Master Tinder Log - lay#12 4f10 Chinese girl + insane BDSM sex with #2

Lostcause said:
It was mostly a matter of personal feelings because it's one of the better photos.
However I think the thing that feels off to me is the cropping/perspective/hand in pocket combination. Why? When you start thinking about it you are quite wide on the bottom and getting smaller as you go up. Gives me a fat guy wibe. You are aiming for a wide top and a small waist ideally (which you definetely can do with your amount of muscle).
(Edit here) i took a look at the ones I choose and i can say the same thing about these. So I guess it was just the feeling at the time of seeeing making me not choose it

Makes sense. You are right this photo do makes me look big waist and small shoulders, thats unfortunate since I really like my facial expression and overall face looking at the camera.
Not sure If I can manage to get a small waist tho, I'm very endopmorph and am pretty large from everywhere. Obviously I have more weight to lose but even if I have a lot of upper body muscles I cant seems to have a V shape like a mesomorph would have. Until I reach 12-10% bodyfat I cant really comment on that tho so we will see.

Lostcause said:
If you wanna rock an instagram posing expression, then pretend that some random guy came up to you and you only saw him taking photo of you at the very last moment haha.
Looking away from camera is obviously fine, but main photo will be the one the girl will see before deciding whether to swipe left on you, or see your other photos. If she does not see half your face because you are looking away she will swipe right on you instead of looking for a photo where she can see your face more clearly.
At least that's my idea about main photo, but it seems to agree with the general dating idea from GLL.

Alright thanks for all your insights Lost! It's very appreciated. Def lots of thing to consider that I didnt even see by myself so thanks 👊
Avihihi said:
Makes sense. You are right this photo do makes me look big waist and small shoulders, thats unfortunate since I really like my facial expression and overall face looking at the camera
Ask the photographer to crop you above the left wrist - this way the hand in pocket is out of the picture and you will look much slimer. I took a liberty of quick crop myself:
Lostcause Damn son yeah the photo is way better like this jesus, thanks for pointing that out and showing me the result 👊 Btw nice new profile picture, that pink/purple jacket looks 🔥🔥 on you!

MakingAComeback Haha thanks MAC! I agree with you but thats only temporary until YOU get to 215ish lbs, then youll exclipse me 100% 😜
Lostcause said:
Avihihi said:
Makes sense. You are right this photo do makes me look big waist and small shoulders, thats unfortunate since I really like my facial expression and overall face looking at the camera
Ask the photographer to crop you above the left wrist - this way the hand in pocket is out of the picture and you will look much slimer. I took a liberty of quick crop myself:

Would you lead with this photo or something that shows a bit more my muscles likes red 1 would be better?
Master said:
Would you lead with this photo or something that shows a bit more my muscles likes red 1 would be better?
Not really sure. If you get both retouched then just test it on tinder or photofeeler and choose the better one. Personally not a fan of red's tho. The background and posing are kinda bland there.

Also thanks! Never expected that a pink blouse will be my most edgy outfit haha
Ok some light style feedback

I dont hate the overall vibe of what you are wearing, its a little different to what I'd prescribe but i think it will work. The style is kind of gym-bro but not bad gym-bro

The shorts - i am a fan of the idea to give you a sort of goofy/fun topless pic.
But those shorts look too big. For shorts in general they should stop above your knees. And given you are a big guy you are going to look better in more form fitting shorts.

I dont often recommend tees like the grey and white one, you'd be better off with something in a strong neutral solid colour or finding that sort of pattern on a floral button up shirt

Longline tees - this is interesting cause these have pretty much died as a trend over here, but i see Tristan wearing them still so they must be more of a thing over the pond still. What's come into fashion lately is oversized t-shirts and heavyweight t-shirts.

I usually recommend wearing hats forward more often than not. Backwards is frat boy-ish

Prefer the non smiling ones

Favourites are tanktop3 and stairs8
Radical said:
Ok some light style feedback

I dont hate the overall vibe of what you are wearing, its a little different to what I'd prescribe but i think it will work. The style is kind of gym-bro but not bad gym-bro

The shorts - i am a fan of the idea to give you a sort of goofy/fun topless pic.
But those shorts look too big. For shorts in general they should stop above your knees. And given you are a big guy you are going to look better in more form fitting shorts.

