Mav's Log

I'm VERY sedentary as well. I sit for my job all day long.

My only "cardio" is sex lol.

I made a video recently about how cardio doesn't help reduce weight/fat loss.

I almost still don't even believe it but here I am losing weight steadily on 2340 calories with zero cardio.

2000 calories is very little and I'd only continue if you're not feeling hungry throughout the day.

You should be able to cut down without feeling extreme hunger. So I don't know how you're feeling.

If you're feeling quite hungry between meals then I'd recommend a re-up for a week. Eat 2500 calories for a week. After that, drop to 2400 calories. When you plateau, cut calories by 50-100.

If you're not that hungry and only feel shitty and hungry at the end of the day you can continue.

Then just do a re-up once you start feeling hungry a lot throughout the day if you want to keep going with the cut.

I'm cutting right now, and on 2340 calories I only get hungry at the end of the day, like right now while I type this lol.

I can only imagine once I get to less than 2200 calories I'm going to have hunger issues, especially as I approach sub 8% bf. Pretty close to that right now.
dashedhopes I don't get hungry on 2,000 a day typically. If I eat more, it's because I love food haha. Figured I'd need a lot ess than someone like you, especially with much less muscle mass and being 5'7... I'll have to watch the video. Figured cardio would simply by putting you in a bigger calorie deficit.
I need a lot more work done than whitening. I tried the whitening strips before and for some reason, they just weren't long to hit all of my teeth for some reason. Will probably just get trays from the dentist. But I have a long ways to go before I even get to whitening. Need a crown, wisdom teeth pulled, invisalign to straighten my teeth.
I know you know a tonne and are in great shape dashed but I dont think he needs that much protein. Especially if hes trying to lower his calories.

How much do you weigh MAV? Lets say looking at that picture you weigh 150 lbs (just using as an example) , I don't think you'd need more than 130 grams of protein and that is PLENTY. That old bodybuilding staple rule, was one gram of protein per LEAN pound of body weight. So if your 180 lbs at 30 % body fat you dont need 180 grams of protein. I made a lot of gains while keeping the fat off, now and in the past, getting about 0.8 grams, and even slightly less, per my lean bodymass. I weighed 175 and had abs at that point, and was only eating 120-130 grams of protein a day. Your fat doesn't count. I think everybody underestimates how much is muscle, and how much is water retention, glycogen, fat etc. People who think they are 15 % bodyfat are probably 25 or more.

Eating a lot of protein is tiring and a pain in the ass, and alot of times comes with a lot of extra calories from fat and carbs when you didnt even need that much to begin with. I know a lot of people disagree but I'd give it a shot. I've gained a good amount of fat eating all really healthy food and no alcohol just because I was going over my calories. Counting calories is fucking annoying at first but its actually really easy.

I'm not an expert, but try it, if it works its alot easier and easy to stick to your diet when your not always having to wolf down tonnes of protein. You don't need supplements to make great gains, but get some protein powder as its a great form of protein without extra carbs and fats in it.

For the love of God dude LOWER THE VOLUME. That shit is insane dashed is right 20 fucking sets of chin ups? What kind of intensity is that? You shouldn't even be able to move after 20 TOTAL sets in a workout of all excericises combined. I think if you upped the intensity and drastically lowered the volume you would get better results. Are you going to failure on these sets ?

Good for you dude I've been following your story a bit on here and gll and it sounds like your really putting in the effort now and your starting to get the results rock on buddy its only gonna get better and better for you
Hey, sometimes I was doing 80-90 sets in a day lmao. I weigh about 163-165 rn. I probably go to 80-90% on sets and gradually raise how many reps I'll do over weeks/months. One reason is because during covid, gyms were shut down and my dumbbells aren't the heaviest... like 36lbs each. For some exercises, that's more than enough. But a lot of exercises I can easily do that all day. Tried ordering adjustable dumbbells but Amazon never fulfilled the order. Regardless, it has toned me up a bit but just trying to find right calorie window and stick with it, so I can lose fat.
you have 2 dumbells that are 35lbs each? You can actually do alot with that. I'd put in a bunch of leg work if i were you. If your holding both dumbells thats 70 lbs, you can do a bunch of squat and lunge variations, step ups, step downs , use them like kettleballs and do swings, single leg deadlifts etc.
terry_crews87 said:
I know you know a tonne and are in great shape dashed but I dont think he needs that much protein. Especially if hes trying to lower his calories.

How much do you weigh MAV? Lets say looking at that picture you weigh 150 lbs (just using as an example) , I don't think you'd need more than 130 grams of protein and that is PLENTY. That old bodybuilding staple rule, was one gram of protein per LEAN pound of body weight. So if your 180 lbs at 30 % body fat you dont need 180 grams of protein. I made a lot of gains while keeping the fat off, now and in the past, getting about 0.8 grams, and even slightly less, per my lean bodymass. I weighed 175 and had abs at that point, and was only eating 120-130 grams of protein a day. Your fat doesn't count. I think everybody underestimates how much is muscle, and how much is water retention, glycogen, fat etc. People who think they are 15 % bodyfat are probably 25 or more.

