If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

Of the many options available what are the top 5 things you dislike about Crisis_Overcomer ?
Of everything ive done id recommend they watch that video KillYourInnerLoser posted above

I go over what my old tinder profile looked like - when i knew jack shit

Vs the profile Andy built for me like 2 years ago. One that still works to this day
KillYourInnerLoser said:
PK47 said:
Will there be a part 2, where you facepaint imogen while she answers stupid questions?

I can do this. Does anyone have stupid questions for her?

Does she get jealous when other guys stick their penis in you?

On a more serious note:
Andy's pretty directing... what does Andy do that makes you feel comfortable rather than controlled?
1) How often do you think about death?
2) What was the catalyst (if there was one) that made you change your behavior to improve yourself?
3) What would you say was harder for you, doing the AA program or quitting your job and going full time on coaching?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
PK47 said:
Will there be a part 2, where you facepaint imogen while she answers stupid questions?

I can do this. Does anyone have stupid questions for her?

1. If you were to be 18 again (or whatever age you were before meeting Andy), but keep your experiences, would you go open-relationship path again, go for standard relationship, or maybe just see what happens?
2. Is magic wand really this good, or does just Andy likes it so much because it's BIG and SCARY looking?
3. Tell us some Andy's embarassing secrets. That's not a question, but ask this anyway.

Also, now that I think of it, the last two are for both of you.
4. What is the thing you liked to do (sex-wise) when you were inexperienced, but do not like doing now.
5. What is the thing is hated doing as beginners, but like doing now?
Do you hate Andy as much as I do for suggesting a 365 project?

Serious one: How has it gone for you, has your art noticeably improved? Have you learnt a lot about yourself in terms of delivering under the 1 a day pressure?
Of course the painting on you looks kinda quirky and interesting whereas you just drew penises on immy
I feel kinda disappointed to see Immy waste that excellent oportunity to draw a penis on your face for our amusement
KillYourInnerLoser said:
MakingAComeback said:
Shit I had a few for Imogen, looks like I've missed the cut off for this one - next time.

Ask now and we will answer

I'm not him but I thought of one for her:

How do you keep art fun to do even though it's kinda like a job now?

Oh and for a friend... does a guy being bisexual scare girls off? or is it neutral? Or even hot?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
MakingAComeback said:
Shit I had a few for Imogen, looks like I've missed the cut off for this one - next time.

Ask now and we will answer

Cool man, thank you. Bit of a delay my end, dry fasting - but when she can pick up these q's, I'd be interested in hearing her thoughts:

(1) What do you find particularly attractive in guys? For example, if you were in a hypothetical situation where you were to interact with 10 dudes, with 9 bein very average, and 1 being an attractive dude who you were excited to interact with, what would it be about him that made you feel that way - height, muscles, style, confidence, or something else?
(2) What about Andy separates him from the pack? What about him makes him different from the average guy?
(3) What for you is your idea of the perfect day with Andy? What is an example of the type of day you've had with him in the past that was really memorable?

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Sisyphus said:
1) How often do you think about death?
2) What was the catalyst (if there was one) that made you change your behavior to improve yourself?
3) What would you say was harder for you, doing the AA program or quitting your job and going full time on coaching?

These are god-tier questions. The 2nd one is answered in my "How I Beat Depression" article/vid though - go watch that

Andy, read the whole thing... Didn't know you were at such a horrible mental place before. Thanks for being so open and sincere with us, I can now understand a lot of what you say better and I could relate to a lot of the things you went through.
Love this video.

A lot of really relevant and important information that everyone should hear.

play_time_is_over 👏👏👏 King shit right here
Cheers for the video and answer Andy. I've changed my goal and will take your advice and thoughts onboard. I'm working through 'You Don't Have the Luxury of a Negative Thought' right now but will pick up 'The Slight Edge' after.
Andy, I would love to listen in on this video, but we would appreciate if you can have timestamps for questions for long videos like these.

I know you're pressed for time now, but that's just a suggestion I'd love in the future :)
Thank for these videos Andy, I've started listening to them on my way to work, they've all been really good.
You've managed to interpret my question
Lostcause said:
1. If you were to be 18 again (or whatever age you were before meeting Andy), but keep your experiences, would you go open-relationship path again, go for standard relationship, or maybe just see what happens?
Just to clarify - there was no implied question here, especially about specific person (being you).
Just a curiosity what is Imogen's opinion on sucha unusual relationships (like yours) as she obviously had an opportunity to experience it firsthand.
The answer was very interesting to think about by the way.
What would you consider the ratio to be in terms of attractive men who visit strip clubs vs un-attractive (judged by whatever her standard of attractive is)? Could also quickly define her standard of attractiveness if time permits. No real reason for the question, just curious.