Manga: Shisha date no pull

25 likes or so
14 matches
2 boosts
3#s I think.
1 rescheduled date
1 new date setuo

Been a lot more picky with matching today.

And for the rejection and flaking value.
Regarding first girl, I'd say it's a shit test. Would have replied "Gotcha. Then how about bubble tea while helping with some shopping I want to do?" She'd have said no/flaked/👻 either way, but it's worth a shot if she was cute+

I almost want to believe girl number three was telling the truth. Almost.
Manganiello said:
Damn that's like $4 bucks!💀💀💀

lol 3rd girl ate shit!!! possible its true cuz that's a pretty specific instance to just make up for flake. But who knows, maybe girls do shit like that.
When its detailed like that and kind of out of left field it usually seems to be the truth in my experience
Radical might be true, but her behaviour is that she's not responding. I'll re engage in a week.

Crisis Succumber said:
Regarding first girl, I'd say it's a shit test. Would have replied "Gotcha. Then how about bubble tea while helping with some shopping I want to do?" She'd have said no/flaked/ either way, but it's worth a shot if she was cute+

Crisis_Overcomer She was cute. Hmm I didn't even think about that. Ill do that next time. I mean if she ghosts she ghosts. Might as well keep my behaviour about pushing for the exchange constant.
I've had two different girls this last year message me on date night saying they were in the emergency room lol

One had damaged her foot and it had swollen to balloon size - she sent a pic from the hospital
The other had a bad allergic reaction to something

Met up and shagged both of them in the end. I give the benefit of the doubt as long as they are still communicating with me
Radical said:
I've had two different girls this last year message me on date night saying they were in the emergency room lol

One had damaged her foot and it had swollen to balloon size - she sent a pic from the hospital
The other had a bad allergic reaction to something

Met up and shagged both of them in the end. I give the benefit of the doubt as long as they are still communicating with me

That's a good way of thinking about it. There's really nothing to lose there. Crisis_Overcomer is a good example of that right now with his remessaging.
Sept 6 - Day 8

Another lay dudes.

Girl was definitely cute, not hot, but cute.
Pulled under 30 minutes
Sex was really fucking good (no pun intended). Probably 75-90 minutes.

How it went down

Went to Starbucks 4 minutes from my place (she happened to live close too).
Intentionally went there a few minutes before it closed.
They kicked us out. Walked out to go to a bar,

As we walk I suggest we watch a movie at my place.
She asked which one --- Which to me meant "Yes"

So pull took less than 30 minutes.

My Place
I was nervous, she was nervous. I like couldn't pay attention to what she was saying I was so nervous, so I actually spent time just talking to cool us both down, which seemed to work. Then went and watched HunterxHunter.

The original escalation plan didn't quite work.
I got her to touch my muscles, but it just wasn't escalating like I thought it would.
So I put her leg on mine, pulled her in and made out.

Really Good Sex
We made out for maybe 10 minutes, I ate her out for 10, then she gave me a really good bj for another 10.

She was smiling and staring at me the whole time, that coupled with how petite she was, and how good she was, really tuned me on. then she asked "do you want to fuck me"... Then I really got hard. banged her pretty good for maybe 45 minutes, I was trying to push her off the couch lol. She asked if I wanted to explode in her mouth, but honesty I couldn't come, I was just in a steady turned-on mode the whole time.
She blew me again, we made out, and that was it.

Sex was really, really enjoyable. Definitely the best sex so far, not that there's been a lot, lol. But I'll remember that one for how intense it was.

Thanks JaegerBombastic the tips.

I honestly didn't expect Online to go this well this fast. Thanks again guys.
But I can't adopt a sense of entitlement, hardwork, listening to others and doing enough made this happen.

It feels good just remembering how good the sex was. Something about her staring and smiling.
Unlike the first tinder lay, I was actually into this girl.

Oh and small goal accomplished; the building could definitely hear us.

Now some Rejection Value

Date tomorrow cancelled.
Hottest girl I've gotten number from is super unresponsive.
Two girls I was expecting to see this weekend postponed.
And still most of my interactions go nowhere on Tinder.

Tried to get a Cialis or Tadalafil prescription, but 2 different doctors refused to prescribe. Seeing another one Friday.

New Lockdown measures go into effect tomorrow, so I literally just emergency booked a vaccination tomorrow, cuz I literally won't be able to go inside for dates otherwise. This government royally fucked this one up. Anyway.

And FINALLY found a legit vegan on Tinder. Like isn't just doing it as a fad diet-vegan. It was kind of bitterwseet. Like we both knew we'd get along super easy. We have a lot of mutual friends. I thought she was hot, she thought I was hot. But she's looking for a relationship, I was just saying I don't want one. Felt bittersweet. Chances are I'll run into her in real life.

Still Swiping and Boosting, not as much came out of it today.
Manganiello said:
Then went and watched HunterxHunter.
HYPE. This is the best part of the whole story. HxH is one of my favorite anime.

Congrats brutha. Thats 2 in one week. Good shit
Manganiello said:
Another lay dudes.

Girl was definitely cute, not hot, but cute.
Pulled under 30 minutes
Sex was really fucking good (no pun intended). Probably 75-90 minutes.

Dude that's awesome. Killing it.
Manganiello said:
I honestly didn't expect Online to go this well this fast. Thanks again guys.

Yeah with everything on point it can basically solve your sex life without a huge amount of effort (after set up of course)
Sept 16
Cancellation + No Pull

Angry Girl Cancels

View attachment 1

yesterday's girl ghosts

And... Date + No Pull

Had a date today. With a pretty cute girl. Definitely the hottest date to come off from tinder.

Date went like this...
Cafe date.

Went for a walk 30 minutes in

You want to watch a show?

No. I gotta go for a run.

Well it's 7 now, we could go til 730.

She like didn't give a hard no.

So I stopped walking and just motioned for her to follow me.

She didn't.

Walked her back to her car.


Feeling mad after the date

I just didn't like that I only pushed once for the pull and didnt calibrate well nor did I walk into that date with a closers mindset. I was just expecting it to be easy.

Reaffirms rejection is inherent to the process and it's work ethic and commitment that deliver results not having stuff fall into your lap.

Better News

4 new dates scheduled from today. Hopefully 1 more. But waiting confirmation.

3 boosts today
~ 20 matches
~ 4 #s
~ 4 new dates booked
Radical said:
Manganiello said:
Angry Girl Cancels

Fking lol

Isnt the age 16 in Canada, you gotta list as 18 to be on tinder

"A lil fluff on the muff means she's old enough" to quote the great Ali G.

Lol ya. Its 16. But it might as well be 18. I didn't even know it was 16 til now. I had to look it up.
Manganiello said:
Lol ya. Its 16. But it might as well be 18. I didn't even know it was 16 til now. I had to look it up.
That's illegal. You cant say the forbidden number on this forum!!