Manga: Shisha date no pull

Oct 3

Biggest contact acuqisition day ever

12 contacts. Maybe 35 matches today?

"let's be friends"

Vegan chick hit me up with a message basically saying I didn't communicate enough.

... What I think what actually appened was...

She saw me walk with a girl later that night after our date. And put two and two together and realized I wasn't seeking anything serious.

And my low investment texts tipped her over the edge.

Tbh I've texted her wayyyy more than any other girls. So if she wanted more. Id be turned off honestly.

Flake count today


Date tonight

Despite the triple flake. A girl last minute
matched and wanted to go for a walk.
So we went. Had a nice chat. I was curious to see how beta I could be. So it was a nice rapport building connection building date.

In fact I probably connected more with her than any other girl on a date. Ever

Went for the pull. Nothing

I almost want her to ghost. Cuz then I can really see how dumb building a "connection" is.

being too ruthless?

I feel like especially ruthless right now. Almost too cut throat. Where i actually don't care. And that level of non-caring is also meaning there's girls I have yet to text and I'm letting them slip by.

Not sure if it's a good thing. Or how to balance the no-fucks-given with actually putting in effort with a girl.
Zero fucks
Manganiello admitting that you're using a copy-paste message is completely non-consequential, I get asked that same question 3-4 times a week. Dtf girls will still meet you regardless.

Cool new pics, glad they're working for you. Your face looks leaner on your avatar pic too. Have you kept losing weight since the AA-program days?

Also, maybe I missed it in your log, but are you still telling girls you're after something casual before meeting them, or do you keep things more ambiguous? I ask because why would vegan chick suddenly realize you're not looking for something serious only after meeting you?
Reservoir said:
@Manganiello admitting that you're using a copy-paste message is completely non-consequential, I get asked that same question 3-4 times a week. Dtf girls will still meet you regardless.

Cool new pics, glad they're working for you. Your face looks leaner on your avatar pic too. Have you kept losing weight since the AA-program days?

Also, maybe I missed it in your log, but are you still telling girls you're after something casual before meeting them, or do you keep things more ambiguous? I ask because why would vegan chick suddenly realize you're not looking for something serious only after meeting you?

Ya I was thinking that bout the copy paste message cuz goldfish went on a date with a girl who said that...


I have lost weight since. But it's actually maybe only 4 or 5 kilos. Those shots had good lighting and the right angle.


I am screening girls.
"Not looking for anything serious"

I didn't with her because I was curious. Last vegan screened herself out. So I wanted to see what happened here.

So this is the outcome of not screening.
Manganiello said:
I feel like especially ruthless right now. Almost too cut throat. Where i actually don't care. And that level of non-caring is also meaning there's girls I have yet to text and I'm letting them slip by.
On weeks where I have sex with my 3 girls, I basically completely neglect the apps and lose out on amazing women just by pure chance or neglect on my part. That's just how it goes.

However, at this point in my life, I'm in "consistent rotation" mode and not "getting a high notch count" mode. You should figure out which way you want to go. Then automate relentlessly and text girls during every idle moment of the day. At some point it becomes a full time job to manage this shit. I use keyboard shortcuts to save time. Like when girls ask me what my job is, I type in "work1" and my keyboard will display an entire paragraph. I do this for a lot of recurring texts/questions.
Holden said:
Manganiello said:
I feel like especially ruthless right now. Almost too cut throat. Where i actually don't care. And that level of non-caring is also meaning there's girls I have yet to text and I'm letting them slip by.
On weeks where I have sex with my 3 girls, I basically completely neglect the apps and lose out on amazing women just by pure chance or neglect on my part. That's just how it goes.

However, at this point in my life, I'm in "consistent rotation" mode and not "getting a high notch count" mode. You should figure out which way you want to go. Then automate relentlessly and text girls during every idle moment of the day. At some point it becomes a full time job to manage this shit. I use keyboard shortcuts to save time. Like when girls ask me what my job is, I type in "work1" and my keyboard will display an entire paragraph. I do this for a lot of recurring texts/questions.
I've thought once my profile is on point, and I have a little extra cash to spend, of hiring a virtual personal assistant to do the swiping/messaging for me. Heck maybe even just see the date booked on my calendar. I haven't read it but in Tim Ferris' book the 40 hour work week he talks about outsourcing stuff to someone in India. For him it was email stuff but tinder could be a big time sink too lol.
Manganiello said:
So this is the outcome of not screening.

