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Awesome progress this week man! I hurt my shoulder but it's awesome to see you're improving your 5k time: no excuses, I might as well run since I can't do much else right now.
RogerRoger said:
Awesome progress this week man! I hurt my shoulder but it's awesome to see you're improving your 5k time: no excuses, I might as well run since I can't do much else right now.

Thanks a lot Roger! Sucks that you hurt yourself shit happens though make sure to come back strong 💪.
Yeah my 5k been stuck at around 27-28min for a couple of weeks now, but Today I completely destroyed my 5km PR with a time of 26:10... Almost a whole minute idk wtf happened but yeah had a great pace and didn't feel the run in my legs as much as usual. When you go at it 6days week things like that are bound to happen.
Running is great for weight loss and improving mental toughness! It's also really good if you want to increase your stamina and go a little harder in bed 8-)
That's awesome man! Honestly I hate running and especially given you're not a runner's frame sitting at ~200 lbs I thought sub-30m is pretty awesome and you were making great progress. Shaving a minute off is terrific!

Are you saying you run a 5k six days a week??
RogerRoger said:
That's awesome man! Honestly I hate running and especially given you're not a runner's frame sitting at ~200 lbs I thought sub-30m is pretty awesome and you were making great progress. Shaving a minute off is terrific!

Are you saying you run a 5k six days a week??

Exactly yeah, Everyday except on Fridays I run 5km on my midday work pause. That's what I've been doing since week5 when the gyms closed here I decided to focus on fat loss instead of building muscle while loosing fat at the same time. Before that I would run 3-4 days a week mixed in with 3 big gym training. Now I do 5 small bodyweight training, Push-ups, chin-ups, leg raises, plank with Monday & Friday rest day + 6 x 5k run with Friday rest day.

When I started this process a little over 2 months ago I couldn't even run, my knees and calves were hurting way too much so I decided to walk 10k a day. It took me 2 weeks to be able to start running and I hated it so much, my first run took 39min and I took 3 pauses. I was 210lbs with 0 cardio, but I knew that it would be the best way (along with eating healthy) to loose fat and now look at me. A little over 2months later 17lbs less on the scale and I lost a lot more in fat since I also built muscle through this process.

I had knee problems before starting to run and now nothing. I was getting exhausted from running to not be late at the bus stop or climbing a couple of stairs, but this weekend I went to Montreal and I had to go up tons of stairs and walk for 10k+ for a march and I didn't even feel anything. This is fucking awesome let me tell you that, when I know how deep I was and seeing me now this is such a great feeling.

Even if you think you didn't do anything, you and toast have been commenting my logs for quite some times and those comments are the kind of thing I think about when I feel like shit or tired and it motivates me so much to keep going you have no idea, so thanks man!
Crypto said:
You're killing it man! Saw the 100 pushups, well fucking done! Form will get better over time! Very impressive!

Thanks a lot man! yeah went back to week5 day1 and working my way up with proper form from there. So expect another video sometimes in a 4-5weeks :P

Last Week Starting Weight: 195.4lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 192.8lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 198.2lbs
# of km ran last week: 25km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:07

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 194.4lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 190.6lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 194.9lbs
# of km ran this week: 30km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 26:10

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Another 2.2lbs down at the end of the week and a staggering 3.3lbs less average of the week. I've also not seen the 200mark on the scale during the whole week even after my big evening meals! This is probably due to the fact that I stopped taking creatine and my system got rid of the excess of water inside me, but god damn I'm down at 190, I just can't believe it it has been only 2months and a half approx since I started and I'm already down to my target weight this is just unbelievable to me. I really thought getting to 190 would take me 4-5 months, that's 25lbs down on the scale since I started and prob a 30-35lbs of fat since I also built muscle during the process. I know loosing weight is not the hardest thing but god damn I'm proud of myself for getting there. I have not been under 200lbs for the past 10 years and within 2 months with the right mindset I got it done GOD THAT FEELS GOOD. My new target weight will be 175 and I think that at that weight ill prob be around 10-11% ish body fat which is what my longterm goal is. If you read that plz let me know how I can put my targets under my messages, I've searched and couldn't find it.

[*] Completely destroyed my 5km PR on Monday with a time of 26:10. My previous time was 27:07 and the rest of the week I did 26:30-26:45 I couldn't reproduce what I did on Monday. I Should have noted what I ate the previous day but completely forgot to. Oh well It's the second time that I break my PR by like 1 min, so it might happen again soon! Again I'm pretty sure stopping creatine and getting rid of the excess of water helped on my runs, not sure how but since the 26:10 I've stayed under 27min for 5 of my 6 runs of the week. I guess I will see when I get back on it in 2 weeks.

[*] Also broke my Pull-ups record with 22 on Saturday! My back is getting back into the game!

