Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES


Apr 2, 2022
After setting up my tinder profile enough to get me some matches here and there while it's not yet optimized, I decided it's time for me to start approaching regularly. The goal is 50 lifetime approaches, after that I can start setting more realistic goals once I beat some of my AA. I went out to a local mall that is quite close commute for me, I wanted to see if the volume was there, it was not. I walked around for a while, I saw some duos but those are too scary for me to approach at the moment. I saw a girl standing there near the glass railing on the 2nd story, I chickened out. I was about an hour into this mall session when I see an average girl walk by with decent fashion, I went straight for it.

Mimbe393939: Excuse me puts hand up quickly to get her attention I thought you we're attractive and I wanted to come say hi
Attractive Mall Girl: Smiles and seems kind of flattered but also a bit shocked that I approached
Mimbe393939: What are you up to?
Attractive Mall Girl: Meeting up with a friend starts to walk away backwards slowly
Mimbe393939: Don't want to stay and talk? I kind of grinned and let off a small giggle as I said it, as I walk off looking at her for a second

After that interaction, I could not find anyone else I COULD approach for 20 minutes, so I called it quits. Some points I have during my session, I had to use gum because my jaw felt locked in place, at times I was smoking my vape outside to relief some of the anxiety. I was texting colgate after I approached and later on in the session at times when I was smoking outside to get some fresh air, as he helped me relieve some nerves and made me feel that what I am feeling is ok, and that is perfectly normal, and him and other guys experienced the same things. It really is a different feeling when you are in there and your intentions are to approach. I tried to make another approach but the women walking around that I saw, intimidated me. I went home, but I got at least one approach in, which is what I was aiming for. In hindsight I shouldn't have said don't want to stay and talk, but disclosure I knew the interaction was done and she was gone, but I was nervous. I am not focusing on the actual results with women. I will be trying to do x+1 ATLEAST 3 times a week, I will also be moving spots for better volume, I need to get this shit on the road. 6/7/2022
pay attention to this log everyone lol
Let's go. I'm going tomorrow.

Let's start off how day 2 went down. Whenever I have been to the downtown mall, I have seen a lot of volume of single girls that is the only thing I am comfortable approaching at this moment in time. Also a University Campus is within walking distance, so downtown mall is exactly where I went. The commute is farther then the previous day 1, but I don't mind I am not that bothered by it, I am committed. But the volume is there, and that's exactly where I will be. I felt less anxious then DAY 1 but none the less, still anxiety. I started off by buying some water and talking to the cashier a little, asking him how his day was. I saw a security guard I had seen before and smiled at him and told him he's here whenever I go. I walked around a little bit, I saw some attractive women but like always, I chickened out. I saw one that I was more comfortable approaching that was still attractive.

I did 4 approaches today

Mimbe393939: Excuse me I thought you we're attractive, and I wanted to say hi
Girl1: Stops for a split second, takes one look at me and walks off

Mimbe393939: Excuse me I thought you we're attractive, and I wanted to say hi
Girl2:Doesn't even acknowledge me, she must have looked at me for a split second

Mimbe393939: Excuse me I thought you we're attractive, and I wanted to say hi
Girl3:Stops when I say excuse me, she stops I have a boyfriend walks off


I was tired of the mall setting, I wanted to move spots to the University Campus to see the volume. I stop and get a bubble tea on the way over to clinch my thirst and to have some boba to chew on to calm the anxiety a bit, it helps and makes me feel hydrated helping my voice.

I am waiting at a light to cross the street, I see this cute girl with glasses give me two quick glances. She walks a bit faster then me and I am behind her, we walk across the street. I think to myself Mimbe393939... Fuck it. She is not that far away from me, so I go in for it.

Mimbe393939: Excuse me, I thought you we're attractive and I just had to come say hello
Cute French Girl: Seems flustered and kind of googly eyed, doesn't anything back. She immediately stops and hears what I have to say at first, I start walking to the direction she is going with her
Mimbe393939: Hey, what are you up to?
Cute French Girl: I am taking the train now, what about you?
Mimbe393939:I am going to see some friends (bullshit, I am on the prowl)
She has a French accent, so I ask
Mimbe393939:What part of town are you from?
Cute French Girl:Far away
Mimbe393939:My friends are over that way (opposite direction she is going) I pull out my phone and put new contact Can I get your number?
Cute French Girl:puts in contact
Mimbe39393: Smiles I'll see you around

