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Matt's Log


A suggestion totally out from left field...

Don't call your daily / weekly "failures" failures.

failure is not negative in of itself, so if you keep associating them with something that's going wrong, or that you didn't do, you'll start view every failure as something bad, when in actuality it should be a learning experience
ThePhoenix said:

A suggestion totally out from left field...

Don't call your daily / weekly "failures" failures.

failure is not negative in of itself, so if you keep associating them with something that's going wrong, or that you didn't do, you'll start view every failure as something bad, when in actuality it should be a learning experience

A good point, but what do I call them if not failures?
M-Solomon said:
A good point, but what do I call them if not failures?

I honestly don't know, but I guess something simple like "Things I did / things I didn't do today" would be good enough?
M-Solomon said:
A good point, but what do I call them if not failures?

"Things that need improving"

ThePhoenix said:
failure is not negative in of itself, so if you keep associating them with something that's going wrong, or that you didn't do, you'll start view every failure as something bad, when in actuality it should be a learning experience

I agree with ThePhoenix, but I sure hope you sincerely mean what you say Phoenix. Listen to what you're saying right now. Because that's the stuff you definitely need to repeat over and over again especially in your journey.
SIGMA_1234 said:
I agree with @ThePhoenix, but I sure hope you sincerely mean what you say Phoenix. Listen to what you're saying right now. Because that's the stuff you definitely need to repeat over and over again especially in your journey.

Yeah man.

I'm super guilty of this.

Being "good" at giving advice to others, but unable to accept it myself.

For why I do not know
ThePhoenix no worries man. I was super guilty of this early on in this forum, and I still catch myself giving unsolicited advice I never experienced from time to time.

I'm just saying this because obviously the same thing needs to be said about you, and we'd be wary if guys giving advice they've never done themselves.
Yesterday's post, which I left unposted last night...

Today's successes:
- Worked first 5-hour shift at my new job, worked really hard, and got a very positive response from my new manager
- Worked out after my shift
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Read another chapter

Things to improve:
- I spent a lot of time today watching shit just for entertainment. In future I want to use this as a reward for being productive rather than defaulting to it when I have spare time. (It's hard when I don't know what to do to be productive, but next time I'm not sure what to do that would be productive, I can take a few minutes to check back with my goals and brainstorm, and then I can refer back to that list later.)

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work a bunch (ideally >8hrs)
Didn't work at all today because I had pretty bad lower back pain. It's getting better but it's something I'll need to be wary of for future workouts

Today's successes:
- Read ~5 chapters
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Tidied up my apartment

Things to improve:
- Went slightly over my macros because I underestimated my dinner. Next time I should check the macros before I make/eat it so that doesn't happen.
- Definitely a lot of room to make my days more productive even when I can't work physically. The first step in doing this is to look at my goals and make a list of the daily activities I can do to progress toward them.
- In future workouts I will have to be more vigilant regarding pain in this particular area (there were warning signs before my workout but I didn't think I could really hurt myself)

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work a bunch (ideally 8 hrs)
+ Do a light home workout
+ write an activity list
SIGMA_1234 said:
@ThePhoenix no worries man. I was super guilty of this early on in this forum, and I still catch myself giving unsolicited advice I never experienced from time to time.

I'm just saying this because obviously the same thing needs to be said about you, and we'd be wary if guys giving advice they've never done themselves.

Exactly, which is why I jumped in and said what I did, because early on, I also viewed failure as something bad, so just wanted to pass that advice on to maybe change that a bit.
That is also why you don't see me giving massive, life changing advice, since I haven't done it myself (stuff like how to successfully setup dates, retain girls, make $1m and so on).

But I pop in and try to give small tidbits of advice that I do have gone through myself :)
Today's successes:
- Read one chapter
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Wrote in journal
- Worked just under 5hrs
- Did a light workout in the morning

Things to improve:
- Sleep schedule is still a little late. I've set an alarm to remind me to wind down at 10pm so I can be in bed by 11pm
- Didn't remember that one of the goals I set for today was to write an activity list. I need a system in place to remind myself of the tasks I'd like to do each day. I've set a daily alarm for the morning to check my to-do list, which should hopefully be a step in the right direction.
- I went slightly over my macros again at dinner. I think it's a good idea for me to have a small, final snack to use as a buffer, that way I can undercut my meals a bit more in general (particularly my dinner) and then use the final snack to put my macros in the right place without going over.

