If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Oh and I got banned from /r/seduction for posting "Do You Actually WANT to Lose Your Virginity?"

You're a legend.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
I'm basically a porn director at this point....

Do you think about it without joking ? Creating a channel, making movies and getting income.

Even on pornhub it could be the best advertising ever

Posting vlogs, links in the bio to here.

Guys look at your films and then find out they are REAL from the start and then want to know how to do the same.

You should seriously consider it. Almost no one uses Pornhub as a legitimate marketing channel. Here's an example of someone who sells info on how to make girls squirt, by making videos on Pornhub that he really makes girls squirt:


Idea: "How To Easily Setup Your Own 3some/ 4some" video. Show yourself and YOUR face doing the deed. Then link these videos in your proof channel and your 3some guides. To easily shut down naysayers.
Reacting to forum posts and writing them up as articles - genius

Great way to promote this side of things
Just looked Chris up, and I am surprised to see he's a venture capitalist now. Holy shit. Quite a departure from who he was before. Just shocked because I was pretty new in the GLL forum.

Btw Andy, I was always curious why you started this forum, when the GLL forum exists?
I see. Seems like he's moved on to different ventures. I read up that he bought some media companies and working in Nootropics. And he's getting married. Hot damn.

God bless the site. I just read some blog posts there, and it's been very helpful to me. Thanks for existing Andy, both KYIL and GLL content is going to be very helpful for me once quarantine lifts.
If you take all your knowledge and experience, put it into a video course in an order that makes sense and sell it for $250, you could make a lot of money.
AGF said:
If you take all your knowledge and experience, put it into a video course in an order that makes sense and sell it for $250, you could make a lot of money.

Yeah, how many people are looking for a comprehensive, honest and bullshit-free way to get laid a lot on a regular basis...

KillYourInnerLoser If you plan on making money and have no problem being famous you could be a millionnaire one year from now, leading seminars all around the world. Except your advices and method works for real.

Many of us here and everywhere on the internet men are looking for ways to get laid and end up brainwashed by sexless losers selling their programs and seats at seminars for thousand dollars, only creating more alienated and isolated, sad men... Who Will then furtherly feed anger and frustration to women... Looping back at men. Over and over.

It is this way because these scammers in the pick up industry are taking advantage of the fears of their clients, only to make money out of them.

If you ever do something like this, please remain real to yourself and stay away from the traps of using people weaknesses for money.
It happens sadly many times, when coach or other loose their authenticity and become just like the others.

Simple pickup for example, never were they a legit ressource on getting laid but they did have great advice, regarding maxing out social freedom.
Then they went harder into making money and it was obvious. From this moment on it became a full time joke.

Another example i read in the forum about this guy Hunk Hands.
I don't know about his program but his selling formula aims directly at eliciting fear onto the potential client. I believe it's weak, but it's my judgement
He said things like never a girl Will cheat on you if you use my techniques. If you can't satisfy her fully with my techniques you may get lost with her...

Apart from this, that would be absolutely AWESOME if you created an Online video course on how to become an emotionnally mature man and getting laid like crazy.
10,000 pageviews should equal at least 1 sale per day. 30x$250 = $7,500 per month

That's with the assumption that your traffic stays at 10,000 per day

Also it's about time to create a lead magnet and build an email list. You should be getting hundreds of email subscribers every month. Start emailing them daily or at least twice per week to build a connection. Maybe sell them on your coaching as long as you don't have any other products. Make them join the forum. The faster you're making serious money with this, the more time and money you can invest into growing your website and the forum and thus help more men out there.

I can definitely see $1,000,000 for you in the next couple of years
Fucking hell dude. Well done!

Do you think as bumpy as reddit has been it was worth it?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Hey @Wifty ,appreciate the heads up. Not gonna lie, I'm a little hurt that you think I'd ever fall into the trap of lying or using people. That is literally the OPPOSITE of everything on my entire website. I literally have an entire category called "Honesty". But I get that you're coming from a good place and like I said, I do appreciate the heads up. I'll keep your words in mind mate.

