Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Aug 19

Ya just brutal volume.
I missed a few but not enough to warrant a low day in and of itself. I think 30 was probably doable today. But I would've had to been on fire and audacious af to pull that one off.

I didn't enter any stores today. Well besides buying a water. I'm trying to keep the temperature cooler in the mall after an employee run in last week. Kind of just realized maybe it's not the best idea to enter the same store twice a day 5x a week. If the day was closer to me moving I probably would tho.

Most of the girls were just running away.
I'm starting to feel like you just demand that they talk. Did that twice today actually. Girl was about to leave. "Hey wait a second". That seemed to work on the girls who were already somewhat receptive.

Got a pretty bad reaction from a girl. She scowled when I said Hi. I forgot what she said.
But i told her to fuck herself. I was kind of done having it at that point.

People are weird.

(Some people) I had nice reactions as well today. Just felt very slanted in the negative.

other stuff
I could do a better job stating on track financially. Kind of been an after thought to put in solid hours at work and control my spending throughout the day.

Tomorrow I'll be on that.
Aug 20

Tired af.

Went out to eat with my dad for his birthday. It was actually a nice night.
But I think the ambiguity of today (maybe I was approach maybe I wasnt) kind of messed me up.

I approached but i (knowingly) went to a subpar venue. Just seems like I wasnt taking or even wanting to take today seriously.

Texted 10 #s just now. 4 from last Wednesday and a few I'm reengaging from the previous week.

I'm gonna end it there b4 I fall asleep lol. I'm completely dead rn.
Aug 21

Probably 60ish approaches if I were to guess. But idk. Definitely my biggest day yet. Even bigger than any AA program day.

High amount of rejections.
3 girls changed their mind during the exchange.

The more enthusiastic I felt the more I got rejected. The only thing that changed was that the rejections were less "harsh".

I didn't miss too many today. Just got throttled hard by the volume.

Got 40 approaches in maybe 2.5 hours. And then the rest of it dragged. Like scouring the mall for 1.5-2 hours and only finding maybe 15 girls to approach.

Other stuff.
Girl messaged me if I wanted to go for coffee today.
Set a time
Then she flaked.

Honestly I'm not even surprised at this point.
When I set the time I was thinking "watch something last minute come up"

Got a few girls to text back. Probably do that @ 10pm. Do I expect it to go anywhere? Nope.
I feel like that's a "good" approach day. If I can do a day like that each week I'll be happy.
Congrats on the approaches

Are you doing any online dating stuff as well?
Actual dates volume coming in month to month?
Slightly concerned you will burn out at this rate
Radical said:
Congrats on the

Radical said:
Are you doing any online dating stuff as well?
Online stuff is coming up. I literally haven't touched it yet. But I'll be taking pics this week or next.

Radical said:
Actual dates volume coming in month to month?

Lol average is one. But I think it comes down to either 1 of 2 things.

1) Girls in Calgary give numbers but don't come out. Which would make sense cuz both goldfish and I are combined 700 approaches in this city with 0 dates from girls who live in Calgary

2) Just a wave and they'll come out eventually.

I pretty much approach the same way Toast and (I think) Crisis_Overcomer does. They can tell me if I'm wrong. Number acquisitions is pretty good (1/7).

Radical said:
Slightly concerned you will burn out at this rate

Ive heard this my whole life. I don't get burnt out. I get bored. Last month I did maybe 5 approaches and I was dying inside. This month I'm at ~300 and I feel good.
Okay I wont bring up burnout again lol

Chris made online mandatory in combination with AA programme for a reason - so that you would get more chances to date and pick up momentum on that side too

If your goal is to get laid a lot you need leads coming in from all available avenues. Realistically you should be taking all social circle opportunities as well if there are some. Pretty big mistake I see from guys getting started is over focusing on one supply of girls. Good to see you have your action on online coming up

Dont listen to Crisis_Overcomer about online, he is a grizzled old vet with that and hates it these days haha. A guy who wants to up his laycount though needs the online options coming in
Radical said:
Okay I wont bring up burnout again lol

Chris made online mandatory in combination with AA programme for a reason - so that you would get more chances to date and pick up momentum on that side too

If your goal is to get laid a lot you need leads coming in from all available avenues. Realistically you should be taking all social circle opportunities as well if there are some. Pretty big mistake I see from guys getting started is over focusing on one supply of girls. Good to see you have your action on online coming up

Lol you can bring up burnout. I just seem to have a high tolerance for workload (so long as I enjoy what I'm doing).

Ya. Honestly I would've skipped online entirely but the abnormally flakiness is making me change my mind. I'll probably just end up doing both. Numbers game online and numbers game offline. I mean I can clearly approach so why not do both?

Yeah dont skip

Skipping online would show you are not serious about getting laid a lot

Serious about approaching yes, but not getting laid

Its like if you were starving to death but decided to never go to the grocery store and only eat what you can grow or kill. Doable and some people do that out of lifestyle choice but why the fuck would you opt to starve at all when there is a plentiful supply of food available.