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work a bunch, ideally 8hrs
+ Write a productive activity list
Was absolutely exhausted today, so I couldn't work as much as I would've liked, but I did push myself to work as much as I could.

Today's successes:
- Worked >3hrs
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Read for ~15 min
- Woke up on schedule
- Winding down for bed on schedule
- Completed training module for my next work shift

Things to improve:
- I don't know how I could have been more productive given how exhausted I was today, but I would like to avoid being so tired again. I think it happened due to a combination of very high caffeine use over the last few days and less sleep (as I was making sure I got up on time). In future I think I'll avoid going so hard so quickly on the caffeine. I'll also pay attention to my energy levels over the next few days just in case it's not something that resolves by itself.

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work hard at my next shift tomorrow
+ Go to my friend's party and try and hit on some girls
+ Go dancing and try and hit on some girls
Definitely feel you on ramping up caffeine too quickly and the subsequent effect on sleep and then exhaustion the next few days. Still though you did a lot despite the exhaustion - props for that and good luck at the party!
Missed my post last night so here it is:

- Worked hard at my shift
- Went dancing
- Went to the party
- Flirted with a bunch of girls
- Tracked macros
- Stayed under
- Stuck to keto

Things to improve:
- I didn't overtly hit on anyone at the party or get any numbers, so pivoting to the number (i.e. you seem cool, we should grab a drink sometime) is something I should focus on next time
- I didn't read at all, I'd like to make a habit of reading at least a few pages every day (but it's not the top priority right now)

Most important thing I can do today:
- Work for 2 hrs
Today's successes:
- Worked 2 hrs
- Stuck to keto
- tracked macros
- stayed under
- Filled another script for my acne treatment and used it

Things to improve:
- I had time to work much more but it was a real struggle to actually push myself to do it (combination of tiredness and just not wanting to work). I think I need to just keep consistently doing short hours like today and gradually increase the length over time, rather than pushing myself with really long shifts occasionally like I have been.

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work hard at my shift
+ work (driving) for 1 hr
+ 10 minutes of music practice
Weighed in at 66.9 this morning.

Today's successes:
- Worked very hard at my shift
- Drove for 1 hr
- Did ~20min of singing practice
- Stuck to keto
- Tracked macros
- Read for ~20min
- Did acne treatment

Things to improve:
- I can do more driving but I'm happy to push the hours up fairly gradually so I'll just keep going with that
- Not much else I'm pretty stoked with how today went

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work out
+ Drive for at least 2 hrs

This week's successes:
- Pretty consistent early nights this week
- Lost 2kg
- Crushing it at my new job

Things to improve:
- Hurt myself a bit in my workout on Monday which led to me adjusting and/or skipping my other two workouts. I'll have to be more vigilant regarding possible injuries in the future, but more importantly I need to research (1) how to avoid injury, and (2) what to do as a result of injury, including adaptations to my workouts.
- I didn't drive as much as I would've liked so I'm just going to keep gradually putting the hours up and I think that will fix it.
- I'd like to spend more time hitting on girls.
- I definitely need a haircut soon (I keep putting it off).
- When I hit on girls I'd like to push myself to ask for the number.

Most important things I can do next week:
- Don't miss a workout
- Drive at least 1 hr every day
Rocked up to the gym today for my workout but my hips were still in pain, so I stopped before doing any work sets. I also readjusted my macros starting today to maintenance (until I'm recovered) because I know I shouldn't cut without lifting too (lest I lose muscle instead of fat).

