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Mar 7, 2021
Sup guys, I know I already posted a log in here, but it was not detailed enough IMO and wanted to introduce myself properly, so the last one will be forgotten and I will heavily focus on this one for all the different aspect of self-improvement.

My name is Maxime, Im french Canadian from quebec and I'm 26 5ft7 200lbs (as of the writing of this). I discovered Good looking loser about 2 weeks ago and while scrolling through the forums I found a post made by Andy and came to look and see what was going on here!
I like how Andy genuinely wants people to give their all and become better versions of themselves and this is why I signed up. I read the whole "Get laid on tinder" guide and I'm now more determined than ever and ill make sure I stay this way. Btw thanks a million times for this guide, I cant believe something like that is free and it just goes to show how Andy truly cares, again thanks!

(The next few paragraphs are a little back story of the ups and downs of my life and fat/muscle gain since HS, If you want to see my complete fat loss log it's here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=556&p=12359#p12359)
Since I was little I've always like to lift things and help my dad with his truck delivery job, so I was always in the stronger kids at school, but I've always been super shy and not confident, so some kids would take advantage of that. There was no intimidation until high school really, but when I entered first year of HS, even some friend that went to the same elementary school/middle school as me, some of them I knew for 3-4 years at that point, turned on me and I became a "word punching bag" (Note: This was a only boy private school where I was sleeping 5days a week). Nobody would actually hit me because I was stronger than any of them but I was not very good with words or was not of violent nature, so I wouldn't retaliate. I was really into sport all my life, I was playing basketball rugby and soccer and some of my teammates were the people that would pick on me the most even though I was one of the best player on any of my sports team. At some point I became really fed up of this shit and I started lifting weights. I didn't want to lift weight to fight them, because I already could, but to pass a message that If I were to act it could be really bad for them "kind of mentality". So I started lifting weights at 12 yo, we had a small gym inside the school. During the next 2 Years, the bullying did not stop, and I even had some suicidal thoughts at some point. The worst were the hockey team members, those guys man I swear, pure fucking assholes, but I get my revenge soon ;). Little by little people were starting to notice the muscle adding up. By the time I hit 15 years old, I gained a lot more respect from people just by looking a lot more muscular, but not from the hockey team members. It's really funny but when these guys were alone with me, they were super cool and even talked to me about video games, but when but they were 2+ they became just fucking mean for no fucking reasons, now I know that it was probably because I was physically stronger than them and they knew I wouldn't hurt a fly, but back then I didn't. One day during my 9th grade year, one guy told me that the hockey team members were having "Casque/Gants" fights somewhere where the teachers and directors were never going, so I wanted to try it. ("Casques/Gants" is a type of fight where you put only a hockey helmet and gloves and you punch until either is unable to fight, ton of fun for real!). So one day I go there and the hockey guys act all tough cuz they have been doing that for some time already, but none of them actually want to fight me and telling bullshit reasons why, until of the best "fighter" actually accept. I completely destroy the guy, He might have landed 2 punch on my helmet and in 15-20 sec he was down on the ground shouting to stop. After that day, god damn life was sooooooo peaceful, I used to think High school was shit but after that, HS became the best time of my life and still is to this day.

