If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

I imagine youd ask this anyway but the big question

What is dating like for you with this line of work?
Do you see yourself staying in this line of work in the long run, or do you have an exit strategy?

Seeing that you're in this line of work, do you want children? If yes, will you tell them you became an escort?
How many girls think about becoming an escort? Is it very rare or does she believe many girls entertain the idea at some point, but don't just due to embarrassment, social pressure etc.
Damn that's legit.


According to this if your new episodes get 3K downloads in a week you're doing better than 99% of podcasts (pareto distribution), you must be close.
I figure you're talking about physically lifting them up (haven't watched the vid yet), initially I thought you were having sex with someone andsoehow simultaneously 'picked up' an entirely new girl while you were in the act, like through Tinder or something. Made me chuckle to myself....I'm easily amused I guess.. .
Another question for your guest: How does she deal with guys that are extremely nervous or cant get it up/stay hard when they start the session?

I assume it happens frequently, so she probably has some tips and tricks to help with the situation.
MakingAComeback said:
I figure you're talking about physically lifting them up (haven't watched the vid yet), initially I thought you were having sex with someone andsoehow simultaneously 'picked up' an entirely new girl while you were in the act, like through Tinder or something. Made me chuckle to myself....I'm easily amused I guess.. .

Dude right I was imagining like

*walks in on a girl getting banged in the club bathroom*

“Hey, you’re cute. I’m Andy”
We need you brother. Love and respect you and will be by your side in this journey. You are a fucking inspiration to us man, you already know that, but we greatly appreciate all you do.
There's no avoiding the fact that our society, especially on the internet, is neurotic and sick. The great philosophers of yester-year would also be labelled "bad people" by today's standards. You're just one of the very few people who has the courage to stand up to the massive tidal surge of societal pressure. Millions would like to stand up against that sickness, but are too cowardly. Some, in their cowardice, betray their own soul and join in on denigrating those who would try to individuate and stand alone. You're a huge threat to people's ego.

I think there will be many more of these haters in the future. Yet I also think, in a couple years from now, you're going to be so big we'll all be thinking "Wasn't it awesome that we actually knew Andy and he would answer our questions and talk to us and shit!".

I've probably been reading too much Jordan Peterson but I just want to say you rock, fuck the soyboy haters, and now I'm motivated to get some shit done!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I still have moments of frustration when I read one too many negative comments from some dipshit who thinks we're all "using women" or some cretin telling me, "Andy you don't understand consent properly"

And it's gonna get worse, the bigger you get. I can already see all the haters you're gonna get: some females who're woke and who will soon accuse you of "gaming" their attraction circuits, some soyboys snobbing our group and say "we're too shallow for just chasing pussy", and other people who'll just sneer at the thought of men trying their best to become just plain better.

I also wasn't there when GLL came to be, so if it wasn't for you posting on Reddit, this year long bum would waste his potential and not have kicked his ass to action. It took a long time, but I went from no action for a year, to:

-) swallow my pride & try Tinder & Bumble again. I was pretty close to snub the thought of it and have an incel-like 20s, but I made out so much with girls when I tried dating apps again. Fucked a few, too. Inspired me to become a better man myself, like when I had my gf before.
-) get better style. Radical's guide is a godsend; now I don't look like my mom picked my clothes.
-) to finally landing a high-paying job. Just from setting a habit of sending job applications for almost a year
-) Get my feet wet with online business. I just literally finished a paid web design job today. It took 6 months to see a single cent, but I'm glad I made it here. I was glad I met GravyTrain & AGF here. They pushed me to the edge and showed me what was possible beyond the steady paycheck.

I wouldn't say the forum was the definitive place that led to some of my successes, but I now understand why people pay for accountability. If you just keep small consistent steps towards your goals without stopping, it's impossible to fail. Thanks for making this place a safe space for us guys to be naive and stupid enough to pursue our goals, and succeed. Anyway, I'll do my part to make this place as good as GLL was.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Phoenix Arise said:
I hope you and we all together can build this place up to be like what GoodLookingLoser once was.

Yeah mate we will.

Played around with some glow-in-the-dark bodypaint again today. Imogen painted one of the girls we're seeing:


We've also perfected something that's fun as FUCK - all 3 of us cumming at the exact same time. We've done it twice now, and it's so fucking HOT. We've got that shit down to a science. Imogen takes the longest so the other girl and I kinda just get close, and then slow down and try to hold off (I was fucking the other girl, while Imogen used a vibrator). Then Imogen gives us both about a 15 second warning, and I start banging away much harder, while rubbing the other girl's clit. As soon as the two of them start orgasming, that always sets me off and I cum instantly.

So much fun.

We also did a podcast series with that girl - we talked about 3somes, what it's like dating a couple, etc. If you haven't already listened to it on my Patreon, it's now out on YouTube:




Now let's all go kick some mother flipping god damn butt (I'm cutting down on my fucking swearing lately, I swear too fucking much, shit),

Shit like this is so goddamn motivating - seeing you have sex with two girls and perfecting little things in it. I love it man. Please keep sharing!
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Did a video on why you can't just "be confident" - confidence is something that is EARNED through EXPERIENCE.


Interesting subject. Gonna listen to this (first podcast I listen from you).
Putting emphasis on reading a fuck ton of books rather then actually doing stuff and growing is such a great insight as to why people are not growing. I also really felt the comment about making small progress every day rather then doing 50 approaches in one day.

Great video overall. All 5 reasons are very true and a lot of people probably have not been told these things. People really need to hear this shit.
Ask your girl to draw you smth special for you, print it and ask the tatooer to tatoo you this.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'm getting another tatt in the next few months, most likely on my outer forearm.

I'm a big fan of stylized tattoo depictions of hot girls.