Manga: Shisha date no pull


Jun 5, 2020
Online Log

Hey guys,

I finally took some pics.
I've been sitting on my DSLR since February lolz.

Need some feedback
...or even just pics you guys like.

(These are literally the 1stpics I've gotten,
so I expect to add more, or edit what's here)

Also Thanks for Radical for the kick in the ass,
and goldfish for taking the pics.

PIC 1 (below)
View attachment 14

PIC 2 (below)
View attachment 13

PIC 3 (below)
View attachment 12

PIC 4 (below)
View attachment 11

PIC 5 (below)
View attachment 10

PIC 6 (below)
View attachment 9

PIC 7 (below)
View attachment 8

PIC 8 (below)
View attachment 7

PIC 9 (below)
View attachment 6

PIC 10 (below)
View attachment 5

PIC 11 (below)
View attachment 4

PIC 12 (below)
View attachment 3

PIC 13 (below)
View attachment 2

PIC 14 (below)
View attachment 1

PIC 15 (below)
1. Some of these seem out of focus
2. goldfish needs to mostly shoot in portrait. Think he could get a little closer to you at times too
3. Not keen on the shoes in the first outfit. Chuck Taylors or Old Skools would be my shout for that one
4. Need to work on posing, closest you are to getting it right are 1, 3, 8 and 13 id say
5. the clothes are oddly adjusted in some of them. the clasp for the pendant is showing in a few and your shirt rides up in 7 for example so make sure to readjust everything before the photographer starts taking shots

I think the best are 8 & 3
Radical said:
I think the best are 8 & 3

I agree. The shoes in 3 took away from a decent outfit. the white shoes in the other photos would've worked better.

What other shoes have you got?
Picture 8 is definitely the best IMO; it's the confident look you have in your eyes above anything else.

All the others your face appears either too serious, uncertain, or upset.

3 & 10 I'm unsure on.
8 - 10 - 11 would be my favorite of the lot. Though I'm not confident 11 portrays the right vibe for OLD.

I don't know if you look good shirtless, but if you do don't hesitate to include shirtless pics in your tinder. To this day my most effective pic for finding one night stands online is a shirtless one.
Really solid effort Manga, props to you, and really rooting for you on OLD - let's get you with some amazing ladies.

Wow this got way more feedback than I thought.

HyperR thanks dude. Goldfish were trying to mimic one of your pics. I knew it was KYIL guy just didn't know who. Your pics look solid.

MakingAComeback Effort is decent, just need to keep dialing it in. Or "grinding" lol.

Reservoir thanks. I appreciate your feedback. Ya shirtless pics are ideal, I have almost zero muscle definition on my abdomen/chest so I need to hardcore diet. Ya dude your shirtless pics are solid AF. I think you set a pretty good standard for shirtless profile pics.

Adam Radicals guide is like a cheat. Saved me so much time.

drz seems like everyone likes 8. It was actually a random pic. I have a lot of work to do still on posing. I think I look best when I'm actually not trying to do anything with my face.

TimmyTurner I have white shoes. Pretty much only use them for pictures. We had a walk a dusty trail for to get those pics so I just put on my ugly shoes. Ill just crop them out for that.

Radical thanks for the feedback man. As always it's solid and pointing out things I didn't think about.

Radical said:
5. the clothes are oddly adjusted in some of them. the clasp for the pendant is showing in a few and your shirt rides up in 7 for example so make sure to readjust everything before the photographer starts taking shots

I'll pay more attention to adjusting clothes before pics are taken. Still very new to this. Like everything else I just need to do this a 100 times before I get competent at it.


I'll probably just shoot more pics. Specifically need a (1) pet shot, (2) hobby shot, (3) shot with friends.
Manganiello said:
@HyperR thanks dude. Goldfish were trying to mimic one of your pics. I knew it was KYIL guy just didn't know who. Your pics look solid.
Thanks bro really appreciated
2nd round of photos


I think these are really solid. But I'm also an online dating noob. So any feedback or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Be honest. Be brutally honest. I'd rather hear truth over niceties.

goldfish & honeybadger for these.

ONE (below)
View attachment 1

TWO (below)
View attachment 6

THREE (below)

View attachment 5

FOUR (below)

View attachment 4

FIVE (below)

View attachment 3

SIX (below)
EDITED. Goldfish face is blocked out on this online pic only. Normal pic has him in it

SEVEN (below)
Editted just now.

View attachment 2
these are much better

1 is really good. i’d maybe edit your nose a bit to make it less red

2 is also good, esp with the faceapp charm edit

i know this forum hates smiling, but it looks pretty natural. unfortunately you can’t use it in the same stack at 1.

i don’t think 3 adds anything. it’s pretty clear you’re wearing the same jacket and are in the same place as 1

4 isn’t anything special but id use it for now. shows good full body style and the background is cool/different

5 is really tense awkward body language with you sucking in your stomach or whatever, makes me uncomfortable

6 your smile is kinda awkward, weak body language with you hugging yourself and you’re with 1 blur. doesn’t really count as a social photo

7 i would also use for now but would be a lot better with a real background, looks a little unnatural
Rags2Bitches said:
these are much better

1 is really good. i’d maybe edit your nose a bit to make it less red

2 is also good, esp with the faceapp charm edit


i know this forum hates smiling, but it looks pretty natural. unfortunately you can’t use it in the same stack at 1.

i don’t think 3 adds anything. it’s pretty clear you’re wearing the same jacket and are in the same place as 1

4 isn’t anything special but id use it for now. shows good full body style and the background is cool/different

5 is really tense awkward body language with you sucking in your stomach or whatever, makes me uncomfortable

6 your smile is kinda awkward, weak body language with you hugging yourself and you’re with 1 blur. doesn’t really count as a social photo

7 i would also use for now but would be a lot better with a real background, looks a little unnatural

Appreciate it man. That's great feedback.

Damn I thought that social photo was solid.

K I edited it and re-uploaded the social pic.

Other guy is blurred out cuz he doesn't want to be seen on this forum. Normally he isn't.
Manganiello said:
K I edited it and re-uploaded the social pic.

Other guy is blurred out cuz he doesn't want to be seen on this forum. Normally he isn't.

Yep this is better
Dont have much feedback to add as this is Rags2Bitches' wheelhouse and he covered it all

Props though for taking action on the online dating

p.s. no more troll accounts yeah. Theres a line between joking around and making this forum look like a joke, which encourages the sort of people Andy and I want to keep out
Damn. Those are some great photos, much much better than your other ones. The one you use for your avatar and the guitar pic are definitely the best two, but the other ones are great, too.

This really shows how big of a difference photos can make when they are properly taken. The other ones were too blurry.
Update: Finally got setup

Started profile last night.
Seems to be going well (18 matches including 20-25 lIkes).

No boosts, I think just new profile boons.

I have absolutely 0 context.

Last time I used tinder (5 years ago) I got one match. And it was a girl trying to sell me something.

I think the results are good. Which is just affirming that the photos are actually good.

Still a few more I want to add.

EDIT: Forgot to blur Goldfish
Might delete the 2nd pic


Rags2Bitches thanks a billion. Feedback was solid. And what I needed.

Crypto that seems to be the consensus. Unfortunately not using #2 cuz it's the same outfit/setting as #1.

drifter and a lot of editing. Original pictures were mediocre, honestly. But ya thanks. I feel these are better too.

Huge Thank You for posting on my approach thread 2 weeks ago. I'd have 0 pictures and no profile if you didn't drop your comments. I think I do a lot better when people give me feedback like that. Much appreciated.

Lol ya. It was fun while it lasted. But I get it. There's a certain environment you're trying to create.