Notes from the approach session

I need to start pre-cooking meals for the entire week so I can get home from work, shower, eat and head out in the field. I find I always need gum, my jaw locks up. I still chicken out, I am not approaching the VERY FIRST attractive girl I see that is alone. The approaches as they went on got easier, the first one was tough. The notable approach was not as smooth as I made it sound. I was very nervous, I honestly forgot her name as she said it, I don't even think I introduced myself, that's why I put the new contact and gave her my phone. For some, this is just a number. We all know, it might lead to somewhere, or no where (probably the 2nd option realistically speaking). But that is not the point of it, a bigger victory is being won. But holy hell, that felt amazing. The best way I could describe that feeling for a few minutes is like being a child and your dad brings you your favorite food, or when you played your first Nintendo Gamecube for Christmas. I was tired, but I felt re-energized after that, tomorrow is a new day, with new pains and pleasures. But I will take this small victory, I don't know where I am going. But I know I am on the right track.
Good stuff man. When I first started going out to approach, I considered it a victory just to leave my house with the intention of approaching. Any approaches I made were considered a cherry on top. At this point it seems like you are already making approaches, so any approach you make is a victory. Full stop. Whether she gives you the number, whether you stutter, doesn't matter, its a W.

And you're already thinking about logistics regarding showering and eating after you come home from work. I believe success at this game is heavily dictated by logistics. As someone once said, "Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics".
King Approach said:
Good stuff man. When I first started going out to approach, I considered it a victory just to leave my house with the intention of approaching. Any approaches I made were considered a cherry on top. At this point it seems like you are already making approaches, so any approach you make is a victory. Full stop. Whether she gives you the number, whether you stutter, doesn't matter, its a W.

And you're already thinking about logistics regarding showering and eating after you come home from work. I believe success at this game is heavily dictated by logistics. As someone once said, "Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics".

Thank you for the feedback, it was quite the rush to have felt that the first time getting the number I was so giddy and nervous, something I find online dating cannot recreate. That's exactly where I am right now, not focusing on potential dates with the actual girl themselves, just full on stopping them, and showing my intentions and seeing if they bite or not is just enough for me. The rejection part doesn't bother me, just have general anxiety about it. Just focusing on my momentum and losing AA. On these two days, I had pre-cooked food. going to continue with that. I do all my apartment chores at nighttime so I don't have to do them the day of the approaching.

I had set up a date with a girl from OLD at the high volume mall downtown to initially meet up. I was feeling like I wanted a comical story, so that's exactly what I did, but I got lucky on this one. I purposely got to the Mall an hour early to do some approaches before my date/get warmed up. As I am walking off the train station to inside the mall I kept telling myself Mimbe, first girl you see, do it. Just fucking do it, no thinking. I just get into the mall, I see some cute girl with glasses, slim body walking alone. I instantly go in for the kill.

Mimbe393939: Excuse me, I thought you we're attractive and I wanted to come and see what you we're like (GLL Line lmao)
Girl: Stops and starts to stand with me Hey
Mimbe393939: What are you up to?
Girl: Just shopping, alone
Mimbe393939: Are you french?
Mimbe393939:I like your accent it's cute
Girl: Smiles seems even more nervous/flattered like me
Mimbe393939: Grabs her hand and holds it for 3 seconds I like your accessories, I see we're on the same page smiles
Mimbe393939: Well I gotta run, can I get your number Gets out add new contact and gives her my phone
Girl:Gives number
Mimbe393939:Let's get bubble tea sometime, I'll see you!!

My OLD date was coming in an uber to our meetup spot at the mall in 15 minutes so I rationalized that as my excuse to not approach anymore (AA) Only got 1 approach sadly.


I am still nervous/forgetting to introduce myself and ask for her name, but it's a good start for my 6th approach. I still have AA, I still chicken out, I still get nervous, I still make excuses like girls too hot, duos, trios, quads. I am trying to touch more when I interact with women from CA who are receptive, grabbing their arms/hands if they have something like a tattoo,ring,bracelet,watch and holding it there for a few seconds, so when I escalate later on (WHEN IT HAPPENS) it's not like some weird thing out of the blue for them. The way I am dressing when I approach is completely player look, alpha destiny jumper + ripped jeans + stan smiths + gold ring silver ring and neckless, I think girls get the message on why I am talking to them.


