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Toast said:
This is definitely motivational for me! Those are some serious pushup numbers for one day!

Awesome progress on the weight loss, you can see your face getting thinner and less puffy as well. On ur way to becoming a chiseled greek god my dude!

Thanks a ton, this is super cool to hear and see my efforts bear fruits! I don't know about "chiseled as a greek god" but I will definitely try to become as jacked and lean as possible before I move in July (sucks that gyms are closed but will do what I can with what I have).
I will also start the AA in July and look at your logs for hints since you finished it recently definitely will come in handy! Cheers mate!
You're doing very good so far with the gyms being closed.

I'm excited to see your logs once u start the AA. Feel free to hit me up as well when u start, and ill try and chime in with my perspective on the program since I did just recently complete it.
Toast said:
You're doing very good so far with the gyms being closed.

I'm excited to see your logs once u start the AA. Feel free to hit me up as well when u start, and ill try and chime in with my perspective on the program since I did just recently complete it.

Thanks a lot! And def will do!

Finally completed the 6week 100push up training! (took me 8weeks starting at week3 day1) I can now attempt the 100 consecutive push ups ill post the video here when it's done.
This is a big milestone for me because I started this training 4-5 times in the last few years, but never finished it, finding myself some bullshit reasons to give up before it was done.
The biggest challenge is yet to come but I'm more rdy than ever!

If this is something that could interest you, the training can be found here: https://hundredpushups.com/index.html
Master said:
I can now attempt the 100 consecutive push ups ill post the video here when it's done.

Awesome mate, good job! Good luck and looking forward to seeing it.
RogerRoger said:
Awesome progress dude! I'm going to do the initial test for the 100 pushup program now :)

Thanks! and That's awesome Toast also started it not too long ago I wish you both tons of success with it!
Crypto said:
Master said:
I can now attempt the 100 consecutive push ups ill post the video here when it's done.

Awesome mate, good job! Good luck and looking forward to seeing it.

Thanks man! Stay tuned probably coming around sunday!

Last Week Starting Weight: 198.8lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 196.4lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 200.5lbs
# of km ran last week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:36

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 196.8lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 195.0lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 199.3
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:20

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] First time averaging under 200lbs!!!
[*] Sunday was my attempt at 100 consecutive push ups and I got it! I went up to 104 and I'm really proud of myself! This was also my first time filming myself doing push ups and I saw that my form pretty much sucks a lot, so I'm going to restart at week5 day1 and work on my form from there. In my head this is not a real 100 consecutive push up until I'm 100% satisfied with the results and I won't be if I don't have proper form for all 100 of em.
[*] Managed to break my 5km PR yet again with a time of 27:20, but this week was rough on the performance side, multiple run went really bad and after my birthday meal on Wednesday I felt like shit pretty much the rest of the week, still did all my trainings and runs but compared to last week, I did not have a lot of progression. There's going to be some like those, but it's not a reason to let down! Keep working!

Congrats!!! That was super impressive. Even if you thought ur form was a little off its still a major achievement. Not many people could even come close to what you did. Also happy birthday :)
Dude you're truly an inspiration. Even with a cheat day and feeling bad you still did all your training - that's definitely commendable.

Also pretty awesome you got 100 pushups done. Especially since you had to push on the last 15 or so - I tend to only eke out a few after I'm fatigued. Showed some real mental toughness there. Didn't listen to the audio - what part of the form do you want to improve? Depth? Pecs vs shoulders focused? Flat back?

For sure work on your form and keep having fun with it.
If I'm reading right, you lost 2.5kg (200lbs - 195lbs) in less than a month. You would have gained some muscle mass as well.

Good job dude, keep it up. The real transformation occurs in the last couple of body fat %. Going from 14% to 12% is like vacuum sealing your muscles, you will look shredded.
Toast said:
Congrats!!! That was super impressive. Even if you thought ur form was a little off its still a major achievement. Not many people could even come close to what you did. Also happy birthday :)

Thanks a lot Toast! Yeah I know this is hard even with the form I have right now, but still I'm not entirely satisfied with myself, so I'll go back and grind it out! Saw your log, you are already at week4 this is good man! Keep it up in no time you will be at 100 💪
RogerRoger said:
Dude you're truly an inspiration. Even with a cheat day and feeling bad you still did all your training - that's definitely commendable.

Also pretty awesome you got 100 pushups done. Especially since you had to push on the last 15 or so - I tend to only eke out a few after I'm fatigued. Showed some real mental toughness there. Didn't listen to the audio - what part of the form do you want to improve? Depth? Pecs vs shoulders focused? Flat back?

For sure work on your form and keep having fun with it.

Thanks a lot man really appreciated, words like these definitely motivate me to go even harder!

For the push up form, I'll work on keeping my head straight and making sure my chest come closer to the ground. Right now I bent my head over and go up as my nose is close to the ground. I will have to bring my arms closer to my body and work a little more with my back which is good since my back is pretty weak.

I'll definitely have fun man, TBH I'm kind of happy that I have something else to work towards with this push up training. Since gyms are closed I don't know what I'm going to do when this is done. More push-ups?? I'll see, but for now this is going to be my new focus and it will prob take another while to do 💪
play_time_is_over said:
If I'm reading right, you lost 2.5kg (200lbs - 195lbs) in less than a month. You would have gained some muscle mass as well.

