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Matt's Log


Nov 15, 2020
Hi guys,

This is really my first time doing a forum post or internet comment of any sort for a very long time, so even just posting something here is a kind of big deal for me. I think I've felt anxious about posting anything anywhere for a while because I knew other people could judge it. I still feel anxious writing this.

I live in Perth, Western Australia (opposite side of the country to Andy). I didn't get laid at all or have really any social skills throughout high school and after until I was about 20-21. I was a total loser. I then started to get into pick up/red pill theory (beginning with 'The Game') but didn't make much out of it. I started swing dancing when I was 21 and actually got a few lays and a girlfriend from that. Her and I had been on and off (mostly on) for about 3 years until we broke up a couple of months ago.

Leading up to the break-up I fell into a pretty deep nihilism that stopped me from leaving the house and stopped me caring about uni work. It also stopped me from working (I do uber eats) and my savings account just steadily drained away while I stayed in and played video games. All of the structure and routine I had built up over the previous years just sort of dissolved (this was the same time as covid started to hit). When we did ultimately break up, that was a wake-up call for me and it gave me a new sense of purpose. I started to go back to the red pill/manosphere stuff and really try and figure out what I'd been doing wrong and what to improve. It was just a week or two ago that I first stumbled upon KYIL, and Andy's tinder guide gave me a path forward to improvement.

Since then I have:
- Started working again
- Taken a bunch of better pics for tinder/hinge/all the other apps I downloaded (these were only taken with a phone - I'm still waiting on my new camera to arrive)
- Messaged ~100 girls on hinge a day for the past week
- Started doing keto and IF to shed my excess body fat (I have also been hitting the gym doing the starting strength program for the last month)
- Gotten teeth whitening moulds and begun the whitening treatment
- Gotten benzoyl peroxide + antibiotics from my doctor to try and treat my acne
- Made and posted this post on the forum here, which like I said is a pretty big deal for me

Today I:
- Worked out
- Worked for ~5 hours
- Messaged 100 girls on hinge
- Kept to my keto diet but didn't keep to my IF (feeding window was closer to 9hrs, while I'm aiming for 8)
- played ~2 hours of video games

No dates from the apps so far, but I've had a fair few conversations (following the template) and gotten a few numbers and a few girls saying I'm cute. Most of this is from hinge. I usually get <5 likes from a boost on tinder, so clearly I have room for improvement there.
As for approaches, I've started to begin conversations with strangers more in the last few months, and have done this to meet a lot of girls at uni, but I've only converted one of these into a date. I have never really cold approached.

Any help/direction as to what I should prioritise working on would be much appreciated. Feedback as to how I'm doing would be appreciated too.

Thanks in advance guys, and thanks a lot to Andy for this website which has already helped get me on the right track.
Missed a day updating but here's today's update. Yesterday I was banned on tinder so I'm going to have to make a new account over the next few days. I also had my first ever tinder date last night. I thought it went fine but she didn't respond to my messages.

Today's successes:
- Worked out
- Stuck to keto and IF window
- Messaged 30-40 girls on Hinge
- Did teeth whitening procedure
- Used acne cream and took antibiotics
- Worked for 6 hours

Today's failures:
- Didn't track macros
- Didn't message as many girls on Hinge as I should've
- Spent perhaps too much time playing video games

The most important thing that I can do tomorrow is:
- Do one single cold approach, my first ever.
Tried to do cold approaches today. Didn't quite get it but I got closer.

Today's successes:
- Approached 5 cute girls and asked for the time
- Approached another 5 girls with situational openers
- Told 1 girl she was cute and asked if she was single (negative)
- Stuck to keto and IF window
- Used acne cream and antibiotics
- Made friends with two of my neighbours
- Invited people out to basically the first social event I've organised

Today's failures
- Didn't do one proper approach (just going up to a girl and telling them straight up that they're cute)
- Didn't do any work
- Didn't track macros

The most important things I can do tomorrow is
- One single cold approach
Today's successes:
- Went to shopping centre and asked 5 girls for the time, was much quicker and easier than yesterday
- Warm approached 3 girls at bars tonight and got a phone number
- Did teeth whitening
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked Macros (but went over)