Looked like her pictures, had a nice ass. Was sort of curvy but not chubby/fat, just curvalicious and 5'4, just my type. Took her out on a bubble tea date. Bad logistics to pull (30 min from house + no car) seems like the type of girl who waits a few dates to smash (keyword seems). Haven't been on a proper date in a year after monk mode, didn't care about smashing first date. After the date I isolated her in a spot downtown that is hidden away but aesthetically pleasing, not like some back ally or a street, I can't describe it. She was honestly so shy and quivering when I was grabbing her ass/making out with her, it was a huge turn on she was like some innocent prey animal for me to ravage. I kept biting her lower lip and biting her neck, she was moaning and quivering. She was so shy it was honestly adorable, I could tell she was either super nervous or inexperienced. First make out with a Persian girl, it's like Pokémon, gotta try em' all. My next plan of action is to KEEP APPROACHING + set up a date at my apartment now that this girl knows I'm not some freak/weirdo and enjoys my company. I was digging her vibe, we both said we're not looking for a relationship.

Some thoughts from day after 6/11/2022

I need to stop fucking saying how I am going to approach even though I go through with it, in group chats and just start hustling and putting in work, and speaking through actions, I am seriously going to not bring it up and just start going for it instead of giving myself validation of talking about something I WANT TO DO. colgate gave me the idea, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have been mindful of it.

I honestly didn't even want to do anything, I wanted to stay home vape and blast music in my apartment, but GLLs voice kept replaying in my head about how he spent many Saturday nights inside in his prime. I really had to force myself to get out this session after going out for most of the previous afternoon. I made 5 approaches over 2 hours and they went like this

Mimbe393939:Hi Excuse me
Girl1:Takes off head phones Hi
Mimbe393939: I thought you we're attractive and wanted to say hi
Mimbe393939:What's your name?
Mimbe393939:Shakes hand
Girl1:I have a boyfriend
I eject/she walks away

Mimbe393939:Hey I know this is totally random, but I thought you we're attractive and wanted to say hi
Girl2: Oh thank you walks away

Mimbe393939:Notices Camera on a girls neck Hey! what are you shooting?
Girl3:Sorry I don't speak english
I eject

Mimbe393939:Excuse me, I thought you we're attractive and I wanted to come say hi
Girl4:Hi smiles I'm good
I eject/she walks away

Mimbe393939:Excuse me I thought you we're attractive and I wanted to come say hi
Girl5:Uhm hi
Mimbe393939:What are you up to?
Girl5:Just browsing
Mimbe393939:Oh nice are you from here?
Girl5:No I'm from x, doing co-op here
Mimbe393939: How's that working for you?
Girl5: It's good but very hard
Mimbe393939: What are you taking?
Girl5: Answer that I forgot
Girl5: Sorry this is a little weird for me... I've never been hit on like this before
Mimbe393939: How else am I supposed to meet people smiles
Mimbe393939: Well I have to run can I have your number
Girl5:Gives number says something like we can be friends or something

This girl seemed like a super shy reserved nerdy asian haha, she was flattered but also weirded out that a guy came onto strong like that haha, don't think she has been hit on before like that.


I honestly sound emotionless and robotic in these approaches, my last approach was notable since I could see myself letting go, and it started to become a flirtacious vibe, not like some emotionless robot. The last girl was giving me some resistance, and I walked with her until she eventually stopped, instead of just instantly ejected when she was initially off put by my approach. If I would have ejected my interaction would have been nothing. I am losing a lot of approaches from not doing duos/trios. Just another day the office. Have been texting one of the CA leads here and there, trying to get a date early this week because she wants to know me a bit better before a date, I need to start building more rapport with the ones who are receptive/available more in the interaction I am learning to not eject so soon if they are receptive. Texted that nerdy asian girl, she responded.

I did 11 approaches, I won't be writing them so detailed as the others as my volume is starting to pick up/starting to feel less and less anxious about it and just going in, I felt as something clicked I was not so much in my own head and just going in. Not many notable ones today, mostly getting rejected/BF/excuses.


