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Thanks man. I'm glad my effort can inspire others. That's half the joy of if.

Yeah seriously your gains (or losses) are really starting to show.

I think I've been just doing a poor job balancing approaching/work/finding an apartment that weight loss went to the wayside. Clothes feel the same. But I feel gross for not making any significant progress while you guys have.

I honestly don't know how Toast manages to do approaching/work/weight loss/setting up his apartment all at the same time.

But yeah man I appreciate that. I already put it in my calendar to grab my scale from my old place tomorrow.
Those side angle shots always make u look super beefy. Looking like you're really leaning out around the midsection, and the definition around your biceps and triceps is coming through. Great job so far man.
Your weight loss journey is an inspiration to me!
Manganiello said:
I think I've been just doing a poor job balancing approaching/work/finding an apartment that weight loss went to the wayside. Clothes feel the same. But I feel gross for not making any significant progress while you guys have.
I honestly don't know how @Toast manages to do approaching/work/weight loss/setting up his apartment all at the same time.

First Toast is a legend that's why haha,
Second it's pretty easy for me right now since loosing weight/training is 100% of my focus right now, I dont know how I'll manage to do the aa program, work my 40h+ job, make my new place livable, train, loose weight, continue my (PE) etc when I move out. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Toast said:
Those side angle shots always make u look super beefy. Looking like you're really leaning out around the midsection, and the definition around your biceps and triceps is coming through. Great job so far man.
Your weight loss journey is an inspiration to me!

Thanks again Toast! Yeah I really like those shot angles, gonna have to have one of those in one of my tinder photos 😂
My mid section def improved a shit ton but it's not where I want it to be, I want to be lean to a point where even with a compression shirt, my love handles wont show at all, so prob another 20lbs then i'll be satisfied 😀

You know it, since I already told you but you are also a big inspiration, really hope I can beat the AA and walk amongst the greats! I'm really happy to have you as a accountability partner and be able to inspire you, it def drives me even more!

Let's fukcing crush our goals 💪
Master said:
really hope I can beat the AA and walk amongst the greats! I'm really happy to have you as a accountability partner and be able to inspire you, it def drives me even more!
You have great work ethic with staying accountable and sticking to your goals. That will help you a ton during the AA program. Consistency is really the bread and butter of beating AA. Can't wait to see you attempt it as well!
Master said:
RogerRoger said:
Awesome progress man! Just don't go toooo hard at the gym the first few days :)

Thanks Roger always nice seeing you around. Don't worry though I had enough hospital fro at least another century, I'll go super slow you dont have to worry. In fact I can't even do legs or lower back for awhile still, but even then I had my lesson :P

Also how is your own progress going man, I don't always have time to look at every post in here so I might have miss some of your posts.

Yeah, haven't been posting a ton lately. Still kinda hungup on my Colombian girl. Had a date with a Hinge girl who had that classic blonde blue-eyed bombshell look and she was super sweet, but she's not down to meet again sadly, decided she wants something serious so also a bit bummed on that. But I am happy with the quality lately.

On the gym front, I did 100m sprints this past Tuesday, been doing core basically every day. Did leg machines twice this week. My elbows feel better (pulled ligament) but my left shoulder (pulled serratus) is still bothering me. On the plus side, I have been walking for ~1 hour the past few days and my neck pain was mostly gone today.

Kinda like what Manganiello said I really get the feeling I should do more when I read your posts! Definitely going to do 100m sprints again tomorrow, I'd like to do sprints twice this week, ideally run distance on the other days.

So yeah, keep up the great work dude! It's super motivating. And the more success you have on the physique journey the better AA will go (I mean you could do it right now but the better you look+feel the better everything in life is).
You are looking strong man! Not 'shredded' yet, but it's a matter of time, and what's more important, you seem to keep your muscle pretty well, even through cut. I can also see a pretty nice structure, with wide back there. Keep it up, it's about to get very gratifying at that point, with more and more definition showing there!
RogerRoger said:
On the gym front, I did 100m sprints this past Tuesday, been doing core basically every day. Did leg machines twice this week. My elbows feel better (pulled ligament) but my left shoulder (pulled serratus) is still bothering me. On the plus side, I have been walking for ~1 hour the past few days and my neck pain was mostly gone today.

Kinda like what @Manganiello said I really get the feeling I should do more when I read your posts! Definitely going to do 100m sprints again tomorrow, I'd like to do sprints twice this week, ideally run distance on the other days.

So yeah, keep up the great work dude! It's super motivating. And the more success you have on the physique journey the better AA will go (I mean you could do it right now but the better you look+feel the better everything in life is).

Oh didn't know you had all these physical problems, shit sucks :/.

