Jamgoth's New Progress log - actually striking up the balls to talk to women

pancakemouse said:
You don't have to lead with man to woman. In fact, it's not optimal.

You can slowly make a conversation man to woman at any time.

How do I do this, do I just subtly steer the conversation to topics of a dating or sexual nature
Jamgoth said:
pancakemouse said:
You don't have to lead with man to woman. In fact, it's not optimal.

You can slowly make a conversation man to woman at any time.

How do I do this, do I just subtly steer the conversation to topics of a dating or sexual nature

That's one idea. Zug provided a framework above.

The most powerful way is non-verbally, but that's harder at your level.
Alright so I went to the orientation (I do have some responsibilities after all). I met up with the people in my program and hung out with them all day. It's maybe 90% Chinese people but otherwise a pretty even split between boys and girls. I started talking to the best looking Chinese girl there (although that's not saying much, pretty much every girl ranged from 3-5, and she was a 6, but for now a 6 is probably above my league. There was one Indian girl who was very attractive but she's taken so I'm not even going to try). Even though we were in a group the Chinese girl and I ended up talking to each other a lot. Once I realized how receptive she was to me, I did try to make things man to woman as best I could. At one point she joked about blending in with the incoming undergrad freshman, so I told her, no you don't look like a little girl, you look like a woman. Later we started talking about what dating is like as a teenager in China v US. I gave a very general portrait of dating in high school, I'm NOT going to tell her I'm some loser who lost his virginity at 29. So, I tried to discuss topics of this nature, but obviously due to the setting I had to err on the side of caution when it came to how audacious I was. I can't just go up to my colleague and be like "holy shit you're hot" because I did not want to come off as socially uncalibrated and piss off everyone in my program on my first day of knowing them, I've done this in the past and I'm not repeating that mistake. The group went out to dinner, I ordered one drink. She took it to sniff it and I signaled for her to take a sip but she refused. But, overall she seemed to be receptive to me, laughed at my jokes etc.

There's a special orientation for international students. She invited me to it, but I can't go because I'm American. I'll literally get stopped at the door if I go. The fact that she's inviting me to things is a good thing, but the fact that it's a boring school event is not. My guess is she sees me as a friend and not a potential partner but not sure. I'm going to try to ask her out soon.
Alright, I asked if the Chinese girl were free tonight and, again, got the "I'm busy" excuse alright. Time to move on.
Jamgoth said:
Alright, I asked if the Chinese girl were free tonight and, again, got the "I'm busy" excuse alright. Time to move on.

Can we see the screenshot if it's over text, or if in person, can you provide detailed description of the interaction including lead-up, body language, and every single word exchanged?
pancakemouse said:
Jamgoth said:
Alright, I asked if the Chinese girl were free tonight and, again, got the "I'm busy" excuse alright. Time to move on.

Can we see the screenshot if it's over text, or if in person, can you provide detailed description of the interaction including lead-up, body language, and every single word exchanged?

Context, she invited me to a school event in person last time we met.

I don't think this is 100% a loss. She is responsive in conversation, but I also don't wanna be that guy who goes "can we meet up" on a daily basis and can't take a hint. I don't think talking to other women is necessarily bad either way. Maybe I'll see how she seems in person. But for now her tone is friendly not flirty

I'll resubmit once photos are edited
Bro we can see her name in the pictures. Remove them, and add them again after you have blurred her name. You risk doxxing yourself and you already have doxxed her.
eyowhatup said:
Bro we can see her name in the pictures. Remove them, and add them again after you have blurred her name. You risk doxxing yourself and you already have doxxed her.

I didn't think of that. I've removed the pics
Jamgoth said:
Zug said:
You're responsible for leading the conversation, not her.

What if she's talking endlessly about boring topics? Do I try to subtly segue from boring shit to man to woman

How about you tell her that. "Boooring. Let's change subject". Or just cut her while she's talking about her work or stupid boss or bitchy friend. Interrupt her and say "hey do you remember the time when ..." or "hey why don't you tell me about ..." or "wanna hear something?"

You're not her bitch. You don't have to submit to listening to her bullshit for hours. If she's boring you get on top of the situation by teasing her a bit with it. Then she starts validating herself to you and tries her best to find some interesting topics.
Like I said, she seems friendly but not super interested to meet up




You're showing too much attention to things you shouldn't be. Don't reward pointless stories unless she is telling it to you because she is reaching out and socially inept. Reward actual investment. You don't give a single fuck about someone attending an orientation, there's not even plausible deniability. You realize this, this is why you didn't ask her about her Ikea furniture.

