Manga: Shisha date no pull

This guy fucks

Comfortable sharing your bio?
Vice said:
bro you look like a douche

Which I say with much respect <3

Ya man that's what I was going for.
The look is growing on me.

Juhboi said:
This guy fucks

Comfortable sharing your bio?

Ya here.

Honestly just copied Master for the most part.

If you see anything you would add/change by all means tell me. I'm incredibly new to this.

2 and 6 need to be phased out asap.

you look kinda sickly in 2 and angry/miserable in 6.

if you can crop the smiling photo from the last photoshoot a little further away so it's not the exact same distance as 1 I would add it in there toward the end of the stack.

also keep taking photos. there's definitely room for improvement

great job on setting it up
Rags2Bitches said:
2 and 6 need to be phased out asap.

you look kinda sickly in 2 and angry/miserable in 6.

if you can crop the smiling photo from the last photoshoot a little further away so it's not the exact same distance as 1 I would add it in there toward the end of the stack.

also keep taking photos. there's definitely room for improvement

great job on setting it up

Ya I feel like 2 & 6 don't quit fit.
Tons of room improve.

Update: Date from Tinder.

Fit girl from St. Lucia. Not bad looking.
Was schedule later but then she rescheduled for earlier.

Only had 45 minutes. Normally I would've tried to pull. Logistics weren't there tho.

Supposed to meet Friday. I'll probably go for the pull if she doesn't ghost or flake... Which I'm guessing she will. She suggested meeting up again. But I'm just hardened to this stuff from all the cold approach flaking.

She suggested meeting possibly tonight or later in the week. I wasn't feeling it for today. Should I have just scheduled a 2nd meeting later tonight?

(I think I should've purely for experience. I was just worried about coming off as too needy).

I've also had about 50-60 likes so far. Which is encouraging considering the account is less than 2 days old. BUT Im trying to get my expectations in check to a baseline. Cuz I don't expect the number of matches to stay the same as my account ages.
Manganiello said:
She suggested meeting possibly tonight or later in the week. I wasn't feeling it for today. Should I have just scheduled a 2nd meeting later tonight?

What does Manganiello want? Did he want to smash tonight? Then go for the kill. If you want to sleep, sleep. Be aggressive, killer instinct. I feel way worse being not aggressive enough versus being too aggressive.

Also if the logistics aren't there GO TO HER PLACE. If she refuses go for the makeout at the end regardless.

One last edit. IMO second date shoot for "indoor picnic" grab some Togo food, blanket, be cute and go for it
Juhboi said:
What does Manganiello want? Did he want to smash tonight?

At the time: sleep. Now I want to smash.

Juhboi said:
I feel way worse being not aggressive enough versus being too aggressive.

That's a really good point. I usually feel good about my dates if I was aggressive with them.

Juhboi said:
IMO second date shoot for "indoor picnic" grab some Togo food, blanket, be cute and go for it

Already set the time and place. That's not a horrible idea.
Manganiello said:
Juhboi said:
What does Manganiello want? Did he want to smash tonight?

At the time: sleep. Now I want to smash.

Juhboi said:
I feel way worse being not aggressive enough versus being too aggressive.

That's a really good point. I usually feel good about my dates if I was aggressive with them.

Juhboi said:
IMO second date shoot for "indoor picnic" grab some Togo food, blanket, be cute and go for it

Already set the time and place. That's not a horrible idea.

Lol I feel you right now on wanting sleeping over smashing sometimes :lol: Good luck on your date man!
Here we go, the online ball is rolling

Hopefully you keep up the approaches too

Try and fight the 'im not feeling it' thing when you are starting out - that kills progress and theres merit in just sucking it up when theres opportunity

You NEED experience
Sept 9

Day 3 of Online

Boosted at 7:30pm
12 likes. Probably 5 from the boost.
3 numbers.
1 date setup for Monday.

1 cute girl wanted to snap, but I don't even use it.
Might need to start building up social profiles again :/

Started Hinge last night.
Haven't paid for premium yet.
~8 messages
Matched twice
Got 1 number.