When I went super hard with the apps I went off script ~3 times without screening. The girls were all 8+ and showed a bunch of interest in me up front so I didn't want to blow things. All three girls tragically ended things with me or got weird super fast after sex. I was glad I got to spend time with them - but I do think about the ethics of it. Makes me wonder how guys juggle women without screening upfront.
Question for you guys.

I had the last 3 girls pull & makeout on the 1st date but not hookup.

- 2 were logistics (had under 30 min b4 they had other commitments)
- 1 said she wasn't feeling it.

How do you guys manage the 2nd date thing?

Like if you sense logistics aren't there. You arrange a future date on the spot?

Cuz like I can convince them to comeback but then I'm hesitating once theyre at my apartment because they dont have time and theyre giving bad body language (closed off).

Appreciate the input.

Ive exclusively been going for first date lays.
Honestly just cuz I don't know any other way.

Holden said:
At some point it becomes a full time job to manage this shit. I use keyboard shortcuts to save time. Like when girls ask me what my job is, I type in "work1" and my keyboard will display an entire paragraph. I do this for a lot of recurring texts/questions.

I have shortcuts pinned on my phone's keyboard to say the basic lines. I'm constantly behind.

Juhboi said:
All three girls tragically ended things with me or got weird super fast after sex. I was glad I got to spend time with them - but I do think about the ethics of it. Makes me wonder how guys juggle women without screening upfront.

That's where I'm at. I got a super hot girls number by not screening today. And she seems super down. But I'm pretty sure she's relationship seeking.

I'll try it a few more times and make my conclusion. Its fun but I also don't want to be a straight up lying ass or mislead girls into something that isn't there.
Oct 5

Date at 5:30 today.

Good convo.
She had a short window of time
Pulled anyway
Made out.
She pulled away and then looked at her watch.
Ended a few minutes later.

I'm probably not seeing her again tbh.

5 dates lined up tomorrow.

Lots of overlap so unless they flake I'm gonna have to reschedule some girls.

Today: I asked 5 other girls to meet at 7:30. But they all ghosted 👻


30 new matches
6 #s
3 new dates scheduled
1 pull
0 hookups

I just learnt my lesson too many times from not screening in my first 6 months or so of going hard at this

Girls that wanted to 'make me wait'
Girls that seemed to want a proposal on the 3rd date
Girls that did sleep with me fairly early on but then turned out to be jealous pyschos (my 'girl tried to break into my hostel room to have a screaming match' story comes from one of these)
Girls who 'didnt know what they want' - i think these might be the worst cause they give you some expectation that things might happen and then they flake out of nowhere before like the 3rd date

Honestly i'll take a cute girl who knows she just wants something casual and will be an easy first date vs a hot mess who plays games

2nd dates

I pitch them in person and then confirm logistics over text
Radical said:
2nd dates

I pitch them in person and then confirm logistics over text

Ok got it.

So do you try to hookup on the first date?

And are you inviting them straight to your place on the 2nd date? Or is it a coffee/drinks thing?

My thinking now is:
If there's time, I'll bring her back on the 1st date. If there's not, I'll schedule a 2nd one.
Typically on 1st date its

1. invite back to mine
2. if rejected pitch 2nd date but kind of loosely - no exact time or place, more get her to tell me a free evening
3. solidify plans over text later that night or next morning

Not gonna lie its super rare i need to go to the 2nd date. I've got screening and the general vibe down at this point, so unless she's just ignored the content of my screening messages (which happens, you'll get girls who want relationships turning up after saying they are cool with casual...morons) this isnt necessary. I did go through a phase of pushing sex back to the 2nd date on purpose to see if it affects retention but for me it didnt really
Oct 6

2 hookups today

Cute AF asian

Besides the Korean this was the cutest girl I've hooked up with.
Half Irish and half chinese.

