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Mav's Log

Yeah, my two biggest issues are social and my looks. I'm embarrassed to be seen by or be around people because of how bad I look. Just short of humiliating. People will mock me, stare, or talk shit about me, which in turn makes me obviously bad socially. I can post pics of examples, ever though I'd prefer not to haha.
No, just in general. I'm not going to post anymore and giving myself to the end of the year. Really do appreciate everyone's comments and help on here, thank you. And best of luck bro, keep at it.
You said you were planning on getting Invisalign and that fixing your teeth would be expensive in your first post. Not sure if you already got it. But you can negotiate the price down a lot. I told them that I decided I didn't want to do it after a consultation with a dentist, then they offered me a much lower price, maybe a third lower, cant remember exactly.
Waiting for the MAV comeback man. You're just in a slump bro.

Keep making progress. Don't want you to go away.

You have it in you.
Randomly decided to log in to forum and responded to Mattscrib message. Saw the posts on here and figured I'd update.

Have been through a lot since March. I got my first apartment without roommates, which is nice enough and way better for my mental health. Got a cute kitty who destroys all of my shit lol. Have been seeing girl I met from Bumble... it's kind of complicated with her but she is much more into me than I am into her. She's great and accepts all of my flaws but at the same time I want to date hotter girls lol.

Got Covid but it was pretty mild flu overall and even did a small workout on Day 2 lol. The first rapid test was a false negative and didn't know until three days later after I already was around numerous other people. Ended up losing my smell and taste, got retested and tested positive on all three tests. Luckily got paid for two weeks to chill at my place.

Was hitting the gym pretty hard two months ago and put on a fair bit of muscle quickly. Was getting numerous comments about physique from co-workers and customers. Fell off the past month and a half, trying to get back into it but it's tough. Got a bench, adjustable dumbbells, adjustable kettlebell, and pull up tower for downstairs. Boss might also be paying for our gym membership at nicest gym in town. Also have membership at Planet minute down the road from me.

Up about 20k in crypto even with the market being down rn... Not interested in selling at this point. I do need to get some extra income the next 3-4 months, around $600 a month to help pay my income tax bill in April. But more importantly, I need to figure out something long term, which is one of my most mentally pressing issues this past six months. My current job is probably the most lax, easy job ever but I'm stuck at around 40k a year tops. It's great for the low level of stress and work (basically on FB and watching YouTube videos half the day) but I need to really double my income in the next 5+ years. Was still thinking something in IT but that job market and the "skill trees" all so confusing to me. I don't know how to code but I'm confident I could pass some basic certs quickly like A+, Security+, Network+, etc. Maybe go into help desk for a year and then try and transition to something higher skilled/paying. Anyone have any knowledge on this?

I apologize for my behavior in the past. It's pretty cringeworthy to me and embarrassing but my mental health has been pretty bad at times.
I've been in tech forever. All the A+/Network+/CCNA etc stuff is on the way out. I did that whole schtick working myself up from Help Desk. It was a good plan....10 years ago. If I was starting fresh today. I'd go straight into coding and programming. The money and demand is there and moving more so everyday. The support, hardware, and network side of tech isn't dying, but it is only going to get worse going forward.

I don't know what the on-ramp looks like for getting started on the programming side in todays market. Hopefully someone else can chime in on that front. In the meantime, learn how to code and get really good. Tech work is as close to a meritocracy that is ever going to exist.
May need to find another career choice then. Idk if I'm smart enough to learn a ton of languages, especially at my age, and translate that into something. Girl I'm seeing could get me a job at Fidelity. Would bump me up to around 50k plus benefits starting but way more work/stress. Or I could coast at current job and use half the day trying to build an online business.
Whelp, chick who was pretty into me just broke it off with me. Back to being alone by myself every day, again lol. Also, signed up for new gym that work is paying for.