Never really tought about short shorts on someone whos kind of big, but yeah it would def look better. Bigger guys always wear short bathing suit, thanks for pointing that out!

Radical said:
I dont often recommend tees like the grey and white one, you'd be better off with something in a strong neutral solid color or finding that sort of pattern on a floral button up shirt

Yeah this is my only Tee that is not solid color pretty much, wanted to try it out and came out with one of my better pictures (white9), but I see what you mean. I have a floral shirt but I never wore it, might do whenever I'll go on a photoshoot with a friend.

Radical said:
Longline tees - this is interesting cause these have pretty much died as a trend over here, but i see Tristan wearing them still so they must be more of a thing over the pond still. What's come into fashion lately is oversized t-shirts and heavyweight t-shirts.

I highly prefer thigh shirt since one of my asset is being somewhat jacked, you would recommend oversized shirt even for a short bulky guy like me?

Radical said:
I usually recommend wearing hats forward more often than not. Backwards is frat boy-ish

Prefer the non smiling ones

Favourites are tanktop3 and stairs8

Def should have done some with hat forward, just strated recently wearing hat and thought backward suited me better, will def try out forward in next photoshoots and such thanks!
Def the non smiling ones are the best

Thanks a lot for all your inputs Radical very appreciated 👊
Yeah you almost wanna go the full Hasselhoff with that picture lol

Regards dressing for shorter guys

A trick is to go monotone (same colour shirt and trousers)
Going different colours cuts you off at the waist and gives you no help whereas monotone doesnt
Sup yall got a juicy one today!

Some of you might know that I went on a photoshoot with a "pro photographer" Sunday June 18. She was not like top pro, but it only costed me 175$ so I didn't complain. We took multiple photos and I posted multiple in this exact log and asked people for feedback/taste and it payed off thanks!

I decided to go with this one as my first photo.
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This one as my second.
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This one as my third.
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And finally this one as my fourth.

I know I have to add some group/activity photos and at least one "Juxtaposition" I'm going to work on that no worries, but I thought that for the moment this set of photos had a good mix of smile/no smile, looking good/jacked, but I also realized that holy shit I need bigger delts Jesus fucking Christ 😂 Anyway, I restarted all my dating profiles (tinder/fb dating/bumble/badoo(popular where I live) and fruitz) and let me tell you, the quality and quantity of women is night and day compared to my old set of photos it's not even funny. First night (I know we are super boosted for multiple hours), but I got like 40 likes in a span of 4-5hours and that's only tinder. Received my first pick up line from a girl 😂 and multiple girl actually wrote to me first, which only happened like once or twice with my old set of photos. So I match with this cute blonde and go trough with the usual tinder templates and she is actually looking for something casual too and is available on Monday. So I matched with her on the day I created my new accounts and I got a date with her for the day after.

She seems super into me, respond to my text almost immediately and wrote to me Monday morning letting me know she was looking forward to the date. That's usually my job and was going to do it, but whatever I'll take it lol. We meet at the bar and holy shit when I saw her, god man, prob the hottest girl I've matched with and I'm actually on a date with her. Right off the bath she talks a lot, so that's good I won't have to fill silences like some other dates. We drink and talk for about 1h, I then make a move and she gladly follows. We kissed for a good 2min then we went back to talking for 10-15min then kissed again. I invite her back to my place, which is 2min walk away from the bar, and she gladly accepts. At some point she confessed that she almost flacked, because she's not used to go on a date with a guy after talking so little and she was scared I was a catfish because my profile looked fake. She legit no cap said "You look like a model on your photos", note: The girl has not been on tinder for a long time, but still I was shocked and flattered by that statement.

During the date I received a text from the powerlifting girl, my 2nd lay asking me if I was available the day after to take a drink at the same exact place I was at the moment 😂 I said yes, determined the time and it was all set and done. I did all that while the girl was at the restroom of course haha

When at my place, I put on some music in the living room, said to her to choose a movie while I go to the bathroom and when I came back, kissed her right away and it started. I anticipated everything and started the ac in my bedroom before going to the bar. It was hot as hell outside so I did well. We kissed on the couch for a good 5-10min while slowly undressing, she was fierce as hell, biting and marking me with her nails, maybe a little too much to my liking, but that's not what is going to stop me. We moved to my bedroom because it was starting to become way too hot in the living room. Lifted her up like it was nothing, 95 fucking lbs, she seemed to really like it. the undressing accelerated when on my bed and I slowly moved to her pussy and ate her out. She came twice in like 3min, shaking and moaning like crazy. After I was done she said "holy shit I was not expecting this" lol. I'm used to go all out for like 5-6min with other girls before I can make them cum once, but she had a really small pussy (as expected from a 4f10 girl lol) so it was very easy to hit her spot with my finger.

