Manga: Shisha date no pull

You know Andy never used to advise the 4 message chat template back in the day

When i first started getting coaching he had me do:

‘Hey you’re sexy….’
Her response
‘Cool, im not looking for anything serious but if you’re down for a drink…’

And yeah it worked to a degree. Try the super up front approach if you are sick of the messaging
Radical did you find that increasing the length of the conversation improved closing rate + got you more lays?

I only used Andy's long template on my first ~200 girls before switching to a shorter version and didn't notice any change in that regards, but the sample size is small.
Reservoir I cant really say unfortunately

I got more success with Andys more recent template but I significantly improved my tinder simultaneously so thats flawed data to me

I know both work in my case

Edit: also i screen for my type of girl (rave girls/travel girls) and their response to the fun question is helpful
Radical said:
3 lays of 6 dates in 2 weeks is good yes. Great start

You seem a bit down though, is it cause you are looking at the ratios?

Hmm I think it's cuz I feel like it's not going to stay this way. It's like a latent worry.

Radical said:
Calgary has a 1m+ population from what i can see, you will have some down periods on the apps (most of us do) but thats a big enough city imo for regular online success

Ok good. I was concerned about that.

Reservoir said:
In the beginning, when I was tracking stats, I needed on average 63 matches (or likes, can't remember) to get one date.

Reservoir thanks. I was hoping you'd chip in. that ratio is close to mine. I'd say. Idk why I'm getting so many numbers. Could be any number of reasons: Culture, city, I'm just calibrated well in text, idk. But it's not really about the contact exchanges to me it's more about maximizing dates with Dtf girls.

Thanks Dewm if it wasn't for these guys on the forum I wouldn't have gotten laid. I can confidently say that.
Sept 23

Just posting so I don't lose track of today's stats.

21 matches
2 #s
0 dates scheduled

2 boosts.

Girls are agreeing to the number than being a fucking hassle to schedule something with. That's been this week's theme.

One girl said only one time during the next two weeks and it has to be outside the city.

Anyway took more pics. I'll upload them later. Got to get to work.
Sept 23
New lay with a 27 y.o.

Almost too tired to write this.

Lay Report

almost a flake

She sent me a text early this morning about her coworker having a medical emergency. Which I assumed meant a flak. But no .

the date

Went for drinks. Longer date maybe 60 minutes of just drinking.

She grilled me about being vegan. Then we talked about what we like in bed.

She actually suggested going back to my place. 2 seconds before I was gonna mention it (literally).

my place

We got back to my place.
No movie this time Radical

Sat on the couch. Talked for a few minute.

Told her to move closer. She did.

And it escalated the same way almost all the other ones did.

Put her leg over mine.
Made out.
Take clothes off.
Then we smashed.

It was really intense this time. Even more intense than the girl last week.

Choking, I was like damn how hard do I have to squeeze? She loved it.

I think rough would be the wrong word. Just forceful and emotional maybe is the right word.

I did not mind.

Good 15 minutes of foreplay than probably 45-60 minutes of smashing. I got tired. Couldn't cum. I was pretty fucking hard the whole time tho.

And again tons of noise. I like it, but at the same time the walls are paper thin. So idk my stance kn that quite yet.

Afterward we talked about BDSM afterwards.. I've never tried. She's done it quite a bit.

We talked about meeting up again.
But we'll see.

1 day short of being 3 girls on a week... Which might be vain but a part of me wants to do it.

OLD stuff today
1 new date setup
2 or 3#s I think.
Probably 20 matches.

1 OKish boost netting 2 matches

Also me and goldfish took some sick ass picks I'll share when I get time. this was definitely the best photoshoot so far.

Will share later.
Manganiello said:
And again tons of noise. I like it, but at the same time the walls are paper thin. So idk my stance on that quite yet.
Just make the neighbors jealous brutha.
Sept 25

Two dumb dates.
But got a Korean girls number working at a store.

First girl - was outside the city. So no logistics.

Second girl - boring and on the relationship track.

I wanted to see what happens when I don't screen as aggressively. So both these girls I ended up wasting time on and no pulls.

I'd rather have gamed than go on those dates.


Neglected this a bit

- 1 new date scheduled for next week.
- 1 number
- 9 matches (lowest so far)
- 20 likes - Maybe I'm just being picky?

1 boost. 20 likes is fairly low. I havent really swiped or boosted. So maybe that's why.