Today's successes:
- Drove > 2hrs
- Read for ~20min
- Booked a physio for this thursday
- Tracked macros
- Stuck to limit
- Went out dancing
- 15 min singing practice
- Did acne treatment

Things to improve:
- My meals were all over the place today seeing as my kj limit has just shot back up. I'll have to adjust the way I eat so that it's easy to stick to this and I don't snack/binge or anything.
- I'd like to go for some exercise (maybe just a walk) in the mornings even when I don't work out, and especially while I'm recovering, so I'd like to start doing that.
- I also need to book in my haircut.
- I'd like to more clearly schedule/structure my day too, so things aren't so all over the place.
- I need to finish off the last edge.

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Drive at least 2 hrs
- Look up hairdressers and pick one for my haircut
Today's successes:
- Finished reading the slight edge
- Worked > 4hrs
- Did 10 min guitar practice
- Booked a haircut for this thursday
- Tracked macros
- Stuck to limit
- Early night
- Went for a short walk in the morning
- Did acne treatment

Things to improve:
- I'd like to check out the logs of others here to get some ideas for my own daily habits.
- I need to work on my style, so I'd like to take some trips out to clothes stores and try on some outfits soon.
- I'd like to spend some time each morning checking in with my goals and brainstorming/prioritising the habits I'll need to get me to those goals (not to mention updating those goals as they change).
- I'd like to more clearly structure/schedule my days.
- I'd like to get comfortable hitting on girls, so once my finances are stable I think I'll do the AA program.

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work at least 2 hrs
+ Check out other peoples logs here for habit ideas, and also for log structure (not to mention inspiration)
Today's successes:
- Worked ~5.5 hrs (really happy about that)
- Checked out other people's logs here (but not for very long because it made me feel really fucking insecure)
- Tracked macros
- Stuck to limit
- Fairly early night
- Did some push ups in the morning
- Did acne treatment

Things to improve:
- Didn't do any reading today. Seeing as I've finished the slight edge I'll need to start another book. In future when I finish a book I'd like to make a habit of picking my next book on that day, so I don't skip any days of reading.
- Didn't do any music practice. I'd like to try and keep up 10 min a day.
- I'd like to check out the forums more on here to get a better sense of what people are up to, what I can get out of the forums here, and what's been working for other people
- I'd like to do some body weight workouts while my hips are causing my grief. Push ups and chin ups seem to be a good place to start, maybe throw some ab stuff in there too.

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Work at least 2 hrs
+ Work out in the morning
+ Write out a schedule before I start out my day
Today's successes:
- Got a better haircut
- Went to the physio
- Did a workout at the gym (thrilled to be back in the gym doing weights - I had no idea I would ever enjoy it this much)
- tracked macros
- Stuck to the limit
- Fairly early night
- Did acne treatment
- Worked < 3hrs
- Read 10 pages of self-improvement
- 10min singing practice
- Scheduled the day out in the morning

Things to improve:
- There's definitely room to be even more productive, but I'm very happy with today in general.
- I'd still like to make better use of these forums
- I'll have to schedule in time for clothes shopping soon too

Most important thing I can do tomorrow:
- Drive for 1 hr after my work shift
+ Schedule out my day in the morning
I've missed two days of my log because I had two late nights out, so here's the catch-up log.

- worked both days at the cafe
- did a workout after work yesterday

Things to improve:
- Was very rough with my macro tracking these last two days (largely because I went out, but also just generally being less precise). I want to tighten up my macro tracking again, and in future I'll need a plan for macro tracking when I go out (maybe plan how many beers I'll have/whether I'll eat and set aside a suitable buffer for that)
- Skipped two days of progress logging due to going out late. I think it's worth staying up to do the progress log no matter how tired I am, so in future I want to do that before bed no matter how late.
- Didn't do my acne treatment (posting this each night is what reminds me to use the cream). If I can fix the posting thing that should take care of itself.
- I didn't do any driving either day when I'd planned to go both days. Hopefully just by way of ramping up my work hours in general I can in future have enough energy to keep working rather than just burning out.
- Both nights going out I could've used as opportunities to talk to and hit on girls. I'd like to work on this and also to work on making approaches just in general.
- I want to keep pushing myself to make a habit of scheduling, as well as to read and practice music each day.

In other news, my state went into lockdown this afternoon, so work is cancelled and gym is closed for the next 5 days. This will be a very testing week.