She then got on top of me and wanted the dickin really bad. It went in slowly but surely, but when it was well establish I went ham. She was on top, but I was the one moving. I slapping her pretty hard and she asked for more and more. we changed position to missionary and she took my hand right away and put it on her neck and gagging. After like 5min of missionary I couldn't hold it in, she was way too hot and her pussy way too thigh. It was a good timing, because her pussy started to burn she said. I even tried to eat her out and it was too sensitive at the moment so we layed there, talking for a good 20min. Talking made us want each other again, kissed and I was super hard again. I dicked her missionary again for another 5min and at some point she said "You're so fucking hot" which is like the first time it happens during sex like seriously what the fuck, how could this night be more perfect. After 5min her pussy couldn't take it anymore so we stopped before I could come, but I didnt care since I knew I would need some strength for the next night with the powerlifting girl and since I've been having some ED/Libido issues lately I was kind of glad it happened. I Waited 2min or so, ate her out and made her cum again. We talked some more and she had to go, so that's pretty much it.

Crazy ass fucking night with the hottest girl I ever had a date with, received tons of validation with the "model" comment and "you're so fucking hot" during sex. As I'm writing this, I just cant believe all that happened tbh it feels so unreal, I know its like the 20th time I say it but it's still true. With that my "goal" of getting 5 lays by the end of 2021 is already completed, so I will go hard and add another 15 before the end of 2021. I want 20 lays before the end of 2021 and nothing less. No limiting beliefs this time, I will set a real goal and work hard to get it.

I saw the powerlifting girl (2nd lay, 6th date with her) the day after. Like I said, we went to the same bar I went the day prior and went for ice cream afterwards. Came back to my place listened to the movie 2012 lol and we didn't even get pass the build up of the movie that we had sex right there on my couch. Went to my bedroom and I gave her the vibrator I ordered form amazon. She played with her clit while I dicked her and she came in a matter of minutes and seeing her having this much fun, I couldn't hold it in. We almost came at the same time (I was 2nd fortunately). Went back to my couch and listened to another 30-45min before we had round 2. Like a moron I didnt tell her to go to my bedroom and it was pretty hot in the living room, so I started sweating a lot and when I sweat I lose my erection very easily. Anyhow I didnt cum a 2nd time but I ate her out for a good 10min and made her cum like 3 times. It was very late, so I rode her back to her place.

3rd (2girls in 24) and my libido/ED seems to be coming back to normal. I'm really feeling the hornyness a lot more in the last week or so, so I'm very happy about this. Crazy ass way to start my week. While writing this, I realise I'm currently 5/5 with girls I go on date with. And 4/5 first date lay. My first date ever I didnt lay because I couldnt invite her back to place, but man that's aweaome and not the number I was expecting when starting to date lol

I want to add, I know some people have tagged me in their stuff lately notably Yaxir and a new cummer Striker. I'm very sorry I didnt respond to your stuff yet, but with all the hours at the job, the gym, the dating sites, the dates, the family gatherings POST COVID, I barely had time to fill in my own logs, so it's not that I don't want to, but I dont have the time. Since I moved it's been fucking crazy and I don't stop. I have almost 0 time to myself, so I will do my best to respond soon.

GG m8's

- Master
Seems like the gods blessed you with a golden tongue XD

Good shit man. You have been killin it lately on tinder. Photoshoot seemed well worth it!