Mimbe393939: Hi exucse me, I thought you we're cute and I wanted to say hi
Girl: OH HI
Mimbe393939: Hey whats your name?
Girl: Emmy!
Mimbe393939: What are you up to?
Girl: Just shopping
Mimbe393939: Are you french?
Girl: Yes I am from Quebec
Mimbe393939: Oh nice smiles what are you taking in school?
Girl: Nutrition
Mimbe393939: Oh wow, so that must mean you eat well then? smiles
Girl: Laughs and smiles Welllll.. I'm actually diabetic
Mimbe393939: Damn that must be tough
Girl: You get used to it
Mimbe393939: Well I gotta run, can I get your number
Girl: I'm actually not here until September
Mimbe393939: Oh ok
Girl: Have a good summer!
Mimbe393939 You too! (I instantly thought I will ;) )


My best session yet, 11 in 2 hours at the mall, honestly I could have stayed longer but I am going over to my parents for dinner tonight. I still chickened out on some, but not nearly as much. I went up to some legit hotties and direct opened it felt good, even though I got blown off. I felt less anxious and less robotic this time, more relaxed/came off more flirtacious. I complimented two guys, one guy on the outfit (all gucci outfit) and I complimented a guy with neck tattoos, I told him nice work, just to be in the social grove. Whenever I start the session off I always buy a water and start talking to the cashier a bit, I still need gum it honestly helps me feel more relaxed/calm. I hope I can sustain good volume throughout the week without getting burned out because this mall commute is a lot, but I will do whatever it takes I suppose until I can start hitting up college + Uni campuses. Still on Tinder getting matches + messaging women, but not as much as I used to. I stopped messaging groupchats and announcing my next move for approaches, instead I just shutup this time and put in the work. Just a minor change, but I think once you start announcing it instead of just actually doing it, it makes your anxiety higher because you're making this more complicated then it needs to be and giving yourself validation for doing realistically, fuck all. Next goal is to start approaching duos, I started saying I need to x number of approaches before I get to go home definitely helps as well. I notice I am getting more into talking with the girls who are super receptive, that was my previous issue. Going to build up some rapport with the CA cute french girl tonight as she wants to get to know a bit more before seeing me (not getting too personal) and try and get her out early this week. Been texting the nerdy asian girl CA lead, going to try to get her out, luckily she lives quite close this one.
doing great man. really good.
Mimbe393939 said:
I stopped messaging groupchats and announcing my next move for approaches, instead I just shutup this time and put in the work. Just a minor change, but I think once you start announcing it instead of just actually doing it, it makes your anxiety higher because you're making this more complicated then it needs to be and giving yourself validation for doing realistically, fuck all.
i'm gonna start doing this too. after going to the city a few times i see the value in it.
Mimbe393939 said:
My best session yet, 11 in 2 hours at the mall,
damn this is the fastest I've seen someone get to this point ever, great job dude
APPROACH DAY 6/14/2022

Got 8 solo approaches, no notable ones. Just me getting BF excuses/thank yous/they walk away, some girls seemed very flattered which felt good I guess. I had a decent conversation with one asian girl who was on the way to meet her friend, I asked for her number at the end but she declined.


Instead of parking my car + walking to the bus stop, catching a bus, then catching a train to the shopping mall I decided to drive. The commute was 100x better, I feel less tired, it was cheap parking and I feel like I could really get into this routine I had some anxiety initially on my way going to the mall, but it wore off once I started walking around/my mall ritual (getting a water and talking to the cashier) I saw a trio but I chickened out sadly, I intended to approach a duo with this cute ass girl in a black dress and cute eyes but I was going up the escalator, and they we're on the bottom floor I tried to circle to find them but sadly, I could not. I am starting to just go on in on split second decisions, I approached some of the hottest girls I have ever have. On the first day, I would have been terrified. I am not that robotic anymore, I am smiling on the open + having a confident grin, and I feel a lot more confident in having back and forths, I am not so nervous where I can't find my words. I feel very motivated this week, as my leads have dried up. GOT NO LEADS? APPROACH. GOT LEADS? APPROACH. LOST YOUR HOME? APPROACH. LOST YOUR JOB? APPROACH. GOT FLAKED ON? APPROACH. GIRLS NOT RESPONDING? APPROACH. I won't announce my next move, but I am not stopping ;) I feel like I am growing so much socially from this.


Mimbe393939: Hey I thought you we're cute , and I wanted to say hi
Girl: I have a boyfriend
Mimbe393939: Tell him I said hi smiles
we both eject

^ Always wanted to say this, so I did lol.

