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Matt's Log

Today's successes:
- Tracked macros (didn't quite stay under though)
- Worked 2hrs
- Stuck to keto

Today's failures:
- Didn't stay under for macros
- Could've worked more

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out
Today's successes:
- Picked up my new sim and set up a new tinder account
- Tracked macros
- Worked for 2hrs
- Stuck to keto

Today's failures:
- Slept in and skipped my morning workout
- Went over my macros
- Could've worked more

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Catch-up workout
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Did ~30mins of singing exercises
- Did acne treatment

Today's failures:
- Didn't work
- Didn't track macros

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Did 30min of singing exercises then had a jam with a couple mates who I'm on the road to forming a band with
- Did acne treatment
- Worked out and put up the weight on all my exercises

Today's failures:
- Didn't work
- Didn't track macros

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Track my macros and stay under
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros and stayed well under
- Did acne treatment
- Applied for a job
- Finished the draft for a song I'm writing
- Did 10min of singing exercises

Today's failures:
- Didn't work

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out
+ track macros and stay under
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros and stayed under
- Did acne treatment
- Did a few minutes of singing

Today's failures:
- Didn't work
- Skipped workout

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Catch up workout
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros and stayed well under
- Worked ~2hrs
- Applied for a job
- Wrote in my journal

Today's failures:
- Skipped workout
- Could've worked more
- Stayed up quite late

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out
- Get a car charger so I can work
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros and stayed under
- Did workout (was garbage - I was very tired and had some pain which stopped me from squatting or deadlifting, but I still did it)
- Worked ~3hrs
- Got required car charger then found out the cable was the real problem (lol), then I got a refund and got the cable
- Wrote in my journal

Today's failures:
- Could've worked more

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work more than I did today (ideally 6hrs)
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros (went slightly over though)
- Stuck to IF window
- Worked 6hrs (really happy with this one)
- Wrote in my journal

Today's failures:
- Went over macros

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out
+ Work 2hrs
Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Worked 2hrs
- Worked out (hard)
- Tracked macros
- Got up early
- Wrote in journal

Today's failures:
- Went over calorie limit
- Could've tracked macros more precisely

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Apply for centrelink
+ track macros and stay under
Today's successes:
- Worked >8hrs
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Wrote in journal

Today's failures:
- Can't think of any

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work a bunch, ideally another 8 hrs
Weekly summary:
Weighed in at 69.2 this morning. I've had fluctuations over the last couple of weeks because I've been inconsistent and binging, and it's been moving between 69 and 72. I'm going to record it here with my weekly progress so that I can track it more consistently and see how I'm progressing.

Today's successes:
- Worked ~8hrs
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Wrote in journal

Today's failures:
- Stayed up late

Weekly succeses:
- Worked over 30 hrs (most I've worked doing the uber eats ever, I believe)
- Worked >8hrs in one day, twice (also a record)
- Lost weight (can't say how much but it's definitely been trending down)
- Stuck to keto all week
- Tracked macros basically all week

Weekly failures:
- Went to bed too late for most of the week
- Have put little/no effort into dating for the week

Score for the week: 8/10
- Did a lot to get myself back on the horse from my xmas/new year slippage
- Worked more than ever before (which was what I needed)
- Definitely room for more productivity though

Most important things I can do next week:
- Work a lot again, at least 30 hours (40 hours would be ideal)
- Stick to my workouts
- Stick to keto and macros
- Get my sleep schedule in order (in bed at 11pm, up at 7:30am)

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Do my workout (even if I feel tired)
Today's successes:
- Did a trial for a new job today, was a bit nervous beforehand but I worked really hard and think I made a great impression
- Worked out and put up the weight on my deadlifts (even though I felt pretty tired going into it)
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Fairly early night tonight
- Wrote in journal

Today's failures:
- Didn't do any driving to make money, but my job trial still counts as a few hours of work.
- Slept in a bit

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Read 2 more chapters of the slight edge
Took a rest day today, which I needed after a big weekend of working and a very taxing workout yesterday. Not sure how to balance productivity on days off - I was barely productive at all today, but maybe that was the right choice. I'll have to figure that out.

Today's successes:
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Fairly early night tonight
- Read 2 chapters of the slight edge
- Wrote in journal
- Got up early

Today's failures:
- I'm sure there's ways I could've spent my time to be more productive (i.e. reading, watching informational videos etc.)

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out
+ Work at least 4 hrs (8 hrs would be ideal)
Today's successes:
- Got an offer for a new job
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Fairly early night
- Wrote in my journal
- Got up early
- Worked out (and pushed myself)
- Worked ~6.5 hrs
- Cleaned apartment for inspection tomorrow

Today's failures:
- Nothing really, today was a very productive day, but maybe I could've spent some time reading

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work for >4hrs (8hrs would be ideal)
Today's successes:
- Went to job induction for ~2hrs
- Worked >4hrs
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Got up early
- Fairly early night
- Wrote in journal

Today's failures:
- Could've done some reading
- Maybe could've worked more
- Could go to bed even earlier (wind down at 10, in bed by 11)

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out
+ Get prep work done for first shift next week
Today's successes:
- Worked out (pushed very hard on my squats today too, which I'm very pleased about)
- Got most of the prep work done for work next week
- Worked ~1hr
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Got up early
- Read a chapter of the slight edge
- Went out dancing tonight
- Wrote in journal

Today's failures
- Could've gone to bed earlier (but then again I don't think I mind having some later nights on the weekend and sleeping in)
- Could've worked more potentially, but I had some joint pain which made it very difficult/possibly unhealthy to do so
- Spent a lot of time watching videos for entertainment which I could've used more productively

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Finish prep for work
+ Read 1 chapter of the slight edge
Today's successes:
- Finished the prep work for work on Monday
- Read 1 chapter of the slight edge
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked my macros
- Stayed under
- Wrote in journal

Today's failures:
- Could've gone to bed earlier
- Didn't work at all
- Spent a lot of time watching videos/being unproductive

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work a lot (ideally 8 hrs)
Today's successes:
- Read 1 chapter of the slight edge
- Worked ~3hrs (not nearly as much as I would've liked, but I was on the verge of sleeping at that point)
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under

Today's failures:
- Probably could've taken a nap and kept working
- Wasn't sure how to be productive outside of working

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Do a workout after my work shift, and don't push too hard

This week I weighed in at 68.9. Not sure why the weight's not going down, but I've dropped my kj limit from 5500 to 5000, so we'll see how we go next week.

This week's successes:
- Read a bunch
- Got a job
- Stuck to keto and stayed under macros
- Lost 0.3kg
- Wrote in my journal every night
- Much better sleep schedule
- Did all my workouts and pushed the limits of what I thought I was capable of

This week's failures:
- Lots of wasted time
- Didn't work nearly as much as I would've liked
- Didn't lose as much weight as I would've liked
- Probably pushed myself a bit too hard working out for how much my energy intake is (I think that's why I've been so tired today)

Most important things I can do next week:
- Write a list of the activities I can do at home that will further my goals instead of watching videos
- Work a lot (ideally 30-40hrs), but maybe don't work so hard and pace myself a bit more
- Do all my workouts, but don't work out excessively hard
- Wake up each day at 7:30 and be in bed by 11pm