If Scotty changed your life, consider donating (Andy's Log)

KillYourInnerLoser said:
dimixer36 said:
Should a guy in his first relationship just keep it “normal” and focus on the one girl to get experience

This. Don't do an open relationship if you don't know what you're doing.

So should I date a girl and tell her later on down the road that that’s what I want after I have some relationship experience with her? I feel like that’s kind of setting us both up to fail. Also, it kind of feels like I’d be using her to get the experience if I did that. Cause if she’s not okay with it then we’d have to break up and then I’m sure she’d ask me why I didn’t say anything upfront? Starting to think I should stick with monogamy for pure simplicity’s sake lol.
Regarding questions girls might have : The girls ive been with that were really interested in self-improvement, were always asking for book recommendations. I always suggested How To Win Friends And Influence People, Your Erroneous Zones, and The Secret To Selling Anything. Funny thing is that they all had read The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A fuck, lol.

Out of topic, but did you follow a guide when setting up your podcast for iTunes? They didnt accept mine a while ago and want to retry.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Out of topic, but did you follow a guide when setting up your podcast for iTunes? They didnt accept mine a while ago and want to retry.

Not Andy, but I've set up a couple Podcasts with Apple and Spotify etc.

I've done both of the following:

1) Use Anchor.fm to syndicate. They do the hard work for you and get it on all the platforms but you lose control of the RSS feed. It's the Youtube of Podcasting. They're owned by Spotify.

2) Make sure to mark your podcast as explicit in the metadata if you swear, number the episodes clearly (again in the metadata), and have a thumbnail image for your Podcast and Apple shouldn't have a problem. Also your podcast's name end episode titles should be family friendly.

Did they say why it was rejected before?
Thank you both, o great playas.

joe_ronimo I don't remember why they rejected it. I remember being worried about the length (they were very short, like 3-4 minutes long).
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Had a fucking sick interview with Sid, including the story of 3 dudes carrying an unconscious girl past a security guard and putting her in the back of their car...


Also just finished an epic 2hr interview with @Crisis_Overcomer. Will take a day or two to edit it, then I'll have it up.

Interviewing @chado later this week and @joe_ronimo next week.

Good times.

Also, to everyone who asked questions earlier - I've answered a few of them in a couple of YouTube videos which will be released in the next week or 2.

Spittin' out content like a boss.
Lol thank you for bringing up Crisis_Overcomer fashion when he showed up that first time

I remember what BIB said. It was along the lines of 'I've never seen a guy with such elite potential fuck himself over with just bad style before'

Crisis is the epitome of how far you can improve with just a style makeover sometimes
Just listened to this episode, and I just felt like I was robbed for most of my life.

Everything Andy and Chad just talked about with regards to girls and dating I deeply resonated with. They talked about how having a fulfilling dating life can make you fulfilled as a person, and when you're happy yourself, you'd be willing to share that love, inspiration, and energy to others, too. Noticed this in my life as well, as I'm helping my mate in HK with his dating life.

They talked about how it also carries over to your career. Chad talking about how rejection from girls gave him thick skin in his job to talk to a lot of applicants and have the hard conversations with them. I noticed this in my life as well; I can talk to business owners a bit easier when I can cold approach girls better. It's like a quiet confidence you can carry to the boardroom if you know you can get laid through your will.

Finally, they talked about how most people who talk down on your goals are just miserable, unfulfilled people who can't achieve what you've set out to achieve. WHAT THE FUCK. This was basically my whole life, living in a very conservative and religious environment. I am just mad at how much I missed out back then because I really can remember some girls that were really dropping hints that they're into me, but I was intentionally oblivious to it because I was taught it was "wrong", "dirty", and "sinful". These are the same people who can't get a fulfilling dating and sex life. I am so mad at these people for how much pussy I passed out on.

This is definitely an episode I believe a lot of guys will benefit from listening. One of the best so far. Keep it up, Andy.
As a note I've had 'take drastic action' as my tagline since I rejoined GLL in 2019

Its good to hear someone else that also openly espouses that for this game
How much of it is placebo effect?

I reached 130-140 days (not sure) on my first go at it. It WAS amazing, I felt like I'd found a cure to all my ills.

Since then I can barely get past 30, and it's because I haven't internally felt the benefits that I did on the first go. Admittedly, that might be COVID getting in the way of mental health.
How does he or others go to sleep when super horny and alone if you can't fap?

Main thing holding me back from longer streaks, aside from the obvious wanting to orgasm.
Congrats Jorge. You made Andy look like he was sprinting while everyone knows he was jogging.

Loved the video btw. I laughed out loud a few times.
I like that you shouted back at Imogen when you were far away even though you were mic'd up
When I read that you'll start adding calls to actions in your content I got goosebumps. So happy you're slowly coming to the capitalistic side

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Write an erotic ebook and sell on Amazon Kindle

Forget it man. For you a better idea is to take those huge articles of yours (especially the online dating guide) adding meat & content upgrades and uploading them on Kindle. With Kindle you'll either make money with fiction (where you have to constsntly be pumping books) or via coaching (where people will reach out to you after reading your book).

So Unless you see yourself writing 20+ erotica books, I suggest good-ol content repurposing.
Can you affiliate link the DSLR camera you recommend or is that not worth it?

Heard more than one guy say they were buying your recommendation

You will never agree with this but the Tinder guide should be behind a paywall imo - if you arent ever going to do that it that content could be monetised in other ways (ie: a youtube accompaniment series - where you explain it all to camera, or affiliate link the shit out of the guide)
Crisis_Overcomer If he wants to write erotica I think its a good idea to do something you really want to do. Andy has basically already done it with his lay stories multiple times. Would it be hard to transition those into small erotic stories?
Radical said:
@Crisis_Overcomer If he wants to write erotica I think its a good idea to do something you really want to do. Andy has basically already done it with his lay stories multiple times. Would it be hard to transition those into small erotic stories?

Agreed. Its why I said "If you see yourself..."

As for transitioning the stories, I'll say its freaking hard. Theres colossal difference between what happens in Andy's lays and what chicks want to read in erotica. For them the "getting to the sexus" part is 99% of what interests them. For Andy, the getting to the sex is like 10% of his story (Tinder line, meetup, go to his place for sex). This market wants a lot of filler in the form of what she & he are thinking, drama, perhaps a villain or a huge obstacle, and a little bit of sex.

Oh and the famous male archetypes are highlander, biker, billionaire and were-wolf/bear/dragon.
I have plans to buy myself a DSLR as a reward for meeting other targets. Would definitely seek out and use an affiliate link if you make one. That's one more data point for you if you're considering it.