Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Toast said:
Manganiello said:
But I reached that point in my head where I had to approach no matter. So I just walked over there and opened.
I need to get to this point. There have been several smokin chicks I've passed cuz their with their mom

Have to be something i deliberately think about while out approaching. And take action on

Just find a mom and daughter speaking Japanese and youre set.
Aug 6

- wasted an hour at a subpar mall. Then got to the better mall and it was quiet.
- Managed to get 4 hard approaches in (all duos. Hottest girls I saw today were in duos).
- I was either ignored or had really receptive girls in a longstanding relationship.
- Finding the hard approaches are making the anxiety higher and the aggressiveness lower.

notable approaches

Asian duo.
They were sitting at a bar table. I could only approach from the behind...
They turn around.
"I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi".
They turn back around and ignore me.

There were a bunch of others but nothing really special happened I just got super quick rejections.

Seems like the more audacious the approaches are the more anxiety I feel. But then when I actually do the approaches I'm passive AF. I was fairly direct and aggressive with getting the number this time last month.

But I think the break coupled with doing approaches that j wiuld never do earlier makes me feel more like I just want to bail.

So it feels like I got to pay the price and do the hard stuff before I can feel 'comfortable' enough to be hyper aggressive....

Or its just a matter of approaching for another week before I get the mojo back.

moving stuff
- not much. Just found a couple international recruiters based in Canada I can contact. I have to take a lot more action on this next week.
- friend asked if I wanted to go to Vancouver to train his sales staff. If I'm compensated well I'll do it. But at this point I need to hustle, bank up more money and make the plays that get me out of Calgary sooner. And approach more.
- always need to approach more.
Aug 7
2/~13 or 15

- Finally felt my normal approach self.
- Started doing pushy approaches and getting numbers from odd situations.
- Felt noticeably off when I started counting approaches.

Notable Approaches
"you don't have a boyfriend"
Convo went like this:
Hey your cute.
I don't have time to hang out.
I'm in a hurry too.
I'm on my break and need to get back.
How much longer is your break?
15 min
Ok cool we should get coffee next week
That's cool I'll just text you later.
I have a boyfriend.
No you don't.
Then she ignored me.

I forget the details. But she was a pro soccer player moving to spain.
Asked for the number.
She had a boyfriend.
Been seeing him for 7 years.
Still got the number.

quiet duo
She looked at me maybe twice maybe.
Gave one word answers.
Still got her number.
I feel like this number is probably fake tho.

UK girl
Girl from UK. Very very minor accent. I could only lightly pick it up. Had a boyfriend. I pushed maybe 3 or 4x. But she was hard no. Really reserved. But also receptive at the same time. So kind of hard to read her.

lessons and thoughts
I felt better when I just went in there not caring about how many approaches I was doing.

It seems like when I started thinking about my approach count. I got taken out of my mood and started caring too much. And that made my approaches less direct.

I was feeling extremely confident today. Like zero fucks to give. Was just feeling really direct.

But that tapered as soon as I thought. Damn I should get 5 more approaches in... Then I started like being weird and like softening my approaches.

Nothing yet. Gonna do some work on that this evening.
Aug 8

Alright don't want to make a long post.

Started the day feeling needy AF.
I think the low date count has been bothering me. Despite the needy feeling I got 10 approaches in about 40 to 45 minutes.

Mid session I felt really good. Back to my normal self.

Then late session I felt lethargic and started dragging my feet.

I could've had a huge day. But honestly I just wasn't feeling it. And I'm not going to really look into it cuz this is actually the biggest session I've done in awhile.

It took about 5 or 6 rejections to feel normal.

Idk if there were any honestly.
I think today was just a process oriented day. Trying to hit high volume and improve a percentage point.

other thoughts
So I realized I've only gotten like 35 or so numbers in Calgary. I thought it was much much much more than that.

But then another 18 outside of Calgary.

So my contact acquisition count wasn't quite as high as I thought it was

What's my point? Idk. Just an interesting observation.

Also approaching and working delayed my weekly planning. So now I have to do it tomorrow.

Nothing. Just worked extra today.
Manganiello said:
So I realized I've only gotten like 35 or so numbers in Calgary. I thought it was much much much more than that.