Personally I'm a fan of the 2nd pic more then the 1st one. I would experiment on tinder and see which one gets more traction with whichever one is your first photo. I'm sure some of the other tinder pros can chime in on what's best since Tinder is not my field of expertise
Toast Well I do like eating girls out very much and pleasing them, so I prob really am blessed haha
I have smart photos turned on so tinder continuously test all my profile photos, but I could try the 2nd one as my main photos and see if I get more matches this way :p

Adam I do start to realise it, but it's still fucking insane to me, so I'll just shoot for the stars and work hard to get it, thanks for your continuous support Adam very appreciated 👊

Holden Thanks a lot Holden, certainly will work hard to get it 💪
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Full interview with @Master about his weight loss, getting laid, having the right mindset and how to be OBSESSED with your goals:

Thanks for the opportunity Andy! Very appreciated 👊
If this can help even only 1 person achieve his own goals, I would be a happy man!
Cheers man

- Master
Master i just read your entire comment about the 2 girls in 24 hours and i am fucking happy for you , brother !

Not only is that impressive , but it also gave me the courage to grow big muscles like you and then hire a photographer to take dating appropriate pictures that would make girls swipe right on me and want to meet with me !

The positive effect is just enormous ! , if you ever wanted to inspire someone - consider it done

I am starting to think my brain has developed a positive feedback loop with you - so whenever you post something good my brain understands and accepts it as a possibility !

take your time to reply, life happens to everyone

i myself am going through overcoming and throwing away some emotional / psychological baggage - have to keep working and chipping away to be a better man

see you around , mate !
Yaxir said:
@Master i just read your entire comment about the 2 girls in 24 hours and i am fucking happy for you , brother !

Not only is that impressive , but it also gave me the courage to grow big muscles like you and then hire a photographer to take dating appropriate pictures that would make girls swipe right on me and want to meet with me !

The positive effect is just enormous ! , if you ever wanted to inspire someone - consider it done

Inspiring people really is the most satisfying thing I get out of this, maybe expect for sleeping with girls ;P But osmeone telling me that I'm an inspiration is such a huge compliment it's insane, so Thank you man!

Yaxir said:
I am starting to think my brain has developed a positive feedback loop with you - so whenever you post something good my brain understands and accepts it as a possibility !

take your time to reply, life happens to everyone

i myself am going through overcoming and throwing away some emotional / psychological baggage - have to keep working and chipping away to be a better man

see you around , mate !

It absolutely IS a possibility, I had doubts and setbacks (Like the hospitalization or my car broking down) but I did not let those doubts and setbacks get the better of me and I found solutions and work through it and it got me where I am right now. Not too long ago I was looking at myself in the mirror and telling myself I had to change asap and get ahold of my life, 4months later I'm sleeping with girls and liking what I see in the mirrors. If you want it bad enough it will happen 1000% and sooner than you think. If you told me 5months ago that it would only take this long before I find success I would have never believed you.

Keep fighting man, life is throwing us trials non-stop when we are trying to change and how you defeat those trials really shapes the person you are going to be.
I'm telling you man, listen to both episode with David Goggings and Joe Rogan and if you don't come out of these interview with thinking you cant make anymore excuses then I don't know what to say.

You've been working at it for quite some time Yaxir, I noticed. Keep going man and give up cant wait to see a longtime progress pic/log

- Master
Sup yall, got a very good one today!

While talking with the pro photographer who took my tinder photo, she mentioned a "new" dating app that is getting very popular, called Fruitz. She explained to me how it works, it's pretty fun and you can screen even more using their fruit system. So Sunday I install the app to see how it works and in less than 24h I matched with a couple of cute young girls. One of which has lingerie photos and shit on her profile. She has a pretty cute face and a insaaaaaaane body. So I ask the obligatory predetermined question (part of Fruitz "break the ice" concept) and then go on with the usual template. "Hey you are cute, what are you up to", "What do you like to do for fun", "Where do you live I'm in ***", etc. etc. She end up being available the same night. We matched at like 8PM and bar stop serving alcohol at 11PM, so I quickly chose a place near where I live, she agreed, jump into a shower and drove to hers to get her.

Right off the bath the sexual tension is off the chart. No joke, maybe 5min after I got her in my car, I told a joke about her calling me daddy and she was really into it. It really made the rest of the night smooth for me since I know she's already really into me so making moves was super easy. We arrive at the bar, drank and talked. At some point she says, "I don't sleep with guys on the first date..." I tought nothing of it and just continued with my game plan. The more we talk the more we touch each other. I kiss her at some point and she really liked it. She told me I was really her "type", felt good. She told me about her Onlyfans and that she was in the top 3.6% of girls with most subscribers. So at this point I'm internally telling myself "So hundreds of virgin dudes are paying her a monthly subscription fee, while I'm here kissing her and having her lust over me". I still cant believe it. More touching, more sexual tension. I invite her back to my place and she accepts. So yeah "not sleeping with guys on the first date" my ass lol.

