Jhoe's log


Jul 20, 2022
Hello, guys, so I've made my own program about approach anxiety and did it for the last 3 months.
My program is based on saying each part of the basic guy game. And do it for 10 days until I get to talk to 10 girls.
-Saying she is cute ( DONE)
-Saying she is cute and introducing myself (Done)
-Saying she is cute, introducing myself and asking for a quick conversation(Done)
-Saying she is cute, introducing myself, ask for phone number(already did it time)
Today, I've to introduce myself to one girl and mainly ask for her phone number. Even if I don't introduce myself but ask for the phone it still counts.
Só, today I finally did it one. It took me way more time than I thought and I went through a really depressed state that I had to find a way to be more positive. Before doing the main approach I did 6 "soft" ones where I would either compliment a girl or only try to ask for her name before she left. I did my main approach by directly asking for the number in the first question of the intectation that seemed so playful... I will certainly try to be this playful tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I've to ask for 2 phone numbers and talk to 6 girls(give them compliments)
Hello, guys, finished my goals.
Todas, I got more positive with my interactions even when it sounded that I want trying that hard. I did interactions in crowded places that I didn't use to perform and talk with two girls and asked for their number in less than 10 seconds. What really stops me from asking for getting numbers is thinking that asking seems like such a huge deal and I feel like the girls won't give it anyway. Also, if there is people I got extra anxiety. But what I notice about talking in crowded places is that almost everyone doesn't care what you're doing and even if they care they wouldn't do anything about it most of the time. Tomorrow, I want to be even more positive than today. I will medidate for 10 minutes before leaving on positivity. Also, I'm doing 6 approach which 3 will be to ask for phone numbers and 3 to give compliments.
I did my approaches sucessfully today. Faster than I thought.
I noticed that doing regular compliments and keeping at all times a positive mindset helps you to perform better.
3 - compliments
4- Asking for phone numbers(2/4)
One girl I got the phone number was a really cute redhead I met in my gym and another one I met on the street but I found her nearby my condo and she is pretty cute too. I noticed that being straightforward though don't yield great results and that might be because even with a good game you need to have the bare minimum social skills in order to proceed with the interaction. Although, I might be wrong... maybe with more experience I can come up with a better answer.
Tomorrow, I've to do 4 compliments and 4 asking for phone numbers
Hello, guys, todas I only did 1 approach of asking for the number which I got but no response till now. Also, I did 4/4. Today, I did volunteer work where I visited a elders shelter and It felt so good to be there but at the same time so grateful to be in my current conditions now. And while I'm writing this I just asked a very cute waiter to eat with me. I will keep my program tomorrow. I only can say that you should always be grateful and understand that certain people don't have the people or courage to do what it takes with their lives. I'm grateful I'm not bullshitting myself while I'm young.
I did my 4 approaches today and asked for girls number or instagram and got 2/4. But one I didnt save it because I didnt enjoyed the interaction and the second one I chose to give her my number. All I can say is that without the positive thinking I probably wouldn't do any of those. I was so scared to talk with these girls that I thought to just compliment only one at the mall and after that I complimented another girl that didn't go well but I still asked for her number and then it started to become easy.
And think that today was a turning point for me as I was thinking a lot about how I started and how scared I was to talk with any kind of human being. Look at me now... I can directly ask for girls number... something I always dreamt of by watching these YouTube videos. The best thing is that I know how hard working I'm.
I'm suppose to do 5 compliments and 5 asking for numbers.
I like to add that even if I'm not asking for the number... just talking is enough and always keep thinking that you will ask for the number and if you don't ask there is no big deal because you have unlimited tries
Keep going bro, you killing it