But then another 18 outside of Calgary.

So my contact acquisition count wasn't quite as high as I thought it was

What's my point? Idk. Just an interesting observation.
Stats show somewhat why ur date turnover is so low. Since its like 1/10 make a date. Which i still think is too small. Feels like 1/20 make a date most of the time
Aug 11


- Biggest session on a workday ever.
- Boldest approaches to date.
- Interrupted a guy trying to convert me to Christianity and approached a girl in front of him
- Felt extremely confident.
- Missed a great potential Instadate
- All of this was due to a long rejection tilt while approaching every girl I could see.


1. Food court Bf (apparently) still got number.
2. Food court
3. Bus stop
4. Trio on a patio
5. Duo in car
6. Girl grocery shopping.

Notable approaches

Missed DTF?
-- 2nd # seemed super dtf. Never had a girl come on that strongly ever. I approached her and she gets quiet and leans into me. I was like wtf? Wanted to go for an instadate then and there but she said she was meeting a friend. Should've asked her when!! Cuz if she had a few hours I honestly felt like she would've come back to my place. Argh felt amazing to do that approach but it was also frustrating.

Approaching while a guy is trying to convert me
-- I was walking down the street and this guy walks beside me.
Him: Do you have 2 minutes?
Me: No
Him: what are you doing?
Me: nothing

Then he goes on to walk a full block with me talking about Jesus. How it changed his life. He was suicidal and depressed. There's this big event happening this Sunday ... Then I stopped him.

Me: want to see me approach that girl there.
Him: for real???
Me: ya

Approached right in front of him got rejected. He was looking away like it was embarassing. Pushed the bf x3. Then walked back to the guy and said "No I'm good man."

First trio approach.
So never approached a trio til today.
Three cuties sitting on a patio drinking.
I actually bitched on this one once. Walked back. Went into the restaurant and the door guy asked if I was meeting people on the patio. I said ya (lol literally) and then approaches the trio. Got the number.

Then got the next 2 numbers after that. Duo in a car. And a grocery store approach.

BIG lessons

Todays success was entirely based on me approaching EVERY girl and getting rejected incessantly. Like seriously 90 minutes of just rejections. But at some point something clicked. I can't explained what it was but the confidence and audacity went through the roof.

I approached Safa who was the dtf seeming girl. Never had a girl into me that much. And the sexual tension was intense. I was feeling really confident on that approach.

Then I decided to keep going. And picked up another 4 contacts...

None of that would've happened.

If it wasn't for me being really aggressive in tackling AA.

Like usually on a typical day I'll miss one approach and that builds negative momentum that cascades into me missing 10 approaches.

But today I thought well let's just approach everyone. And it was hard. Because that meant approaching many girls in subpar situations. Duos, walking into a small store for the third time, silent crowds, etc. And that entire time. Every girl was rejecting. Most of them were blatantly ignoring me.

^^THAT^^ process of approaching every girl. Being uncomfortable and then getting shut down. Just snowballed into a high I Don't Give a Fuck level.

So by the time I got to Safa. It was like game over. My confidence was already high and then how she responded turned me on and then my confidence went even higher. It was insane.

So then I went to the street near my house and was doing very bold approaches with little care about what others were thinking or even how the girl would respond. Then picked up the 4 #s on top of the existing 2.

I'd say those 4 numbers would never have happened if it wasn't for the uncomfortable 20+ rejection spree I experienced earlier.

Not only because I would've called it quits and succumbed to the incessant rejection. But also because my approaches would've shown a degree of neediness.

You can't fake confidence like Mike says.

I experienced a midsession lethargy like I had experienced earlier.

I was telling Goldfish I didn't know what it was. But I realized it's from skipping approaches. I skip one and then I skip 15 after that. It snowballs.

But what got me out of that was the reverse. I did one hard approach and then another. And then another. And another and another.

It snowballed. And that's where the confidence and mojo came from.

The last thing I'll say is that what contributed a lot to this was that I was staying deregulated. I made mental note to trust myself before the session and it paid off.

Ok now the last thing...
Interestingly the girls seem very responsive now via text. And I wonder if that's because of the degree of confidence O had... OR just a randomness thing.