I befriended one of the security guards, some tall guy with tattoos who was around my age I pressume. I have seen him at this same mall I think 4 times and have exchanged with him 1-2 sentences. I was out smoking my vape and I started talking to him, he asked me about disposable vapes. He was smoking a weed pen, and he told me not to tell anyone. I told him don't worry, he asked me if I worked here. I told him, no I am just approaching women. He said man there are some hot ass girls here, gave me props when he went inside and told me holla at him if I see him haha.
APPROACH DAY 6/18/2022

Got 9 solo approaches, 1 number at the mall. Lot of a BF excuses, had one that fairly taken back/not responsive at all, I said to her not interested? She said yes, I just said ok could have said something smiled and walked off lmao.


I see a girl walking sort of fast towards me, so I approach
Mimbe393939: Hey I thought you we're cute and I wanted so say hi
Girl: Oh hii, I'm Jennifer
Mimbe393939: Hey Jennifer! What are you up to?
Girl: I'm actually on my way to a school meeting
Mimbe393939: Oh nice, what do you take?
Girl: Finance!
Mimbe393939: What school do you go to?
Girl: says school what about you? How old are you?
Mimbe393939: I graduated, I work in construction. 24, you?
Girl: 21
Mimbe393939: Well I don't want to keep you too long because of your meeting, can I grab your #? I'd love to get to know you better in person
Girl: Says number and I put her contact up
Mimbe393939: Awesome it was nice meeting you, enjoy!
Girl: Byee!

Going to text her later, and text her around 8 and try and get her out early this week-maybe even tomorrow IF she even responds. I could have been more flirty/wish I had been, but it was direct enough I suppose, and the way I look I don't look like I am there to make friends.


I chickened out a lot honestly. I can see the value of social momentum now and that is a very real thing, I need to keep going on streaks and being a lot more consistent. I was in a bit of a 4 day rut with garbage sleep I am taking steps to fixing that and the day I did plan to go out we had a tornado warning, the commute is better now that I drive to the downtown mall and parking is within $2-4. The volume is a lot better at 1-3 then it is at 12, so I will start going a bit later. Complimented 2 guys one on his haircut, and another on his jewlery, an old lady made small talk with me after she saw I complimented the guys haircut as I was going back to where my car was parked. I started to hit on a girl and then her mom came, after she said she wasn't from here french accent was pretty funny lmao, after that I ejected. I am starting to really have some fun with CA, I feel like I am growing socially and getting more and more social freedom. I will make it a goal to hit duos/trios no matter how uncomfortable I am, won't eat/leave until I do at least 1 set.

Going to start to structure my texts somewhat in this format for CA #s, would like to hear feedback as I am going to text logistics only, to build up mystery + sexual tension. Immediately telling her a date + time after she gives me her free schedule.
An example from my most recent CA number. I asked about her meeting because during the approach she mentioned that's where she was on her way to, aka calling back to our approach. Goal is get her out on the date + escalate.

View attachment 1


I went 1/1 Approaches at the mall before my CA date in 1 hour (terrible I know, just was not having it/not my day) I tried to work in some compliance in this approach, we we're standing near a door outside aritzia and I told her come over here, let's get out of the way and walked a bit away from the door. We had a few back and forth, then said let's go for bubble tea sometime and got her number, seemed very receptive and said text me sometime after exchanging. Sent my follow up text.


I honestly vaguely remember her when I approached but I knew she had a fit body, she had a mask on when I approached. Since I went 8 approaches that day, she showed up wearing leggings, I could see her tight cute body, she was fit. Her face without a mask was not a disappointment and I knew since I approached her it'll be good hahahaha.

She was super receptive, laughing lots, we had a lot in common she's also independent as well. We got bubble tea and then went for a "night walk" AKA to my makeout spot, I pulled I can't kiss you from all the way over there when I isolated her in the night. I was grabbing her ass + kissing her. But I could tell she was shy, she was tensing up and was quite the bad kisser, I am going to have to teach her not to stuff her tongue down my mouth when we hangout next I teased her that she was shy, she said wow you move fast. I didn't really react much to it. She lived close and ended up bussing an hour to the meetup spot because she thought I lived downtown, she ended up living not a far drive away from my place so I ended up giving her a ride. When we we're walking to my car, I asked her what she was doing tomorrow. She said nothing, so I said let's hangout I'll pick you up and we'll watch movies at my apartment, she agreed. Once we arrived at her house, I walked her to her door and kissed her some more and spanked her butt on the way in and said see you tomorrow! But after I got home she said she can't tomorrow and that Sunday she's available and we should hangout early this week if not so I set up the date for Sunday. I tried to talk about connection focused based topics instead of just random bullshit.