Eating a lot of protein is tiring and a pain in the ass, and alot of times comes with a lot of extra calories from fat and carbs when you didnt even need that much to begin with. I know a lot of people disagree but I'd give it a shot. I've gained a good amount of fat eating all really healthy food and no alcohol just because I was going over my calories. Counting calories is fucking annoying at first but its actually really easy.

I'm not an expert, but try it, if it works its alot easier and easy to stick to your diet when your not always having to wolf down tonnes of protein. You don't need supplements to make great gains, but get some protein powder as its a great form of protein without extra carbs and fats in it.

For the love of God dude LOWER THE VOLUME. That shit is insane dashed is right 20 fucking sets of chin ups? What kind of intensity is that? You shouldn't even be able to move after 20 TOTAL sets in a workout of all excericises combined. I think if you upped the intensity and drastically lowered the volume you would get better results. Are you going to failure on these sets ?

Good for you dude I've been following your story a bit on here and gll and it sounds like your really putting in the effort now and your starting to get the results rock on buddy its only gonna get better and better for you

I agree with the protein - 130g is enough. I recently even read that eating too much protein causes inflammation. Plus, most protein sources are pretty unhealthy. You'd have to stick to grass-fed beef, eggs, and low-mercury fish if you also care about eating healthy. Most meats and dairy products (incl. Whey and Casein) are pure garbage because the animals they come from were fed with garbage as well.
AGF said:
Most meats and dairy products (incl. Whey and Casein) are pure garbage because the animals they come from were fed with garbage as well.
Do you have a source for that?
Forticks said:
AGF said:
Most meats and dairy products (incl. Whey and Casein) are pure garbage because the animals they come from were fed with garbage as well.
Do you have a source for that?

Drive to a "factory-farm" and see what the cows, pigs, and chickens are fed with. Usually, it's a mixture of antibiotics, genetically modified corn, dirt, bacteria, and their own feces.
AGF said:
Drive to a "factory-farm" and see what the cows, pigs, and chickens are fed with. Usually, it's a mixture of antibiotics, genetically modified corn, dirt, bacteria, and their own feces.
I don't doubt they feed them garbage. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it'll affect the milk (which is pasteurized anyways) and me when I eat the whey. I'll look into it.
Forticks said:
AGF said:
Drive to a "factory-farm" and see what the cows, pigs, and chickens are fed with. Usually, it's a mixture of antibiotics, genetically modified corn, dirt, bacteria, and their own feces.
I don't doubt they feed them garbage. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it'll affect the milk (which is pasteurized anyways) and me when I eat the whey. I'll look into it.

Also look into pasteurization then as well.
Was taking random pics of my hair. I've been leaving minoxidil in overnight. The effect... I dont have to take a shower in the morning to counteract my greasy scalp. The alcohol dries it out, as well as my hair which imo looks much better this way. My hair actually looks poofier/thicker and like it has some life this way. Any products you'd recommend that could help get this same effect? Ignore the blacked out dishes haha
Hair looks good! You should keep the stubble , I think i've seen you cleanly shaved , and the little facial hair defenitly is better. Ive been on fin for 6 years and it totally saved me. I was half bald and it all grew back. I'm starting to notice the crown ever so slightly thinning again so I might hop on the minox in the next year. I've been waiting so I have an ace up my sleeve when the fin results started to drop off.

I'm concerned about hearing that it fucks up the collagen in your face, and prematurely ages you. I think its from when you put it on at night, then your head is rolling around in your pillow it spreads to your face that way. I wonder if wearing a shower cap at night after you put it on would stop the spread to your face. Or maybe just applying it in the morning. But if you apply it in the morning, if you wear a hat, you could spread it to your face/forehead that way. I dunno, just thinking out loud here.
terry_crews87 - I haven't seen regrowth from fin. How long did it take you to notice results with it? I have a feeling the minoxidil collagen shit either isn't of concern, or isn't of concern for most people. People act like its the end of the world if you take fin haha, so take it with a grain of salt.Alcohol can dry your skin out but I put a solid moisturizer on before going to bed anyways.
I could notice it starting to regrow after about 5 months or so, and it peaked around 1.5-2 years after, and has been maintained at that for the last 4 years. Its still working and i might not even start using minox for another couple years yet.
Can't believe I actually look somewhat decent in that picture... must have had the perfect angle and lighting because the other ones look nothing like that.

terry_crews87 As for fin, I'm about 15 months on it. No regrowth but it has probably helped slow or help maintain. That's awesome it gave you regrowth, you're very lucky haha. Doesn't sound like there's a reason to add minoxidil for you at this time.