So now I'm at what we call here "cegep" which is you go to at 17 years old, if you don't fail prior years and I studied to become police officer, play basketball and rugby. During my first year on the basketball team I was yet again the target of some douchebag bullying, he was coming from another school and was way better than me, so everyone had his back. I also still had to this day remnant of low self esteem and confidence from the bullying I suffered in HS, so yet again I was not saying anything and just endured that shit for the whole year. When you are almost an adult and let another guy shit on you constantly man was it hard for the ego and even worst for my self-esteem, the suicidal thought came back multiple times during this year even though I was in great shape, studying to become a police officer and had lots of friend. I was not talking about this to anyone and I should have. Thinking about it today I'm telling myself I should have done something, but back then I was so fucked mentaly that I just endured and kept going deeper and deeper in hating myself. Second year I did not even tried for the team and discovered League of legends...This game consumed me and for a good reason. I quickly became really good at it and people and friends were actually starting to compliment me online on my ranking. I always loved video games but I had never abused it, but when I found this outlet which would bring me tons of happy and feels good chemicals it kind of started to dictate my life. I would skip tons of school and trainings and by the end of the first half of my second year, I completely stop my police training and went back to my parents home and work at a convenience store.
Note: I don't regret to this day leaving my police officer training because I don't think I would have been happy especially with this covid shit going on right now
During those 2 college years, like I said, I was still in shape and trained a lot so I was around 200lbs in shape, but after leaving the police officer training, stopping my trainings and playing video games all day and night I quickly gained fat and lost tons of muscle until I was 220lbs. I have kind of an endomorph body type so 220lbs looks better on me than some people but I was still far from in shape.
I started working at a convenience store met my first girlfriend at there at the age of 21, she was 18. She was really hard to get and it was kind of a toxic relationship, so I lost like 30lbs in a matter of a few months due to eating less, I never took medication but I was borderline depressed. One day my friends from college came back into my life and we decided to all go live together in a house. We were 8 dudes who went to the same private, boys only, 5days a week sleep there school. It kind of opened my eyes on my toxic relationship and I started to become a lot more assertive and less tolerant to being treated like shit. I also started lifting again, but this time it was the real deal. 2 other guys were going to the gym pretty hard and they introduced me to powerlifting, it revived the flame in me. In a matter of 3-4 months I hit the strongest I ever been. My max were Bench: 335lbs. Squat: 435. Deadlift: 455lbs and I was 215lbs in the best shape I have ever been.
At some point during the process I left my girlfriend and started looking into dating apps and going out and let me tell you my physique was attracting women's a lot more back then, but I was still the shy had low self esteem and didn't know what the fuck to say to girls like the guy I've always been, if only I had found Goodlookingloser back then... After approx 2 weeks of leaving my gf I start dating a girl and back then I didn't have the same mentality, I was "1 women is enough" kind of guy, so I dated this girls for a few months and it didn't work out. I soon met my second girlfriend who was a huge gamergirl, I've always been a huge gamer myself and it was like any gamer dream come true, but let me tell you it wasn't. She was sweet, but she had 0 sex drive. I was used to fuck every single day with my ex girlfriend and my date before her and she didn't want it more than 3 times a week for the first few months and then it became a lot worst. She was the kind of "8 hours of gaming per day is for noob only" kind of gamergirl. I became very lazy and stopped training, l but never stopped eating like before. Fast forward into the relationship, at my worst I hit 240lbs in the worst shape I've ever been. That's around 3 years after meeting her and stopping my training.
At this point I look in the mirror and I'm like "dude... you used to look so good and now look at you... a fat slob who doesn't even have sex". At this point in our relationship, the sex became a once a month+ type of deal, but I was masturbating everyday at least once sometimes more to cope and I was still playing 8-12 hours of video game per day. I found a really good job during our relationship, the same job I still have today. I'm working for a huge video game company (don't want to give too much personal details) and I make pretty good money, but above else, I fucking love my job.

So now it 1 January 2020, I don't like the way I look and can't stop thinking about how good I was looking a few years ago, looking online I stumbled across 2 things that would change my life and still is to this day, No fap and intermittent fasting. I started both at the same time and I'm still practicing both right now a little over 1 year later, so I will detail my experience with both in 2 separate paragraphs.
Salut Maxime!

Je suis québecois aussi, de l'Outaouais en fait, surpris de voir un autre québecois ici!

