Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2

RogerRoger said:
@Toast & @Manganiello, I warned y'all - the master is going to clean up shop around here.

Awesome stuff man. Keep improving too.
Never doubted it for a second. He's encroaching on Manganiello territory in the land of maple syrup.
Master said:
Remember the girl is 18 fucking years old. She showed me her room and her "collection". She had rings screwed in the wall and at the feet of her bed, a gagball collar, whips and a lot more.

I haven't read the rest of the post yet, but damn! At 18 too. Congrats!
RogerRoger Thanks man yeah I'm trying hard to improve myself in every field and it's really paying off!

Manganiello Slowly but surely starting to approach when I have time! :p

Toast Maple syrup is best.

YouBetYourCottonPanties Yeah that was a great experience.
Sup yall, I paid for a professional photoshoot last sunday and I need help from everyone to choose the most tinder perfect photos out of them. Let me know what yall think and what I could do different for next photoshoot.

The watermark will be removed once I choose the 13 photos I want to keep.

Thanks in advance!

- Master
You need to set the permissions to 'everyone with a link can view' so we can have a peep.
Holy fuck those are bright shorts

*will have a deeper look and give a more helpful comment later once ive finished work
Adam said:
TankTop1: Looks very natural. Might be a little too "cute" for tinder since you're looking for casual flings right now and not relationships, so maybe save it for when you're trying to snag a girlfriend.

That's funny, I thought that was one of the worst ones of the set--almost looks like one of the olympic trannies the culture wars are being fought over.

I would definitely keep:
Black1, Red4, Plants8, Red1, Red5, Stairs3, Stairs1 and maybe Shirtless1 for insta.

I would try leading with Red4 cropped closer (the body language is a bit closed off but it's the most attractive head on photo of your face), then one of the smiling ones like Plants8 or Stairs3, and a zoomed in Black1 toward the back of the stack. I would also consider testing a reverse order with Plants8 as the first pic, with one of the serious ones like Red4 as 2nd.

These are high quality pics with not terrible style, solid facial expressions, and you definitely look good in them.

For your next shoots, you need to add variety and natural hobby photos. Remember, Mr. Juxtaposition is So Hot Right Now.

This article was written in the context of dating in general, but I think it's even more important for online. It's one of the main principles I use for my clients.

You would benefit from a pic in a nice suit looking away in a downtown city setting OR a high value activity pic in a suit (these are a bit harder to stage, see attached example). Right now you're signaling ripped attractive villager...need to add a pic that signals some "ambition". Next I would shoot one playing with an animal, showing your softer side. And one with some friends. One of the easier "social" photos to shoot that doesn't look awkward is you showing something on a camera with 2 people looking at it and smiling (see attached). 1 hobby or activity photo wouldn't hurt either.

Then you're pretty much set except I'd replace one of the current ones in a few months with one where you're wearing more layers with better style.

Edit: missed the entire White set. would keep a couple of these too.
Radical No problem man! Take your time Radical, I highly value your opinion and feedback so come back to me when you have time 😎

Lostcause Thanks bro! Been working hard and they just popped haha! No problem just come back whenever you have time Lost!
Adam said:
TankTop1: Looks very natural. Might be a little too "cute" for tinder since you're looking for casual flings right now and not relationships, so maybe save it for when you're trying to snag a girlfriend.
Red1: You look jacked in all the grey-shirt pics. Even though this looks posed, you look good in it and aren't smiling.
Red 5: You look jacked and I really like overall composition.
TankTop3: Good headshot and I like the smirk.

I personnally really liked Red1, Red5 and TankTop3 too! Def will get them and see which of these ill put on my tinder
TankTop1 like you say def look too "nice guy" imo, so prob gonna ditch it for now

Adam said:
These are all very high-quality pics, and I think one or two will look great in your Tinder Profile. But much like the advice DashedHopes gave me: you want to get some Hobby and Friends pics and not just headshots and instagram Street Pics.

Def need some hobbies and friends pics, will bring my camera next time I play basketball or go for a hike!

Thanks Adam your insights are always appreciated 👊
Rags2Bitches said:
That's funny, I thought that was one of the worst ones of the set--almost looks like one of the olympic trannies the culture wars are being fought over.

I loled as fucked when I read that 🤣

Rags2Bitches said:
I would definitely keep:
Black1, Red4, Plants8, Red1, Red5, Stairs3, Stairs1 and maybe Shirtless1 for insta.