I dont like arbitrary numbers or proscriptions with these things but here we go

Anyone under 20 lays lifetime who wants to fuck a lot of girls should not be making decisions like 'im gonna skip online'
Also getting to Asia with a sick online profile ready to go is gonna reap huge benefits im sure
Radical said:

Yeah dont skip

Skipping online would show you are not serious about getting laid a lot

Serious about approaching yes, but not getting laid

Its like if you were starving to death but decided to never go to the grocery store and only eat what you can grow or kill. Doable and some people do that out of lifestyle choice but why the fuck would you opt to starve at all when there is a plentiful supply of food available.

I dont like arbitrary numbers or proscriptions with these things but here we go

Anyone under 20 lays lifetime who wants to fuck a lot of girls should not be making decisions like 'im gonna skip online'

Thats a funny analogy. I think you can get laid plenty from high volume approach but ya I get it.

Appreciate the input Radical. Expect to see some pics up in the next 2 weeks then.
Radical said:
Pretty big mistake I see from guys getting started is over focusing on one supply of girls.
This sounds like me.
Radical said:
Dont listen to @Crisis_Overcomer about online, he is a grizzled old vet with that and hates it these days haha
Yah he's old and crotchety for sure. Figurative old man yelling at kids on his yard

Good insight radical.
Radical & Manganiello, I feel like the main reason to not do online is if you'd don't want to get lulled into complacency and stop approaching because of how easy online is. At least, that's how I basically read Andy's GLL log. On the flipside, his confidence skyrocketed with the Tinder BDSM shit so he did get a hot SDL approach but still he stopped getting laid from daygame shortly thereafter.

I swear I'd go harder with day/night game if I wasn't wasting time on online.
RogerRoger said:
@Radical & @Manganiello, I feel like the main reason to not do online is if you'd don't want to get lulled into complacency and stop approaching because of how easy online is. At least, that's how I basically read Andy's GLL log. On the flipside, his confidence skyrocketed with the Tinder BDSM shit so he did get a hot SDL approach but still he stopped getting laid from daygame shortly thereafter.

I swear I'd go harder with day/night game if I wasn't wasting time on online.

My main goal is to approach a lot.
I don't think that will change.

But at this point online seems necessary.

And RogerRoger that's an excuse. Go do an approach session today.
Toast said:
Radical wrote: ↑Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:37 pm
Pretty big mistake I see from guys getting started is over focusing on one supply of girls.
This sounds like me.

Theres a PUA I saw (not one id recommend but this is a good overview of how i feel) who described the whole thing as a 'leads machine'

Online/social media ->
Daygame/nightgame -> Contacts -> Dates -> Lays
Social circle ->

Thats how i see it too. Supply percentages vary of course but feasibly all can contribute and you should try everything
Sept 3

Just kind of doing it to get back into the swing of it.

Long Story Short
I'm feeling very committed to my goals right now. More than usual. I just don't want to be a stoic. I want more results and I'm grappling with the approach dynamics in this city and how to balance my bigger goals in light of this.


I haven't quite settled on where I stand with approaching here. I want to approach a lot but it seems like just going to the gym to retain muscle... Not super inspiring.

Most of my attention has gone to:
(1) working more so I can move faster.
(2) losing even more weight but faster
(3) getting decent pics for an online profile.

All 3 were good this week. Decently good actually.

I feel a weird mix of thoughts.

- I have absolutely no problem with 1/200 lay to approaches ratio.
- I like approaching a lot.
- I love the counterintuitive benefits of being rejected all the time.
- And this city is 0/900. Meaning out kf approaching 900 Calgary girls. 0 lays. 0 dates even. If the girl is NOT from Calgary she'll come out. If she is, it's a guaranteed ghost.

It's the extent to which that happens is making me think this "city sucks ass" or "it's just a negative tilt". I'm leaning to this city sucking ass. But I've seen successful guys go 1 date/1000 approaches... so it's not unheard of.
Sept 5

Was really just doing a maintenance day.

Value here is that I was basically not feeling it at all. Lots of apprehension. And the only thing that brought my mojo back were the hard approaches.

Overall audacity for the session seems to be linked to the difficulty of the approaches I
force myself to make during the session.

The one number was super receptive. Super responsive through text. So we all know how this goes.

I think Crisis_Overcomer latest story confirms the importance of contact maintenance which is something I usually never do. But I'll need to be equally on top of this.


Posted new pics for feedback here:

Sept 9

Wasn't really planning to approach today. But I had nothing better to do.

Pretty much every girl said thanks and ignored.

Was feeling pretty confident. Which is odd cuz usually that drops a lot when I don't approach for a few days.

Wasnt really making bold approaches. Prerry standard approaches. Girl in aisle. Girl walking in the mall. Girl on food court. Etc.

This was probably a really good day to approach for volume of cute girls but I got off work later than normal.
Manganiello said:
Was feeling pretty confident. Which is odd cuz usually that drops a lot when I don't approach for a few days.
Base line of approach skill finally acquired from doing ~1000 approaches.