If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

I dont like making predictions - typically bad at it

But this lockdown is costing Melbourne $2bn a week in lost revenue from what I can find

With every week that passes just be aware that pressure will grow. Andrews isnt Stalin, he can't have very business leader that disagrees with him secretly murdered

Kind of concerned Sydney is picking up cases now and they will buckle to a new lockdown too
Flying back to the UK is my last resort but its a possibility
You're correct to want to resist masks and other other restrictions. Rights are not to be bargained with, especially with how untrustworthy the government is being towards COVID restrictions.

How would my fellow Americans feel if the government told us "we'll let you keep your right to free speech, if you give up your right to a fair trial"? This is the rights-violating, choice that the backstabbing Australian government is giving its citizens.

Everyone needs to read about the "towers" situation in Melbourne (Andy linked to it previously). A Western, Democratic, "free" county literally locked people in their homes under the suspicion of having a virus (that has a 99.4% survival rate). If they can justify this, who knows what's next -- this is full on the totalitarian governance.

And not to be a total doomer, but anyone who thinks that the mask mandate will be the end of the story, hasn't been paying attention. It's entirely within the realm of possibility for the government to keep the crisis going much longer. "We need to wait for a vaccine", "we need to wait for total case elimination" , "oh no, we found a new COVID mutation, better lockdown again to be safe".

I'm not sure if resisting right now is the best idea or what the best way to do it is. But you're totally justified and this is an insane violation of rights.
I understood the argument from the beginning Andy.

Believe me I agree your states mandates are absurd.

Good luck.
Guys I totally get your point about the business closing down, and freedom of movement removed - but seriously, wearing a mask is no big deal and if that can reduce the number of infection by a tiny bit, there is no reason not to do it.
You might feel that your government overreacts - and yeah maybe they do. Mine started taking things seriously a bit too late. Just because one poor infected cunt decided to travel to go to a damn 'Jesus is my friend' meeting, my city became one of the worst cluster in Europe. It was a fucking warzone, with ambulances, firemen and cops coming and going 24/7. A truly scary sight. Hospital beds, staff and supplies was way too short. At some point the dispatchers were instructed to only send assistance to extreme cases - if you can still talk on the phone, that is not extreme. Imagine having trouble breathing and not getting any medical assistance.
This is the worst crisis our privileged generation has to go through so far, and hopefully it will be the only one- but there is no bombing, no gunfights, no genocides, and at this point everybody still gets food, even if some have to rely on welfare for it.
I call it "the fake virus" now just to piss people off. Not that it's fake, just that it's completely overblown.

P.S. - Don't forget to wear your mask. Preferably a clown mask.
Aw man, Andy sounds pissed. Onwards and upwards though mate, I hope the mask provides some kind of relief for you. Awesome that you're still working on all your stuff, keep smashing. It sounds way worse in Australia than it is in the UK.

I remember how fucking PISSED I was when lockdown began and I realised how much of my freedoms were going to be taken away, indefinitely. I was SO FUCKING ANGRY. I would be sitting at work all day trying to focus but unable to concentrate because of the tension and anger building within me... So yeah, I get the anger and frustration.
It was from something Blackdragon said

In one of his podcasts he says the person you should love and care for most is 'future you' 5 years from now

Its good to be happy in the present but you should always be working to make sure future you is even happier - or something like that
Radical said:
It was from something Blackdragon said

In one of his podcasts he says the person you should love and care for most is 'future you' 5 years from now

Its good to be happy in the present but you should always be working to make sure future you is even happier - or something like that
Who is Blackdragon and what is his podcast
The point where I realized this shit is so convoluted and bullshit is when the Canadian Numbers of active cases dropped by like 20k in one day.

I really don't understand any of it anymore. Stats like this are probably just a fuck up and they weren't recording how many less people had recovered but it still confuses me. Can't trust anything they say or record.

Easy for me to say though, cause everything is open here now.

Went to the gym today for the first time in months and NO ONE was wearing a mask despite being required to.

Anyways, I'm sorry you guys have much stricter guidelines at the moment. Really sucks.

But all we can do is keep working hard and pushing ourselves in any way that we can.

Pretty much 180'd on my opinion of all this. If you're susceptible from dying from Covid, then YOU stay home and quarantine, don't make everyone else do it.

Anyway, sorry for harping on this some more.
Yea you did. I'm still very young and malleable when it comes to my "beliefs". I love to change my mind and consider different ideas.

But yea, just gotta keep killing it.

Video is being uploaded right now, and already got a new one in the dropbox for my editor to start tomorrow. push push push. lessss gooooo
dashedhopes I love your videos and I'm convinced if you stick to it, your gonna be VERY succesful (however you yourself decide to define success). I'm not gonna pretend that I understand algorithms and online presence ect, but you pass the eye test. What else matters? If you don't pass the eye test, your fucked.