I'll keep an eye out for this log and see how you progress. Keep up the good work!
Intermittent fasting

I have always been a go hard or nothing kind of guy, so I started with the One meal a day intermittent fasting plan, which consist of... you guest it, eating only once per day. The first few weeks were hard man, but I kept going and killed my appetite in the afternoon by drinking 1 dark coffee. At first I drank it around 1pm, but slowly I started to push the time I was drinking it until I didn't need it at all. To this day I'm still hungry sometimes during the afternoon, but I'm used to feeling this and it doesn't bother me anymore.
In the first 5-6 months I did my omad (one meal a day) diet I lost 50 freaking pounds. I was not doing exercise or being careful with what I hate and I was eating quite a lot during this 1 meal but I still lost 50 fucking pounds. it goes to show how effective intermittent fasting can be. I went from 240lbs (the first and second photos) all the way down to 190lbs (the third photo) in a matter of 5-6months. Although like I said, I was not being careful with what I ate and I still had the VERY BAD habit of eating McDonalds every Friday and eating "Poutine", which is basically fries with bacon and sauce, every Saturday and I would do that every single week. When I hit 190lbs, I was starting to feel very weak, because even though I lost a tons of weight I was not eating healthy, YES you can be skinny and unhealthy. Even when it was not McDonald or poutine day, I wasn't eating a lot of vegetables or fruits. I used to have strong and big legs and they were now super skinny and my girlfriend at the time (the gamergirl) often would tell me that I looked too skinny. I slowly started to eat more and break this one meal a day habit. I would eat snacks in the evening or before going to bed and in a matter of a few months a gained 20lbs.

I started my one meal a day diet again when I found this forum, but this time I train hard and eat a lot more healthy. I don't count calories "yet" but I make sure there's plenty of protein and vegetables every meal I take and I add a shake with 3scoops of protein (approx 75g) and 1 scoop of creatine (5g). I also take 3 tablets of omega 3 and 3 tablets of AOR multivitamin. I also involuntarily stopped drinking coffee haha. For like 2 weeks after starting to get back in shape I drank decaf without knowing and when I found out I was like "muh guess I don't need coffee anymore" so yeah I don't drink coffee anymore and I don't feel the need to. I also completely stopped drinking monster energy which have been my Achilles heel ever since I started working at the convenience store 6 years ago and for multiple years I took 1 or more a day. It could have probably kill me and I'm proud and glad to have overcame it entirely!

So this is basically where I'm at right now on the diet side of things. I feel so much better and have a lot more energy now that I don't take coffee, monster energy, eat healthier and I highly recommend to anyone who wants to lose weight to look into intermittent fasting, but don't make the same mistakes I did, make sure to eat plenty of healthy food while doing so!
Karter tha Don said:
Salut Maxime!

Je suis québecois aussi, de l'Outaouais en fait, surpris de voir un autre québecois ici!

I'll keep an eye out for this log and see how you progress. Keep up the good work!

Salut Karter, wow! ravis de voir d'autre quebecois ici, je suis de quebec, merci de ton support!

I'll also keep an eye out for anything you share progress wise, thanks a lot m8!

Until I found the Nofap movement, I did not know how addicted I was to porn and masturbation. The first few videos that popped into my YouTube feed didn't really get my attention, but when I started to feel like I needed to change things in my life to better myself I gave those videos a chance and before I knew it, I was part of the movement. I never went on any forums or didn't watch thousands of hours of no fap guru to understand that porn and mastubration had a significant negative impact on my life.
On my first try I went hard and I was very motivated, but I quickly understood that this is not what my brain wanted. I went for 39 days without ejaculating, but I still watched porn from time to time because sometimes it was like I needed the visual stimulation and god it was hard to resist the urge to masturbate when that happened until the 39th day... I gave up. I was very disappointed with myself at that time and I reflected on what happened to me during those 39 days this is basically this reflection that changed me.
During those 39 days, I started to become a lot less tolerable towards my girlfriend at the time and like a said before we didn't have sex "basically once a month" so I started wanting more whenever we would cuddle and she didn't want to. I have always been a 1 girl is enough kind of guy, but when I hit the 14th day or so day, my mentality started to completely switch. I was thinking that there is no way in hell I'm sleeping with only 1 woman for the rest of my life and that I would leave my gf soon. It was uncharacteristic from me, but it opened my eyes on what someone that is not watching porn or masturbating on a daily basis can think about. It also made me realize that for 3-4 years with my girlfriend we had HUGE sexual issues that we wouldn't really fix because "muh anyway I can masturbate". We started talking about it and tried multiple things over a period of 5-6 months until we both agreed that nothing would change and broke up. Of course I knew we had sexual issues before I did nofap, but it was never a big deal, I only thought she had a low libido and that's it, I love her so I'll just masturbate, but nofap made me realize that's not what I want and whenever I'm on nofap my libido is through the fucking roof, so she wont be able to satisfy me.