[*] Managed to go through week 5 day2 and day3 of the 100 push up test (With proper form). Did my first try on Week6 day1 and god damn that was hard. I have to do (45x55x35x30x55) with 75sec pauses between each set and I failed at 30 of the third set. I have a loooooooong way to go before beating this day, but god I love the pump after a day with those heavy numbers. Once I get past this one though the next 2 days are going to be cake, like it was the first time I went through it :P

[*] I don't feel like my body changed that much from last week look wise, but I know it's going to slow down at some point, so I'm not too worried. I still have a bit of fat to loose before seeing proper abs, but I'm already starting to see some in the upper part which is good, since I never had any in my entire life. I'll keep doing abs and core 5 days a week and it will show at some point. Also losing even more weight will helped in that regards!

[*] Overall very good week, broke multiple PR!

Last Week Starting Weight: 194.4lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 190.6lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 194.9lbs
# of km ran last week: 30km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 26:10

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 190.4lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 191.0lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 193.1
# of km ran this week: 20km/ 12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:36

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Average weight is down by 1.8 which is pretty good considering I ended up higher by the end of the week. I went to a friend house for the weekend, Haven't seen them in like 1 year and drank beer on Friday and Saturday. Felt really bad about it until Toast Adam helped me understand through our accountability weight loss discussion, that this is not a moral quest and I should allow myself some leeway from time to time and take this weekend as an experience and see how my body react and feel for the week to come.

[*] Broke my 5km pr 3 times this week and found out what I was lacking! After having a very great run on Monday I noted what I did the previous day and the hours leading to my run. Tried emulating it the second day and broke my pr again. I found out that drinking a lot of water leading to my run at around 12pm greatly improve my performance! I would often feel my leg very tired and not so much my cardio. It would hinder my enjoyment and performance, but by after driking tons of water 3 days in a row, I broke my pro 3 times in a row as well! It my be a huge coincidence but I highly doubt so.

[*] Also broke my Pull-ups record with 23 consecutive!

[*] As expected I'm stuck on week 6 day 1 of the 100 push up training which consist of doing (45-55-35-30-55) I take 75s pause between each set. This is IMO the hardest day of the whole training since I already went through it using a different form and with this form it feels even harder. I got to 40 push ups of the last set which means I only need to push through 15more and I'm done with this day! The 100 push up test with correct form is on the horizon I can feel it!

[*] Overall good week, really proud of those 5km time and starting next week I'm going to add a pretty huge and intense training called the 10 000 swing kettlebell workout.
Amazing progress dude!

Killing it with the 5k run times, and pushup program. Definitely looking leaner by the week. Lookin like the love handles are starting to go away as well as your pecs are more defined.
Toast said:
Amazing progress dude!

Killing it with the 5k run times, and pushup program. Definitely looking leaner by the week. Lookin like the love handles are starting to go away as well as your pecs are more defined.

Thanks a lot Devin! 💪💪 Yeah my runs definitely got a big up when I started hydrating myself properly! and The push ups are tough but definitely getting there! I should be able to re-do the 100 push up test soon enough!
The love handles are almost completely gone its crazy, haven't seen myself without love handles for the past 10-12 years. Can't wait for abs to show up, another 15-20lbs should do it 💪
Master said:

Last Week Starting Weight: 194.4lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 190.6lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 194.9lbs
# of km ran last week: 30km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 26:10

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 190.4lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 191.0lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 193.1
# of km ran this week: 20km/ 12.4miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:36

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Average weight is down by 1.8 which is pretty good considering I ended up higher by the end of the week. I went to a friend house for the weekend, Haven't seen them in like 1 year and drank beer on Friday and Saturday. Felt really bad about it until @Toast @Adam helped me understand through our accountability weight loss discussion, that this is not a moral quest and I should allow myself some leeway from time to time and take this weekend as an experience and see how my body react and feel for the week to come.

[*] Broke my 5km pr 3 times this week and found out what I was lacking! After having a very great run on Monday I noted what I did the previous day and the hours leading to my run. Tried emulating it the second day and broke my pr again. I found out that drinking a lot of water leading to my run at around 12pm greatly improve my performance! I would often feel my leg very tired and not so much my cardio. It would hinder my enjoyment and performance, but by after driking tons of water 3 days in a row, I broke my pro 3 times in a row as well! It my be a huge coincidence but I highly doubt so.

[*] Also broke my Pull-ups record with 23 consecutive!

[*] As expected I'm stuck on week 6 day 1 of the 100 push up training which consist of doing (45-55-35-30-55) I take 75s pause between each set. This is IMO the hardest day of the whole training since I already went through it using a different form and with this form it feels even harder. I got to 40 push ups of the last set which means I only need to push through 15more and I'm done with this day! The 100 push up test with correct form is on the horizon I can feel it!

[*] Overall good week, really proud of those 5km time and starting next week I'm going to add a pretty huge and intense training called the 10 000 swing kettlebell workout.