You seem like a cool, down to earth guy. People wanna watch people they like, that they could picture themselves having a brew with. A lot of politcal analysts say that is how people get elected most times. I liked your cardio doesnt burn fat video even though I don't think I agree. Look at DC7. He's been grinding it out, and he looks like hes about to blow up. Your capable of that and more , IN MY OPINION ofcourse. Your success just motivates us alot more. If not doing it for you, do it for us!!
terry_crews87 said:
@dashedhopes I love your videos and I'm convinced if you stick to it, your gonna be VERY succesful (however you yourself decide to define success). I'm not gonna pretend that I understand algorithms and online presence ect, but you pass the eye test. What else matters? If you don't pass the eye test, your fucked.

You seem like a cool, down to earth guy. People wanna watch people they like, that they could picture themselves having a brew with. A lot of politcal analysts say that is how people get elected most times. I liked your cardio doesnt burn fat video even though I don't think I agree. Look at DC7. He's been grinding it out, and he looks like hes about to blow up. Your capable of that and more , IN MY OPINION ofcourse. Your success just motivates us alot more. If not doing it for you, do it for us!!

Thanks dude, I really appreciate that.

Helps a lot getting some good feedback.

I don't plan on quitting ever, I enjoy doing it.

Went to bed just now to watch a show and fall asleep. Just ended up working for another 45 minutes lol. I don't stop thinking about this stuff and I think that and genuinely wanting to entertain/help others is what is going to bring me to the top.

I'll be moving near dc7 next year and we'll be helping each other with videos, which will really help and I'm going to be on the main page of the new Gorilla Mind site when it's up.

Big things are happening :D


Thanks man. I always try to stay open minded. Close minded individuals have less of a chance to grow in my opinion.
As in the actual account TheRedPill?

Clearly been a few guys that came from there in the forum now

Maybe it's worth it to save those that can be saved tbh
Reddit can be a good source of information imo but so many arrogant posters (not you) and so many retarded people commenting. Commenters seem to be agitated and argumentative a lot of the time.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I realise I'm massively undercutting my own income (right now half my income comes from editing people's Tinder photos for them), but it's the right thing to do - "better to teach a man to fish" and all that.

I'm not in the position to say this (marketing experts like GravyTrain and AGF, if any other marketing experts can chime in feel free to do so). But from my time studying marketing so far, writing a guide is one of the best ways to sell a service, albeit selling it at a higher price for higher tier clients.

One of the best ads of all time was from an ad agency, who wrote an ad about writing effective ads. The ironic thing is that their potential clients didn't make the ads themselves, but they flocked to that ad agency to write their ads for them. It established your authority on the subject, and performing the service still takes time, no matter how streamlined the guide is. So there's still people out there who can still use your service: those who still need to get to the next level even after using your guide.

Anyway, this is still an opinion. Maybe someone else who is an expert in the subject can chime in.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
And today I learned I'm a faggot:

Yeesh fuck that dude.

Tbh after reading your Tinder guide, I would be ready to buy *something* from you. That shit is worth money for us. Eagerly waiting for you to release that BDSM guide.
KillYourInnerLoser I found this place through TRP. Though I post there I get the angry patrol down voting the fuck out of me when I say shit like trying to control women is weak. Way too many people over there take anything Rollo says as gospel, but he's straight up wrong on a bunch of shit ( though he's pretty spot on with a few things too).

I just like trying to help the guys with shit it took me years to figure out on my own. Everything here is pretty much in line with what I believe (treating people well, loving yourself)
Just a Quick suggestion.

As the results from your clients are obvious, it shows you are a great coach.

Why would you limit yourself helping men arrange their sex life when you could help, I mean really help all kind of People from all walks of life women and men of all ages.

Say you create an ad about yourself, kind of a small cover letter stating Who you are and what you do and how you help People change their lives and accomplish their goals even when it seemed Hopeless.
And you say People can write to you at a mail address which you've made specially for this.

You could share and publish your letter on Facebook groups, or other websites.

You could ask us here, on GLL and other forums if they would be so kind as sharing and promoting your letter.

Also, writing on medium as an example. Publishing small pieces of articles, not neccessarily hardcore, commenting there other articles to get noticed, so they click on your name, Land on your profile where there are articles and where it is written in your bio that they can contact you through the mail adress you created.

Regular people don't care what you do, Who you are and so on. If they need help and you can help them, it's all that matters.

ALSO, publish samples on Amazon.

Even publish your tinder guides the 4 parts separately. Or name it deifferently and edit it a little. Sell it at 1$ if you want.
JUST TO GET NOTICED. And in your bio, you say that they can reach through you on the said email adress, to arrange coaching sessions, and that you work with all kinds of People.

Publish guides on photos, photoshop on amazon and other places.

Don't wait to make it perfect the goal right now is not to sell books and make them perfect it's opening channels for prospective clients, and Also building your community further, here and there, which you Will later be able to connect them all in one or two places (one here and the other for dedicated women if you still have such desire for yourself or with female partners...)

It looks very bright from my perspective.

If you think these are not good ideas for you I would be very curious to hear from you why.

Edit : as an example, a few months sooner there was a woman I knew Who really could then beneficiate guidance from a competent coach and I thought about you. The only problem is she doesn't speak good english so bummer.