It also made me realize that Jesus fucking Christ my brain is strong as shit. It can make me do stuff that I don't want just to have his rush of dopamine. Whenever I relapse I always feel like shit because I let this fucker get the better of me, but it also helped me understand it a lot more. Whenever I'm feeling down for any reason, this is when the urges are the strongest and often it doesn't even have anything to do with sex, but if something makes me feel down, my brain needs a stimulation so it will ask for what's the easiest to get, dopamine through masturbation. This helped me countless time not to relapse by thinking "Yeah this fucker wants his dopamine, I will give him but not through masturbation, but by doing something useful like taking a walk or doing dishes, etc" I'm trying to rewire my brain into going for exercise or useful stuff instead of always going for the easy way out like I have always let it do. I'm talking about it like something that is not part of me, because whenever I hit around day 14 of nofap I become another person, it starts to control what I think and what I want, this is real addiction and since my try ive relapse countless times now. I even gave the whole thing up for a couple of months not too long ago, but this self improvement journey convinced me to go back and do it again. I relapsed 2 times since I started again 90days ago, but I intend on going for longer and longer, progressively instead of going for 90 days on my first few tries.

You may ask why do nofap in the first place, lots of people do not believe in the benefits of nofap and I was one of them before starting last year. I won't elaborate on the science of it or studies conducted, there's plenty of YouTube video on the subject, but I will tell you about the changes it brought me and how it help me slowly but surely changed my perspective.
First of all, a point I said earlier, it completely changed the way I think, this might be scary for some people and it was for me at first, but it completely change the way I view relationships. From the point of view a huge addict, porn and masturbation were the only sexual activity I had for the last 3 years. I was always a bit jealous and had a conservative mind. I would never cheat on my girlfriend and she better never cheat on me. After the first 14days let me tell you those thoughts went out the window. I was thinking man... if a girl would be down to fuck right now out of the blue (yes every mans dream) I would not be able to say no, I'm so vulnerable and at the mercy of my brain it's insane. It helped me understand that there is way worst things in life than cheating, when previously I didn't and helped understand more about myself. I don't advocate for cheating obviously, but me doing a 180degree on my way of thinking after only 14 days without porn opened my eyes to the weakness some people might feel in certain situations. I also realized that under normal circumstances, where I don't abuse porn, I want a healthy sex life and I want to explore my sexuality a lot more. I want to look back when I'm 50-60 years old and be proud of myself and the experiences I went through. If I continued in the path I was in, at 50 years old I would curse myself and would be full of regret.

Second, it helps you understand the way your brain works and how you I can better control it, not only for self control towards masturbation urges, but for all the aspect you would need self control in your life. Me becoming fat and lazy with a low libido is the result of me letting my brain get the better of me for so long whenever it needed its drug (dopamine). By understanding my brain more I can now trick it into going for more productive means to get it's drug, like I said earlier, working out, doing dishes etc. Whenever I'm feeling down and have an urge, I go for a walk or find a chore to do at home, if it's close to my workout time, I just suck it up and wait until my workout and 100% OF THE TIME after my workout, the urge is gone. Sometimes unfortunately I fail and the urge gets the better of me and I could have been the most dedicated person 1h prior but like David Goggins said, your brain is your worst enemy LITERALLY, it knows all your fear, insecurities and weaknesses. This is not a war I will let down though I will keep trying to make my brain into my bitch and if one day I can make it believe that it would be easier to go for a 30min run than masturbating to get his dopamine, this day I would have won the war, but until then I will keep going with no fap.