Well I don't do that much shit when you look at it, I just do it everyday almost and I stay consistent and take no days off when I shouldn't. Consistency is key to the AA program apparently and it's also true with training 💪,

Thanks man I will keep grinding hard I have no desire to stop or even slow down anytime soon. You don't know how much It means to me to be somewhat of an inspiration to others, this is just mind blowing and I never expected that especially not 3months into my transformation. Keep it up yourself Roger you are also grinding even though you have all these injuries keep it up! 💪
Lostcause said:
You are looking strong man! Not 'shredded' yet, but it's a matter of time, and what's more important, you seem to keep your muscle pretty well, even through cut. I can also see a pretty nice structure, with wide back there. Keep it up, it's about to get very gratifying at that point, with more and more definition showing there!

Thanks a lot again Lost! Yeah I know I'm still a bit far from shredded, but I won't slow down until I get there. Like you say, It's only a matter of time if I keep going like I do right now.
I've always been bulky and was lifting weights pretty heavily a few years back, so muscle memory really keeping me into the game right now 💪 Can't wait to see the final product or will there ever bee a final product who knows only time will tell :P 💪

Thanks again for the support man really appreciated!

Last Week Starting Weight: 195.8lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 187.8lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 193.3lbs
# of km walked this week: 35 km/ 21.7miles
# of km ran this week: 10km/ 6.2miles
Best time for 5km run: 26:13

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 186.4lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 183.8lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 187.2lbs
# of km ran last week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:26

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] This week weight lost has been completely insane and borderline worrying, but the last 2 week has been pretty inconsistent with the 5 days in hospital and all the water that got pumped into my veins. So I got down to 183.8 at my lowest and an average of 187.2lbs. This is 4lbs down from last week lowest and 6.1 less on average... Yeah this is actually insane I know especially since I've been losing weight consistently for the past 3 months, I feel like it should slow down at some point, but it only ramps up. I'm not feeling weaker at the gym or have other problems during the day, so I think this is all legit. Maybe the constant running after 18-19h of fasting is just working + eating healthy?? IDK, but I'll keep a close look on that.
[*] First week back at the gym! Took a photos after my first gym pump god it felt good! I even benched my heaviest since a long ass time with 285lbs for 1rep. Looks like push ups actually worked, because its 20lbs heavier than before the gym closed in March.
[*] Beaten my 5km PR by 10sec with a time of 25:26. It's not a lot, but I'm starting to constantly run inside the 25's so I'm getting better each week.
[*] Started the AA program and did DAY 1,2,3,4,5 and did my first approach ever on Sunday! Can't wait to get better with approach anxiety and get on Toast and Manganiello level, It's a slow climb up but I'm moving ever so slightly everyday. Thanks again guys for kicking my ass into starting the program and encouraging me through, keep slaying with the insane numbers of approaches 💪💪
Good progress man.

Just be consistent with the program and you'll approach very soon.

I had trouble asking for time at the start. And chasing down girls to ask for the time. And being heard by others for asking for the time.

Just stick it out and focus on pushing yourself and going fast.
Manganiello said:
Good progress man.

Just be consistent with the program and you'll approach very soon.

I had trouble asking for time at the start. And chasing down girls to ask for the time. And being heard by others for asking for the time.

Just stick it out and focus on pushing yourself and going fast.

Yeah we all suffer from the same problems, but knowing you stick to it and pushed through really makes me feel like I can do it too.

Last Week Starting Weight: 186.4lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 183.8lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 187.2lbs
# of km ran this week: 30 km/ 18.6miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:26

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 182.6lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 182.4lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 185.4lbs
# of km walked this week: 15km/ 9.3miles
# of km ran this week: 25km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:03

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] My weight stagnated this week (Dropped .2lbs, but the average was 1.8lbs lower) and fortunately since I dropped an insane amount in the last 2 weeks. I started taking my shake after my trainings at around 10pm instead of during my meal around 5PM, so this affect my morning weight but its ok since taking my shake after the training is better for building muscles.
[*] Broken my 5km PR with a time of 25:03. Almost broke the 25min barrier, my best runs really are on cool days where I hydrate like a motherfucker before the run. Monday and Tuesday were very hot, 30degree + 50% ish humidity, and when I ran on Monday it was the most unpleasant experience since starting to run, so for Tuesday I decided to walk 15km instead of running.
[*] Had my first date since joining the KYIL forums on Thursday. It was with a fit/powerlifting practitioner 27yo. Didn't make much moves since I'm rusty as fuck but I will get better. We made out a few times, but I didnt invite her back because right now I'm living with my ex and well yeah long story. Going on another date with her next Monday, I'll try to push to get to her place.
[*] Had my first lay since joining the KYIL forums on Friday. It was with a cute 18yo that was super fucking shy and turned out to be a sexual beast. She had tons of bdsm experience and she was a "Ahegao" (anime sexual face) face maker when sucking my dick lol. Overall best sexual experience of my life I go in great details about it here if you haven't seen already: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=741
congrat bro

