Manga 🇰🇷: October Update

Manganiello said:
Ultimately the end goal is to feel entitlement without a pump-up.

I hear you man, but I was thinking of this more as a 21 day practice (like the book recommends) where for 30 min a day you gradually make and play out a more and more realistic visual scene of yourself already having had sex with the hottest women you know or have seen (so probably should visualize several stunning women instead of just one), which then leads to a massive and hopefully permanent self-image adjustment.
(I admit I could have explained that part of my suggestion better)

Personally, I'm gonna try picturing myself as a kind of Genghis Khan or devil surrounded by all the most beautiful women I know and want to sleep with, and while these women are doing all manner of sexual things to me and going wild with pleasure at being in my presence and trying their hardest to please me I am just relaxed and comfortable and enjoying myself, because this is nothing new for Lucifer/Manly the harem king. This is just a normal day for him.

Either way I'm gonna continue with it for the next three weeks and I'll let you know how it goes!

And congrats on the visa!
Manganiello said:
Jan 4

- 1283 calories
- 30 minutes of teacher studying
- back still hurts like a mofo. Been affecting sleep.
- And got the ***VISA***


Finally. Fuck.

This has been a goal sitting on my mind for about 24 months.

The visa process itself started the week I broke up and itself took over 5 months from start to finish, full of dodged landmines and conflicting government instructions.

I'll be landing in Seoul and staying there for a year.

Just need to receive the passport back in the mail and I'll be jetting to Korea possibly by Sunday or Monday.


Hell yeah man! Exciting. Can't wait to hear what Korea has in store for you.
Jan 22

Hey dudes.

Haven't updated as much as I would've liked to. I don't want to make a super long post. And I can elaborate on stuff if anyone cares to ask. But I just want to update.

I moved to Seoul

- I got out here roughly 10 days ago.
- Already met up with lacroix a few times, a dating coach/friend here, and a platonic chick I met from Hellotalk.
- The women are beautiful and abundant.
- you can comfortable raise the attractiveness of an average girl by a +2. Its rare to see an overweight girl.

first few days

I flew out on Tuesday 2 weeks ago. I arrived at 5pm, by 7pm I was at work and met my boss. At 9pm I got to my apartment and learnt that I had no furniture so I slept on the floor using some clothes and pillows as my bed.

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Honestly that night I was thinking. This was the worst fucking decision I ever made. Like I fucked up hard. Missing a country I could understand, and coming to terms with how little I knew about Korea (despite studying it) and ultimately missing my gf.

Manganiello said:
Got back together btw, and it's going great, but we both know it's ending in a matter of days.

It literally did end a few days after that.

But it's interesting because after doing some thinking, I realized I actually was really only missing her. If she died or refused to see me again, I wouldn't want to return. That realization gave a lot of perspective.

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I worked maybe 80-100 hours last week.
So haven't had time to update anything really. That isn't a normal workload. But I basically got thrown into the job with little direction so had to figure pretty much everything out immediately. It should ease up a lot over the next few weeks tho

This weekend is the lunar new year so I finally got some time to buy basic stuff like pots and pans, western food, and explore a bit of Seoul. The city is absolutely massive and crowded. Makes me wonder how well I could've done if Calgary had the same population density.

What's next
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- I actually probably won't have time to focus on girls for the next 2 months. Due to work and sorting out taxes and stuff like that in Canada.
- So likely will be focused on weightloss and bolstering my Korean speaking and listening skills.

Weight Loss

I have no idea what I weigh. I have to find a scale at a store still. I'm probably about 10 lbs heavier than I was 2 years ago. Which isn't horrible. But it's not great either. Especially since most people in Korea are skinny.

Learning korean

This is going to take a long time and might not even be worth focusing too much on it.
Korean takes about 2000 hours CLASS TIME to be comfortable with it.

And I'm not sure if I'll be here for 1 years, 2 years or forever yet. So I'll focus on it a bit, but going to language school doesn't make sense unless I plan to live here permanently.