Third, it kills you testosterone, sex drive and can bring about ED (erectile disfunction). Like I said earlier, I wont go into scientific details, I will only talk about personal experience. Masturbation and porn addiction slowly creeped up more and more as I was having less and less sex with my ex girlfriend until one day, it became daily and sometimes I would do it multiple times during the day if I was feeling down and just felt like it. It completely killed my libido and it's probably one of the main reason my ex-girlfriend was less attracted to me. Multiple times it happened that I couldn't get hard at all even if we didn't do it for 3-4 days, but what was I doing during those 3-4days... you guest it, masturbating. This is an issue I did not have with my first girlfriend, we had sex at least once a day for 1 and half year and I never had any ED, but I barely masturbated during this 1 and a half year. It also killed my testosterone and the will to do anything productive other than play video games. From what I can remember, before meeting my ex girlfriend I had the will to go to the gym, to see my friends and make my own foods, do something productive with my life, but for the last 3 years, nothing. I've been a big fat slob and I cannot tell you 100% for certain that the immediate cause is masturbation and porn addiction, but whenever I stopped giving my brain this drug, things started changing in my life and quickly.

Finally, It gives purpose. This is 100% my opinion and how I feel it changed me. Before starting nofap, I was 240lbs in the worst shape I have ever been, but I wanted to lose some weight. I started nofap at the same time I started my intermittent fasting omad diet at the beginning of last year and I'm pretty positive that it helped me greatly to stay strong and continue my diet and I can feel it's helping me right now stay motivated to keep losing weight and train hard. Like I said I'm not an expert and I cannot assure you with 100% certainty that this what is keeping me motivated right now, but I can assure you it's helping. Whenever I relapse I can feel I have less energy for multiple days after and this is not a mental thing, I'm less motivated, sleep more and I'm hungry earlier than usual. I feel like after 4-5 days I return to my normal motivation/energy level, but from what read onIine, it can be different for everyone.

Now for the cons:
I have a lot of trouble sleeping past 14days or so. I usually relapse before being able to get through that phase, and it's in great part because of that problem. From what I read online, I'm not the only one and it can be way worse for some people. I have a pretty big AHDH (should have mentioned it earlier, especially talking about when talking about HS) and whenever I go to to bed after the 14th day, I think about 10000000 things while there's 2-3 songs playing in the back of my head. I have so much brain power, even if I'm exhausted, it's insane. If it takes multiple hours for me to get to sleep and I have the slight thought of masturbating, I'm fucked, now this is the only thing I'm thinking about. I'm also very tired because I can't sleep so my judgement is not at his highest and this is very often where I relapse. Jesus do I fall asleep quickly after that though, but I still regret it in the end because I know that for the next few days I will have trouble staying motivated.
I deleted any page, or post that would trigger an urge and this sucks. I had to unfollow friends and pages that were sharing sex related images or memes because it would give me too many urges, this might only be a personal problem, but yeah I had to do it for my own sanity.

This pretty much covers my nofap section, if you went through it all you are a beast, you can ask any question I will gladly respond to it!

So for my first fat loss progress report I can proudly say that I went from 204.8lbs (week1) to 200.0lbs (week5)... Yeah... It might not seems much, but you can go check my fat loss log. By week 3 I was already at 199.6lbs. so technically I did not lose any weight during the last 2 weeks XD. Looking at weight like that would definitely be detrimental to my progress and luckily I don't care that much about the numbers on the scale as long as my body is changing I'm very happy. My body has changed a lot during the last 4-5 weeks and I have a few friends and family members that told me so without me asking them and you can see by yourself in these photos:
First photo (also profile pic) - Week1 day 1.
Second and third photo - Week 5 day 6.
During those weeks I started doing a pretty big workout routine while running 5k every 2 day or so and also started taking protein and creatine. Most of the weight I took is probably due to the water retention from the creatine, I don't complain though my weight went up a lot and would have even further if Quebec shitty ass government didn't put us back into full lockdown. Now that the gyms are closed, Ill focus on weight loss by running 5km every single day, doing the 100 push training everyday and doing core exercise and pull ups at a park every 2 day. I know this is not like going to the gym but it's the best I can do with these circumstances.