Today's failures
- Still yet to do a cold approach
- Didn't stick to calorie intake
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto and fasting
- Tracked macros and stayed under
- Warm approached 1 girl
- Did skin care (acne cream and antibiotics)
- Messaged 100 girls on Hinge

Today's failures:
- No cold approaches or even asking the time

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Get one good tinder pic with my new camera
Today's successes:
- Asked my mate if he can help with a photoshoot or two next week
- Messaged >100 girls on Hinge
- Stuck to keto and IF
- Tracked macros and stayed under calorie intake
- Used antibiotics and acne cream (but missed one dose of antibiotics)

- No approaches
- Missed one dose of antibiotics
- Didn't work at all

This week's successes:
- Worked out 3 times
- Worked for ~ 16 hrs (good, but more would be better)
- Tracked my goal progress on here nearly every night to stay accountable
- Messaged >500 girls on Hinge
- Various approaches (but no real cold approaches)
- Got a few phone numbers (1 from approach, others from Hinge)
- Went on 1 tinder date
- Stuck to acne treatment (mostly) every day
- Stuck to teeth whitening
- Stuck to keto/IF and tracked macros
- lost 1kg

This week's failures:
- Only worked 16hrs
- Didn't take any new tinder photos
- Didn't do any real cold approaches
- Didn't take antibiotics 100% (missed a few doses)
- Didn't work as much as I would have liked (30-40 hrs would be ideal)
- Could put more work into the gym (and get a strength coach to guide me)
- Didn't apply for any jobs

Score for the week: 8/10
I was actually really productive compared to previous weeks, just in terms of actually getting the shit done that I want to get done. That being said, there's still a lot of room for improvement.

Most important things I'd like to do next week:
- Take at least one new tinder pic
- Work at least 30hrs
- Do at least one cold approach
- Look into getting a strength coach
- Apply for at least one job
- Create a new tinder account
Keep it up buddy. You are killing it. If you are consistent like this, its literally impossible not to succeed.
I typed this out last night but for some reason it didn't post last night.

Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto (but not fasting)
- Tracked macros and stayed under
- Bumped into an old acquaintance at the gym and got her phone number
- Worked for ~6hrs
- Applied acne cream and antibiotics
- Worked out

Today's failures:
- Left my apartment very messy
- No approaches

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Look into getting a strength coach (google then call and ask questions, so that all that's left is to actually book)
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto and IF
- Tracked macros and stayed under
- Worked ~4.5 hrs
- Booked in a tinder photo shoot with my mate
- Whitened teeth
- Applied acne cream and took antibiotics

Today's failures:
- Could've worked more
- No approaches
- Didn't fully figure out the strength coach situation

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Get at least one good new tinder photo (3-4 would be ideal)
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto (not IF)
- Tracked macros (but didn't stay under)
- Worked ~2hrs
- Did first tinder shoot and got a few good photos
- Applied acne cream and took antibiotics

Today's failures
- Didn't stick to IF window
- Went over on macros
- Could've worked more

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Get new phone # for new tinder account
Got a new phone # for Tinder today but the account got banned immediately! I think I need to use the browser version of tinder to make the account next time...

Today's successes:
- Got new phone #
- Worked ~6hrs
- Sent ~30 Hinge messages
- Stuck to Keto and IF
- Tracked macros and stayed under
- Applied acne cream and took antibiotics
- Did teeth whitening

Today's failures:
- New phone # didn't work
- Could've sent more Hinge messages
- Stayed up a bit late

The most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Get another new # and try to make a new tinder account again
Missed 2 days of logging in a row (due to a couple of nights out) so it's time to get back on the horse. It's a lot harder to do the logs after a night out, so next time if I know I'm going to have a night out I should schedule the log for before I go out or for the next morning and set alarms. This way I can avoid future misses. I think the logging is the most important part of the process so I have to make it a very high priority to log every single day.