I would try leading with Red4 cropped closer (the body language is a bit closed off but it's the most attractive head on photo of your face), then one of the smiling ones like Plants8 or Stairs3, and a zoomed in Black1 toward the back of the stack. I would also consider testing a reverse order with Plants8 as the first pic, with one of the serious ones like Red4 as 2nd.

These are high quality pics with not terrible style, solid facial expressions, and you definitely look good in them.

Interesting, many photos that I found myself interesting and others that I didnt like plant8, def put eveything in perspective, I will keep this in mind and try many variations and test it out.
Thanks man! I know they my style and my photos could be way better but this was my first photoshoot ever so any feedback is welcomed so thanks!

Rags2Bitches said:
For your next shoots, you need to add variety and natural hobby photos. Remember, Mr. Juxtaposition is So Hot Right Now.

This article was written in the context of dating in general, but I think it's even more important for online. It's one of the main principles I use for my clients.

You would benefit from a pic in a nice suit looking away in a downtown city setting OR a high value activity pic in a suit (these are a bit harder to stage, see attached example). Right now you're signaling ripped attractive villager...need to add a pic that signals some "ambition". Next I would shoot one playing with an animal, showing your softer side. And one with some friends. One of the easier "social" photos to shoot that doesn't look awkward is you showing something on a camera with 2 people looking at it and smiling (see attached). 1 hobby or activity photo wouldn't hurt either.

Then you're pretty much set except I'd replace one of the current ones in a few months with one where you're wearing more layers with better style.

Edit: missed the entire White set. would keep a couple of these too.

Thanks fo all the feedback man very appreaciated and def will keep the mister juxtaposition in mind when going to shop or go to a photoshoot next time.
Yeah I def need a socials, ambitions and hobbies shots and will owrk on getting those!

Very appreaciated m8 👊
Reposting to have more feedback 👊💪

I can only choose 13 and right now my choices would be these 11, so I'm missing 2.

Hey man, I just gotta say looking at your pics compared to your profile on this site is inspirational. It's crazy how much you changed and it's really motivating.

For the pics I personally like black 1 and plants 1 for 2 reasons:
I have a friend who got laid a lot on Tinder and he told me there was a study that showed photos of guys that do better are ones with them not smiling, and also looking off to the side rather than directly into the camera. I feel like black 1 and plants 1 does that well. The only issues I can think of those photos based on Andy's guide is that maybe there is too much dead space?

I'm very new to this stuff so take what I say with a grain of salt but I hope it was helpful!
My favs:
white 8 7 2
Stairs 9 4 1
Red 1
Plants 9

Tbh, the photographer crops the photos in a really strange way for portrait shots. You are literally cut in half on most shots, while half of the photo above you is an empty space.
Also red 4/3 would be decent, but there is too little background blur, considering the background is rather boring (looks as if you did a phone shot in your backyard).
And most of all - why is not there at least 10 times more photos? Are these already preselected, or the photographer did so little photos? I usually do about 200 shots in an hour myself. You could probably find much more accidentaly good shots with higher volume.
Walking photos - the idea is good. Dynamic is nice. But - the vibe is off for me. I feel like you are holding your arms awkwardly wide. Not sure if you just walk like this, or tried posing too hard.
You should look at the camera lens more. I know you were probably going for a 'natural' look by looking away, but it looks more like running away from camera with your eyes most of the time. AND your most important photo for tinder (meaning your main photo) you probably want a shot where you are looking directly at the camera and your face is clearly visible.
Smiling - does not work for you. To be fair it does not work for most of the people. Contrary to the popular opinion it does not make you always more attractive. It will amplify your looks. Making you more attractive when you are already attractive. And less attractive if you look bad. But it's really difficult to make a natural smile for camera. It's much easier making a serious model face.
Also, you will get feedback (eg on photofeeler) that you would look better when smiling. It's usually bullshit from people who cannot compare a photo with a smile and without it.

