If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

If I'm not too late with the stripper: where does she find boyfriends/people to date? In the strip scene (managers, bartenders, etc.) or outside of the scene? If so, how do they react upon learning her profession?
The lack of focus on situational approach anxiety is one of the missed opportunities of the AA program. There are only a few days where you're forced or even encouraged to approach in a specific situation, like stationary, or groups of women, or mixed gender groups. I'm challenging myself to go out of my way to do some of these tough situations.

Today, I failed to approach: (can't figure out bullet points on this forum)
[*]2 women who were outside the entrance of a store[/text]
[*]stirring her coffee at the coffee shop
[*]2 women (one much prettier than the other) waiting for coffee in line. Don't wanna offend the uglier one.
[*]some walking opposite direction
[*]had someone who looked like a parent trailing behind
[*]sat down eating (admittedly seems super rude AND pointless).
This was asking the time and opinions, which is almost as hard or just as hard as telling girls they're cute for guys like myself. There are so many myriad forms of AA it's hard to even begin to list them all.

Verbalizing irrational fears about approaching is something I haven't tried. Of course you only have a coupla seconds to react in many cases so it has to be fast. If this tactic works in the AA program, I'll tag you in my log.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Relevant to a lot of you guys right now who are hitting on chicks during the daytime:


Interesting stuff. Also interesting how everyone has different situations that scare them more. Like I'm really inexperienced but I'm already getting comfortable talking to girls with their friends. But I dont really know how to approach girls walking toward me, if I'm approaching on the street I developed a new strategy to just wait for the girl to come by (pretend I didn't see her and look at my phone or something, then follow her and walk alongside and approach). I have no idea how to approach when they're just walking toward me and get them to stop. I'm also chicken about approaching when there is a guy in the group (even if he's not obviously the bf) and also when other people are within hearing distance of my approach (I don't think I've ever done one where other people besides the girl's female friend could hear me approaching), but I know those are bullshit because no one really cares and if anything they would probably think it was cool.
Ya I mean I thought I'd be done with AA once I was done the program. But you quickly realize. You're done with AA on the situations you've practiced on.

So now it's a game to get comfortable in all situations.

It's funny how our brain is wired.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
For those of you hitting on chicks in person (or trying to):

That's great motivation! I think I've done around 50 approaches now and I'm finally starting to enjoy it and not dread it. So just now it's getting fun and I'm actually starting to enjoy and just be curious about what the girls reactions are but for the first 30-40 I was terrified almost every time. It's funny to think about how irrational approach anxiety is in terms of risk. Like it's literally one of the safest things anyone could do, the odds of actually being in physical danger from it are basically zero but like you said, at first it feels like going to war. If our anxiety responses were rational, our adrenaline would surge when we were driving or just crossing a busy street as those are way more risky activities. So just stepping back and thinking about how irrational the fear is has helped me, hopefully it could help someone else too.
Anyone that is at any stage of this journey will benefit from listening to that interview

Mandatory for all KYIL guys
Hey Andy , great to see your own log !

oh and since you locked that topic - i just wanted to say .. i don't know , i feel sort of bad for writing what i did on there ( that drugs topic i think )

i had no intention of detracting !

though i honestly just wanted your take on it .. i did not know about your LSD past

sorry mate - i really shouldn't be saying what's good or what's bad for anyone else , to each their own truly

and we should all strive to think for ourselves and freely ( this is exactly how i came to know about and believe in NoFap - for close to 8.5 years i had fapped without knowing how bad porn and masturbation addiction was ! When i did my own research i got to know that i had to stop doing that shit so that i could be my real, genuine self in life ! )

at the moment , i am trying to overcome some tricky psychological shit myself .. we all have our demons

nevertheless , have a nice day and i'm happy to consider any advice you have to offer

thanks for this forum !
KillYourInnerLoser said:
More people I'm grateful for - specifically @Crisis_Overcomer , @RogerRoger , @play_time_is_over , @GravyTrain , @joe_ronimo , @enjoyablehat , @Ed_ and a bunch of others:


KillYourInnerLoser said:
More people I'm grateful for - specifically @Crisis_Overcomer , @RogerRoger , @play_time_is_over , @GravyTrain , @joe_ronimo , @enjoyablehat , @Ed_ and a bunch of others:


listened to this today - grateful to be part of the community and to help you help yourself and everyone else
I am catching up on a lot of your podcasts, Andy. Good stuff. Will you stop making the podcasts after the 365 day project is over or will keep you keep making them?
You took these right? Damn they came out incredible.

The vibe of those shots, everything about it, reminds me of this song:


Keep hammering,
*Reads Andy will post nudes*: My dick hard

*Sees nudes aren't from Andy*: My dick soft

*Sees this*: MY DICK HARD
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I love you guys so here's some nudes:



I'll get back into it more over the next few months/next year. I eventually want to build up a proper portfolio, which should be fun.

#goals right here