the forums growing as well. I've never came across a more supportive community either online or in the non-virtual world than the guys on here.

Afraid the Sexologist flaked on me about 10 minutes ago, but I will send her the Sexual Bucket List as a 'homework' task as per your advice between now and if I see her again. I don't believe she'll be wanting to meet and I'm fully expecting her to ghost, but If she fills out the bucket list or not, I believe that will be the test of if she wants to see me again.

Thanks again man

Oh wow, thank you Andy for calling me out!!! I'm definitely overthinking the whole thing. From now on, it will only be autistic robot mode. Execute the drill and leave. No thinking, just executing.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
We hit 231 concurrent users online at the same time - how cool is that? Recorded a special episode, dove deep into some of your logs and gave a few of you advice:


@Spider Jerusalem , @Drama , @Slurp , @Mimbe393939 , @Paid Renegade , @twonightstander and @GentleBlack , I gave all of you advice.

These forums have come a long way since I set them up - it's cool to see everybody here crushing it. Keep on pushing.

Onwards and upwards,

Wow what a way to wake up haha, I appreciate the kind words about my consistency in my log even though I am relatively new, I will keep posting. Only action though ;)

I watch/read a lot of your content it was nice seeing my name on there haha, thank you.
S/O @KillYourInnerLoser !!

Thanks for he review and the advice.

I'll take the step to post EVERY DAMN DAY until I feel like I evolved enough.
I heard you, no more counting the likes, but let's focus on the REAL GOAL.

I'm happy to see the forum going well and that you keep reaching your goals.

I gently summon Light and Peace on you !
KillYourInnerLoser said:
We hit 231 concurrent users online at the same time - how cool is that? Recorded a special episode, dove deep into some of your logs and gave a few of you advice:


@Spider Jerusalem , @Drama , @Slurp , @Mimbe393939 , @Paid Renegade , @twonightstander and @GentleBlack , I gave all of you advice.

These forums have come a long way since I set them up - it's cool to see everybody here crushing it. Keep on pushing.

Onwards and upwards,

Thanks dude! Appreciate the personalised advice. Definitely in the hustle and grind mindset, and I know I probably could get to 100% of my business goal before end of September but it will be a bit of a stretch. Your words did motivate me to do it though, and you're right, I should focus on this as it's my #1 goal and then I can spend the final part of the year focusing on fitness, girls and other shit.

Also Drama is a sick name haha - I don't like drama either but I like the name.
You need to put the oxygen mask first on yourself before helping others right?
All the bests buddy and thank you for creating a space for excellence and chasing greatness
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Been feeling really down lately, and it's something I haven't really shared with any of my mates, or any of you guys, or anyone else really. Today I woke up and decided to do something about it - I talked more about everything here:


The TL;DR is that I've been neglecting my own happiness, my own good habits, and my own goals - telling myself "I can put my stuff aside for a bit, I need to focus on my coaching clients and everyone else but me". Well, guess what happens when you neglect your own happiness and you neglect your own goals?

Drumroll please....

...You start feeling depressed. It's not rocket-science.

What I'm doing to get back on track:
- Back into gym 5 days a week, no excuses
- Prioritizing hanging out with friends again, no excuses
- Focusing on my current mission ($15,000 USD per month income)
- Meditating and doing daily gratitude exercises

On that last note - I'm super grateful to all of you. You guys inspire the living shit out of me, and there are times where it feels so surreal to be part of a community this awesome - and to have my name on the banner at the top of the page. So many of you have kicked so much ass, done such mind-blowingly brilliant things, and changed your lives and the lives of those around you. I'm proud to know every single one of you guys.

EDIT: Follow-up podcast giving more of my thoughts:

I'm Grateful for You Guys.

Cheers guys.


This was superb, I enjoyed this video a lot, and found it super relateable given my own recent struggles and finding my way with inner work.

It's a powerful reminder and I am excited for you to find top form again and realise higher levels.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
AskTheDom said:
You need to put the oxygen mask first on yourself before helping others right?

Exactly what I tell everybody except myself.

Appreciate the kind words mate. You've been killing it, it's impressive to see. I've definitely noticed.

The sooner this conversation can take place, the better. In particular, I went to my first BDSM event, ever, and had the fortune of having the entire process taken care of for me by The Dom. It was a killer experience and the best night out I've had since my journey began. Coming back, I decided I want to learn more, and I think the two of you could have an absolutely amazing discussion on BDSM, sex-positive culture, and how guys like us can get into BDSM and learn more.

Sit down and have a conversation, gents, we'd love to hear it.



Love your content as ever bro. Thank you for being you.

You help us more than you will know.

It's my day off Sundays. I will listen to this whole stream in the evening. Day time will be exploring London and doing some self care.

And I will be on the coaching call next week LMAO

Thanks for your feedback on my offer I revised it, and I have 3 guys onboarded, 4th to onboard today. Then I will get 1 more guy somehow. I have one who is a maybe. These are all FREE clients. I get those 5 testimonials and then I will push to get paid clients.

Come so far in life man it's crazy. I choked up the other day thinking about it.


Aw man this sucks! Didn't know you would go live in Youtube because I didn't expect to be knee deep in my goals in almost a month!

Will keep an eye next time :)
I am grateful for you too Andy. Seriously, my life would not be the same if not for your website.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'm really grateful for all of you. I'm so grateful I get to wake up each day and come on here and see a bunch of men who want to improve themselves, who push themselves even when they're terrified, who want to make their lives better and have a positive impact on the world. I'm grateful people like you exist; I'm really really grateful.

For the OnlyFans girl I'm curious if there are guys who subscribe to her that are doing fine in their dating life, or are they just guys who can't get any in their everyday lives.

Love the interesting angles and content you find + create man. Keep it up.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Sat down with @Bman for an epic interview

Thank you for having me on. Was a blast to actually meet you, had a ton of fun, and very grateful.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
On another note, I'll be interviewing an OnlyFans girl in the next few weeks, so if you guys have any questions you'd like to ask her about working in the amateur porn industry, or OnlyFans itself, or sex, or anything else - leave them here and I'll ask her.

If she is collaborating with someone, either a photographer or someone to have sex with in her content, how does she source them? If she is using dating apps, how is she screening for collaborators?

Also, this does not have to be during the interview, but would like to hear from you, KillYourInnerLoser, about:
  • What ways have you asked girls to do photoshoots?
  • How many girls are open to shoots vs not?
  • What's a typical day with shoot look like for you since you also sleep with these girls?

I'm into photography and actually have done boudoir style shoots in the past, but obviously was not sleeping with them after the shoot. Something I'd like to start doing in the future, so would be cool to hear a podcast at some point about your shoots.