Mav's Log


Jun 12, 2020
Have a few things I'm going to be focusing on with this log. Weight loss and diet will be updated every day... the other categories, only when there is something to report.

Workouts/Diet - Still trying to tackle this... I do have more muscle mass than I did months ago but still have most of the fat to lose. I'm currently approximately 165. My goal weight as of now is 150lbs. My plan is 5 weight lifting sessions a week and 2,000 calories a day. When I hit a plateau... I'll throw in some cardio/HIIT.

Dating/Social - My pictures are terrible right now yet I can still get random dates here and there if I put in effort every day swiping/messaging. My goal as of now is just to put in the daily actions necessary and see what happens. When I hit weight loss goal, I will buy new clothes and work on getting a few quality pics. Need to also get into a few meetups when Covid dies down.

LooksMax - I went to an aesthetician and had under eye fillers, as well as light botox for eye wrinkles and crows feet. It was $500 which is a pretty good price, seeing fillers alone usually average at about $1000 or so a vial. The difference between the before and afters is night and day. Very happy with the results and will be going back soon for a chemical peel. Also starting a basic skincare routine, consisting of retinol/hyaluronic acid with spf 30 in the morning and without spf at night. Also doing GLL clay mask facial a few times a week.

My teeth aren't horrible but I need a lot of work done. Crown, a few fillings, wisdom teeth, invisalign (teeth shifted after being out of braces for 12 years), and whitening/bonding. Bad news is this will all cost $15,000 plus... good news is that I can have a hollywood smile. Worth it.

As for my hair, I've been on finasteride since April 2019 and minoxidil/ru since mid April 2020. As long as I don't let my hair get too long or greasy, it doesn't look that bad. Hoping to see some gains from min/ru. Also trying out MK677 and Castor Oil. My aesthetician does PRP on her husband and says it works great but it's insanely expensive... at least $3,000 plus per year. If it was a one time thing, I'd do it right now but that's just too much to spend every year.

Hobbies - I don't really have any hobbies that I go outside of my house to do regularly. I want to change that and will take any suggestions into consideration. Currently just finished putting a new gun together. Planning on taking it and my pistol to a friend's range. Thinking about maybe doing a weekly self defense class, maybe Krav Maga. Also like things like fishing... recently went out for a date and caught a small shark. Would really like some other ideas.

Career/Financial - I'd love to start my own online business. Two of my friends make six figures net with their Amazon business... but seeing as I'm about to turn 30, I feel like it's just too risky to potentially waste more time and then the business fails. So I'm thinking of starting off with an AS in networking and eventually getting a BS and masters degree in network security/cyber security. Just getting the AS and some certs would help me make an extra 15k-20k a year, over my current job. AS would take a year and a half if I did summer classes. I can get about half of it paid for by the government (pay enough in taxes anyways haha).

Also planning on getting a side hustle doing Amazon Flex for about a year. You basically deliver packages for Amazon with your own vehicle and it pays decently.

Time management will be tough but luckily I have several hours each day at work that I can dedicate to getting schoolwork/errands done.

(Will update this from time to time)
7/04 - 60 Sets

Pullups - 24 Sets
Bi's - 24 Sets
Tri's - 12 Sets

Will start tracking calories tomorrow. Didn't track today.
7/05 - 48 Sets

Shoulders - 24 Sets
Back - 24 Sets

Calories - 2400
chado said:
What's your macro breakdown?

Don't really focus on that tbh... just calories and trying to eat healthier. Macros is just going to make it too much of a pain in the ass for me tbh.
chado - That's the only thing I pay attention to... but I probably don't get enough. But figured macros would matter more when I'm trying to bulk. I'm just trying to make this as easy to stick to as possible.
chado said: already count calories. Making sure you get enough protein in is just part of the equation. That's a poor way of thinking

It's just a suggestion and do what you want...

Or take and adhere to the advice of people here who are in extremely good shape

But you're really limiting potential progress by not tracking macros. Building muscle and losing fat is already hard enough and a very long process. Don't limit it even further by not taking advantage of what you can control.
Track by label and serving size. Or for example, if I eat a lb of watermelon, I look up the calories online. Protein is easy enough to track but I'm not worrying about carbs/fat, as long as calories are where they need to be. Pain in the ass to try and hit a certain macro everyday. Shit needs to be as simple as possible for me to stick with it, at least for awhile. I lose fat regardless, as long as I stick with it...
Have been taking a somewhat extensive supplement regimen in hopes it helps with long term health/aging. What do you guys take?