Went for boba.
Smooth convo. She was cool. And extremely nerdy.
Easy Pull. Kind of learnt from yesterday to ask her how much time she has.

How much time do you have?
I got time
You wanna watch a movie

I really like these bi girls for making life easy.

So we get back. Put on a show.
5 minutes I escalate.
Make out.
Clothes off
Eat her out.
She asked for a condom but we never used it.

Tried to do doggy but I couldn't get hard enough. (Lesson take Cialis and don't be cheap)..

It's funny how girls think I'll blow my load in 20 minutes but I can go for like 2 hours and still not explode.


Walked her to the bus station.

She said she was swiping right on 1 guy for every 50 lefts.

Which was interesting.

I got very ONS vibes from her.
I'll text her again. But I expect 0. Like 99.9% chance I'm getting 👻.

Virgin Girl

Girl from last week. She was still nervous..made out got her shirt off and got her to touch my dick a bit. But that was it.
This one barely counts. I can see how virgins are too much of a time sink... Had to end the date early to meet the Asian.

Didn't get much done on tinder. Cuz I was busy

cancelled 2 dates

So this was a bit of a noob mistake on my end. But I had 2 dates within 90 minutes of the Asian girl. So it meant when she showed up I had to cancel the other 2.
One was an Only Fans girl with like 170k followera on FB. but honestly I wasn't that attracted.

And the other was actually a legit cute girl. I should've pushed the date back 30 minutes instead of cancelling cuz I could've had 3 dates and potentially another lay had I done that.

Oh well.

Feel bad for cancelling on girls actually.
But then I remember they've done that to me 2 bazillion w/e.
I just wish I gave more warning.


... Not a bad day.
Just really glad I banged the Asian.
That was my one goal today.
Oct 7

Date with hot girl + no oull

Definitely the hottest girl I've had a date with.
Like just objectively hot. 9/10 maybe?


So she was boring. Hard to talk to.
I felt off and awkward at the start. Not present. But I got myself grounded and after me basically doing all the conversational heavy lifting. She opened up and had a "nice chat".

Did a soft pull by saying how much time she had.

"I gotta go... Work..long week.. etc."

We actually kept talking for awhile.
And had a good convo.

Ended abruptly with her saying she had to go. Saying goodbye and then leaving to go to the washroom instead of walking out with me.

Then she unmatched.

Like I don't get it.

The only difference between this date and the last two was that I wasn't 100% at the start of the date. Everything else. Pretty much the same.

Maybe I'm missing something. It felt like a good date. But who fucking knows man.

I'm dealing with alien creatures rn.

The more I date girls the more I see as bridge burning as the right move. Cuz I really don't think there's much differently I could've done there. Like at all.

It's like

You sleep with a hot girl.

Sleep with an average girl.

Have a boring date with a hot girl

Have an exciting date with a hot girl

Have great sex.

Have mediocre sex.

Bang for 90 minutes.

Bang for 20 minutes.

Have good chemistry

Have horrible chemistry

Etc etc etc.

The only thing Ive noticed is if I can have a good time with the girl and she isn't a bland af. Ill hookup. Not guaranteed. But I've never hooked up with a boring girl.

Maybe that will change.

Tired rant over.

Tryna message girls this late is annoying

5 or 6 #s today?
Idk too tired to look lol.
4 OKish boosts.
Got a text at midnight asking if I can come over.

I text her:
"I could ya. Where do you live?"

She phoned me:

So her dad's dying and she just needed someone to talk to.

Ya I did ask myself over midway in. We somehow talked about sex.

But the convo was three hours. It's 3:45am and I have to work in 4 hours.

This has happened X2 already:

A dtf seeming 30 year old girl.
Is hot.
Really opens up to me.
I listen.
Try and make a pull work.
And get a no.

Like im not going to change listening to a girl who's trying to deal with a parent dying...

But I'm kind of wondering if the way I talk puts me in that box of being a nice boyfriend. ...

And I don't think that's a good thing.

I'm still so fucking new to this.
But I'm getting that impression.