Btw, shave your belly hair, i did it few days ago and it turn out i'm not as fat i thought i was

Last Week Starting Weight: 182.6lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 182.4lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 185.4lbs
# of km walked this week: 15km/ 9.3miles
# of km ran this week: 25km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 25:03

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 183.6lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 184.8lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 185.9lbs
# of km ran this week: 15km/ 9.3miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:16

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Added to my style and got 3.5's stretchs as my first ever piercing. Really like the result (look screenshot below). Like part 1 of Andy's tinder log says, this is highly recommended to add to your edginess and overall attractiveness and as a bald guys it def look way better! Judge for yourself :P
[*] Started creatine again and did a 20g loading phase for 5 days then switched to 5g a day onward. By Saturday's training, I really felt the power up! I kind of slept like shit Friday and Saturday I came into the gym pumped as hell and managed to bench 3x275 and I could have done 1 more if I had a spot. Last week I 1rm 285, so it's really coming back and creatine will just help me get back into my former strength. My bench all time high is 335 when I was 22yo and was doing powerlifting and I'm still a long way from there, but with proper nutrition (might need to stop doing one meal a day at some point) and proper motivation, also I'm older now and kind of in my prime at 27yo and can go back to these crazy ass weights, but look more shredded and better than ever!
[*] Starting very soon, I'm going to embark on a bodybuilding program, just waiting the program from my trainer and I cant wait to look even more esthetic now that I lost all this weight!
[*] Creatine really affected my weight and I might look a little more bloated in my photos for the next couple of weeks until I go back down to the 180ish. I don't really care about my weight going up since I know its not fat, its only water and when I'm gonna come off of it I'll drop weight like crazy. Meanwhile I'm stronger at the gym and have better recovery!
[*] Completely destroyed my previous 5km PR with a time of 24:16 because I took caffeine for like the first time in 3months on Tuesday. I had a date on Monday and it ended late as hell 😏, I slept like shit (3-4hours or so) so I said fuck it, I took a coffee, went on my usual noon run and just crushed it. I didn't feel my legs for the whole race, only my cardio and it's usually my legs that are slowing me. So now I know that when I want to beat my PR a coffee 30min before will do the trick :P
[*] Had a shit ton of stuff to do and even more in the coming weeks with moving out, so I skipped running 3 days this week. I could have better prepared my schedule and manage to do the runs regardless, so I'm going to adapt this week and in the coming ones too.
[*] Had my second lay this week with a gorgeous fit/powerlifting nurse on Monday. The full breakdown story can be found here if that interest you! https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=741&start=15.
Toast Thanks a lot man definitely like the side pose haha. JoJo's characters are shredded as shit though hope I can get there someday :P

MakingAComeback Thanks man 👊

Gabi Definitely thought about doing that at some point, but I'm not 100% sure I want to shave my whole belly just yet or I should do it only for a photo shoot, because it will just grow back...
Master said:
@Gabi Definitely thought about doing that at some point, but I'm not 100% sure I want to shave my whole belly just yet or I should do it only for a photo shoot, because it will just grow back...

What you can do is to trim it, like 4 to 6 mm, you will keep having bodyhair, but they will not be long enough to be too much visible

Last Week Starting Weight: 183.6lbs
Last Week Ending Weight: 184.8lbs
Last Week Average Weight of the week: 185.9lbs
# of km ran this week: 15km/ 9.3miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:16

⇊ ⇊ ⇊

This Week Starting Weight: 184.8lbs
This Week Ending Weight: 182.4lbs
This Week Average Weight of the Week: 185.3lbs
# of km ran this week: 25km/ 15.5miles
Best time for 5km run: 24:56

Accomplishments of the week:
[*] Pretty relax week while I get ready to move out
[*] Benched my 1RM since a long ass time with 305lbs the video is here:
[*] My weight fluctuated a lot in the beginning of the week, I suspected my 20g per day load of creatine, but then It dropped back down to normal at around 182. Not sure wth happened there but I'm glad I'm benefiting of the power the creatine brings me in the gym while also maintaining my weight.
[*] Saw the second lay girl for a third date and it was fun, we had insane sex after a wild night.
[*] Nothing else remarkable really, like I said it was a pretty chill week and I move out soon, can't fucking wait to have my own place!