Too early to say.

Good day.

Really inspirational stuff bro. Making me wanna go outside right now to approach.

Manganiello said:
Todays success was entirely based on me approaching EVERY girl and getting rejected incessantly. Like seriously 90 minutes of just rejections. But at some point something clicked. I can't explained what it was but the confidence and audacity went through the roof.

I approached Safa who was the dtf seeming girl. Never had a girl into me that much. And the sexual tension was intense. I was feeling really confident on that approach.

Then I decided to keep going. And picked up another 4 contacts...

None of that would've happened.

If it wasn't for me being really aggressive in tackling AA.

Manganiello said:
^^THAT^^ process of approaching every girl. Being uncomfortable and then getting shut down. Just snowballed into a high I Don't Give a Fuck level.

You've given me some food for thought/action. I usually shy away when the AA comes on and it takes even more work just to get me into my normal 'state' (don't know if that's the right word for it).

Manganiello said:
I was telling @Goldfish I didn't know what it was. But I realized it's from skipping approaches. I skip one and then I skip 15 after that. It snowballs.

THIS ^^^^^^^
I love how the Jesus guy was mortified rather than impressed by the rejection. That's one reason this stuff will never catch on with the mainstream public.
offwego said:
I love how the Jesus guy was mortified rather than impressed by the rejection. That's one reason this stuff will never catch on with the mainstream public.

He was just embarrassed. like uncomfortable I would say.

Imo general public doesn't do it because they don't feel desperate enough to do something this "hard".
Went 1/15-20 yesterday.

I think it was 19 approaches.

Basically went out to pad the numbers.
Wasn't feeling it at all. Probably missed a few chances.

Mostly ignored. I think I had 2 conversations that got passed me saying my name.
Aug 14

Pushiness fluctuated a lot. As well as audacity

- Pushed 5x on a girl
- Got a girls number who was walking fast AF and had 0 time to talk. Literally speed walking 20second convo.
- Talked to 7 girls in 15 minutes. (Kind of an audacity and finding a lot of girls in one place randomly).

Just cuz Im confident AF doesn't give me a pass and not talk to girls. I skipped 2 at the night. And in Grand scheme of things... Not a big deal. But that's important to be aware of.
Aug 18

Not really much to say.
Volume was on the low end.

2 #s told me they had a bf first. Which seems to be extremely common. Maybe 1/7 numbers I get have a bf. Dunno how much I believe the bf thing half the time tho.

Went a pretty sizeable stretch where I was just getting ignored maybe 20 or so?

I think in general I need to increase my pushiness for the Instadate. I feel like the dates I do get are gonna come from this.

Went to setup a date with a girl today who said it was her friend's birthday. I just ignored I'll probably re-engage later. Maybe Friday night.

lol old

Definitely agree that being pushier for the instadate is key for making them happen. If she hesitates when you ask just tell her "ok lets go get coffee/boba"

Maybe even just take her hand and start walking if ur feeling ballsy enough.
Toast said:
lol old

Definitely agree that being pushier for the instadate is key for making them happen. If she hesitates when you ask just tell her "ok lets go get coffee/boba"

Maybe even just take her hand and start walking if ur feeling ballsy enough.

Convo went

Me: I'm going to get some coffee you should come
Her: I can't. I got things to do.
Me: do them later.
Her: oh I'm sorry
Me: let's go
Her: maybe another time.

That's when we exchanged.
But ya just need to do that more.
Lots of people at the mall are there to meet up with someone. But it could be the time of day I go as well.
Manganiello said:
Me: I'm going to get some coffee you should come
Her: I can't. I got things to do.
Me: do them later.
Her: oh I'm sorry
Me: let's go
Her: maybe another time.
Thats is actually really good. Very direct. Good shit. Just didnt work on this particular chick
Toast said:
Manganiello said:
Me: I'm going to get some coffee you should come
Her: I can't. I got things to do.
Me: do them later.
Her: oh I'm sorry
Me: let's go
Her: maybe another time.
Thats is actually really good. Very direct. Good shit. Just didnt work on this particular chick

Ya it's not bad. Could be better. I think I'm just comparing it to Mike tho.