Pure Encapsulations One Multi-Vitamin
Solgar B-Complex
NOW Ashwaghanda
Thorne Magnesium Citramate
Thorne D3/K2 Drops
Green Vibrance (organic green drink)
Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Fish Oil
7/07 - Off day. Hung out with girl after work and dropped her back off at midnight. Barely had time for hair regimen. She's kind of crazy and very promiscuous on top of it. I want to just drop it... but has a decent body and I'm back to no other options for time being.

Calories - 2600... Fucked, no excuse.


7/08 - 48 Sets

Pullups - 24 Sets

Chest - 24 Sets

Calories - 2200... better but not good enough. Tomorrow will be light calorie day to make up for past two days.

Went back to aesthetics office today. Had very light botox touch up for free. Had skincare discussion with one lady there and was trying to sell me everything under the sun. Chemical peels, which I'm interested in, but a shit ton of expensive products for my large pores, black heads, etc. Not really sure all of that it worth it, will wait on peels and anything else until after I lean down.
terry_crews87 said:
how was the botox experience? Did you find it worth it? How much was it? How many units did u get?

I got 8 units for crows feet and right under my eyes. Don't think that's a lot but not sure. She did apply a bit more today on crows feet as touch up but didn't charge me for it. The under eye filler and botox combined was $530 with a current promotion that's running. I was expecting around $1000.

The filler is supposed to last around a year while the botox typically lasts 3-4 months. Believe she told me the botox would be around $100-$150 ever 3-4 months, depending on how much I need but said you need less as time goes on. I can post before and after pics.
Chris had it done yeah?

I recall him talking about it. He was obsessed with rejuvenating his face for a while
These are the befores. This is the worst my eyes ever looked, pretty fucking bad. But they weren't always this bad... maybe I just lacked moisture that day. Think my eyes aged early due to not wearing contacts/glasses for years and resting my hand on my face for hours a day at work.
This is about 3-4 days after... the filler is more noticeable irl but the botox speaks for itself.
Radical said:
Chris had it done yeah?

I recall him talking about it. He was obsessed with rejuvenating his face for a while

Yeah Chris had fillers and botox done. I believe mostly on his smile lines and forehead.
Piggybacking on the macros thing and going to offer an alternative opinion..

Protein is important, of course.

However, for someone relatively new to tracking, if counting is easy as you're doing then keep it that way.

Cause little things like that can knock someone off consistency. It takes time. That's why you shouldn't recommend a newbie to train every day or 5-6 days a week. You start them off at 2-3 days per week and try to keep them consistent because that's more important.

BUT.... If you're going to be doing 24 sets of pullups and 24 sets of chest, you 100% NEED more protein, otherwise that's purely overtraining.

I'm enhanced and have better recovery and I don't even hit that volume. Not because I'm not a hard worker but because it's pointless and won't provide extra muscle.

My suggestion (and it's just a suggestion, you're doing great) is to scale back a bit on the volume and then take that bit of extra time that you've shaved off from working out, to add in those calories. Protein is right there with the calories on a nutrition label so it won't take long to add up the protein as well.

I'd recommend 1gram - 1.5 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight.

So if you're 160lbs then I'd recommend 160-190grams of protein.

This is especially important with the little amount of calories you're eating, you need more protein in order to retain as much muscle as possible.

Either way, glad you're logging on here and can't wait to see your success. <3
KillYourInnerLoser I don’t really have an issue with needles so it wasn't a big deal. Feels like you're getting pinched for botox. For fillers, she numbed the area and didn't feel a thing after.

You can feel it underneath at first but after a day or so, it just feels normal. I only did it because I hated how much older the under eye area made me look.
dashedhopes - Do you think I should aim for more than 2,000 calories a day? My job is pretty sedentary, so only real exercise is the workouts.
KillYourInnerLoser - Thanks man. Next, want to work on my teeth but it'll basically take a year to pay for it all unfortunately haha. Luckily I can put a lot of it on 0% apr credit. Trying to figure out long term career/finances as well. Might be going back to school this semester and hopefully will be able to hit main goal of a ltr within the next year or two.