And yeah, you only see how far you've come when you look back. As for the numbers, try to look at it this way: you already did the approach and expressed your interest (the hardest part), might as well go all the way the grab those numbers, right?
Hello guys. Today I thought of doing my approaches while I was going to the gym. So, I'd to do it quickly in order to do all of it. I kept a positive mindset and my first approach was pretty simple as the girl was already looking at me. I got her number and fled from the interaction. My second one was inside the elevator and got her instagram and fastly I did another approach and she was trying to get away from me but I asked for her number anyway. The last ones weren't remarkable but I was able to finish it pretty fast.
Note: keeping a positive mindset or at least neutral might not help when you are not taking action but it will certainly help with future interactions and ease down the tension. Never be rude to yourself even if you don't approach. Always keep thinking that you can though.
Hi there. Today, I've to do 6 approaches. While I'm going to the gym, I will talk - even if not comfortable in the moment - to the nearest girl and early as possible.
I will do this approaches in less than 15 minutes.
Note: To become more positive, I think it's more clever to say you will do than that you will try to do something.
Note: One of the numbers that I got from yesterday seems responsive. I will try to take her on a date today or as early as possible.
I Just did the 6 approaches and a lot of funny stuff happened today
1 approach - She was pregnant and she even showed me the belly. We laught and I asked whether her husband was as strong as me. Somewhat it seemed like I would get her number if I tried and the fact that she was pregnant turned me on.
2 approach - the girl's shoe fell off her feet and I pick it up quickly and put it right back like some Cinderella shit hahaha. After that I said I deserved her number and she laught and said she was too old for me. Next time these kind of approaches happens I will stick around for a little bit more to see what is the deal as she didn't reject me.
3 approach - unremarkable one... usual thing. Compliment, ask about her day and stuff, shoot for number and she gave me her instagram instead.
4 approach - black cute girl in my gym. Got her insta
5 approach - thick girl from my gym. Asked for her insta and didn't insist on number.
6 approach - I almost fell of the chair right beside an average looking girl but still managed to ask for her number and we both laught at the situation
Tomorrow I've to do 7 compliments and 7 asking for numbers. Asking for numbers is always mandatory but compliments can be given in the same interaction.
Note: I scheduled a date from a girl I cold approach yesterday. So, I have to do this earlier on.
The girl I'd very cute. Probably, she is right beside the hottest ones I went out with. Funny enough, cold approaching has yielded better looking girls than tinder
Hello there, so did 7 approaches today but got so excited about my date that I forgot some. I will try to remember all
1. Unremarkable approach I just complimented and asked for her number
2. Funny approach at the gym. The girl was pretty hot and I directly asked for her number. Remarkable one because I did it in a setting I go often
3. Native girl - I said we were from the same tribe and so she should give me her number
4. Hot girl - asked for her number but she gave me her instagram. She has a bf though
5. Black average girl but with a hot body. I hugged her and she gave me her number
6. Hazel eyes from the supermarket. Got rejected
7. Girl that worked in the supermarket...
Later I will talk a little bit more about the interaction with the girl I cold approached two days ago
Oh funny thing I forgot about the hazel eyes. Just after she rejected me I went to talk with the girl right beside her and even if I didn't ask for her number I felt good that I did this so naturally
Tomorrow I've to do 8 compliments 8 asking for numbers. I don't see any more necessity of putting compliments aside from asking for numbers but as I started this log like this I think it's better to let it be as it is working somehow.
Greatest benefit of the positive mindset that Andy talked about on his podcast is that I don't need to give it so much thought as I had to do on the beginning. It's really astonishing to see that the approaches that seemed dull are right now somewhat funny to perform.

