If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

A threesome is the only thing that I really felt FOMO about with my trophy-wife prospect. This is something I WILL achieve before my next serious relationship.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
- On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about being part of this if I go ahead with it? Will you pay the $150?
10/10 if this happens in 3+ months, 0/10 before that. Maybe 10/10 now if I can save the video so I can replay it for when I'm actually ready to go all out on this.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
- What would you hope to get out of the training?
Motivation/inspiration to keep marching until objective accomplished.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
- What's your ONE biggest question about having a 3some?
How feasible is this without a girlfriend / ongoing partner? I'm pretty sure the drummer dude on here said he had his threesome with two kinda random chicks but I need to check out his log in finer detail.

Yaxir & KillYourInnerLoser, I'll pay for up to 3 people that cannot/claim that they cannot afford $150 USD (which is uber affordable), but only if they're 9/10 or 10/10 serious: seeing more people achieve a threesome will help with my desire/confidence in achieving one.

EDIT: Also, have you advertised this on a podcast?
I'll just chime in as a data point. I'm not particularly interested in threesomes, or BDSM in general. I know BDSM isn't something that turns me on and doubt threesomes will either. Trying to adapt your Tinder game to non-BDSM specificity.

Maybe it's just my age though I know for a lot of guys the threesome is the holy grail.
I'll be another data point and say whilst it is something I'd want into the future and I can technically afford it. I feel right now my money is better spent towards some must do things at my level. E.g work towards moving out, save for certification so I can get a better job and earn more, save for my own camera and so forth. It is something I'd revisit later perhaps if my interest remains the same after getting through the basics of killing my inner loser.
RogerRoger said:
@Yaxir & @KillYourInnerLoser, I'll pay for up to 3 people that cannot/claim that they cannot afford $150 USD (which is uber affordable), but only if they're 9/10 or 10/10 serious: seeing more people achieve a threesome will help with my desire/confidence in achieving one.

Mate that is a huge thing to hear

i was having a shitty day today, so you just cheered me up somewhat and thanks for that !

ofc , i am serious about attending the session.. it's a dark desire of mine to have a Threesome and like you say, if Andy can tell us how to achieve it without having a girlfriend/FWB etc , that could actually ease things at least for beginners like me ( with no game atm, i'm learning how to kill off my approach anxiety )

oh and also, i agree with your timeline of having the session a bit later. Having the capability to replay the session would be so much more help, i agree !

I just want to thank you again, for cheering me up !
Yaxir said:
RogerRoger said:
@Yaxir & @KillYourInnerLoser, I'll pay for up to 3 people that cannot/claim that they cannot afford $150 USD (which is uber affordable), but only if they're 9/10 or 10/10 serious: seeing more people achieve a threesome will help with my desire/confidence in achieving one.

Mate that is a huge thing to hear

i was having a shitty day today, so you just cheered me up somewhat and thanks for that !

ofc , i am serious about attending the session.. it's a dark desire of mine to have a Threesome and like you say, if Andy can tell us how to achieve it without having a girlfriend/FWB etc , that could actually ease things at least for beginners like me ( with no game atm, i'm learning how to kill off my approach anxiety )

oh and also, i agree with your timeline of having the session a bit later. Having the capability to replay the session would be so much more help, i agree !

I just want to thank you again, for cheering me up !

I cannot not notice that you are getting hyped into 150$ threesomes course, while being a virgin with no looks, style, confidence, even basic knowledge on how to get laid. Just a lot of hype.

If I were you I would consider actually finishing Andy's free tinder guide first. Especially if it would not be my own money on the stake.
Lostcause said:
Yaxir said:
Mate that is a huge thing to hear

i was having a shitty day today, so you just cheered me up somewhat and thanks for that !

ofc , i am serious about attending the session.. it's a dark desire of mine to have a Threesome and like you say, if Andy can tell us how to achieve it without having a girlfriend/FWB etc , that could actually ease things at least for beginners like me ( with no game atm, i'm learning how to kill off my approach anxiety )

oh and also, i agree with your timeline of having the session a bit later. Having the capability to replay the session would be so much more help, i agree !