I hope this is of any help - sounds like a lot of critique, but obviously these are quite good.
Lostcause said:
Tbh, the photographer crops the photos in a really strange way for portrait shots. You are literally cut in half on most shots, while half of the photo above you is an empty space.
Also red 4/3 would be decent, but there is too little background blur, considering the background is rather boring (looks as if you did a phone shot in your backyard).
And most of all - why is not there at least 10 times more photos? Are these already preselected, or the photographer did so little photos? I usually do about 200 shots in an hour myself. You could probably find much more accidentaly good shots with higher volume.
Walking photos - the idea is good. Dynamic is nice. But - the vibe is off for me. I feel like you are holding your arms awkwardly wide. Not sure if you just walk like this, or tried posing too hard.
You should look at the camera lens more. I know you were probably going for a 'natural' look by looking away, but it looks more like running away from camera with your eyes most of the time. AND your most important photo for tinder (meaning your main photo) you probably want a shot where you are looking directly at the camera and your face is clearly visible.
Smiling - does not work for you. To be fair it does not work for most of the people. Contrary to the popular opinion it does not make you always more attractive. It will amplify your looks. Making you more attractive when you are already attractive. And less attractive if you look bad. But it's really difficult to make a natural smile for camera. It's much easier making a serious model face.
Also, you will get feedback (eg on photofeeler) that you would look better when smiling. It's usually bullshit from people who cannot compare a photo with a smile and without it.

I hope this is of any help - sounds like a lot of critique, but obviously these are quite good.

These are solid points. Agree with most of them but
1) It takes 30 sec to blur the background during editing. Don't think photos should be disqualified based on that
2) Takes more work, but most of the time you can tweak a smile with Faceapp/Facetune to look more natural.

I agree that he looks more attractive not smiling. However I think there are some benefits to including one smiling photo in a portfolio even if it's less attractive-- shows he's friendly/doesn't take himself so seriously (bad if that's all that the pics subcommunicate but good if most of the others are serious), shows his teeth are white and not fucked up, etc. Anecdotally I've seen profiles perform better when a smiling photo is included, but obv don't have any data or legit testing. I could be wrong.
Well, the very moment you can blur a background as quick in post as in actually physically making good photo a job of a portrait photographer will die.
And the very moment casual use of facetune will substitute for actual posing the job of a model will die.

You can do both (I did it for few guys here even), but it's both more time consuming to do well and less naturall in the end.

As for a point about smiling on at least one photo - a matter of preference I guess? My own opinion is that you are only as attractive as your worst looking photo, so unless you are having a good shot with a smile I would not use it. And you will eventually get one - I definetely did and I hate my own smile.
Avihihi Thanks a lot m8, those kind of words really push me to keep going and work hard everyday. Thanks man 👊
Yeah, never looked up a study but whenever I look at Andys guide exemple or model poses they are very rarely smilling and are often looking on the sides like you say. The 2 photos you poiinted out are some of my fav too so def will add them!
The photos are at 100%, I will definitely crop them before putting them on Tinder :p

Lostcause We took around 500ish and theres 13 base choices and if I want more I need to pay more thats how she does business.
I know smilling doesnt work for me, Ive never been super photogenic and never liked it either, but I think 2 or 3 photos where I smile are def good, so the majority will be non-smilling with some smiling.
When I look at models\instagram photos people are often not looking at the camera, so I find it interesting that you say I should look at the lense more. I also find interesting that one of the photo that I find is the best (white9) I look directly at the lense but U didnt put in your fav, might put some light into your decision if u have time? :p
Yeah its good man, I asked for feedback and u gave feedback even if theres some critiscism this is part of self improvement so thanks a lot def will keep your opinions into consideration!
Master said:
I also find interesting that one of the photo that I find is the best (white9) I look directly at the lense but U didnt put in your fav, might put some light into your decision if u have time?
It was mostly a matter of personal feelings because it's one of the better photos.
However I think the thing that feels off to me is the cropping/perspective/hand in pocket combination. Why? When you start thinking about it you are quite wide on the bottom and getting smaller as you go up. Gives me a fat guy wibe. You are aiming for a wide top and a small waist ideally (which you definetely can do with your amount of muscle).
(Edit here) i took a look at the ones I choose and i can say the same thing about these. So I guess it was just the feeling at the time of seeeing making me not choose it

If you wanna rock an instagram posing expression, then pretend that some random guy came up to you and you only saw him taking photo of you at the very last moment haha.
Looking away from camera is obviously fine, but main photo will be the one the girl will see before deciding whether to swipe left on you, or see your other photos. If she does not see half your face because you are looking away she will swipe right on you instead of looking for a photo where she can see your face more clearly.
At least that's my idea about main photo, but it seems to agree with the general dating idea from GLL.