The date: so, I got her instagram as she was reluctant to give me her number. If the same situation happened 1 month ago I would certainly lose this opportunity as I saw that getting instagram meant that she wasn't interested. Thankfully, I changed my approach and got results.
Dm'ed her and talk about shit chat for a couple of minutes and then shoot for the date as soon as possible. The date was schedule to happen today at 5:30 pm on the same mall we have encountered as she studies in an university nearby. I got her to a coffee shop and we talked a little bit about everything. As always, from good looking loser I learnt that I should touch her as soon as often as possible...
She told me that I was cold after she asked me if I ever have fallen in love with a girl and I made a poker face. After more shit chat, I decided it was time to kiss her and she reciprocated.
After getting with 9 different girls, it is always fun to see how girls behave differently while kissing in public and this girl seemed to be down( but I didn't notice it at the moment as I talked to her a little bit more before leaving the place).
I said to her directly that we would be going to my car to listen to some music which she agreed without much hesitation. In the car, I tried to escalate but as she had a test it seemed that my plans were not going to work out. So, we ended the interaction. I noticed that after that she didn't want to hold hands and now I think that is because she doesn't want anything serious either. I will test the waters in two days to see if she is down.
Hello, guys, today I'd some doubts about somethings that even with positivity affected my overralll performance at the beginning. I think algo that positivity is not the right word to describe how I am feeling this past week about approaching and getting women. After hearing Andy's podcast, I had a vision and that vision was so bright and detailed that changed little by little how I felt about the whole thing. I always felt I had to invest the entire day to approach 5 girls for example and when I decided to only approach when I am going to the gym I had to really believe in my capacities. Today, I didn't start as I should because I let tons of opportunities pass by and I did only one approach after getting inside the gym so I had to do 6 approaches as I already did one earlier.
First approach : told a pharmacist that her eyes were cute and asked for her number. She went silent and I left
2: approach a middle aged women with a beautiful silky hair. She wasn't in the mood
3: approached a pretty cute girl I have been talking to at my gym and got her instagram and she followed me back(I will see what happens)
4: asked playfully a girl from my gym for her number so I would let her pass by me
5: followed a pretty hot cougar and complimented her and asked for her number. That was pretty funny as her husband as right beside her and I didn't notice. She was pretty gentle though.
6: asked a girl for her number inside the elevator and she said she had a bf.
7: again asked on the elevator and got the same answer
8: asked a pretty middle aged women for her number and she was trying to get away from me but as the conversation progressed she started to ask me questions and then she told me she would give me her number but my phone died so I asked her to put mine in hers
9: at the time I forgot about my first approach so I did it with a chubby black girl. It was pretty fast and unremarkable.

So I think that what is going on with me is way more than positivity. It is like I will make that happen no matter what so I invest all my cards on myself.
It is like Coleman said guys every wait you can lift its light weight BABY. Go get it
Tomorrow I've to do 9 compliments and 9 asking for numbers. Also, I will be creating a log for my professional life. Though, at this point, my sex life is more important
Tomorrow I have to do 9 compliments and 9 asking for numbers. Also, I have to create my log about business/professional life
I Just did 3 asking for numbers today. Actually, 5 approaches but the girls didnt wait enough for me to ask them for their numbers.
1. Complimented a girl about her tats and had s quick convo for a couple of minutes. Her bf came and was right behind me and I noticed with my rear view but continued talking to her as she was walking towards him. It's pretty funny as I had the nerve to ask him if she was his gf and say to him if she wasn't I would get her number. Hahah
2. Talked to a pharmacist again and complimented her hair and asked for her number in front of the whole stuff. She said she was married and giggled and her coworker looked directly into my eyes which I reciprocated in a fun way. It is amazing how this guys seems so bothered about a simple interaction.
3. Talked to a girl and I think she sells some only fans because of the picture inside her cellphone. Got her number and she responded. Maybe I will see something from it tomorrow.

The girl I had a date with ghosted me. Or it seems so.
I've scheduled two dates on the same day, the same place and the same time. Let's see if this approach works against flakes. The girls agree to the date today so I think it is highly likely they will come.

Tomorrow I will keep up with the 9 approaches.
Hello, Just did 9 approaches today.
Note: the girl I got her whatapp from yesterday said it was too cliché to ask about her own hobbies. So I did the most responsible thing a guy can do and deleted her number.

1. First approach ask a girl from my gym to give me her number and she said "maybe". So, I stopped talking to her immediately.
Note: somehow I don't remember all the approaches I did so I will just put it on here what I recall.
- girl was from my gym also and I got her instagram but didn't write it in.
- girl on the elevator and got rejected
- one girl said that my approach doesn't work and I said that maybe doesn't work with her
- one girl from the mall and she said she doesnt know me too well to give me the number and I insisted until she gets to the point of telling me she has a bf
- one girl from the mall. I asked for her number super quickly
- girl from store. I asked for instagram in a fun way
- girl from my condo I asked for her number directly after a quick conversation