If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

I think I read the original version back in 2012. Rereading this article every New Years, now that I think about it, has been one of my most enduring traditions/habits.

He reposted it into this article: https://killyourinnerloser.com/how-i-beat-my-approach-anxiety/

I think you need to be signed in the goodlookingloser forums for the originals
Yeah! You're probably already going to ask him - why does he suggest being non-direct when it comes to saying you're sleeping with other girls - by leaving earrings around etc. rather than being up front?

Also would most girls be into an open relationship if you approach it the right way in his experience? Or are there many girls that no matter what it's not an option?

Fukkin congrats btw. I know you look up to him a ton - it must feel nice to have this opportunity.
Did he reach out to you? If he did then I am glad because I recommended it to him at least twice I believe. I think we would all love to hear a discussion between you both regarding your differing philosophies regarding honesty with girls and initiating/managing open relationships.
I know BlackDragon but not as much as most guys here do.

I'd like you to ask him what he does for money& how he got there that allows him to travel around the world & "plant flags".
I would ask for his take on how to set-up threesome.

Also, I tried his gameplan for referral game a bunch of times but no girl ever seems into it (basically asking her if she has cute friends you can fuck with her setting it up). Is this a bad stroke of luck or is his success rate with this similar?

He's been pumping out content lately so it's hard to find questions which he hasn't answered in a video already.
OFC we want that Chris interview..he is the man.
Also interviewing Derek (DC7 in good looking loser forum)..
How about messaging Derek(more plates more dates on YouTube) i am 100% sure he and Chris are close friends and have been business partners..
OFC we want that Chris interview..he is the man.
Also interviewing Derek (DC7 in good looking loser forum)..
How about messaging Derek(more plates more dates on YouTube) i am 100% sure he and Chris are close friends and have been business partners..
Andy... congratulations.... you are the fucking man! getting these interviews and everything...
I'm so happy for you!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Drop any questions below you've always wanted to ask BlackDragon, and I'll hit him with them.

1. What is your prediction on how depopulation (declining populations) will affect the world markets? Will it help skilled labor as there are fewer people with certain skills? Or will hurt skilled labor as there are fewer buyers? Or will it be a case by case basis? If so, what areas do you see it hurting and what areas do you see it helping?

2. I read that $3,000,000 (3 million) is the target goal for savings one needs to retire. Does that number sound correct, or should a person aim higher? If so, how much would you suggest?

3. (Not really a question)--Like Andy, I'm a huge Blackdragon fan. I'm currently reading his book "Unchained Man" and am doing the exercises/assignments suggested in the book. They have given me mental clarity as I now have a framework for what I want to accomplish (instead of a bunch of random goals). With that said, I wanted to say thank you, and I look forward to your future content.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'm not sure if he's ever had 3somes though? No point asking someone who hasn't done it for advice on it - just use my 3some guide and all the myriad of podcasts I've done on the subject.
He has, at least he claims so. He never elaborated on his process, which is why I thought to ask.

I know it boils down to finding two women and getting them together, but you never know if there's a tip or whatever you're missing that makes the process easier.
MattsCrib said:
2) How do you get... Started? How do you gain these experiences?

I would like to hear this broken down by this gentleman, I have seen maybe 2 of his videos, but I know many of you are big fans so I would like to add to the above:

Q) How would you help the regular guy build a solid sex life from scratch?

Note: I am well on my way through following the process Andy laid out, so this is not so much a question for me, rather, it is one I would like to see broken down between Andy and the upcoming guest. The reason being, I found the hardcore self improvement we push here to be the biggest needle-mover I could have imagined. Losing weight, building confidence, hardcore accountability, and embracing the suck, really helped me make incremental progress. I wonder what his take is?

Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
Q) How would you help the regular guy build a solid sex life from scratch?


I had this post bookmarked for the longest time. Should be recommended reading imo.

Only thing I really disagree with is talking to women for style advice. But we got Radical for that.
That's actually a really cool article, thanks Holden!

The first point is one which many have made to me, and it will be how I live moving forward...Once this remote work contract is sorted, I'm off to a better location, and for ateast 6 months I will need to go truly all in.

It's a theme that comes up for many men on their journey. Rubber has to meet the road somewhere.

Keep hammering,
Yeah do not ask women for style advice. Many of them will know menswear quite well but they won’t honestly dress you up as someone that they would fuck
MattsCrib im sure about that

Get advice from guys that actually get laid a lot

And you shouldnt trust your own opinions on this stuff if you havent got much experience