Nah mate it has Nothing to do with you, it's a judgement I hold onto people.
Many times i've seen people wether "regular" or famous go from authentic and genuine to a byproduct of the industries.
Copy paste clones, fake charisma, fake smileys, same lines and same lies, to themselves and the world.

Very few end up being real and authentic to their true natural vibes.

I'm rooting for you.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
@AGF: Already have an email list - I email them once a week with updates, etc. Have already used it to get some coaching (I've advertised special subscriber-only discounts, etc).

I'm not getting 100s of email signups a month though, and I'm OK with the slow and steady growth. There's certain things I WILL NOT compromise on, no matter how much money I'm losing by doing so. Eg no fucking spammy popup window bullshit (I have a small non-intrusive dropdown already). No calls to action at the bottom of every single post (I have them on _some_ posts, like 10 posts in total).

I made a post about it on GLL a while make - money at all costs isn't my goal. Money while helping people is. I realise I could help more people if I was selfish and just made a tonne of money - that'd free me up to write more. But I don't want to and will not compromise my values in order to do so. It's a balancing act for me.

I respectfully disagree. That's like saying I have 10,000 girls per day smiling at me but I only talk to the 10 or 20 girls that come up and say hi because I don't want to bug the other 9,990 girls.

You have to realize this: of all the thousands of people coming to your site, 95% and more will never come back. They just just read one article, maybe a second one and then drop off and forget about your site even though they are interested in the topics you cover (otherwise they wouldn't visit).

It's your responsibility to make them come back and remember your name because that's the only way you can help these men.

You don't necessarily need to use a popup. I'm just saying that your current non-intrusive newsletter form can be improved. The value you are offering in exchange for a user's email address currently is "I notify you when I publish a new article". That only appeals to people who already love your content (which is the large minority - how could they love your content if they just read a few articles and don't even know you as a person). If you changed that to "Sign up and I will send you guide X that teaches you how to achieve Y" and maybe move the signup form to a more prominent place, you'd have much more monthly signups without being spammy or prioritizing money. Then once they signed up, have an automated email sequence prepared for them. That means they will get 5-6 emails that tell them your whole story and show them that you're legit with the final goal to sign up for this forum (that way you're not even pushing them to pay you any money).

I think the key for your growth is to personally connect with as many of your readers as possible and show them that you're legit and not just doing this for the money. This can't be done through blog posts or your forum (because most blog readers never sign up for the forum and most blog readers don't read all of your posts). So the only logical option is an email list where you email them regularly (not only with blog updates but also short emails about yourself). The model of emailing daily works extremely well for a lot of people. I know it seems spammy at first, but it does work very well when it comes to connecting with your readers as long as you make sure that your emails provide value, are genuine and personal enough. You already have enough content on your blog to get tons of ideas for short emails.
I did a few coaching calls with Andy and can tell you, he genuinely gives a shit. I've run into a ton of charlatans and people who just talk the talk... seems like everyone is a lifestyle or pickup coach nowadays... but it's obvious Andy is different from them.
KillYourInnerLoser - Of course. I'd argue you helped even more than the psychologists I've been to. You've been to ground 0, they haven't. Ultimately, I realized psychologists were a waste of money for me in particular, even though society pushes it so hard. Like the Dr. Phil/Rogan podcast says, you should be depressed if your life sucks. I'm sure I'll hit you up for another few calls down the line dating wise. Appreciate it.
I'm personally shocked Mav managed to do all the progress he did.
He looked like an amazing lost cause, emotionally.
I'm really in awe KillYourInnerLoser you could inspire him to go through this.

And Mav, huge congrats to you for making such decision to give it a try, it's mega awesome.
I'm happy for you mate.
Wifty - Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

KillYourInnerLoser - Just wanted to say that I love how much cleaner this forum is... looks way better.
I wrote you off Mav tbh after you tried to delete everything from GLL

But im very happy to see you are proving me wrong currently

Keep it up
It says playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner. Can't play it in the forum because of that