Gonna try and sign up as soon as I'm done writing this.

Running Total:
5 #s/60 matches
70-80 likes.

Might use this format/might not.

One thing I really want to do is post weekly updates on stats messages/boosts/matches/numbers etc.
Think it would be beneficial to myself and others if we can see how it's going. I've been pretty candid about the approach stuff, so might as well do it here.

Master What other apps seem to be popular in Canada?
Bumble/Hinge/Badoo (I think)/Tinder. Anything else?

Radical said:
Try and fight the 'im not feeling it' thing when you are starting out - that kills progress and theres merit in just sucking it up when theres opportunity

You're 100% right about this. I need the reps.
Manganiello said:
Sept 9
@Master What other apps seem to be popular in Canada?
Bumble/Hinge/Badoo (I think)/Tinder. Anything else?

I'm mainly on Tinder(#1), Fruitz(#2), Badoo(#3), Bumble(#4), Havent had any luck with hinge but it might just be a quebec thing lol.
Fruitz is a up and coming platform, got 2 lays in the first 2 weeks of using it, def try it out.
Good shit on starting your profile hope you can have tons of success. Your photos are great man!
I also responded to Toast questions he had on your behalf I believe!
Sept 10

Got laid.

+ 30 matches today

(I'll put today's stats at the bottom.)

First Online Lay

So I got laid, this one belongs to Radical. He got me to do online, and also got me to push for sex when I'm not feeling it.

- Went straight to her place (no date)
- Watched a movie, drank ciders and MACA (thanks Crisis_Overcomer ) cuz I wasn't feelin it.
- I hesitated to make a move for 30 minutes, Made a move, but didn't escalate after that.
- 90 minutes in, she escalates, makeout>clothes off>foreplay>little bit of sex.
- Still had trouble getting hard, so I think I'll get some ED pills or something.
- Felt very one night stand-like. Which is 100% ok with me.

How it went down

So this lay was basically handed to me.
I'm not terribly attracted to this chick. We went out for coffee Wed. She was cool.

She wanted to see me Friday, same cafe.

She texted me saying she wanted to go straight to her place instead

Got there.

I wasn't horny, was trying the whole time to think about sex with this girl, but we ended up just chatting like friends.

Put on a movie, she sat close. I hesitated. Nothing happened. She sat far away.

30 minutes in,
I get her to touch my chest, put her hand underneath my shirt.
She likes it but pulls away. I don't bother cycling again.

90 minutes in
She puts her leg on my leg. She's shaking a bit. I tell her that, put my arm around her and then start making out. Clothes come off. And I went down on her. Pretty fun. First time eating a girl out.
Lots of foreplay.
Tried putting it in.
I got in her for like 2 seconds, but I was so limp it was pointless. Got her to ride me.
Then she said "I'm gonna throw up" (guess she drank too much). Maybe or I wasn't all that hard. Probably both.

She was super wet, I was only mildly into it. Honestly.
I had to close my eyes and just let my sense take over,
It was fun, but idk If I'd see her again. We'll see. I'll let her text me 1st.


Not getting high off my own supply
So getting laid after 3 days of using Tinder is pretty cool...
But I don't want to walk into this with false expectations. Sure I'm getting a ton of matches, but I cant get high on my own supply. Hard work, learning from others and playing the numbers game got this result, not some self-aggrandized trait about myself. And I still have a lot to work on.

Dopamine hit from Online vs. Cold Approach
It seems like online is about a billion times easier than cold approach.
But the Cold Approach Lay felt like it changed my world.
The girl in Toronto was fucking hot af. Korean. and it was from a cold approach that was difficult to pull off, plus a date that was hard to pull on + 20 minutes of bedroom resistance. I just felt awesome about that one. Felt like I broke the universe, and did something that should be impossible to do. I realized I was breathing rare air after that lay. This one... ok cool. If this girl was more my type I'd probably feel more enthralled about it.

2 #s
10 ongoing convos
22 Matches
3 Boosts (6pm, 8pm, 10pm) 8pm did best.