There you have it folks, if you have any questions regarding intermittent fasting, nofap, my fat loss or my life experience for that matter ask away ill gladly respond!
Dustin said:
If you need help with nofap, then join me with what I'm doing if you want and I'm down to help you and be accountability partners.

AA program I am less confident about, but I am sure I am going to completely succeed 100% with my nofap. So if you need help let me know.

183 days PMO is not something I'm looking to do right now unfortunately, but it might be in the future, if I'm want to go hard I'll gladly hit you up. Is this your first attempt at PMO?
Dustin said:
Master said:
183 days PMO is not something I'm looking to do right now unfortunately, but it might be in the future, if I'm want to go hard I'll gladly hit you up. Is this your first attempt at PMO?

It's not my first attempt. The longest I've done is 5 months. Although that was just no masterbation + porn. I did try to pick up girls and fuck them and did have some orgasms with girls.

I might do that again this time even, I will see. Right now I'm not even close to picking up a girl to even fuck though, so it might not matter for awhile.

Oh ok nice, 5months is still a huge deal man gratz! Do you have any suggestion or recommendation or did you have any trouble sleeping, because this is the biggest deal breaker for me, like I said I have a pretty big ADHD and after a certain amount of days I just have too much brain power to sleep, you probably know what I'm talking about.
Dustin said:
If you mean that your brain is just like excessively hyped though and this is the cause of the sleeping problem, this does go away in time, if you stick to it.

I was only even able to do it so long last time cause I was fucking and chasing so many girls, that it kind of sapped that excessive craving stuff down to at least manageable levels. I rechanneled it basically.

Yeah well not only my brain is hyped I can feel my heart pumping in my chest and this happens even if I'm completely exhausted. The moment I jack off those 2 feelings goes away. Ill really try my best to keep going and go past this phase which is apparently only temporary. Ill keep you updated on the matter thanks for your insight.

Last Week Starting Weight: 203.2lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 200.0lbs
Last Week Average of the week: 203.0lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 30:01

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 201.0lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 199.2lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 202.2lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 28:29

Accomplishments of the week:
(Gym's here are closed)
[*] Saturday I managed to completely destroy my previous 5km PR with a time of 28:29. That's almost a whole minute ahead of my previous PR of 29:22 and it was thanks to a full day of rest on Friday. Rest is important.
[*] I managed to complete Week 5 day 1,2 and 3 of the 100 push up test. Day 3 consisted of doing (20x20x24x24x20x20x22x50) with 45sec pauses between each set. One last week to go until I try my hand at the 100 consecutive push up test! The full training can be found here: https://hundredpushups.com/test.html
[*] Saw the number 198 for the first time on the scale!

You can find my whole fat loss and training log here:https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=556
Wow, what an awesome week you had! That's great you improved so much on the 5k and got sub 200 lbs! And were you saying you hit 50 pushups in one set?? Definitely interested how the next week of pushups goes.
RogerRoger said:
Wow, what an awesome week you had! That's great you improved so much on the 5k and got sub 200 lbs! And were you saying you hit 50 pushups in one set?? Definitely interested how the next week of pushups goes.

Thanks a lot for the support! Definitely happy about those results and will get those higher next week for sure!
Congrats on the weight loss so far! Seems like your staying consistent and losing fat at a healthy rate. Its such a gratifying feeling seeing the scale dip down to numbers you haven't seen before.