I just want to thank you again, for cheering me up !

I cannot not notice that you are getting hyped into 150$ threesomes course, while being a virgin with no looks, style, confidence, even basic knowledge on how to get laid. Just a lot of hype.

If I were you I would consider actually finishing Andy's free tinder guide first. Especially if it would not be my own money on the stake.

yeah you're right .. it's just hype, actually it's the dark desire that's probably making me feel like this ( which is why i sometimes despise having it )

i'm not a virgin btw, but that's beyond this discussion

at this point i'm too scared (probably b/c of physical harm or for getting ostracized , i have had shitty social conditioning ) to talk to stranger girls let alone convince 2 of them to have sex with me as well as each other

RogerRoger give that money to someone who actually can benefit from it

maybe i will get Andy's video later ( record the session Andy ! )

i have got much, much more important things to do in life right now
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Alright you horny motherfuckers. I've had at least 100 3somes at this point (if we're counting repeat 3somes with the same girls), so it's time to teach what I've learned.

I'm working out the details for a 3some training course I'm thinking about potentially teaching - as in, a live "seminar" over zoom on how to have 3somes.

If I go ahead with this, it would be super in depth, probably done over a couple of days. There's hours and hours of content I would cover - it would likely be as detailed as my 130,000 word Tinder guide. I would cover all this and more:

- How to have your first 3some (even if you're super inexperienced and have only slept with a couple of girls)
- How to introduce 2 girls you're already sleeping with to each other
- How to meet new girls with your girl (as a "couple")
- How to get your girl to find new girls for you to bang together
- How to sleep with a girl and her best friend
- How to set up your Tinder/Hinge to find bisexual girls for 3somes
- What a 3some is actually like, dealing with nerves,
- Fun things you can do in a 3some that you can't do with normal sex
- A tonne more shit

You guys would be able to interact with me live while I'm talking, ask questions, get me to re-explain something if you need more detail, etc.

Cost would be $150 USD - super affordable because this will be the "beta" version of the training (I'll be teaching it live with you guys, and will go in and refine it/re-record it afterwards). The benefit to you guys is a) It's ultra affordable and b) You get to be a part of it, literally asking me questions while I'm teaching, getting more clarification on a point if you're unsure about something, etc etc. It'll be like group coaching.

Is this something you guys would be interested in? If so, reply with answers to this:
- On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about being part of this if I go ahead with it? Will you pay the $150?
- Would you like to be able to ask me questions live while I'm teaching (either chat, or audio, or video - whatever you want), or would you prefer to "just watch"?
- What would you hope to get out of the training?
- What's your ONE biggest question about having a 3some?

I'll make it damn clear this isn't just for advanced guys who are already getting laid - this is for EVERYONE who thinks a 3some is something they'd love to have in future. Even if you think it's literally impossible for you (something I used to think for YEARS before I finally decided to do something about it and actually try to make it happen).

Lemme know guys. At this point I'm gathering interest and seeing if this is something that's worth it for me to do. If I don't get enough people saying they want this and are willing to be a part of it, then I won't go ahead with it. So if you are interested in this and would definitely be a part of it, reply and tell me.

A bit late to the party, hope i didn't missed

- On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about being part of this if I go ahead with it? Will you pay the $150?

i would be super interested to this like 7/10 (you don't get the 3 last points because 150 is a lot for me as a student haha, but 10/10 i'm in), and i would gladly pay for that, first because i bloody desire to get some 3somes in my life, and second, because you deserved it, this would be a way to thank you for your work

But i'm kind of worry about the timing, because i kind of live about 14 000 km from you, with a nice jetlag of 8 hours

- Would you like to be able to ask me questions live while I'm teaching (either chat, or audio, or video - whatever you want), or would you prefer to "just watch"?