0 #s
1 ongoing convo
4 matches

0 #s
1 conversation dead
4 matches
Some girls on Badoo are cute, but most look like crack addicts, it's really fucking weird out there.

Day 4 - Running Total
7 numbers/~90 matches
110-120 likes
6 Boosts used.

Oh ya Plus One approach. Was kinda drunk still, and just finished texting Toast about the lay. Had a BF but still got the number. 2nd day in a row I've had very little AA.

Master said:
I'm mainly on Tinder(#1), Fruitz(#2), Badoo(#3), Bumble(#4), Havent had any luck with hinge but it might just be a quebec thing lol.
Fruitz is a up and coming platform, got 2 lays in the first 2 weeks of using it, def try it out.
Good shit on starting your profile hope you can have tons of success. Your photos are great man!
I also responded to Toast questions he had on your behalf I believe!

I saw that. Thanks for the answers. Dunno how you're converting that well. If I can do those conversions I'll be golden. I'm just focusing hard on numbers.

Thanks man, got lots of help with the photos.
And Hinge is fucking awesome here. Tons of hot girls. Got 1 date setup from it.

I'll try Fruitz. Thank you for pointing that one out.

Any feedback is much appreciated thank you dear Mr. Master!
Well done man :)

I think OLD will work for you, so you should dive RIGHT in and get the most out of it. Your stats are encouraging. Do you know I used it for 3 months, did 2 boosts every day, 300 messages on Hinge a day stuff like that, and you already have 10x the matches and traction I got. As such, I think you need to make OLD a staple. Some guys it works for, I think you are one.

Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
Well done man :)

I think OLD will work for you, so you should dive RIGHT in and get the most out of it. Your stats are encouraging. Do you know I used it for 3 months, did 2 boosts every day, 300 messages on Hinge a day stuff like that, and you already have 10x the matches and traction I got. As such, I think you need to make OLD a staple. Some guys it works for, I think you are one.

Keep hammering,

Thanks MAC. Wow, I think that just shows how important a good profile is. There's a big inequality on OLD. If you have a top level profile you get many times more matches than an average profile. I read the number somewhere, but I forget what it was. It's VERY lopsided.

Keep working on yourself. I'm 60 lbs. lighter.
This was me a little over 2 years ago:

Once you get decent pictures let others tear them apart so you know what to aim for.
MakingAComeback said:
Well done man :)

I think OLD will work for you, so you should dive RIGHT in and get the most out of it. Your stats are encouraging. Do you know I used it for 3 months, did 2 boosts every day, 300 messages on Hinge a day stuff like that, and you already have 10x the matches and traction I got. As such, I think you need to make OLD a staple. Some guys it works for, I think you are one.

Keep hammering,

lol fuck offff. i have a lot of respect for you and you have 5x my work ethic, but come on. “some guys it works for” 😂

about a week ago i was ranting about the forum and talking shit to Radical about how Manganiello has a long road ahead cause that first round of pics he posted was awfullll. i downloaded some of them and tried to edit them and got discouraged.

note, i didn’t talk about you cause i thought his situation was harder. then he took 10x better pics, edited them, got laid and is killing it online.

sending ____ number of messages may feel like work but it’s not actually getting you anywhere. what moves the needle in OLD is taking new photos. get after it

And you will randomly get top class lays off online, its all numbers

Bear in mind what KillYourInnerLoser has achieved from online

Let the momentum of this lay carry over into your approaches and double down on the effort
Very nice my man.

Manganiello said:
Put on a movie, she sat close. I hesitated. Nothing happened. She sat far away.

30 minutes in,
I get her to touch my chest, put her hand underneath my shirt.
She likes it but pulls away. I don't bother cycling again.

90 minutes in
She puts her leg on my leg. She's shaking a bit. I tell her that, put my arm around her and then start making out.
Tip to you is to put on LORT Extended trilogy and not make a single move until the very end. That way your
non action keeps her wanting MORE. At the very end she will be extra horny. Works 100% of the time.