We arrive at my place, and right away we start kissing and undressing. I ate her out on my sofa and quickly realized this girl is not normal lol. She was moaning pretty loudly and when she came the first time while I ate her out, her whole body was convulsing for a good 30sec after she came. I personally never seen that before. She then sucked me, A tier blowjob as expected haha and then I fucked her in multiple position. At some point I gave her a vibrator, so she can play with her clit while I fuck her and she went mental. She came back to back around 5 times during that sequence. After we were done, she was shaking and her legs were hard to relax for a good minute lmao honestly not sure what is going on with her, but she really seems to have more pleasure from sex than any girl I have ever seen. She told me that was the second time ever she was able to cum back to back to back like that, I thought "Jesus fucking christ this is not the first time I hear that, guys are really lazy during sex with women", but it's whatever I satisfy them and they want to come back so that's a plus for me! We went to my bedroom cuddle and talked and after 5min she was ready for round 2. She almost died 5min ago and she wanted more GOD DAMN! I ate her out like a madman, got hard again and fucked her again. I didn't cum, but still had tons of fun. It was late as hell so I drove her back and she invited me to go out with her on Friday (we were Monday) and I said yes.

On Wednesday I saw the powerlifting girl again. 7th date with her I think. We went to a bar in front of a cinema, drank a couple of drink and went to see Spacejam 2. We didn't finish the movie, we were so horny. She asked to do it in the cinema bathroom! I was like "whaaaat! Lets gooo ", but I didn't bring condoms.... I was so pissed, I always bring condoms and the 1 time I forget that's when it would have happened. So instead we went to my place, 10min ride approx and as soon as we step in my apartment we fucked, twice actually! Great night with her once again!

On Friday I saw the Onlyfans girl again. We went to a bar where we couldn't ear each other, we couldn't dance or stay up because of covid, overall shit experience, but she was fine as hell we just teased each other the whole night. I drank a loooot and was pretty drunk. We went there in bus since finding a parking in downtown is shit and it's only a 10-15min bus ride from my place. Came back from the bar and had to walk for a good 15min before arriving at my place. We were walking on the University campus all while teasing each other more and more and at some point I just said "I would fuck you right on this table right here" and she said go! She leaned on the picnic table and I fucked her right there! After like 3min of fucking her, a group of 6 people passed like 100m behind us and I heard "YEAH BUDDY!" lmao. We were both drunk so we just didn't gave a fuck and continued. Made her cum, I was wayyyyyyyyy too drunk to cum, so I just zipped my pants and walked haha. It's like 2AM at this point, not a single soul on the road, we stop at a traffic light inside the campus because her feets were hurting, she lean to remove her heels and she stopped her face in front of my dick while looking up right in my eyes, I just pulled it out and she sucked it for a good 20-30sec. This girl is fucking insane I'm not shitting you, she just realized 2 of my biggest phantasm in 15min. We arrived at my place, fucked like wild beasts. We fucked twice and I came twice. She prob came like 6 or 7 times during the whole time and like last time, she seemed like she was about to die again at some point lol.

I'm seeing her again on Sunday and she then goes back to Vancouver on the 10th, but she will come back in about a month! Don't know what we will do on Sunday yet, but I know it will end in wild sex yet again! Experience like this one really makes all the suffering of loosing weight and building muscles worth it 100000%


- Master
I love your journal. Is it possible to share some screenshots of the conversation with the girls getting to the date? It's one of the places I'm stuck, they don't respond anymore and wondering what other text you guys are using.
blueman Thanks man! Yeah I can share an exemple, but you will pretty much have to adapt to every girl, because they wont respond the same thing. The best thing I can recommend is read the tinder guide in its entirety, but the the messaging part is found here:
Use these template, that's what I use for like 90% of the girls and it works wonders.
The messages you will send will vary for every situation, like when a girl wants to meet up right away, I will usually improvise but keep the template in mind.
Sorry my exemple is in french but you can get the jist of it, it's quick and efficient.

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If you look at the begining of Andy's guide part 3, this is exactly word for word what's written then, but translated.

Hope it helps