Being able to ask questions would be great, but just watch is still ok

- What would you hope to get out of the training?
- What's your ONE biggest question about having a 3some?

Two at once, what i'm suppose to do ? Like, how i am suppose to plan it, so i would be able to take the lead and propose a great first experience (on the hypothesis that none of the girls and i had a one before)

Note : i'm not actually looking to do a 3some right now, because of i have other stuff to deal with, so i didn't made ANY research on the subject, but in a couple of months, this will be one of my main goal
RogerRoger I see that generosity, respect. This guy fucks.

When Andy does the lose your virginity course, I would offer to get a broke but dedicated guy into the mix like Roger has graciously done above. I would genuinely like to make that contribution to someone's life because I have known the pain of long-term virgin status.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
So drop your questions below and I'll answer whilst getting my face abused by brush and paint

Sup Andy, I started getting serious with my life (for like the millionth fucking time) 40 days ago. I have seen reasonable progress but feel like it isn't enough and that I am going too slow. I have always been the type to start focusing on too much then burning out and essentially resetting, I want to get it right this time, so I am intentionally moving slower.

TL,DR: Any tips for not being an impatient, instant gratification seeking millennial cunt?
I got a really stupid question; what does a "normal"/"average" hot single girl's day look like? Outside of college students I have zero insight into the lives of other, more "normal" people, I sat alone in my room from age 14 to 21, and have still had a pretty weird life since then. Even now, I don't really know what "normal" people do with 90% of their time outside of work.

Obviously I get not everyone's the same, but theres probably a couple of basic outlines that most people are close to.

Two reasons for wondering this, mainly cold approach, I live a place with a ton of women live, but most days don't see any, 1 or 2 on a good day. I know there's a bunch who live in the area, but I'm never in the right places at the right times.
Two is just demistifying hot girls a little bit in general.
Crypto said:
Speaking of cool, I'm going to do a dumb youtube of Imogen facepainting me and making me look retarded while I answer questions.
Will there be a part 2, where you facepaint imogen while she answers stupid questions?
Has all the effort, pain, anxiety about EVERYTHING in your life been worth it for where you are today?

What's something you thought would make you really happy but didn't?

What's something that made you really happy that you weren't expecting?

What's 5 things you would change about yourself if you could?

What is the best song in the world?

What is the best movie in the world?
Cum on guys, your questions are pretty dumb.

Let's boost quality a bit:

* If you could face fuck any celebrity, who would you choose and why?

* Other than immediate food resource, what's another benefit of feminists?

* If you could have gay sex with either Radical, RogerRoger or Thebastard, why would you pick Lostcause? Also, what brand of lube you want him to use?

On a more serious note:

* What are your business goals for the rest of 2021 and how you plan to achieve them
Crisis_Overcomer said:
* If you could have gay sex with either @Radical, @RogerRoger or @Thebastard, why would you pick @Lostcause? Also, what brand of lube you want him to use?

How nice of Crisis_Overcomer to skip himself to give us a chance!
A couple of straight dumbass questions from yours truly then, here you go big man:

(1) Online Dating: So, you know I am super excited to give this a go and start going on some dates! What advice do you have for me? My thinking: I will get feedback on my photos, and then set up profiles across the platforms, with a view towards getting some matches, shooting the breeze with them, and asking them if I could take them out. Give me a little guidance here, my goal is 8 dates by July 31st, as this is new ground and I'm on shaky legs like a baby lamb - am I to just start messaging, and look to getting as many girls to agree to grab a coffee as I possibly can?

(2) Cold Approach: I will begin doing this when I arrive in the Canary Islands. Again, here, the goal is to talk to 10 women a day. Should I just wander around high footfall areas and say hello, introduce myself, tell them I am trying to learn Spanish, and then ask them if I could take them out for a drink?

If you could give me a push in the right direction, it'd be appreciated.
