Mav's Log

Radical - No... I dont eat most of my food until later in the day and stay up relatively late lol
According to this article and studies you're doing way too many sets -
boblikestacos666 said:
According to this article and studies you're doing way too many sets -

Yeah, I have to chime in on this too and agree with bob.

You will make much better progress if you start tracking all your macros and start doing a structured weight lifting program. A lot of weight routines work just pick something simple that focuses on progressive overload and stick to it.
I'm signing up to new gym in next few weeks. Currently working out at home. If someone has a solid lifting plan they'd recommend, that doesn't need a spotter, I'd appreciate it. I'm having plenty good results with what I'm currently doing (it's not just about muscle growth) but down to change it up at new gym. Also going to be adding sauna and considering trying out a mostly plant based diet.

The routine I use is from

That website will teach you everything you need to know about fitness and nutrition.

Hopefully other fit people will chime in. And give advice.
7/17 - Day off

Calories - 2,400

7/18 - 48 Sets

Bi's - 24
Back - 24

Calories - Didn't track, probably way over. Need to do a fast day to offset.
Bro, it is really insipiring.

I am planning to get under eye filler as well. Maybe some filler on my chin too. I ll get tooth whitening but I am not sure about a detailed teeth restructuring like hollywood smile.

Do you think prp is effective? I am on Fin for the last 7 years, slowly lost ground but still fighting. I can’t handle minox well so never used it.

How is your skin care?
king87 said:
Bro, it is really insipiring.

I am planning to get under eye filler as well. Maybe some filler on my chin too. I ll get tooth whitening but I am not sure about a detailed teeth restructuring like hollywood smile.

Do you think prp is effective? I am on Fin for the last 7 years, slowly lost ground but still fighting. I can’t handle minox well so never used it.

How is your skin care?

I think prp is probably worth it, if you have a ton of money to throw around. It's ridiculously expensive and has to keep being done. I have had 0 side effects on everything I've tried for hair, including RU but then again no regrowth.

My skincare is very basic. Spf, retinol, hyaluronic acid, and stridex pads. I'm going all out on my teeth because I might as well. But if your teeth aren't chipped, show damage, and are aligned properly... then whitening should be all you need.

Trying to get shredded rn... friend of mine is a personal trainer and has an elite body. Hoping some of his habits rub off on me.
7/20 - 40 Sets

Legs - 24
Pullups - 12
Abs - 4

Cardio - 30 Min Walk

Calories - 1,900
May end up getting a Chipotle bowl because I have low willpower haha. Wanted to offset a day last week I over ate/didn't track.

Signing up to new gym in the next few days and will be adding sauna to regimen.
Mav said:
May end up getting a Chipotle bowl because I have low willpower haha. Wanted to offset a day last week I over ate/didn't track.

Signing up to new gym in the next few days and will be adding sauna to regimen.

I personally wouldn’t try to off set dieting because you had a bad week. Doing extreme diets/yo-yo dieting really only sets up bad habits IMO. In my experience it only sets up people to binge eat again.

Do you know your maintenance calories? I would just subtract ~300-500 calories from that number and stick to it.

Also is their any reason why you can’t start the structured routine today?
No idea what my maintenance is. The calculators are extremely vague. Sticking to the set number is the real trick huh.

2000 is about 400/500 below what the calculators say my maintenance calories is.

What structured routine?
Maintenance = The calories you eat that maintains your current weight. No calculator works.

What they were saying is right, don't undereat or overeat cause you messed up one day.

Get back and stay on track. Eating 600 calories for one day will definitely hinder your progress.

2000 calories is fine, if you're not hungry and you're still losing weight.

Probably don't need that big of a deficit but if it works, it works.