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Nice work with the girl :evil: The bench was pretty impressive for your body weight especially. I'm weighing close to you right now funny enough so I gotta cut weight too.

I get the feeling as you drop body weight your 5k time is gonna get really fast. I think 22 min isn't very far away especially at the pace you are breaking prs. Anyway keep it up looks good.
Jacobpalmer123 said:
Nice work with the girl :evil: The bench was pretty impressive for your body weight especially. I'm weighing close to you right now funny enough so I gotta cut weight too.
Thanks man, yeah this girl is great, really hope I can keep her in my rotation for a long time!
Thanks man, I love benching it really is my fav lift and it has been forever. How much can you bench?
If you look like your profile pic, I cant really comprehend how you can lose more weight haha!

Jacobpalmer123 said:
I get the feeling as you drop body weight your 5k time is gonna get really fast. I think 22 min isn't very far away especially at the pace you are breaking prs. Anyway keep it up looks good.

Yeah I'm looking to drop to around 175lbs, but since I hit 185ish the weight drop really slowed down. Which is good cuz I was loosing like 2lbs per week for awhile. I want to go down even more, but if I can do it slowly while also building muscle, it would really ideal.
Some great progress here overall man

I recommend you look into getting a full body tan - any method you wanna go with. You look like you have some colour on your face and arms but the body is a bit lacking so far

For bald guys getting extra tanned helps a lot

More ink obvs another thing to go to next. Forearms and chest for proper dirtbag player tatts
Radical said:
Some great progress here overall man

Thanks a lot radical! Really appreciated!

Radical said:
I recommend you look into getting a full body tan - any method you wanna go with. You look like you have some colour on your face and arms but the body is a bit lacking so far

For bald guys getting extra tanned helps a lot

Yeah I run a lot so only my forearms and head gets exposed to the sun lol
I started thinking a lot about getting a tan, but I didnt have the time recently with gym, dates, work, moving out. Once Im settled at my new place (moving out tomorrow) im going to look into a tan place asap.

Radical said:
More ink obvs another thing to go to next. Forearms and chest for proper dirtbag player tatts

Already have my next tat appointment settle for 15th of july! Going to tattoo the back of my forearm, so thats already settle. Also going to check into a third tattoo as soon as this one is done. Recently got pierced with 3.5 stretches, so I would say that adding to my style is going very well right now. I dont feel like its unnatural or whatever, I really like the way I look the more I add edgyness.

Thanks again for the support Radical, very appreciated! Got multiple caps thanks to your guide! Keep showing us the way and doing a great mod job!
Master said:
Yeah I run a lot so only my forearms and head gets exposed to the sun lol
Run without a shirt then my dude.

Its liberating to not give a fuck. Even if it feels weird just give it a try.

Seeing other sweaty self conscious bros running in a t-shirt in the sweltering sun made it feel even better
Toast said:
Master said:
Yeah I run a lot so only my forearms and head gets exposed to the sun lol
Run without a shirt then my dude.

Its liberating to not give a fuck. Even if it feels weird just give it a try.

Seeing other sweaty self conscious bros running in a t-shirt in the sweltering sun made it feel even better

Yeah whatever ill do that, good idea. I wont need to pay for tanning if I wun 25min per day under the sun
Master Why cultivate a sexy body if ur gunna cover it up with a Vegeta shirt lol

Last Week Starting Weight: 184.8lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 182.4lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 185.3lbs
# of km ran this week: 25km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:56

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: N/A
This Week Ending Weight: N/A
This Week Average Weight of the Week: N/A
# of km ran this week: N/A
Best time for 5km run: N/A

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] This week was my moving week, so I was pretty much occupied the whole week. Did 1 run and 1 training on Monday and that's it. Tuesday I had a date. Wednesday moving my brother and working on my father's house. Thursday moving me + unpacking and another date. Friday more unpacking + another date. Saturday more unpacking. Sunday unpacking + family gathering.
[*] My diet and training really suffered this week because of all this, but starting next week I'm going back to eating super healthy, running everyday and training every other day.
[*] Approached 2 girls at the gym on Monday, didn't feel any social anxiety and felt super fucking confident doing so. Got one number and the other one had a boyfriend. That was my first number from cold approach and my 3rd and 4th cold approach ever!
[*] Slept with 2 girls in 24h on Wed/Thur. I go in great details about it here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=17165#p17165
[*] Took photos even if there is prob negative progress, but it doesnt matter! The lighting is better at my new place so thats prob why my abs are showing so much lol
That's an insane transformation mec. Damn fucking right those girls are obsessed over that upper body proportion, that waist looks like photoshop lol
Spazdig said:
That's an insane transformation mec. Damn fucking right those girls are obsessed over that upper body proportion, that waist looks like photoshop lol