The other thing is English proficiency is shockingly high here. Unlike Japan. Most young Koreans can understand basic English if not can comfortably speak it.

Will give more updates as they go.

Fitness accountability group chat

Anyone looking for more accountability in there fitness can join the group chat I started with a few other bros for added accountability to their gym or weight loss goals.

Only ask is that youre actually active and post consistently. Otherwise I'm kicking people out.

DM if you want to join. Its on Discord.
Props to you for taking massive action.

I'm curious how your journey in Korea will turn out.

Manganiello said:
I worked maybe 80-100 hours last week.
Damn bro.

Also, nice photos!
Radical said:
Im glad you got over that initial hump dude

That first night can be confronting

It was more like sheer terror and I don't get phased easily.

I was sleep deprived, exhausted, didn't understand the language, didn't know how shit worked, had this expectation to perform at a job I've never done before the very next day, and honestly just going through the breakup pain again.

That part had gotten significantly better as I have my bearings and a somewhat normal apartment now.
Aku said:
Props to you for taking massive action.

I'm curious how your journey in Korea will turn out.

Manganiello said:
I worked maybe 80-100 hours last week.
Damn bro.

Also, nice photos!

I'm curious too. There's so many bangable chicks it's insane. But we'll see. I won't really have time til mid March (hopefully sooner) to sink time into game again.
My first few weeks in London I wanted to hear what little pre hair transplant hair I had out and jump off my balcony!

You'll be fine champ

What an amazing adventure that lies ahead

Manganiello said:
Honestly that night I was thinking. This was the worst fucking decision I ever made. Like I fucked up hard. Missing a country I could understand, and coming to terms with how little I knew about Korea (despite studying it) and ultimately missing my gf.

And a year from now you'll be looking back seeing it as one of the best.

Keeping going after what you want, Manganiello. Pumped for you.
Jan 28



Finally got myself somewhat established in my apartment. Got a desk and shit.

My main concern rn is re-establishing habits that made me both successful and happy in the past.

So to start restarted a pretty aggressive deficit to kick-start a dieting phase again. With the help of Dewm and goldfish for the added accountability.

Next week I'll be tackling taxes and unfinished stuff in paperwork.

Although it's not a habit, its pretty much a giant time sink I need to clear.

I expect this to take awhile. As much as I'm itching to go and build a massive social life and meet tons of girls this has to come first.



Appreciate that bros. That extra bit of encouragement definitely helps.

Been busy.
More or less settled in Seoul.


New teaching semester started and it's incredibly challenging. Staying an hour longer each day feels like a necessity to stay on top of it.

Looks Maxxing

Dropped about 10-15 lbs since January. Currently hovering around my lowest weight.

Trying to understand Korean fashion norms. The style standards are about 2.5-3x higher than North America. Which is cool but simply have good style doesn't seem to be a differentiating factor as much.

Figuring out how Western vs. Eastern to go with my look. I'm guessing I'll probably be somewhere between a 80/20-60/40 split.

Guys in Radical's Facebook group will know about the seemingly bizarre world that is male Korean beauty standards.


Bumble profile is doing well. Went on 2 dates. But I'm not feeling it. I don't care to swipe or to message. OLD for me is a been there done that. And I'm not really here to use a dating app.

Focused on approaching in the near term.
Haven't done it seriously for 18 months. So there's a lot of work to do.

Starting up approaching with a crazy workload probably isn't a good idea. But I never really had a nice easy schedule in the last 3 years. So I'm used to it by now.


Dunno what else to report.
Feels like I'be mostly turned the corner on the ex. And she's probably done the same which is good. Still like her and wish her the best.

I think coming to Korea was like a fantasy but now that I'm the thick of it. It definitely feels like my life is harder here. Nvm the language barrier. It's the sheer workload, plus trying to understand an alien culture.

But I'm here and I'm in arguably the coolest city in the world with the most attractive girls in the world. So can't really complain much.
Hell of a chapter of your life dude

Life is to be lived. Enjoyed fully. Without limits.