Good job dude, keep it up. The real transformation occurs in the last couple of body fat %. Going from 14% to 12% is like vacuum sealing your muscles, you will look shredded.

I'm not 100% sure I gained that much muscle in the past 3 weeks, but my push-ups/Pull-ups/Core numbers definitely went up. The gyms have been closed here for the past 3 weeks, so all I did was bodyweight exercise. The weight is right though, I've completely changed the way I eat, I now run 25-30km per week and train 5 days a week while doing OMAD (one meal a day intermittent fasting diet), so the combination of everything might be why its going down so fast.

Thanks a lot man! I can't wait to get to those % honnestly sometimes I find it hard but I want to be this low in fat%. I've never been skinny in my entire life and I want to know what it looks and feels like, so I won't give up until then 💪

Last Week Starting Weight: 196.8lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 195.0lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 199.3lbs
# of km ran last week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:20

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 195.4lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 192.8lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 198.2lbs
# of km ran this week: 25km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 27:07

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Starting to see some upper abs which has legit never happened before in my life. I'm getting there!
[*] Not sure what happened on Sunday, but I got down to 192.8 (screenshot below) which would mean that I lost 2.2pound this week? Not sure, but this just seems insane. maybe I was a lot less hydrated. Anyway glad my weight lost is still going so well :D
[*] Completely destroyed my previous Chin-ups PR with 20 on my first set Sunday! I previously had a lot of problem getting my shoulder blades to work properly because of some years old pec injury and Ive been seeing a Chiro for the past month or so, maybe thats why my chin-ups numbers are suddenly going up that fast.
[*] Managed to go through 100 push up training week5 day1 and day2 with proper form which are respectively (36x40x30x24x40) with 60sec pauses between each set and (19x19x22x22x18x18x22x45) with 45sec pauses between each set.
[*] Broke my 5km PR with a time of 27:07.
[*] Ran 5km less this week because Sunday I went to Montreal for a march against the lockdown measures and walked approx 10K+ this day.
[*] I had to wake up early on Sunday because of the march and slept 4hours. When I got back from MTL at 9PM I was fucking tired but I still did all my usual training. I don't know wtf is wrong with me, this is the kind of shit I didnt even think I would have the mental toughness to do before, but I still did it and I'm fucking proud of it. I basically said fuck this shit I want my rest day on Monday and I don't want to have 2 days back to back of rest day. Thr trainings really are starting to be a habit and I love this feeling­. I feel like the little support I receive from close friends and some people here really helps with pushing myself to become what I want to be so if you are reading this THANK YOU!
[*] Going to come off of creatin for 2 or 3 weeks and get back into it afterwards. There's a lot of people saying you should cycle it and others dont, so i'll try and see the results. My weight might sway even more since I will prob get rid of all the excess of water inside me from the creatine water retention
Master said:
[*] I had to woke up early on Sunday because of the march and slept 4hours. When I got back from MTL at 9PM I was fucking tired but I still did all my usual training. I don't know wtf is wrong with me, this is the kind of shit I didnt even think I would have the mental toughness to do before, but I still did it and I'm fucking proud of it. I basically said fuck this shit I want my rest day on Monday and I don't want to have 2 days back to back of rest day. Thr trainings really are starting to be a habit and I love this feeling­. I feel like the little support I receive from close friends and some people here really helps with pushing myself to become what I want to be so if you are reading this THANK YOU!
Yooo this is legit such a great feeling to have. Results are steadily continuing and making working out a habit and not a chore is such a game changer! You're commitment and consistency are amazing. Definitely an inspiration to those that are reading and myself. Keep up the great progress!
Toast said:
Master said:
[*] I had to woke up early on Sunday because of the march and slept 4hours. When I got back from MTL at 9PM I was fucking tired but I still did all my usual training. I don't know wtf is wrong with me, this is the kind of shit I didnt even think I would have the mental toughness to do before, but I still did it and I'm fucking proud of it. I basically said fuck this shit I want my rest day on Monday and I don't want to have 2 days back to back of rest day. Thr trainings really are starting to be a habit and I love this feeling­. I feel like the little support I receive from close friends and some people here really helps with pushing myself to become what I want to be so if you are reading this THANK YOU!
Yooo this is legit such a great feeling to have. Results are steadily continuing and making working out a habit and not a chore is such a game changer! You're commitment and consistency are amazing. Definitely an inspiration to those that are reading and myself. Keep up the great progress!

Thanks a lot Toast really appreciate the support! Yeah I love my rest days, but man I find myself looking forward to running and doing push-ups, chin-ups etc to see if I can beat my previous numbers. Didn't always believe in the "90 days to build a habit" but I'm really starting to see it grow in me.
Listened to the audio version of your appearance on Andy's podcast, you are also a big inspiration I hope you realize it! I can't wait to start the AA program now and see how difficult it gets. Cheers man!
Thanks man, it really makes my day hearing that I'm inspiring people here with my journey.
I cant wait to see you start the AA program as well! I'm sure you will kill it once you try. It's like one of the most rewarding things I've done in my life so far. Hard to express how much the program really changes your perspective on things.
You're killing it man! Saw the 100 pushups, well fucking done! Form will get better over time! Very impressive!