Haha thanks a lot man thats hell of a compliment! 💪👊
What do you mean photoshopped lol, I feel like my waist is my achilles heels tbh, its really hard to get rid of that fat/skin
See I knew you would turn out to be chiseled from stone like a Greek god when I said that like a couple of months ago XD

Impressive as always update. Crazy that ur abs are showing at 185. Must mean u really are packing on a lot of muscle and getting down to a low BF%

What's ur target weight? Or u just just trying to get shredded to u look even more amazing then now?
Toast said:
See I knew you would turn out to be chiseled from stone like a Greek god when I said that like a couple of months ago XD

Impressive as always update. Crazy that ur abs are showing at 185. Must mean u really are packing on a lot of muscle and getting down to a low BF%

What's ur target weight? Or u just just trying to get shredded to u look even more amazing then now?

Yeah I still didnt see abs back then even under the right lighting, U were right XD
My target weight is 175 and I think I would prob be around 10-12% and I want to stay at that fat%, maybe beef up some more but not too much.
Other than running I haven't done legs very often since my rhabdo, so another couple of lbs of muscle will go there. Still have a good 15-20lbs of fat to loose to look super fucking shredded.
It's def going to be hard to loose, but with you and Adam by my side it will be a piece of cake. 💪💪
I don't want to look like a bodybuilder either, I think their physic is amazing, but seems like its too much for only dating and that's pretty much all I want the muscles for lol
Master said:
I don't want to look like a bodybuilder either, I think their physic is amazing, but seems like its too much for only dating and that's pretty much all I want the muscles for lol
Bodybuilding is for the bros lol. I don't know if the majority of women want men that muscular. Thats not to say u cant keep pullin chicks if ur fuckin RIPPED
BRO saw your profile pic & I had to check your progress. You look like a BEAST now & I am simultaneously happy & envious of your transformation!!
SIGMA_1234 said:
BRO saw your profile pic & I had to check your progress. You look like a BEAST now & I am simultaneously happy & envious of your transformation!!

Thanks man those word means a lot! I worked super fucking hard to achieve it. I used to look at super in shape dude and tell myself how envious I was of them, until I stopped being envious and actually work for it myself. I'm not where I want to be yet, but the results right now with the lays and all is 500% worth all the times I suffered. Anyone can achieve it, you only need to put 150% of your focus and efforts when training and be the master of your own mind when it comes to pain and hunger.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
@Master ,looking good.

Thanks a lot Andy! I looked like the left picture 4months ago, before finding your guide and forum and it gave me the spark to start this journey and now I'm a wildfire that can't be stopped! So thank you a million times!

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Bodybuilding is the quickest path to get to "I want to look good for girls"

I just started a bodybuilding training program given to me by my coach. I said I wanted to be esthetically good looking and thats what he came up with, so he would agree with this statement.

Last Week Starting Weight: N/A
Last Week Ending Weight: N/A
Last Week Average Weight of the week: N/A
# of km ran this week: N/A
Best time for 5km run: N/A

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 183.2lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 182.2lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 185.2lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 23:56

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Got back into my usual healthy diet from before I start packing my stuff 2 weeks ago. Weight should start to go down again, it's been stuck at around 185 average for 2 weeks, but now that I'm well installed at my new place I'll focus on my diet and running every day again!
[*] I did 315lbs bench press 1 RM, the weight lifted well without any pause so I should be able to do 325 in no time! Started my new training given to me by my trainer. It focuses on bodybuilding and after 1 training only I'm fucked, so I can't wait to see the results in a couple of months.
[*] Beaten my 5km pr with a time of 23:56! Finally broke the 24min barrier, really happy about it! My new running path is really fun, I run on the university campus just beside where I live and I cross path with many other runners. I also started running without a shirt on so I can tan while also running and after like 3-4 days of running under the sun I already start to see a big difference in my tan!
[*] Also had my first cold approach lay on Thursday and with my 3rd cold approached girl nonetheless. She was super cute girl I approached at the gym I go in great details about it here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=741&start=45
[*] Also saw the powerlifting girl again for the third time on Friday, so another 2 girls in 24hours. Great date and fun sex again with her again!