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Matt's Log

I was exhausted today and had very little energy or motivation to be productive. I did manage to push myself a bit and get some work done though. The state going back into lockdown this afternoon also didn't help.

Today's successes:
- Drove for about 15min
- Read 10min of self improvement
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under the limit
- Early night

Things to improve:
- I could definitely stand to clean up my diet, weekly meal prep and freezing would help too with both efficiency and with calorie tracking.
- I still need to figure out what to do to be productive at home (especially with the next 5 days of lockdown). I'll have to check out the forums here for ideas. It will also do me well to refer back to my goals and to put them somewhere visible, so I have a really clear idea of where I'm headed.

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Reassess my goals and put them somewhere visible
+ Home workout
Just saw that this thread has >1600 views which is quite intimidating...

First day of lockdown. I struggled being productive today because I didn't have anything simple and concrete to do to be productive, might try just dropping and doing some push-ups when that happens in future, just to give myself some momentum.

Today's successes:
- Read a whole bunch
- Did a home workout
- Tracked my macros
- Kept to the limit
- Did acne treatment
- Early night
- Spent some time revising my goals
- Spent 10min writing

Things to improve:
- Scheduling my day in the morning is still something I want to make a habit of
- Meditating in the morning and cold showers are two things I'd like to make a habit of too (I was meditating before with good results, so just gotta get back into it)
- Still need to put my goals somewhere visible
- I'll also need to devote some time to working out a career direction, I guess research is the first step for that

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Put my goals somewhere visible
+ Do some form of workout
Today's successes:
- Put a list of my goals where I can see them, along with the daily habits to check off as I go
- Worked out in the morning
- Did some writing
- Read a bunch (both for general self-improvement and for career direction)
- Did acne treatment
- Early night
- Tracked macros
- Stuck to the calorie limit

Things to improve:
- I don't think I'm getting enough protein, so I'm going to focus on eating higher protein meals and hitting my protein targets
- I've been pretty tired lately (especially today) so I think I might need to go to bed earlier and get more sleep, targeted use of caffeine could help too
- My goals aren't super clearly defined, so I want to go through them and set specific targets, along with deadlines
- I still need to work on scheduling out my day in the mornings (then again, maybe it's better to do it the night before)

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Go get a face mask and do grocery shopping
+ Work out
I slept in this morning and felt refreshed and motivated. I think I haven't been getting enough sleep in general so I'll have to set aside more time for sleep.

Today's successes:
- Worked out in the morning
- Did some writing
- Did my daily reading
- Early night (gonna push for earlier tomorrow though)
- Tracked macros
- Stuck to calorie limit
- Hit my protein target

Things to improve:
- My days still aren't very structured, so I think planning them out in the morning is a high priority
- Earlier nights (in bed by 10pm) would be good

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Plan out my day in the morning
Today's successes:
- Very productive, got a bunch done, including everything on my habits list
- Scheduled out my day in the morning and mostly stuck to it
- Earlier night tonight too

Things to improve:
- I can definitely fit even more productive work in one day, but this was a big improvement
- Can work toward better following my schedule

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Schedule my day and stick to it better