You'll settle into approaching
Spring has arrived in Seoul and I'm slowly getting back into it.

Overall Update
- I don't feel horny still, nevertheless I'm slowly getting back into it.

Day Game
- I almost wanted to be mute on this.
- but there might be value in posting like I did before.

Entry point
- I never really got good at day game.
- Probably Voldemort's stance on high volume anti-game isn't actually good for achieving good results.
- either way I'm slowly getting back into it.

Volume & AA
- went out 11 times since March 26. Still have AA. But it's verrryyy slowly going away. Asking for time was hard. Now it's easy. Just getting more comfortable.

- I need volume and feedback on my approaches more than anything.

- I don't have a feel for Day Game actually. So priority is to not only get volume but have a clear feel for what an approach should be at a gut level.

yesterday (0)
- very hard.
- Did maybe like 10ish opens.
- But I'm counting zero, because at this stage it doesn't count if I eject prematurely which I did for a few of them.

Nothing. Purposefully neglecting it rn. Day game is the focus til it makes sense to mix in online.
April 9 (6)

Finally got real approaches in.
6 approaches
2 IDs
2 blow outs (no English)
2 walked away mindset

I'm writing this purely for my own reference here

- Build yourself by doing progressively harder stuff each day. Where asking for time is hard. And then giving a complement and running away is hard. And then there will be a period where you can stop and say the words. But you're uncomfortable to stay in set, if you even do approach, but most of the time you'll skip tons and tons of girls feeling mentally dull, like there's a repelling magnetic field around each girl. And you cant break through it. And you're in a lethargic, negative mood.

Once you're at that point. Where complements and random questions most of the time are easy but the approach is hard. You need to label your behaviour as being a bitch.

Because that's what's happening. It's not that you're not in the right mood or don't know what to say. It's that you're being a bitch.

You need to take a cold shower. That starts off on the coldest settings, all the warm water left the tap and now the shower is just ice. Get into it.

Because your mind will give all the same excuses to not get cold. And notice how there's no "being ready" you'll never be ready. The water is fucking cold. And it sucks. Get in. There's no pump up. You just walk in. Do it or don't. Simple as that.

That's how the approaches need to work.

Even with that mindset it will be hard.

So here's somethinfs that helped.
1) deciding to approach within 60 seconds of getting to the venue.
2) Pick targets. Don't look around. Find one. Just one girl. Fixate on her and then go in. This will stop you from mindessly skipping
3) watch example approaches in similar situations. Seeing some done in Japan on YouTube I was easily able to see (Oh you can just walk up like that and it works? Cool.) That helped.
4) Still give yourself time to fuck up.
5) Stop caring about the goal for a bit. And just worry about the mindset and behaviour that will get you to approach. Forget about the approach count for a bit. Worry about being ballsy and fast.
6) Don't expect it to go well at the start. You're just getting the exposure rn.

- being too creative with the opener. Or needing to be made me skip a few really cute girls when I was actually in a good mood. She's dressed so normal, what do I say? Idk. Just go say something, anything maybe.





Great to see you back and settling into Seoul. Ready to see you slay.
Good to hear from you Manganiello. I really admire the balls you had to radically alter your life. You're an absolute inspiration and legend. Can't wait to read about your new adventures.
April 10 (5)

Probably like 9 approaches.
But im only counting 5.

5 went like this:
3 ignored/had no English
2 didn't fully stop and engage enough to have a full convo.

Bitched out on 4..
- 2 girls could understand me but ignored. I know that's common in Asia and you just push through but didn't do that.
- 2 where I could've continued but didn't.

I really didn't like today.
I mean I was going much faster and I was actually getting sets in a lot quicker than
before. But still.

Just felt in my head. Not in the mood. Lethargic etc. Did it.

+ Start sooner, have a way to just get into approach mode as soon as I arrive. No need for downtime. Even on long days where I'm dull and tired.

+ Possibly have something specific in my approach I want to do better that day.

...might edit this more. As I think about it.