I'm not advocating being Machiavellian, show interest when she opens up or invests physically/emotionally/intellectually and reward it. When you get shared pointless stuff make a quick joke or use any other means to segue into meaningful conversation.

If there's no active conversation threads worth pursuing, you can go to callbacks or make a clickbait statements.

Conversations to nowhere are both boring and low value.

This girls texting is horrible also, constant lol and haha on every statement. She screams time waster to me. That doesn't make her a bad person, just means focus elsewhere.
Zug said:
You're showing too much attention to things you shouldn't be. Don't reward pointless stories unless she is telling it to you because she is reaching out and socially inept. Reward actual investment. You don't give a single fuck about someone attending an orientation, there's not even plausible deniability. You realize this, this is why you didn't ask her about her Ikea furniture.

I'm not advocating being Machiavellian, show interest when she opens up or invests physically/emotionally/intellectually and reward it. When you get shared pointless stuff make a quick joke or use any other means to segue into meaningful conversation.

If there's no active conversation threads worth pursuing, you can go to callbacks or make a clickbait statements.

Conversations to nowhere are both boring and low value.

This girls texting is horrible also, constant lol and haha on every statement. She screams time waster to me. That doesn't make her a bad person, just means focus elsewhere.

Thanks for the advice. I guess my fear is that, if I don't take some initiative over text, I have no hope of setting up a date, because I rarely have girls initiating conversation with me. How would you have handled this?
After her message that its about maintaining legal status you need to segue then go for a preclose/close.

"If you're trying to marry me for citizenship, we should start with drinks sometime soon"

This girl sounds like she's just a time waster though. I don't see her agreeing to a date unless its last minute and she's bored.
Jamgoth said:
Like I said, she seems friendly but not super interested to meet up


First part is not great, second part gets better but mostly because she is being more fun and brings you into her fun. Should be the other way around.

"I guess I won't be seeing you at the breakfast" -> NEEDY, so we FLIP -> "I guess I won't be gracing you with my presence at the breakfast ;-)"

"Guess I won't be able to keep you company" -> NEEDY, just delete all together
"It would have been nice to see you again" -> NEEDY, CLINGY, do not send shit like this unless you've already slept with a girl

I think she could still be potentially interested, but you've basically scared her off with your needy texting and (probably) behavior. Focus on other leads for now.
pancakemouse said:
First part is not great, second part gets better but mostly because she is being more fun and brings you into her fun. Should be the other way around.

"I guess I won't be seeing you at the breakfast" -> NEEDY, so we FLIP -> "I guess I won't be gracing you with my presence at the breakfast ;-)"

"Guess I won't be able to keep you company" -> NEEDY, just delete all together
"It would have been nice to see you again" -> NEEDY, CLINGY, do not send shit like this unless you've already slept with a girl

I think she could still be potentially interested, but you've basically scared her off with your needy texting and (probably) behavior. Focus on other leads for now.

She is still messaging me, this morning she reached out to ask me questions rather than the other way around. But for future interactions I'll keep your advice in mind
Jamgoth said:
pancakemouse said:
First part is not great, second part gets better but mostly because she is being more fun and brings you into her fun. Should be the other way around.

"I guess I won't be seeing you at the breakfast" -> NEEDY, so we FLIP -> "I guess I won't be gracing you with my presence at the breakfast ;-)"

"Guess I won't be able to keep you company" -> NEEDY, just delete all together
"It would have been nice to see you again" -> NEEDY, CLINGY, do not send shit like this unless you've already slept with a girl

I think she could still be potentially interested, but you've basically scared her off with your needy texting and (probably) behavior. Focus on other leads for now.

She is still messaging me, this morning she reached out to ask me questions rather than the other way around. But for future interactions I'll keep your advice in mind

Good sign. Remember, always keep your conversations about FUN and even EMOTIONAL topics and not logical ones. Don't let her use you as an orientation buddy.
pancakemouse said:
Jamgoth said:
She is still messaging me, this morning she reached out to ask me questions rather than the other way around. But for future interactions I'll keep your advice in mind

Good sign. Remember, always keep your conversations about FUN and even EMOTIONAL topics and not logical ones. Don't let her use you as an orientation buddy.

Alright, I'll try to segue the topics to more fun shit
This girl is still initiating text, but it's about boring stuff. Attempts to stear the conversation to more fun topics have been met with resistance. I'm sure I'm not graceful about it. But for now I think it's best to see this avenue as closed off and stop pursuing her. PancakeMouse is right, she sees me as an orientation buddy and not a partner. Oh well.