Hey man been checking your progress on and off - looking really good! Can see you’ve gained upper body strength. Don’t worry about the beer - a little treat every now and again helps keep us sane 8-)

Nice work!


TylerDurden1995 said:
Hey man been checking your progress on and off - looking really good! Can see you’ve gained upper body strength. Don’t worry about the beer - a little treat every now and again helps keep us sane 8-)

Nice work!



Thanks a lot man! Yeah I've def improved my strength a lot in the last 2 months and a half and also lost tons of weight.
A beer with friends from time to time def is good for the mental health :P
Thanks again Tyler really appreciated 💪
Master said:
TylerDurden1995 said:
Hey man been checking your progress on and off - looking really good! Can see you’ve gained upper body strength. Don’t worry about the beer - a little treat every now and again helps keep us sane 8-)

Nice work!



Thanks a lot man! Yeah I've def improved my strength a lot in the last 2 months and a half and also lost tons of weight.
A beer with friends from time to time def is good for the mental health :P
Thanks again Tyler really appreciated 💪

Yeah man I’ve recently started going back this week myself - long road ahead, but I’m willing to hit it hard!

Especially with Lockdowns and COVID - definitely gotta look after your mental health etc.!

Good Luck on your journey 😎
MakingAComeback said:
Good work brother

Thanks a lot MAC! Saw you around alot, I know you are working on loosing weight also. Keep it up buddy keep us posted about those results! 💪💪

This week and next week weight loss/training results will be alot different than usual.

I got hospitalised on thursday after going too hard on a training with muscles that were not ready for this kind of training. I got rhabdomyolosis after doing 1000 kettlebell swings with a 20kg kb in 2 days and my lower back is not a muscle that I usually focus on.
I go in great details about it here if thats something that would interest you: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=694

As I write this Im still in hospital but the doc said I should be out in 3 to 4 days.
Still doing my one meal a day diet they are super accomoding which is very nice. I eat only the evening meal but they give me 2 portions.

So thats pretty much it, this shit sucks, but we need to take L in life to learn valuable lessons. This is only a small bump in my road to success and I will come back stronger than ever 💪👊

Last Week Starting Weight: 193.0lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 190.4lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 194.0lbs
# of km ran last week: 10km/ 6.2miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:42

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 195.8lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 187.8lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week:
# of km walked this week: 35 km/ 21.7miles
# of km ran this week: 10km/ 6.2miles
Best time for 5km run: 26:13

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Got down to 187.8lbs, even if I went to hospital and broke my diet for 4 days (I usually eat one meal a day and I was eating 3 as per recommendation from the docs) I managed to loose weight. Weighted in at 200 when I got out, had me panicking a little, but I knew most of that was water from the 5 days of dialysis. little did I know I'm 2lbs down from before I got into hospital, so I'm very glad!
[*] Came back from the hospital on Tuesday, (was hospitalised for 5 days due to rhabdomyolosis, basically training too hard, I go in great details about it here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=694). Walked 5K for the first day then 10k for the next 3. Felt good enough to start running on Saturday so I ran 2 times this week both run went very well considering I was out of running for more than a week.
[*] The first strength training on Wednesday was rough (headaches and fatigue), but that all went away on the second day and everything is fine since then.
[*] Broke my pull up record on Saturday with 25 in a row! apparently my pull ups loved the huge break I gave them.
[*] Gym are opening tomorrow so starting next week my trainings will greatly change! I will also prob start creatine again soon, so my weight might go up again at some point. Cant wait to lift weights man IM PUMPED!!!!!
Inspiring man. You look significantly leaner.

Fuck I haven't stepped on the scale for a while.
I'm owing it to you that I'll step on a scale by 8am Tuesday and post it here.
Manganiello said:
Inspiring man. You look significantly leaner.
Fuck I haven't stepped on the scale for a while.

Thanks a lot Manganiello, tons of running/fasting/healthy eating and especially words of encouragement really went a long way helping me achieve the shape I'm in right now, and that's far from over, the gyms are opening tomorrow :D !!
It feels really good to be somewhat inspirational to someone whos also inspirational to me, listened to the whole podcast with you and Andy, you and Toast especially are the people I look up to the most right now (except maybe for Andy haha) can't wait to get into the AA program myself!

Manganiello said:
I'm owing it to you that I'll step on a scale by 8am Tuesday and post it here.

Alright I'll keep you to your word, I'll remember 👊 ;P .
RogerRoger said:
Awesome progress man! Just don't go toooo hard at the gym the first few days :)

Thanks Roger always nice seeing you around. Don't worry though I had enough hospital fro at least another century, I'll go super slow you dont have to worry. In fact I can't even do legs or lower back for awhile still, but even then I had my lesson :P

Also how is your own progress going man, I don't always have time to look at every post in here so I might have miss some of your posts.