If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

Hes agreed to come on and share his perspectives

Wants to remain 100% anon though - hes always butted heads with me around the whole PUA/mens self improvement sphere (definitely doesn't like the idea of the goal just to get laid) and doesnt want to be associated with this kinda stuff

Think he'll warm up a bit after chatting with KillYourInnerLoser for a bit
I'd like to come on the podcast someday, but at the moment I don't think I have any business doing so lol :)
If you say so. I'd be happy to, I'm an open book. PM me if you think of a good day/time. I'm very flexible.
I'd suggest you hop in. It allows you to snapshot and immortalize your self-improvement journey in the early days.
* You have a great relationship with your parents. What are 3 lesson's you've gotten from them (could be 3+3 or 3 in total)

* One of your goals is "Pay all bills from coaching". Do you ever see yourself wanting to make more and upgrading your lifestyle?

* Other than self-help stuff, what's a topic you enjoy talking about?

* Is it true that when Aussie girls moan, instead of "oh my god" they say "oh my cunt"? (I'm trolling but I found it funny)

* What was the last thing that made you feel uncomfortable, physically or emotionally?

* If you could punch someone without repercussions, who would that be?

* What's one thing you wish all your clients and forum members did today? Why?

* (this was gonna be a podcast suggestion) How to ethically use jealously to achieve your goals

* (this was gonna be a podcast suggestion) Sleeping with a friend's ex : Yei or nay?

* I wanna persuade you to take your Tinder guide, put it on Kindle/Amazon and use it as a lead generation tool for your coaching. What's the best way to hack your brain and make my command, your wish?
You've mentioned you and Immy send that text every day to clarify what you achieved

Is there anything else you do on a daily or weekly basis that is part of your personal routine?

Are you gonna cold approach again in Brisbane?
You and Immy want to travel that seems pretty obvious

Where are you most desperate to go. Say top 5 countries?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Radical said:
Is there anything else you do on a daily or weekly basis

Weekly checkins:

@Crisis_Overcomer : Those are damn good questions.

This could just be me but when I play that podcast its the pod you did with Will ie #41
KillYourInnerLoser said:
(Throw other suggestions of stupid shit you guys want me to do while getting interviewed. Let's make this fun).

* Try to read swear words/phrases in different languages. Here's a Greek one: "Thelo na se paro apo ton kolo mikri mou petalouditsa"

* Go to a famous news site, read a headline and rant (without reading the article)

* Make up on the spot lame pick up lines aimed at Immy and also record her reactions

* Same as the above, but try picking up Immy while running lame Rich Guy Game (inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vSDVJhf6UA&feature=emb_title)

* Max number of pushups while singing Australias national anthem
KillYourInnerLoser not adding any questions, but I wanna say this.

You remember the podcast episodes that you sent via email, which is "mandatory listening"? ("Can't do anything due to corona", "Insecurity is a superpower", "The meaning of life and how to be happy")

Holy shit. Maybe it's just where I am at my life now (and I know this already), but I really needed to listen to those. Some answers to my problems are just so simple: it's in front of me the entire time!

Like how to he happy: just do shit that makes you happy now, and don't worry about future happiness. I always obsess about the future, so that always obstructed my current happiness all the time.

There's more things I learned, but I was happy with that email!
First few minutes:

"I have problems with retention. I live in a 3rd world country. I can't move out of my parents' house."

Oh now this is gonna be good. Those 3 statements just described me. Will have a listen when I'm not busy.
Glad you are going back to women

Obviously its cool if you are gay and all but i figured this was just a phase
Ever had any accidents with BDSM stuff?
Whats your typical precautions you take with a new girl?
What stuff have you tried that you were immediately like 'nope not doing that again'?
Maybe too personal but reading your story I was just curious about the open relationship? In your transformation it doesn’t really talk to much about how you and Imogen got together but my question is more about guilt. How did you convince or explain the idea of the open relationship to your girl and it not make you feel guilty or her feel inadequate? Like me personally I’ve always struggled with the idea that if I did finally find a girlfriend after all this time how could I then turn around and say to her I need other women and not feel bad? Did you just screen for a girl that also liked girls too or was there a lengthy discussion involved?
1. Looking at method #3 in your threesome guide, directly seeking out threesomes online - Do you use the same pictures as normal? Or do you throw up a picture of you and your girl? If so, do you show faces or no (obviously asking your girl's permission first).

2. Is there an age range that is 'best' for seeking out threesomes? Different way of putting the same question: In your experience are younger women more open to experimentation/threesomes?

3. When showing a girl pictures of other girls for potential threesomes - Do you only show her one other girl, or just show them pics of all your girls you're seeing in order to see who she's open to?

4. Do you schedule threesomes on weekdays? Seems like it could feel slightly rushed if there is a time limit (everyone needs to work the next day). Or is this something not to worry about?

5. How do you actually start/warm up to the threesome? Do you prompt the girls to touch and/or kiss each other?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
@dimixer36 We already covered that in depth:

Let me know if you have more questions or that doesn't fully answer your question.

So would you recommend something like this for a guy just starting out not getting laid at all that literally has no relationship experience and never been in one? Should a guy in his first relationship just keep it “normal” and focus on the one girl to get experience? Listening to the podcast I gathered that Imogen had never been in a relationship before but you had been in multiple. I know what I want as far as a “one-sided open relationship” as you call it but being so inexperienced it doesn’t seem like I can be the choosy sort. Oh and would age matter? Let’s say the woman is older maybe late 30s.