Thing in most happy about yesterday is actually the Korean girls number. Even though there's a 95%+ chance it goes nowhere.

I have one date possibly today. She's cute but I 90% expect her to flake. And I kind of want a quiet day off. Haven't had one in a month.
Sept 25

2 new dates scheduled
3 #s
18 matches

1 cancel
3 boosts

Sept 26

1 new dates scheduled
7 #s (not bad)
17 matches

2 boosts

cold approach


I don't know who to contact Radical. Any idea why pictures aren't uploading directly to the forum? Issue only seems to have started this weekend. Could just be a me thing but I think Goldfish had the same issue.
Sept 27


Didn't go anywhere. Relationship track. Couldn't pull. I liked her but she's ghosting as to be expected. She was screened but I guess she didn't understand the message.


1 new scheduled date
4 #s
21 matches
2 boosts

... Tired.
Got a long workday and then one cute date (pending a no-cancel)


Switching off keto for the next 3 weeks so my body can recover. Feeling a bit weird lately.

Weighed in at my lowest yesterday at 162.8.

I expect that to rebound fast once my glycogen replenishes.

Why are there so many heart emojis?


It must be stopped.
Sept 28

Date cancelled.

She was cute but said "maybe next week".
Sure. Maybe. Lol


2 new dates scheduled
3 #s
30 matches

4 boosts (1 great, 2 decent, 1 trashy)

One of the girls suggested we try the bar at a vegan restaurant where I was flirting with the bar manager there.

Should be interesting...


Put new pics on. I've been getting more matches per boost, hotter girls and more girls initiating.

Dunno if that's random or attributes to the profile update.

Time will tell.
Sept 29

Quick update.

Date with virgin girl


She was super uncomfortable at my place. Like down to come over but like uncomfortable at each step.

Just made out and felt her up.

Didn't really force it or whip it out.

In hindsight I probably couldve.
I was maybe being too accommodating with her. Like I'd advance then she's pull away advance a little farther etc.

It was her first makeout ever. So she was like new new.

I think it was possible to get handjob had I "checked in" with her less. Maybe I was being too empathetic.

You guys have any suggestions??

I might see her again next week. But still i feel like there were some options there.

I'll update stats later. It was a decent day, got a last minute cancel as well.
Inexperienced girls are like KillYourInnerLosers specialty and type. Check over how he approaches it in his GLL logs, theres like 20 virgin stories at least

If you want easy sex tho i advise screening them out which is what i do, bit of a headache in my eyes
Sept 30

3 dates scheduled.
1 cancelled
1 rescheduled
1 went to a dog park for 30 min.

Long story short.
I double booked 2 girls. Both confirmed. So I rescheduled the uglier one. And then the hotter one cancelled. So I told the uglier were still on and came up with some excuse. Then she said oh ok perfect let's meet at the dog park!

Dumb date. 0 logistics. She was on the middle of moving. And was actually texting people where to pick up her stuff during the date. It was so dumb.

I would've been better off approaching..

Stats today:

3 new scheduled dates (incl. The rescheduled girl)
6 #s
~ 35 matches

3 boosts.


Feels like I'm prioritizing dating too much. Which is good. But I'm also routinely leaving work early to go on dates. Which is fine. But I'm not gaining financially when I definitely should be.

Radical said:
If you want easy sex tho i advise screening them out which is what i do, bit of a headache in my eyes

I'm going to opt for experience at this point. Once I hit a decent lay count I'll worry more about efficiency.
quick update

Date 1

Went on a proper date with a vegan. Reservations the whole shebang.
Funny thing was the server was a girl I matched with and flirted with last week. But she screened herself out after the "nothing serious" text.
I actually pulled...
But she had to go on 30 minutes so she just messaged me that we should get together later in the week.
So no dice

Date 2

Cute girl.
Drinks for an hour
Made out for like 15 minutes, put my hand underneath her bra.
She stopped midway and said she couldnt get into it.
No dice

Friday Date

Another girl. Screened. But she wasn't dtf.
She was weird, she had a hard time making eye contact.
No dice


Last minute hookups - cancels

Both Saturday and Friday
I had a girl March out of the blue asking me to meet them ASAP.

Both times I was already on or lined up for a date. Tried to line something later.
No dice.



Still getting flaked/cancelled on majority of the time.
3 on Friday
1 on Saturday


new pics doing well

Very good matching lately. Profile has been doing very well ever since I added new pics.

Crossed 400 match mark this morning.

These two.

current profile


You can use these.