I also appear to have hit my limit on Hinge girls - I've messaged so many girls that the only profiles showing up now are very unattractive ones. I think I'll give Hinge a break for a bit until I've upped my looks and pics just a little bit, before I make a new account and try again.

In addition I've discovered that my teeth aren't really responding to the whitening treatment and I think it's because I'm still drinking tea/coffee. I'm therefore going to postpone my whitening until after I've lost the desired weight. (Because it's difficult to motivate myself/self-medicate when I don't have access to food or caffeine.)

Today's successes:
- Went out to a swing dancing event to try and meet new people. Met a few people and chatted and bonded with other friends
- Tracked macros and stayed under + fasted

Today's failures:
- Didn't work
- Still didn't get the new # for Tinder which was my goal days ago
- Didn't stick to keto
- Didn't fully stick to acne treatments
- No cold approaches (I did use situational openers to start conversations with 2 girls at the swing event, but I didn't hit on them)

Best thing I can do tomorrow
- Get the new phone number for Tinder and make my new account

This week's successes:
- Got a few new tinder pics (6 usable ones, 4 I'm using atm) - my goal for the week was 1
- Lost another 0.3kg
- Followed up on insurance renewal and police clearance check for work so I won't miss any days working due to not having updated forms

This weeks failures:
- Only worked 23hrs compared to my goal of 30 (however, I did make more money per hour thanks to some changes in my on-shift decision-making)
- I inquired about a strength coach but I think I missed their call (they called at 6:30am while I was asleep which is fucking retarded, but my fault for not calling back)
- Didn't apply for any jobs
- Didn't make my new tinder account (I thought it would be as easy as getting the number, which I did, but I didn't follow up when that failed)
- Didn't do any cold approaches
- Missed 1 workout

Score for this week: 6/10
- It feels like it was an unproductive week, but I don't want to be too hard on myself. The unproductivity has largely been due to me self-medicating so I don't overeat.

Most important things I can do next week:
- Don't miss any workouts
- Work at least 30 hrs
- Actually get information regarding a strength coach
- Get a new number to create my new Tinder account
- Keep under the macros to keep losing weight
(- applying for at least one job would be good too, but not essential)
Yesterday's log:

- Asked a girl out at a party I went to
- Worked ~2hrs
- Worked out (and I really didn't want to)

- Didn't stick to IF or keto
- Didn't track macros
- Didn't get the new # for Tinder
- Went out to dinner and binged pretty hard
Today's successes:
- Followed acne treatment
- Went on a tinder date
- Invited my neighbours over for tea
- Stuck to Keto

Today's failures:
- Didn't track macros (and binged, so likely went over)
- Didn't invite tinder date back to my place
- Didn't work
- Didn't stick to IF
- Didn't get new phone number for Tinder account

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Get new phone # for Tinder
Today's successes:
- Got a new number (realised I could do it online in like 2 minutes so I was procrastinating for no reason)
- Followed acne treatment
- Worked ~2hrs
- Worked out (after nearly talking myself out of it)

Today's failures:
- Didn't stick to keto or IF
- Didn't track macros
- Could've worked more

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work at least 6 hrs
Took a few days off for Christmas, so now I'm just trying to get back on the horse.

Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Asked a girl for a phone number at a bar

Today's failures:
- Didn't work
- Didn't track macros (and almost definitely went over)

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out

This week's successes:
- Got the new phone number
- Followed acne treatment
- Had a jam with my mate
- Wrote new music
- Stopped playing video games

This week's failures:
- Didn't work very much
- Mostly didn't follow keto
- Ate well over my limits most days and gained weight
- Only worked 4hrs

Score for this week: 6/10
Wasn't very productive this week but also it was Christmas week so I don't mind too much.

Most important things I can do next week:
- Stick to keto
- Track macros
- Don't miss a workout
Today's successes:
- Worked out
- Stuck to keto and tracked macros (but went over)

Today's failures
- Didn't stay under macros
- Didn't work

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Track macros and stay under
Keep it up man, I like how your template makes it easy to know what to fix for the next day.

Right there with you on xmas week not being perfect, just use it as more motivation and drive to remind yourself to keep improving