Thanks for posting the 100 pushup training program. I need to work on getting my pushup numbers higher. So hopefully this program works for me as well.
Quitting porn is definitely rewarding. I wish you all the luck in the world. This a good read. I haven't been able to quit porn entirely, but this book has greatly reduced my consumption and its free. Alan Cars easy way to stop smoking, but tailored to pornography. https://easypeasymethod.org/easypeasy.pdf
Toast said:
Congrats on the weight loss so far! Seems like your staying consistent and losing fat at a healthy rate. Its such a gratifying feeling seeing the scale dip down to numbers you haven't seen before.

Thanks for posting the 100 pushup training program. I need to work on getting my pushup numbers higher. So hopefully this program works for me as well.

Just saw your response today sorry for the late answer (I wish there was notification for people writing in your posts) but yeah ill post the results/photos for this week and they are even crazier than last week, I can't believe how much my body has morphed in the last 2 weeks, staying consistent with the diet and training really is paying off and its not like I'm going super crazy too!
Np man! This training is really good to help you build upper body muscle, it even helped me with my bench, after doing this training for a bit and going back to the gym I lifted more then before leaving! Hope you enjoy the training :).
Monsey said:
Quitting porn is definitely rewarding. I wish you all the luck in the world. This a good read. I haven't been able to quit porn entirely, but this book has greatly reduced my consumption and its free. Alan Cars easy way to stop smoking, but tailored to pornography. https://easypeasymethod.org/easypeasy.pdf

I'm currently only able to go for 7-14 days without PMO until the craving are so hard or I have so much trouble sleeping that I just let it go. Ill take a look at this book thanks a ton!
Master said:
staying consistent with the diet and training really is paying off and its not like I'm going super crazy too!
This is the essence of weight loss I feel like. Its not rocket science, just gotta stay consistent with your diet and training. No need to starve yourself either. I'm really happy to hear you say this cuz it shows your being smart about it!

I just tried the first session of the pushup challenge and I'm really liking it as well. Not too out of reach to complete but still challenging enough to push your numbers up. 100 seems so far away, but every week you're doing like 200 pushups or something like that. Makes 100 in a row seem achievable
Toast said:
Master said:
staying consistent with the diet and training really is paying off and its not like I'm going super crazy too!
I just tried the first session of the pushup challenge and I'm really liking it as well. Not too out of reach to complete but still challenging enough to push your numbers up. 100 seems so far away, but every week you're doing like 200 pushups or something like that. Makes 100 in a row seem achievable

And by week 6 you do 200+ per trainings day! The climb is long but steady and I promise you'll see results :)

Last Week Starting Weight: 201.0lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 199.2lbs
Last Week Average of the week: 202.2lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 28:29

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 198.8lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 196.4lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 200.5lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:36

Accomplishments of the week:
(Gym's here are closed)
[*] Broke my 5km PR twice this week with a time of 27:36 on Sunday!
[*] I got stuck on week 6 day 1 of the one hundred push up training up until Friday. I had to do (45x55x35x30x55) with 60sec rest between each set, which is IMO the hardest day of the whole training. Sunday I got the Week 6 day 2 in one try which consisted of doing (22x22x30x30x24x24x18x18x58) with 45sec pauses. I will probably attempt the 100 consecutive push up test sometimes next week!
- If you are interested The full push up training can be found here: https://hundredpushups.com/test.html
[*] Was able to do 15 full chin-up body weight. To put in perspective, when I started 7 weeks ago I couldn't do 5rep.
[*] Saw the number 197 & 196 for the first time on the scale this week! I'm not sure why my weight dropped so much but I will gladly take it! My average weight was way lower too!
[*] Started feeling my love handles and the fat around the whole waist becoming a lot softer. I just hope it wont become loose skin which I doubt since I didn't have too much belly fat. Also seeing a lot less love handles and belly fat on my photos so I'm really proud of it!
[*] Overall really good week, hope this can help motivate people to keep going!

You can find my whole fat loss and training log here:https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=556
This is definitely motivational for me! Those are some serious pushup numbers for one day!

Awesome progress on the weight loss, you can see your face getting thinner and less puffy as well. On ur way to becoming a chiseled greek god my dude!