Even just making out with a girl from CA was a rush, it was like I got this from walking up to a random girl I thought that was attractive.

till next time, onward and upward
Hey man, promising log.

Mimbe393939 said:
Going to start to structure my texts somewhat in this format for CA #s

This template is far from ideal. You're cramming like three messages into one. Your first message should be light and easy for her to respond to, so just the greeting + consideration part.

Try to make the "new information" part paint you in some kind of positive light, like a sort of humble-brag. Getting nespresso pods is neutral.

Also don't say stuff like "I hope it went okay!" Sounds counter-intuitive but showing consideration like this before you banged her is generally a turn-off and "beta" vibes.

Your date invite should be more direct. Instead of "I know a bubble tea place you might like" -> "When are you free this week? Let's grab some boba tea."

Finally, a benefit of not jumping straight into the date invite is that it gives you a chance to flirt/tease more. I'm sure you've heard the term "neg", recently I've been trying to do this lightly over text and it's been effective.

Luckily this girl was obviously very into you, but your first message here will turn a lot of girls off.

Here, I'll post a recent example convo from me. Notice how I alternate between teasing and genuine compliments.

Cheat sheet of things you should try to incorporate:
  • Flirtation
  • Humor
  • Teasing
  • Compliments
  • "Cold reads" -- making a guess about something -- like my Harley Davidson line. This gives you new information to respond to.
  • Subtle humble-brags to paint yourself in a high-value light
arcade_fireee said:
Hey man, promising log.

Mimbe393939 said:
Going to start to structure my texts somewhat in this format for CA #s

This template is far from ideal. You're cramming like three messages into one. Your first message should be light and easy for her to respond to, so just the greeting + consideration part.

Try to make the "new information" part paint you in some kind of positive light, like a sort of humble-brag. Getting nespresso pods is neutral.

Also don't say stuff like "I hope it went okay!" Sounds counter-intuitive but showing consideration like this before you banged her is generally a turn-off and "beta" vibes.

Your date invite should be more direct. Instead of "I know a bubble tea place you might like" -> "When are you free this week? Let's grab some boba tea."

Finally, a benefit of not jumping straight into the date invite is that it gives you a chance to flirt/tease more. I'm sure you've heard the term "neg", recently I've been trying to do this lightly over text and it's been effective.

Luckily this girl was obviously very into you, but your first message here will turn a lot of girls off.

Here, I'll post a recent example convo from me. Notice how I alternate between teasing and genuine compliments.
medina convo.png

Cheat sheet of things you should try to incorporate:
  • Flirtation
  • Humor
  • Teasing
  • Compliments
  • "Cold reads" -- making a guess about something -- like my Harley Davidson line. This gives you new information to respond to.
  • Subtle humble-brags to paint yourself in a high-value light

I appreciate the solid feedback and tips. I can see now why I would be shooting myself in the foot with that template, it's understandable considering my experience and part of the game at the start. Thanks for saving me some face. Looking back I could see why I could sound a bit beta/indecisive and too serious over text, I will start being more direct, flirty and more fun since I'm the one leading the interactions and want to set a good frame with light texting like you have in your example. I will continue posting updated texts with new CA #s for feedback. Thanks for commenting, can't wait to see you continue killing it.
awesome job man, you went from trying to get over approach anxiety to making out with a cold approach girl in 2 weeks. HUSTLE MODE
APPROACH DAY 6/25/2022

I'll be completely transparent in this log, about my struggles. It took me 2 hours to do 1 approach the mall volume was good, I wasn't good. I went 1/1 and got her number, this interaction was not smooth what so ever, it sucked, I sucked. Not going to sit and feel sorry for myself, or make excuses. I will continue to shut my mouth and hustle.


I can see how consistency is the key to my success after gone from being super consistent to not so great, I deleted my OLD so I can start really hammering this out. having not done any form of the AA program, I can see how beneficial it can be. Going to really make it a goal of mine to go out most days. I have the routine down, drive to the downtown mall instead of parking at a bus station and bussing/taking a train that's a total of 1-1.5 hours as opposed to when I drive it's a 15-20 minute commute with realistic traffic, I get $2-4 parking. CA taught me how to drive on the highways. Now my greatest weak point is consistency to be socially charged until I completely break whatever AA I have. Not much else to say, let's get to it.